
August 4, 1842 • Thursday

See images of the original document at josephsmithpapers.org.

Fifteenth Meeting

of the Society.

Grove, August 4th, 1842.

Meeting open’d with singing.

Pray’r by Prest. Emma Smith.

Mrs. Prest. arose and address’d the Society upon the necessity of being united among ourselves— said we shall have sufficient difficulty from abroad without stirring up strife among ourselves and hardness and evil fee[l]ings, one towards another &c.

The following persons were then receiv’d,

Charity Taylor

Abigail Andrews

Margaret M. Rainey

Diana Bloxham

[p. [77]]

Mary Pitt

Christiana Allaman

Caroline Pitt

Mary J. Drake

Sarah Hickeson

Sarah Jolly

Evelina Boggs

Almira Higgins

Betsey Mackley

Elizabeth C. Allen

1Mary Ann Mackley

Amanda C. Clift

Harriet Stevens

Elizabeth Bracken

Eliza Deuel

Lucretia C. Maxwell

Mary S. Chapman

Ruth B. Kimball

Fanny Herryman

Harriet Knowlton

Hannah Flint

Elizabeth Meeds [Meeks]

Mary Call

Martha Outhouse

Hannah Webb

Frances Green

Lucretia Lindsey

Elizabeth Hinson

Rosannah Forge[u]s

Sarah Wixom

Hannah Fish

Sally Levett [Leavitt]

Sarah Fish

Lucina Meehum [Mecham]

Mercy Baker

Susan Daniels

Louisa Sessions

Sarah Daniels

Phidelia [Elizabeth Fidelia] King

Electa C. Williams

Mary Wood

Roxcinda White [Rosina Wight]

Susanna Merrill

Susan L. Merrill

The case of sister Brown was presented to the Society— many voted in the affirmative— an objection made, when Mrs. Prest. call’d for an expression of the meeting, to ascertain how many think best for sis. Brown to see her objectors, as had been propos’d by some individuals.2

Vote pass’d in the affirmative. Mrs. [Catharine] Wilkie requested the privilege of being present at an interview between Sis. Brown and a Sister who had told scandalous tales on Sis. B. in company with Coun. C. [Sarah Cleveland]— said now her obj’s were greater against that person than [p. [78]] sis. B.

Mrs Prest. said she could have the privilege as she was one that had objt.

Mrs. Prest. then proceeded to make observations respecting her visit to Quincy— that she was prosper’d— was cordially rec’d by the Governor who assured us of his protection &c.3 She said we could govern this generati[o]n in one way if not another— if not by the mighty arm of power, we can do it by faith & prayer. If we will try to live uprightly, said she believed we should not be driven.

Mrs. Prest. continued by Saying God knows we have a work to do in this place— we have got to watch and pray and be careful not to excite feelings— not make enemies of one another &c.

Mrs. [Roxsena] Repsher motion’d a vote of thanks to Prest. E. Smith

Mrs. Prest. said she does not want the thanks but the prayers of the Society.

Mrs. Durfee recommended to the sister to sustain by their diligence and faithfulness, that character before the world, which our Prest. has represented abroad.

Mrs. Parker was requested to state the result of her visit to sis. Miller’s

Reported that sis. M. was glad to have the Society watch over her— acknowledg’d she had done wrong and determin’d to do better.

Meeting adjourn’d.

[p. [79]]

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August 4, 1842 • Thursday, The First Fifty Years of Relief Society, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/the-first-fifty-years-of-relief-society/part-1/1-2/1-2-16


  1. [1]text: Ink changes back to previous blue ink.

  2. [2]Objections to Brown’s admittance to the Relief Society had been raised at the prior meeting. (Document 1.2, entry for July 14, 1842.)

  3. [3]On July 28, 1842, Emma Smith, Eliza R. Snow, and Amanda Barnes Smith delivered a petition from the Nauvoo Relief Society to Governor Thomas Carlin in Quincy, Illinois. (Document 1.5.)