
October 14, 1843 • Saturday

See images of the original document at josephsmithpapers.org.

Fourteenth Meeting

of Society

Oct 14 18431

Lodge Room

Comenced with singing with singing “Come Holy Spirit Heavenly dove”2

Prayer by Sis J [Sarah] Smith

persons receivd as members of society

Catharine Clawson

Susan Culbertson [Cuthbertson]3

Elizeabeth Carbey

Prest Emma Smith abs[e]nt Coun [Elizabeth Ann] Whitney rose said she was happy to again meet the Society but sory the Emma is not present Spoke of th[e] blessings that awated the Saints exhortd all to faithfulness and humility that we may be prepard for th[e] trials & temptations which surroung [surround] us [p. [121]]

desird the Committee to report

Sister J Smith said many of the sick which had been better were getting worse with ague and were destitute for of food said she felt deeply interested for th[e] Temple sa[i]d O that we might rouse to action and thus call down th[e] blessings of God upon us

Sister Peck said that this Society had done a great good in relieving the distressd we have not said “be ye warmd and cloathed[”] without trying to do it4

Siste[r] Pratt represented th[e] situation of Sis Jones Siste[r] Ann Jones who is in extreme want

Siste[r] M— Dougall [Margaret McDougall] offers to work for widow Nights [Martha Knight] desird pray[er]s for Sister Hormans5 who is sick has long been sick some 8 months

Siste[r] Smith mentiond Sister Langdons6 family sick and without food

P[hebe] M Wheeler proposd the the Society that a sew[i]ng Society be appointd that garments and bed coveri[n]g may be mad[e] and given to such as are suffer[i]ng cold and nakedness

Movd secon[de]d and unanimously carried that the sisters meet on Thursday afternoon of nex[t] week at 1. o clock to comfort th[e] poor

Donations omited

Meeting ajournd

P M Wheeler assistent secry

[p. [122]]

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October 14, 1843 • Saturday, The First Fifty Years of Relief Society, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/the-first-fifty-years-of-relief-society/part-1/1-2/1-2-32


  1. [1]text: Dashed underline under “1843”.

  2. [2]Hymn 39, Collection of Sacred Hymns [1841], 47.

  3. [3]See Cuthbertson’s application for admission in Document 1.9.

  4. [4]See James 2:16.

  5. [5]text: Possibly “Harmons”.

  6. [6]text: Possibly “Longdons”.