
March 9, 1844 • Saturday

See images of the original document at josephsmithpapers.org.

1The Female Relief Society of Nauvoo resumed its Meetings— March 9th 1844

Mienetes [Minutes] of the First Procidings of the

First Meeting of the Society

Room over Brick Store

March 9 1844

Meeting conveind— Presedent E. [Emma] Smith. Proceeded to Open the Meeting— appointed— H. [Hannah] Ells, Sectary

Stated the object of the Meeting, read an Epistle called the Voice of Innocence— adressed the Meeting on the late Slander, of Hiram [Hyrum] Smith &c by O F Bostic [Orsamus F. Bostwick] w[h]ich calld forth— the 〈of reading of〉 above Epistle—2 it was then asertaned by vote, who would be willing to receeve the princples of vurtue, keep the commandments of God, and uphold the Prestss in puting 〈down〉 iniquity— was received by unanimous voice— Prest E. S. Said her determination was to do her Duty Effectully— in puting down transgresion

Counslor Witney [Elizabeth Ann Whitney]— requested the Sisters to Pray that Sister Emma might be supported, to teach us the princples of Righteousness expressed her fears, that Jugement would bgin at the house of God— Prest S. said it was high time for Mothers to wach over their Daughters & exhort them to keep the path of virtue— the present Meeting then ajourned in order to make room for those who could not get admitance in the fore part of the day—

12 o c A M— th[e] following Persons were then received by vote—

Rachel Foster

Clarsesa Labanno [Clarissa LeBaron]

Mary Ann Shefflin

Nancy [blank]

Mary All[e]y

Mary S. Nelson

Hannah [blank]

Mary Stuart

Catharine Tuttle

Harriet Carter

Sarah Har

Susan Ashby

[p. [123]]

Brick Store Affternoon

Relief Society Meeting Minutes, March 9, 1844

Meeting minutes, March 9, 1844. The Nauvoo Relief Society met four times in 1844, twice on March 9 and twice on March 16. In the two March 9 meetings, Emma Smith read a document titled “Voice of Innocence,” which William W. Phelps had written and Smith had somewhat revised (see Document 1.10). Hannah M. Ells took minutes of the 1844 meetings. (Church History Library, Salt Lake City. Photograph by Welden C. Andersen.)

1 oclock Meeting Called to order by

Prest— Emma S— again staded the object of the 〈Meeting〉 that it was on account of the Slander of P. Hiram Smith by a vile man— Bostwic— wich had ex[c]ited th[e] indignation; of the Breatheren against him; and called forth the present remarks; the [‘]Voice of Inocence’ was then read and approved— continued firther by exhorting all to take heed to their ways; and follow the teachings of Broather Joseph; and when he Preacheas against vice to take heed to it; and said; he meant what he said; concludid her remarks by requ[e]sting all to use theire common senses; and they would teach us right princples if we would adheare to them— further that we must be willing to forgive 〈what has past〉 in consideration of repentance & reformation— Meeting— adjoured to meet again Next Saty 10 OClock3

H. M. Ells Secd

Abigal Gray

Elisabeth Moss

Eliza Gray

Emly Jacobs

Catharine A. Curtis

Rachel Swaner

Jane S Richards

Elisabeth Miles

Mary Cole

Emily Merrell

Susanah Cambill

Mary Guinomd [Guinand]

Ann Cotten [Cottam]

Sophia Pollard

Sarah Littlewood

Catherine Jameion [Jemeion]

Mary Bundys

Dolly Duncon [Duncan]

Isabela Willby [Isabella Wilkie]

Alice Robinson

Ann Bushby [Busby]

Sarah Gibbs

Lidia Savery [Lydia Severy]

Sally Pollard

Mary Bedford

Sarah Stuart

Dellia [Amelia Delilah] Mikesell

Mehaatable Chase

Ester McMin [Esther McMeans]

Rebeca Romand [Rebecca Raymond]

Elizabeth Clark

Ennice Leffinwell [Eunice Leffingwell]

Amy [blank]

[p. [124]]

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March 9, 1844 • Saturday, The First Fifty Years of Relief Society, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/the-first-fifty-years-of-relief-society/part-1/1-2/1-2-33


  1. [1]text: Phebe M. Wheeler handwriting ends; Hannah M. Ells begins.

  2. [2]Bostwick’s accusations against Hyrum Smith and Nauvoo women triggered a court case against Bostwick for slander and precipitated Joseph Smith’s request that William W. Phelps write a document in defense of the women of Nauvoo, the “epistle” referred to here and titled “The Voice of Innocence from Nauvoo.” Under the heading “Virtue Will Triumph,” the document was published in the Nauvoo Neighbor on March 20, 1844. (Document 1.10.)

  3. [3]The entry in Joseph Smith’s journal for this date, as recorded by scribe Willard Richards, reads, “The Female Relief Society, Met twice in the assembly room and sanctind [sanctioned] the voice of Innocen[ce] from Nauvo[o].— & adjued [adjourned] 1 week to accommodate members who could not get in.” (Joseph Smith, Journal, Mar. 9, 1844, in JSP, J3:199–200.)