August 1883

1 August 1883 • Wednesday

hauled 3 loads of hay and bound & shocked oats. 1/2 day.

2 August 1883 • Thursday

Hauled hay all day.

3 August 1883 • Friday

" " " "1

4 August 1883 • Saturday

" " " "2

5 August 1883 • Sunday

Went to E. Bountiful to preach

6 August 1883 • Monday

Hauled hay all day from B F K’s field.

7 August 1883 • Tuesday

repaired hayrack went up to F Kings and hauled 2 loads of hay off mothers meadow. [p. 37]

8 August 1883 • Wednesday

Hauled 5 loads of hay off Mother’s meadow & took Alice & Mamie up to Kaysville in the evening with. Bell. mare & buggy.

9 August 1883 • Thursday

Took Mamie up home to get some things for aunt alice and watered over to Franks in the after-noon.

10 August 1883 • Friday

Hauled 5 loads of hay off Mother’s meadow finishing the job

11 August 1883 • Saturday

Topped out Mothers stack of hay and stacked 3 loads of Oats & 3½ loads of Wheat

12 August 1883 • Sunday

Attended Teachers Quorum & Ward meeting and went round town with a subscription list for J. D. Wood whose house was lately burned. Joel was here in the evening.

13 August 1883 • Monday

Hauled seven loads of wheat & loaded a load of hay for S. L. City.

14 August 1883 • Tuesday

Hauld a load of hay to S.L.C. and sold to Wickle for $8.15.

15 August 1883 • Wednesday

Hauled a load of hay to Town & sold to Thompson & Shurtliff

16 August 1883 • Thursday

Sold load of hay to Price G.S.C. for $9.25

17 August 1883 • Friday

Hauled in Frank’s lucern and that off Steve’s lot, Took Alice, Hattie & Idah up to pick currants.

18 August 1883 • Saturday

Hauled a load of hay to Town [p. 38] and sold it to Felt 1/2 block north of City Creek on East Temple Street.

19 August 1883 • Sunday

Went to South Bountiful to preach.

20 August 1883 • Monday

Threshed in Knowlton’s field Had 100 125 bu. wheat & 50 bu oats.

21 August 1883 • Tuesday

Turned Nannie & Lady in the field, repaired harness &c. wrote to Steve.

22 August 18833 • Wednesday

Got the horses up out of the field and turned them back in, repaired harness, cleaned Stable &c. Hired of B. F. K. $60.00/100 for six months at ten per cent. Paid E. T. Clark & redeemed note of $60.00/100 with $1.50/100 interest.

23 August 1883 • Thursday

Cleaned pigpen & tended pig. picked plums & pulled weeds. Took the folks up to pick currants, went up to Frank Kings, had a shoe put on Nannie &c.

24 August 1883 • Friday

Hauled two loads of coal from Depot, one for mother & one for Frank; Sacked up all my wheat Let 16 bu. go to Frank on David Thomas’ wages of $56 00/100, at 90¢ per bu. leaving $41.40 remaining. Hauled 4 sacks up home and put in the bin making 31 bu. of wheat in the bin. 3 bu. taken to the mill for flour. Paid horse feed back to B. F. K. 3 sacks or 6 bu. 56.00



25 August 1883 • Saturday

Went round Town getting up a subscription for J. D. Wood, Cut weeds. pulled [p. 39] onion sets, went on several errands.

26 August 1883 • Sunday

Went to West Bountiful to preach. wrote cards to E. Ogden of Kaysville & Fred in Mendon.

27 August 1883 • Monday

picked fruit on Steve’s lot, got lumber from Whipples and made scaffolding to dry fruit, went over to B. F. K’s, & then to the mill, got the water on the lot &c.

28 August 1883 • Tuesday

Loaded hay for Town, got the ringer repaired doctored horse &c.

29 August 1883 • Wednesday

Hauld a load of hay to S.L.C. & sold to O. P. Arnold for Street car Cos. 1910 lbs <11.45>

30 August 1883 • Thursday

mowed weeds in our lot and pulled weeds in squash patch. Turned horses in the field.

31 August 1883 • Friday

Went to Kaysville, and to Priesthood meeting &c. Rec’d letter from Joel.

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August 1883, George F. Richards, accessed February 3, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “Hauled hay all day.”

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Hauled hay all day.”

  3. [3]Richards wrote “1882” for the year on this entry.

  4. [4]This calculation is written in the right margin of this entry.