Works Cited

This list of sources serves as a comprehensive guide to all sources cited in this volume (documentation supporting the biographical directory in the back of this volume may be found online at In entries for manuscript sources, dates identify when the manuscript was created, which is not necessarily the time period the manuscript covers. Newspaper entries are listed under the newspaper titles used during the time period covered by this volume. Newspaper entries also provide beginning and ending years for the publication. Since newspapers often changed names or editors over time, such dates typically approximate the years the paper was active under a particular editor; when it is impractical to provide beginning and ending publication dates by an editor’s tenure, dates may be determined by major events in the paper’s history, such as a merger with another sizable newspaper.

Abbreviations for Frequently Cited Repositories


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Works Cited, Abbreviations for Frequently Cited Repositories, The First Fifty Years of Relief Society, accessed October 16, 2024