July 1906

1 July 1906 • Sunday

Malad. I fasted this day until about 5:30 or 6 P.M. Took dinner at that time with Bishop Jenkins Jones. Attended Sunday School and spoke for about 15 min. Subject. Benefits of the S. School as a nursery of the Lord. How it [p. 71] has advantages over other Auxiliary organizations having Sunday AM & no interruptions School alway kept. How the School work relieves the parents of an obligation laid upon them by the Lord through revelation 86 sec. & Assisted in setting apart officers of S S union & Set apart Thos. J Howell a member of the board in Theological Dept I blessed Patriarch John Reynolds for his health.

At Afternoon Presented Authorit[ie]s sustained well. Bro Jensen spoke about 30 min & I about 40 min. Spoke with much freedom Subject Principles of the Gospel Knowledge V.S. Opinion

The world have opinion we have knowledge. How obtained Evidences of the Gospel

Touched the Josephites.

Took supper with Jenkins Jones. Attended Young peoples meeting in evening. Bro. Jensen occupied about 45 minutes of time. Gave 5.00 to Nanny [p. 72] Spent the night at Bp. Wm H Richards’

2 July 1906 • Monday

Malad Went from Malad to Fielding on train thence to Collingston where my Mother got off at Layton with Mamie Whitney Dunn & went up to Aunt Alice Watts she being sick I came on home to Salt Lake

By request went down to my Sister Asenath’s and found her prostrated upon the floor with grief. on account of her Daughter Ninas’ action in repudiating her garments & leaving them off & also repudiating principle of the Gospel. I adminstered to them such Comfort as I Could Nina was absent

3 July 1906 • Tuesday

Home Attended Quarterly Conference of the Apostles in Temple Reed Smoot just reached here in time from Provo <Washington dc> Good meeting & session closed 6:29 evening. [p. 73]

In evening I visited my sister Asenath. Phoned over to the Neighbors to my Niece Nina Grover to Come over which she did and I talked with her for about an hour trying to Convince her of her error & to make peace with her mother. I left them to-gether.

4 July 1906 • Wednesday


I took the family for a ride on the Sight Seeing car and spent the remaining portion of the day at home with my family except that we called on my sister asenath.

5 July 1906 • Thursday

Attended Council meeting, fasting from 10 AM until about 4:30 P.M. Sacrament administered. 10 Apostles present Teasdale & Grant absent.

Attended Circle meeting and met train for Mother who was coming from Kaysville but missed her as She had [p. 74] come on earlier train

At 9:30 P.M. accompanied Prest. Lyman to Prest office where we met Matthias Cowley and delivered to him the message from the Council that hereafter he is to not do any preaching Can bear testamony at Fast meetings but not accept invitations to preach even by his Bishop.

6 July 1906 • Friday

Home. I took Nina & Moselle with me and went out to Tooele on the 745 AM train. Geo. Jr met us at Tooele Depot Called & saw Nerva & Thelma at J. W. Tates Called on Estella & family & drove over to the field.

Returned in afternoon. at Tooele Depot a serious accident was narrowly averted by Mr Conklin Ry Agt at Tooele.

I had my grip & tin box in one hand and basket of fruit in another hand [p. 75] and knowing the car we would board would be down the track I started down just before the engine met us and told the little girls to follow. Each had a large bunch of flowers in one hand. The wind was blowing a little and Mosell’s hat blew off and went just across the track I heard the Agent shout and looked back just in time to see the hat cross the track and the engin[e] perhapse 20 feet from it. It seems Mosell had made a start to get the hat and the agent seeing it grabbed her before she got on the track. Had he not done so she would might have been run over & Killed outright.

7 July 1906 • Saturday


Worked all the forenoon on lawn cutting, seeding & fertilizing same. Spent the afternoon & evening [p. 76] studying and reading. Read my fathers biology by Tulledge Read from Hand book of Reference by A. H. Cannon an excellent book with excellent portrayal of the LDS. faith. Alice & the girls went to the theatre at night & I remained home with the three youngest. About 10:15 P.M. Geo., Edith & baby Came with horse & buggy.

8 July 1906 • Sunday

S L City.

I attended 27th Ward School at 10 A.M. and spoke to the School visited the departments and spoke in several of them. Pd $20. tithing Attended Afternoon meeting at the Large tabernacle & sat in upper stand with Prest Winder & Elder C W. Penrose The latter occupied the time of the meeting.

I attended ward sacrament meeting 27th ward & spoke

At 8:30 P.M. Attended a lecture given by Dr Hughes in the Assembly rooms Alice, Geo [p. 77] & Edith accompanied me After sacrament meeting I accompanied Elder Geo A. Smith & Richard Lyman to the latters home where we administered to his boy who is afflicted with Spinal troubles.

9 July 1906 • Monday

Home Geo. & Edith here. We had here to dinner the following. My mother; Stephen L & Aunt Lou; Willard B & wife; Sarah E Smith Gill, besides our dear family including Geo. F. Jr. & wife Had raspberries & Iscream [ice cream] for dissert and a nice visit Jacob Trayner late president of Netherlands mission Called and spent an hour or so with us.

Alice, Geo., Edith & I went out to Salt Air on 5 P.M. train & got home about 10 P.M.

Folks usually well.

Weather warm [p. 78]

10 July 1906 • Tuesday

Home. Geo & Edith Started home at 4 A.M. with horse & buggy. I sowed 50¢ worth of grass seed and $2.00 worth of fertilizer on the lawn. Restricted in use of water this date 30 min to 100 yds.

I this day did some writing & reading and at 2 P.M. met at temple annex and being the only apostle present took charge of the setting apart of missionaries. I was mouth in ordaining one Seventy & setting apart two missionaries as fol.

John Jolly Oldroyd

Wm Oliver Hoskins ord. Seventy <home West Portage.>

I instructed the missionaries Called at stamp Co. & got Return stamp, Called at post office & got envelopes &c.

Did some reading, writing, phoning &c. Wrote Joel [p. 79]

11 July 1906 • Wednesday

Home S.L.C. I spent the day home reading, writing & Studying.

Sent to Nina Grover a book to read. Mr Durant of S L City. wrote a note and afterward talked with her over the phone requesting her to read the book.

Nerva came in from Tooele

The first time She had seen our new home. Rhoda K. staid all night with us.

12 July 1906 • Thursday


Attended Council meeting at temple & was M. at A

Received appointment to attend Weber Stake Conference Sat. & Sund. next.

Attended Circle meeting in the evening and in absence of Prest Lyman I presided. Wrote letters &c.

13 July 1906 • Friday

Home. I did some reading and writing in forenoon. Called on Prest. Jos F Smith & Counselers and spoke [p. 80] to them about borrowing $3000. to replace the amount borrowed at Bank to pay on my home in cased could not make sales at Tooele soon to which they assented. By advice of Prest Smith I called on Melvin D. Wells of C W M Co and laid before him the proposition of buying my home and business at Tooele for CW.M. Co. He said he would bring the matter before the executive board on the 19th Went out to Salt Lagoon on 2 PM train my family having gone up to Farmington on 9 A.M. train to visit with my sister nerva. They met me at Lagoon Sarah’s birth day and 27th Ward S. School day at Lagoon Left Lagoon on 7 PM train and got to Stake Priesthood meeting of Ensign stake at 8 P.M in 20th Ward meeting house I then Spoke for 25 min exhorting the brethren to faithfulness To be exemplary and watchful that our young people do not [p. 81] step out from under our arme of care and lose the faith before we are aware. The ward teachers should be on the alert. We should all seek oppertunity to teach and use our influences against sin of all kinds.

I met Albert Ericksen of Grantsville on the Street SLC with a cigar in his hand and took up a labor with him.

Aunt Maria Clark staid all night at our home.

This evening the Presidency and Apostles were invited to meet at Calder’s farm where they had trout supper &c those who attended. Dr Hughes was a guest

14 July 1906 • Saturday

I went to Ogden on D.R.G. Scenic Pullman & it cost me $1.35 Pass no good on this train Went direct to Bp. L W Schurtliffs by Street car, 25th st. The Car Conductor introduced him self as a Son of Samuel [p. 82] W. Richards. <Ianthus> Richards my cousin.

At Prest. Schurtliffs met Elder Rudger Clawson and we went to-gether to Stake Priesthood meeting where we both talked I spoke upon the Subject of Church schools trying to elicit the Sympathy of the people for the Ogden Academy that they may subscribe for its erection and maintainance. Bro D O Mckay was also present & spoke introducing the Subject of Church schools.

After meeting Bro Clawson Father Mckay, Prest Schurtliff & prest Middleton and I walked up with Bro D O mckay where we took dinner and Elder D. O Mckays Bro drove Bro. Clauwson & me to deopot [depot] with horse & buggy and we returned to Salt Lake on the D.R.G. 2.50 P.M. train. I had an appointment with Bro Geo Romney at 8 P.M but broke off the engagement to accept an [p. 83] invitation from Prest Joseph F. Smith to attend the theatre which my wife & I did. Alice Kimball Smith & Sister Winder accompanied us and Prest Smith went to the box.

After the theatre it took more than an hour to get home the Cars were so crowded.

15 July 1906 • Sunday

I took the 7.10 AM O.S.L Ry for Ogden & from there with Rudger Clawson to Prest Schurtliffs also Elder Reed Smoot & wife with us. Prest Schurtliff & O rode in a cab or hack <also> we rode up in a hack or carriage.

Rode from Prest Schurtliffs to meeting in forenoon in Carriage.

At meeting Elder Reed Smoot occupied most of the time out side of reports. I occupied 20 minuted [minutes] telling how evils in Elders Quorums Can be remedied. by training [p. 84] and grading our boys up through the lesser Priesthood and Caring & looking after the young boys who are later to be the Elders. &c. Commended work of Ward teache[r]s & Bishops from Reports.

I went home to dinner with Prest. Middleton to dinner & met his wife & daughters.

Attended afternoon meeting where Bros. Clawson & Smoot occupied the time devoted to preaching.

Went home with Bp. Ensign and while there I assisted in Administering to his married daughter Sister Bramwell, recently Confined.

Attended Conjoint mutual in evening house full. I spoke 50 minutes and Elder Smoot about 30 min.

My subject, Free agency Testified to the Gospels truth. Compared the Gospel as we teach it with Christianity of Joseph’s day showing the [p. 85] reforming influence the Gospel has had upon the minds of men & denominations &c. Staid all night at Prest Schurtliff’s over night.

16 July 1906 • Monday


Elder Reed Smoot & wife & I left Prest. L W Schurtliff’s Ogden for Salt Lake on O.S.L. 8.30 AM train. I went directly home and learning Aunt Alice Watts desire that I should get some one and go down to A F Doremuses where she was staying and administer to her, I got Prest Schultey to accompany me and we administered to her with good results.

I called on Geo. Romney at Des Nat Bk. and on M D Wells at C. W. & M Co. where I showed them pictures of my home & business and represented to them my interests there at Tooele for sale. Matter taken under advisement. [p. 86]

17 July 1906 • Tuesday


I cut my lawn, hung five screens to windows and one screen door to stable. Attended a meeting at Seventies office Templeton where five Obstetric nurses and four missionaries were set apart. I being the Senyer Apostle present presided And was mouth in Setting Apart Elder Hance A Jensen to N W States and Elder Robt. S. Folland to the Netherlands I addressed a few instructions to the missionaries

In the evening Alice & I went down and saw Aunt Alice Watt and I blessed her.

<assisted in administering to Geo. Lyman.>1

18 July 1906 • Wednesday


I took train at 7:45 A.M. for Tooele where I spent the day looking after my interests there. Geo & I rode over to farm and down to See C A Orme at his ranch Erda [p. 87] returned home in the afternoon. Called on mother at Asenaths in the evening.

19 July 1906 • Thursday


Attended Council meeting at 10 A.M. until 1:30 P.M. Received Appointment to Montpelier next Sunday to attend a German Speaking meeting. Geo. Albert Smith accompanied me over to A F Doremus and administered to Aunt Alice Watt. Having no oil I asked Bro Geo. A to be mouth in her blessing. Came home and by phone arranged for & with Bro. Rulon S Wells to accompany me and Elder [blank] McKay to Montpelier next Sunday. Wrote up my Journal for several days. Since Sund. 15th.

20 July 1906 • Friday

I finished hanging screen door & screening window to Stable. Did some writing & reading. Went down to my [p. 88] Sister Asenaths & brought my mother up about 2 P.M. Later about 7 PM Asenath called. Dr Stephen & Gill also called during forenoon

Weather hot.

21 July 1906 • Saturday


I did some studying and writing in forenoon and in afternoon I went down town Called on Aunt Alice Watt & administered to her. I also arranged with the Presidency of the Ensign Stake to call on Aunt Alice Sunday and administer to her. For a week to-morrow she has had less pain and felt better than for a week or two previous She commenced to feel better and got almost entire relief from pain soon as She made up her mind to be administered to.

I secured Ry ticket for my wife to Montpelier Idaho [p. 89] and return $9.00 excursion rate also pullman births for her & me to McCammon and with the three youngest children Nina, Moselle & Oliver we left Salt Lake on the 11:45 P.M. train for Montpelier.

22 July 1906 • Sunday

We arrived at Montpelier a little after 10 o’clock A.M. Bros Rulon S. Wells & Thos McKay accompanying us. We were met at depot by two German speaking brethren who drove us up to Bp W. W Clark’s where I left my wife & children and from there after calling at the home of the German who met us we were taken to the Dist. School house where a Conference of the German Speaking people of the Bear Lake Stake was in progress Elder Stucki [p. 90] presiding. It was nearly 11 A.M. when we got to meeting. Bro. Stucki was talking. When he concluded, the Choir sang & I spoke about 25 min. followed by Prest. Rulon S. Wells.

I went to Bps Clark’s to dinner In afternoon at German meeting there were more present than the assembly room would accommodate and the Ante Antie rooms were used. They were numbered exclusive of little children at 230 Elder McKay spoke first 40 min., Bro. Wells about 25 min. & the time having been spent I talked about 5 min. only. Advised the parents to teach their children their native language Why.

In the evening we three visitors attended the regular Ward meeting and I spoke first about 45 or 50 minutes Subject Logical sequence of Gospel principles. Why people in the world accept the truth [p. 91] more readily than those who come among us. Quoted scripture The Gospel to be preached in all the world as a witness; also Dan 2:44–45 and Isaih 2, ch. Mountain of Lords house <c>. & made comments. Bro Mckay and Bro Wells each occupied about 20 minutes and we had nice songs between speeches, very apropriate. The meeting was well attended and a quiet good spirit prevailed. Good instruction

At the German Conference meetings I spoke in english and Bros Wells & McKay in German.

After afternoon conference meeting, Attended a Seventies meeting where Prest. R. S. Wells gave valuable instruction Eight Elders havin[g] been selected to be ordained Seventies Their names having been presented to the Presidency of the Stake & Presidency of Elders Quorum & the Pp. [Bp.] and received [p. 92] their indorsement were questioned as to their manner of living their faith & intentions and were ordained Seventies by Prest R S. Wells. I was mouth in ordaining the following named brethren.

R L Robinson


Jacob Messerly


Ed. Grogean

Wilford Woodruff Clark Jr.


After evening meeting my wife & babies & I accompanied Wm Dunn & wife Sarah who had called for us, to their home nine miles distant north & arrived at their home at 12:30 midnight all very tired.

23 July 1906 • Monday

at Wm Dunns Georgetown I read C. W. Penrose’s Rays of Living Light. Wrote up Journal &c.

About 5 o’clock P.M. Wm Dunn took his wife & one baby & me & my family down to Georgetown about four miles distant. Met my brother Wilford W. & wife in edge of town [p. 93] on their way out to see us. They returned with us to their home where we later took supper. We called on my brother C. C. & family in their ranch home. They gave us a good welcome and entertained us with music. Later returned to Sister Sarah’s home where we staid the night Cool nights but musquitos bad. Folks all well.

24 July 1906 • Tuesday

Georgetown. Bear Lake. Idaho.

Folks well. Weather fine. This Pioneer Day the 59th aniversity of the day the Pioneers first entered the valleys of the Great Salt Lake.

It is fitting & proper that this day should be celebrated not for the pleasures we may get out of it alone but that we may keep green in the memories of the people, especlly [especially] the Rising generation what the Lord and the pioneers, our Fathers & mothers have suf[p. 94]fered and done for us the fruits of whose labors we are here & now enjoying.

The name or Phrase Pioneer Day itself is suggestive of what our Fathers and mothers, the Pioneers suffered in finding this promise land and in the establishment of this common wealth. The pioneering of this country is the results of religious persecution perpetrated under a free Government upon an innocent people. God suffered it for our sakes and the sakes & good of all who are, have, or may enjoy the benefits of habiting these valleys.

Notwithstanding the religious persecutions our people have endured, we love our country still and those who violated the laws of justice in heaping persecutions upon our people not only violated justice but sinned against the Law of the land for the Constitution of this Country [p. 95] guarantees to us the free exercise of our religious conviction It is an inspired instrument and we who have the franchise should exercise it in righteousness to the end that the Constitution may be preserved, Just and constitutional laws be enacted and a just and righteous administration be maintained.

Our establishment here in the valleys of the mountains is in fulfillment of the prediction of Isaih that in the Last days the Mountain of the Lords House shall be established in the tops of the mts. &c Isaih 2. Also the prediction of the Prophet Joseph Smith who prophesied that the Saints should go west and be established in the valleys of the Rocky mountains and there become a great people. Persecution at Nauvoo may have been necessary to accomplish the Lords purpose [p. 96] concerning us in that regard. It is well for us to account for the justice of God in permitting those mobbings and drivings in this way. We came here willingly because we had too and the persecutions received and hardships attending the traversing of the desert between the Missouri and the Great Salt Lake has the effect of making us contented with our lots though hard & bitter. There was nothing desirable to return to.

When we had proven ourselves the Lord made bare his arm and we were blessed and prospered left not left alone to apostatize but have been probed, and goaded by our enemies sufficient to Keep us awake to a sense of our true position and the allegince we owe to the Lord.

The valleys have been rendered fertil, the streams have increased, the hills have [p. 97] prospected and are turning out their wealth, the Climate has been tempered until today this is a most favored spot and we owe a debt of gratitude to Him whose hand hath lead us here and so abundantly provided for us. We have an assurance from Him that we are here to stay if we but prove faithful may He help us so to be.

We will not forget the integrity, of the Pioneers and the hardships they endured which cost many their lives We will love them and cherish their memory for ever.

At Wm Dunn’s 4 mi. from Georgetown. In the morning I read from C. W. Penrose’s Book [blank] and wrote the above as some of my thoughts on this beautiful Pioneer Day morn. Left for Georgetown with Wm Dunn & his & my families [p. 98] where we attended the Pioneer Celebration exercises in the Meeting house which was well filled. A good programme was rendered after which I spoke for 20 minutes along the lines of thought written above bringing out the three points. Our allegiance to our Government & Constitution God inspired. Allegense to God & our obligations to him for what he has done for us & Our love for the Pioneers whose names should always be kept green in our memories for their deeds of heroism & the hardships endured by them.

There were on the Stand my Brothers C C & W W Richards the latter had a speech to make as a part of the programme. After meeting we took dinner with my bro. Wilford. Towards evening drove out to Wm Dunn’s Bro Wilford & family came out later and all took supper after which [p. 99] I returned with Wilford to his home and staid all night It was my intention to take the 3:20 AM train for home and Wilford was going to take me down to the Spurr but by phone learned before going to bed that the train would be 5 hrs late we had a good nights rest. I with

25–26 July 1906

Georgetown Idaho Learning that the No 5 train was ten hours late I went up to Wm Dunn’s where my wife & babies were. Wilford’s boy Ross & girl Mary taking me with horse & buggy. Wm Dunn & the folks accompanied me & we went down to the River to fish until train Comes. I caught three fishes. I flagged the train at 6:30 PM which was 15 hrs late. Took the train to Pocatello Arriving there about 9 P.M. went to Bannock hotel & left my grip while I went out and got supper then re[p. 100]turned to the hotel and read & wrote my journal while waiting for the 12:50 train for Salt Lake. I today finished reading Penrose’s Rays of Living Light.

On road from Georgetown to Pocatello I read from Keelers Lesser priesthood.

Got upper birth on 12:50 A.M train and came through to S.LC. arriving at 7:10 A.M.

<26> Went home and had a bath, considered mail and attended our regular Council meeting at 10 o’clock at Temple.

Visited my Mother at 876 1st St. and my Aunt Alice Watt at 1st S. & 3d East St. and administered to Aunt.

Attended Prayer Circle meeting at 6:15 P.M. Prest. Lyman presiding * I related a dream or Vision I had wherein I saw and embraced the Savior on the 22nd or 23d of March last The seeing of him was something beautiful but that of itself would have been of little significance [p. 101] as compared with the results of my embracing him. My whole being seemed to be thrilled with with the power of his love and I was in deed in heaven. The singing of the hymn, “I Need thee Every Hour” brings this vision fresh to my mind hince this my favorite hymn.

1) I need Thee ev’ry hour,

Most Gracious Lord;

No tender voice like Thine

Can peace afford.


I need Thee, O I need Thee,

Ev’ry hour I need Thee!

O bless me now, my Savior

I come to Thee!

2) I need Thee ev’ry hour,

Stay Thou, near by.

Temptations lose their pow’r

When Thou art nigh. [p 102]

3) I need Thee ev’ry hour,

In joy or pain;

Come quickly and abide,

Or life is vain.

4) I need thee ev’ry hour,

Most Holy One;

O make me Thine indeed;

Thou blessed Son!

Annie S. Hawks.

Enid and June Edmunds Called in the evening and sang for us a few selections.

I wrote to LeGrand, to Geo F. Jr. & to Alice at Georgetown.

27 July2 1906 • Friday


Did some reading and writing and bathed & cleaned up. Called on my Mother at 876 and on Alice at 1st S. & 3d E.

Boarded 8:30 PM train for Nephi. Arrived at Nephi at 1:30 A.M. Went up to Forests Hotel and got a bed. [p. 103]

28 July 1906 • Saturday


I went from Nephi to Mona on 6:30 AM train. Staid at Bp Ellertson’s where I took breakfast & dinner.

Attended Stake Conference at 10:30 and 2. oclock. Spoke at each meeting 35 minutes

Subject A.M. meeting

Save our children They are dearer to us than worldly wealth. Keep them working and give them training that when the work is assailed they will know the assaults can be answered and such assaults will prove to dust them with the assaulters The Gospel to be understood should be studied from the foundation up not discarding stories (principles) not understood. And by a consciencious life prove to our children our Consestency.

At after noon meeting Subject, We know better now than we do then why [p. 104] clammor for more revelation. Let us keep our covenants by keeping the commandments as fast as made known unto us. Attending to the little things and prove our spirits to be willing.

The gospel is here to stay & men have their free agency Our mission is to teach the Gospel to all men. We have preached it to about 30 nations and the mountain of the Lords House is being established and all nations are flowing unto it. The Gospel is to be preached to all the world as a witness. The Government is aiding us in the work. The Gospel has been upon the earth before & taken away because of the wickedness of the People. It is here this time to stay.

After meeting I returned to Nephi with Prests Paxman and Grace by team and [p. 105] staid at my Nephew Roscoe Grover’s.

29 July 1906 • Sunday


Attended morning session of conference and spoke about 25 min. Elder Reed Smoot came about 11:20 A.M. and spoke about 30 min.

Afternoon meeting I spoke about 35 min. Subject. Temple work and genealogies principally. At forenoon session spoke of the great benefits derived from S Schools The importance of the work of the Officers. Encouraged parents to assist and aid the pupils in making self preparation as well as attendance. More books should be supplied. The Officers should have in view two things

1st gather in those who have not been attending the S. School.

2nd Encourage self preparation. [p. 106]

After Conclusion of Conference Elder Smoot & I attended the funeral services of Robert Scott aged 21 unmarried a deacon met death by accident in hay field. Services held in South ward Relief Hall House crowded each spoke about 35 minutes. I read from B. of M. Ether 3 chapt. and comunicated on same and showed how our former existance has a bearing upon this life and, this on our future life. Our 1st estate we kept some valiant Some indifferent same as in this life. Some here are born of good lineage & parantage and some of parents not so good Some with many talents and some with few. Some here are faithful, some indeferent. It will tell in the next estate. If faithful here we will be added unto for ever. Of the former estate there were the Rebellious who were cast out. Book Cov. Sec 76. Par.; Neutral the Negro & the valient different [p. 107] degrees of faithfulness.3

At evening meet of the Young people I talked upon the Subject of fashion, money. &c related my experiences in marriage and advised marrying young and not wait for houses &c The girls by encouraging fashion and extravagance hedge up the way for early and successful marriage. Occupied about 25 minutes.

Levan Ward Bp. Taylor reported 20 pupils attending church schools and 3 attending Ag. College and 9 missionaries in the field with 3 others expecting to start out in the fall. Total population of ward about 600

30 July 1906 • Monday


I left for home on 6:30 A.M. train. Arrived in SLC at 10 A.M. Found folks well [p. 108] I wrote to J A Bevan, to Elder H. J. Grant subscribing for Millennial Star and to Ben E Rich at Chattanooga Tenn. ordering or subscribing for the Elders’ Journal.

Mailed pictures to Roscoe Grover and copies of blessings to Rosa Kirk Marshall and to J A Lindberg. Talked with Mother over the phone she being at Dr Stephens.

31 July 1906 • Tuesday


Went out to Tooele in A.M. and returned in afternoon. Joel was sick from effects of eating too much trash. Geo. met me at station and returned me there.

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July 1906, George F. Richards, accessed January 15, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1906/1906-07


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 17 July entry.

  2. [2]Richards misdated this entry 28 July.

  3. [3]In 1852, Brigham Young, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, publicly announced that the church would not ordain men of Black African descent to the priesthood. Until 1978, subsequent church presidents retained this policy, feeling that it could not be changed without revelation from God, and also prohibited Black Latter-day Saints from participating in the temple endowment and from being married in the temple. Church members speculated on reasons for these bans, including accepting a then-prominent notion in American society that those of African descent were descendants of the biblical figure Cain, who, because he murdered his brother Abel, was cursed by God and marked with a dark skin. Another theory advanced by some Latter-day Saints drew on the church’s doctrine that the spirits of humankind lived before this life with God and Jesus Christ and that there was a great battle in this premortal life between the followers of Christ and the followers of Lucifer. The theory contended that during this conflict, those of African descent were not as valiant in their support of Jesus Christ and were thus prevented from holding the priesthood or participating in temple ordinances on earth. These speculations have since been disclaimed by the church: “Today, the Church disavows the theories advanced in the past that black skin is a sign of divine disfavor or curse, or that it reflects unrighteous actions in a premortal life; that mixed-race marriages are a sin; or that blacks or people of any other race or ethnicity are inferior in any way to anyone else. Church leaders today unequivocally condemn all racism, past and present, in any form.” (“Race and the Priesthood,” https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics-essays/race-and-the-priesthood?lang=eng.)