December 1892

1 December 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather stormy. The wind ceased blowing in the early morning and it commenced immediately to Snow and [p. 77] stormed lightly most of the day. I had James Hammond plowing in South field at my expense. I raked up about the yards and attended the County Teacher’s Examination as one of the examiners. Attended Fast day meeting and blessed Geo. Bates’ & wife’s first baby. Was called out of meeting as our little girl Amy got a button in her nose. I took her to Dr Davis who readily extracted it. Attended M I association in the evening. Was called on for a lecture for next Thursday evening.

2 December 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I had James Hammond plow while I attended Co. Teacher’s Examniation. Spent the evening at home.

3 December 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Had James Hammond plow & I attended the Examination of Teachers.

I also attended Stake Priesthood meeting and had Bp. David Caldwell of St Johns, Gustave Anderson of Clover and W. J. Robinson of Grantsville to dinner. Spent the evening at home.

4 December 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather Stormy.

I attended School and meeting and evening meeting and after evening meeting I was [p. 78] mouth in setting apart Sister Nettie Atkin a Teacher in the Relief Society.

5 December 1892 • Monday

Tooele Snowed all day without cessation. At bed time about a foot of heavy snow. Notwithstanding the storm I was working out nearly all day. After doing the morning’s work, brought in the cattle and fed them in the sheds. I went to the depot in an almost blinding snow storm and got 2200 lbs. coal, unloaded it hauled some wood down from the sheds, made paths about house & yards &c. Spent the evening at home. Played marbles & authors with the children, read a chapter of a love story & wrote in my Journal. Still snowing at bed time. All well & happy. Letter from Fred.

6 December 1892 • Tuesday1

Tooele Weather stormy during last night. We have 14 or 16 inches of snow.

I made pathes in the morning, did the chores, shoveled snow away from gates &c. Went down to James’ and got key to the Basin pasture. Took our horses to the Basin also two of Mercers’ & two of G. E. Howells’. Attended to some business at the Court House as Co. Treasurer. Spent the evening at home.

7 December 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather cold lots of Snow. I found sale for four loads of hay to Thos. [p. 79] Horman and ten loads to James James @ $5.00 to be paid for after shearing time next June.

I borrowed a stove from the Co. Poor house and had it put up in the M.E. School house. Attended to Sundry other work. Attended a Trustees meeting in the evening.

8 December 1892 • Thursday

Weather cold.


I met the other School Trustees at Store & attended to the making & filing of bonds as Trustees. Got sleigh down from loft, putting in same and took Alice, Nerva & baby to the Depot on their way to Salt Lake and on my return, took the other children for a ride. Loaded a load of hay for Thomas Horman & cleaned up after it. In the eve. I attended the M.I. Association and gave a Book of Mormon Lecture.

9 December 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather continues cold.

I hauled three wagon box Loads of hay from the top of the stack and put in the mangers of the two yards, loaded two loads of hay for Thos. Horman and one for Jas. James. Took the children with me in the Sleigh while I went to see about getting some wood for the School District. Arranged with Thos. Horman to haul us several loads. Spent the evening at home. Wrote up my Journal from Monday Dec 5. [p. 80]

10 December 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cold, Snowed some. I did the regular chores and went with team & Sleigh to the depot & got Mam-ma, Nerva & Ruby & their mdse [merchandise]. Took breakfast on our return & in the afternoon all of us attended the Primary Conference. I received a letter from Abram & answered it also received several other letters.

11 December 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I went to Sunday school. There were present on the stand the School Superintendency, Apostle Lyman, Prest. Gowans, Bro. Gill of Salt Lake, Sam’l Lee just returned from a mission to England & myself. A large attendance and good school. Attended the afternoon meeting, Conference of the Relief society, Spent the evening at home.

12 December 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather cold.

I hauled manure all day, repaired stove in M E. Schoolhouse. In the evening I attended a Water Co. Board meeting at 6 PM. and the Annual School meeting at 7 P.M. and presided by virtue of my office as Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Apostle Lyman and Prest. Gowens were at both meetings.

13 December 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather cold and stormy.

I went up to S. F. Lee’s to attend a City Council <Hauled Manure & sold hay to Green & Stookey.> [p. 81] meeting but being short one Councilman of having a quorum, failed in having a meeting. Called in Civil Government class on my way home. Cold, snowing and blowing. Administered to Bro. S. F. Lee.

14 December 1892 • Wednesday2

Tooele Weather cold, lots of snow.

I hauled manure, attended to some business at store & Court house.

Attended City Council meeting at Mayor Lee’s and as a committee from the Com. on Amusements asked for the public square to beautify & build a pavillion. Submitted to Joint Committee on Improvements and Public grounds. Administered to Sister Bevan Elknigton

15 December 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather cloudy & warmer. I hauled manure and hauled a wagon box load of hay into each of the two yards opened a large lump on old Roan Cow Spent the evening at home.

16 December 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather cold.

I cleaned out under sheds, shoveled snow off hay & made two cuts across large stack for hauling, pitched on a load of hay for James, cleaned up after it &c.

There is a school party this evening and I have a complementary invitation but do not feel like attending so remain at home. [p. 82] Made Estella a present of a gold ring.

Spent the evening at home writing & Studying Bookkeeping, reading &c. Shaved, blacked shoes &c

17 December 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cold.

I attended to the regular work of the place and at 10 A.M. attended a meeting of the Stake officers of the Young Mens Mutual and having a lesson assigned me on the Subject of Science for the afternoon session, prepared same at noon hour. Put tung in my buggy, Mr Bush having my lleigh [sleigh] and took Alice & children to the Childrens party & then went to the meeting where I delivered my lecture Text First Book of Nature Lesson one. In the evening I met with a Committie from the City Council to consider the matter of conveying the title of the Public Square on to a committee on amusements, I being chairman of said Committee on amusements for the ward. The Committee decided to report favorably to the Council.

18 December 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather cold.

I attended school and offerred the opening prayr. Attended afternoon meeting and spoke to the meeting for about 20 minutes. Attended evening meeting. Took the folks to meeting <afternoon> with sleigh buggy and after meeting took Estella down to Bowens and then went [p. 83] up to Bro. S. F. Lees to see him. Administered to him. Bro Robt. McKendrick died this morning.

19 December 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather some what warm. I looked up school accounts prepaired for School meeting in the evening. Attended to some business at the Court house and sold hay to James &c. In the evening attended a school meeting for the purpose of leying [levying?] a tax Adjounred [Adjourned] until to-morrow night. Went over to Store & with Bro. J. W. Tate looked up the special Tax fund from June 30 1888 until the present time and prepared a statement to make at the adjourned meeting.

20 December 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather cold.

I attended to the regular work of the Ranch sold four loads of hay &c. Made duplicate Ranch Report for Nov. the other having been miss carried & lost in the mails. Attended to Some business with the Warr Bros. & Mrs Whitehouse pertaining to the Moses Warr estate and attended a School meeting and presided being chairman of of the School Board. a tax of 1½ % tax was assessed.

Wrote up my Journal from Dec 16 and retired at 10:30 P.M. [p. 84]

21 December 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather moderating.

I attended to the chores and hauled hay into the yards & filled the mangers for the cattle. Loaded hay for C. R. McBride. Attended Bro. Robt. McKendrick’s funeral and acted as pallbearer & offered the opening prayr at the services. Loaded a load of hay to haul into the log barn. In the evening I wrote letters to Zion’s Bank, to Mother, Alice Ann, Aseneth, Nerva & Fred. Sent Bank Books to the Bank and pictures to Nephi.

22 December 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather thawing.

I sold seven loads of hay to-day and unloaded one load in log barn. Took Alice with me in the sleigh and went up in the canyon and got an xmas tree. Took the children for a ride. Nerva having fallen on the ice on her way from school and bruised her head so as to give her intense pain At her request I administered to her and she had immediate relief & slept & rested.

I spent the evening working on my book accounts. All are well excepting Nerva.

23 December 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather warm & thawing. I sold Six loads of hay and cleaned the snow off the stacks &c. Filed Judge C. A. Herman’s Official bond &c. Spent the evening at home writing & reading. studying Book keeping [p. 85]

24 December 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather windy and thawing.

I loaded hay sold to James, raked up about stacks, fixed up xmas tree & prepared for xmas, Collected Ranch accounts $39.00 Met a committee at Bro. Geo. Atkin’s store to arrange for leasing the hall to the home Dram. Troop. Spent the evening preparing xmas tree, presents &c.

25 December 1892 • Sunday

Christmas Sunday.

Tooele Weather pleasant & Spring like. Snow all gone.

I shaved, blacked my shoes & bathed & enjoyed the merryment of the children. Attended school and meeting. I offered the opening prayr. Apostle Lyman & Prest Gowans were present. By the request of Apostle Lyman the meeting was made testamonial.

Attended evening meeting also. After meeting we ate nuts & raisins &c & retired.

26 December 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I called on Bro. Lyman, took alice & the two little girls with me in the buggy and went down to the Basin pasture to look after the horses. On my return home took the little folks to the childrens dance. Hauled hay into the yards filling the mangers for the cattle. Attended a Trustee’s meeting in the evening. After meeting played two games of checkers with [Maurena?]. [p. 86]

27 December 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I repaired gates on South street, barn yard and large gate going down to main field.

Attended to some business at the Court House & Store, collected nearly 40 dollars on Ranch accts. In the evening I attended the theater Salt Lake Troop. All are well.

28 December 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Some snow fell. I hauled manure all day. In the evening I worked at Bookkeeping, All are well.

From Dec. 28th until Jan. 7th I neglected to write on in my Journal.

29 December 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather thawing

Do not remember what I did. except that Alice & I went up Middle canyon and got a xmas tree.

30 December 1892–31 December 1892

Made Ranch Report & Co. Treasurers Report for the year

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December 1892, George F. Richards, accessed January 15, 2025


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Sunday” before crossing it out and replacing it with “Tuesday.”

  2. [2]Above the dateline is a “W”.