
July 28, 1843 • Friday

See images of the original document at josephsmithpapers.org.

Fifth Meeting of Society

Meeting of the

Fourth ward

July 28 1843

Meeting commenced with singing “This Earth was once a garden place”1

Prayer by Sister J [Sarah] Smith

Councillor [Elizabeth Ann] Whitney requested the sisters to improve the time to advantage regretted that so few were met hoped the meetings might not be discontinu[e]d Suggested the propriety of having the separate wards meet togather said she was sorry that the Prest Emma Smith was not here to preside— and cheer us Said we had her approbation that she would have the Society be active & persevering in doing good &c

Sister Billings made some verry appropriate remarks desired we might remember the poor in particular represented the case of Sister Harmons whose family is sick

Sis Joshua [Sarah] Smith said as it is a sickly time we are called to the alleviation of the poor and suffering many are suffering at this presant time said that [p. [100]] Sister Modley [Elizabeth Maudsley] and Sister [Mary] Mc Ewen were sick & distress’d in want of help



Sister Lyons [Sylvia Lyon]


Selinda Simpson

8 yds calico



Clarrissa Eastman

1 pr Shoes



Dolly Markum [Dorothy Meacham] said she would spin 2 or 3 pounds wool said she had givn all her Jewelry for the Temple was willing to do any thing she could

Sister Meecum said our Salvation depended on our Liberality to the poor &c

Mrs Whitney continued the subject refered to one of the revelations “said “by this shall ye know that ye are my deciples[”]2 The Lord confirms it again & again he is delighted with our acts of charity &c

Sis Joshua Smith requested widow Meecum [Lucina Mecham] to open her heart to the society as she had been sick Sis Meecum wept

Sister Meecum said she could sustain herself if the Society could furnish her work would like Spinning

Sister Lyons donates patent Wheel head—


Sister Jones— 100 lb pounds of wool can can be procur’d on condition that half of it can be returnd in cloth to the owner

C Whitney suggested the necessity of having a committee so appointed to search out the poor and suffring— To call on the rich for aid and thus as far as possible relieve the wants of all

Accordingly appointed a Comittee (to wit)

First ward

Lydia Granger

Harriet Marcum

Sophia Packard

Elizabeth Jones

Second ward

Mrs James [Drusilla] Hendricks

Ms [Rebecca] Hodge

[p. [101]]

Miss P[hebe] M Wheeler

Mrs Orson [Catherine] Spencer

Third— ward

Selinda Simpson—

Sister Peck

Sister Winchester—

Sister Rice

Fourth ward—

Sister Allred

Siste[r] Joshua Smith

Sister Stephen Meecum [Dorothy Meacham]

Sister Billings

Councllor Whitney then rose, said when you go to those who have means tell them you are appointed to releave the needy— call on them— the Spirit of the Lord will bless you in it and stimulate the hearts of the rich— provoke them to good works— Let us try to do it



Sister [Mahala] Overton

a Bed Spread



Elisabeth Allred




Sister [Abigail] Forges—



2 small dresses


Sister [illegible] Widow Meecum will spin 50 lb Wool for the society and thake [take] her pay in provisions of th[e] Society

Meeting then ajournd

[p. [102]]

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July 28, 1843 • Friday, The First Fifty Years of Relief Society, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/the-first-fifty-years-of-relief-society/part-1/1-2/1-2-24


  1. [1]Hymn 250, Collection of Sacred Hymns [1841], 272.

  2. [2]John 13:35.