October 1898

1 October 1898 • Saturday

3 1st Sunshine and large white-cap[p]ed waves with the paupus [porpoises] jumping about and two ships in the distance made a very pretty picture. Mrs. Pilkington recites two very nice pieces in the evening. Rough sea, waves come over both decks.

2 October 1898 • Sunday

3 2nd. Sabbath services at ten, English church service. A very rough night. Sunshine and no rain. Fog come on at seven and lasted until nine. The fog whistle blew every minute and it was indeed wild and hideous. Sea was very calm.

3 October 1898 • Monday

3rd. A very nice morning. Hungry enough to eat shoes. Another sunset in the ocean. Very calm.

4 October 1898 • Tuesday

4th. All on board well. Calm night. Increasing appetite. Clouds and rain during most of the day.

5 October 1898 • Wednesday

5th. Nice day during which we passed in playing games, reading and eating, for the passengers were indeed a very hungry crowd. In the evening had an entertainment, in which John R. [Hindley] gave a historical sketch of Utah its people and their ambition. Spoke of the trials which drove the Mormons, to Utah under the leadership of Brigham Young, who was their president. Spoke of the social, educational, and financial advancement. The people seem to enjoy it very much. [p. 11] Brother Lockalt sang “O my Father” and I recited “The Soldiers Pardon.[”]1 And there was a hole in my shirt waist under the sleeve, I never thought of it until after I got up and the consequences was it hindered me from making gestures with my right hand, so it was a one sided affair. My dress shall be mended hereafter. The concert ended with a lunch, and we retired at half after ten.

6 October 1898 • Thursday

6th. We realized that this must be the last day on board the ship. All on board were up very early, with their gripps packed ready to land, because the Captain said that we would pull into the docks at about eleven o’clock a.m., he (the Captain) had never been that rout before and the consequences was he got lost. The day was clear enough to keep us from running into the rocks, but the ship run over the same path three times along the mainland. We viewed Liziard [Lizard] point the evening before and also Lauck End, both places being lighthouses, but still we were lost. We viewed with interest the barracks along the coast and also the very picturesque coast. Lunch was given to us extra early, because they thought we would surely land, but we were so very slow that we took [p. 12] dinner also on board. The needles were interresting also the scenery on either side the river, being made up of barracks dwellings, farms, pastures, etc. Netleys Hospitol furnished a very pretty scene, it is one half mile long and five or more story high. a soldiers hospital for English soldiers. We landed about seven o’clock at Southampton. Bid our newly made friends good-bye, had our baggage examined (but they did not open mine at all) took the first train for London. Bros. Olson, Raspensen, Jensen, [Moroni S.] Leaver, Hindley, a Mr. and Mrs. Pilkington of Accrington, and myself, we left Bro. Lockalt at Southampton, made a nice company and just enough to fill one compartment on these funny little English railway cars. We arrived at Waterloo Station at about half past nine in the evening. Bro. [Robert H.] Anderson an elder from Utah, was to meet us and escorted us up to 36 the mansion of the Mormon Elders, in fact the London Conference house.2 There I met Bro. [Mark] and Sister [Maria] Austin, of Lehi, Bro. [Heber B.] Smith of Logan, Bro. [Richard H.] Hamblin of Syracuse, Bro. Clarke [William E. Clark] of Pleasant Grove.

I enjoyed a nights good rest on a good hard feather bed. [p. 13]

7 October 1898 • Friday

9th. [7th] Friday, my first day in London, and quite a fine day, the sun shone fourth now and again, through the London fog and smoke. Our breakfast tasted very good—it was oat-meal mush and milk, bread and butter and cocoa. Brother Anderson prepared the meal, and we complimented him on his good cooking by eating the portion given to us. Mr. and Mrs. Pilkington left us at about ten o’clock, for their home. I became quite attached to her and it grieved me to say good-bye. Bro. Anderson took us to see the sights of London, or spend a day in seeing all that was possible in so little time. The first sight was the Hall of the Stock Exchange, where thousands of pounds change hands daily, all kinds of stocks exchanged. The next was the Guild Hall, where the Lord Mayor gives his banquet on the eight of November, of each year. It costs (the banquet) a great sum of money and is paid wholly by the Lord Mayor. On the outside of this building we seen a great number of tame pigeons, which are fed and under the care of the government. Westminster Abbey was the next interresting feature. The statuary is indeed worth viewing, each and every piece demonstrates work of an artful hand, and an enthusiastic people, a people who desire the memory of the noble and the great—to remain in [p. 14] their midst. This statuary is in the new part of the building where services are held daily. The old part of the abby has stood for ages and seems to contain, within its walls and pillars, sufficient strength to wear off a few more hundreds of years. The floors and steps are very much worn. The influence within that grand old piece of architecture, thrills one with a feeling of reverence. You can imagine you see the monks strutting about with their long sober faces and black flowing gowns, with the cross dangling about their knees as they walk, and see the beads about their necks, one of which they drop each time they kneel in prayer before the Maker. We sat for a few minutes minutes to hear part of the service, the musical part, if you please, their choir is composed of boy singers. There was a call for dinner, we obeyed, went into a restaurant and enjoyed beef stake. Visiting different churches is very interresting. St. Pauls Cathedreal and the Catholic Church was very nice. Natural history is very interresting to most people, so we next visited the North Kensington museum, and by the time we were most interrested, we had to leave because it was their closing time. After enjoyind a biscuit and [p. 15] a nice cup of cocoa, we all lined up for the theatre. In the Her Majestys Theatre, Miss Olga Nethersole’s in The Termagant. It was very good. This ended our days outing. We returned to 36 partook of some light refreshment and retired.

8 October 1898 • Saturday

8th. A quiet day at 36, across the road from which is a public house where we could see both sex going in and out all day. A new and very amusing scene was an old man and woman, I suppose husband and wife, came down the street drawing a music box, or street organ, which when turned by a crank, peeled [pealed] forth some quick familiar airs; a crowd of children half-dressed, dirty little brats, soon gathered near and would dance to the music. And very nice little dancers they are too.

It took four of us to cook dinner, which was ready and on the table at about four p.m. I enjoyed a bath and retired about ten. Bro. and Sister Austin went to Dunstable the day before, so I slept alone.

9 October 1898 • Sunday

9th. Sunday Bro. Clarke took me to the City Temple, to hear Rev. Joseph Parker, D.D. preach, the Harvest Thanksgiving sermon. In the afternoon a meeting was held at the hall of 36. [p. 16] I met a great number of saints, in whom I am agreeably surprized. There was not much time wasted by me. I occupied the stand for about two minutes, was so scared it was impossible to speak what little I did know.

9th. When we returned from Dr. Parkers, we found Miss Fannie Johnson waiting, and shortly after Miss Mary Young come. They are two very nice girls, on meeting some mormon girls, my pleasure was very great.3

10 October 1898 • Monday

10th. This day with occasional rain passed very quietly We lunched at eleven and retired to our several chambers after prayer, which is observed night and morning at 36. I enjoyed a sponge bath and retired to bed.

11 October 1898 • Tuesday

11th. This day was one very much like Saturday, the difference was Miss Johnson and her mama called and visited for about two hours. After which John R., Brother Clarke and my self went up in the city to do some shopping. I purchased an umbrella.

12 October 1898 • Wednesday

12th. Wednesday. Sunshine and rain. A little study. In the evening I went with Bros. Smith and Anderson to the Waterloo Station, to meet some new elders, the [p. 17] train was delayed, so we played truant and went to the Empire music hall, where we seen the new ballet “Alaska.” We sent a telegram back to 36 before entering the hall, or else they might think we were lost. The telegram read thus: Train late,—come eleven,—engage beds,—gone theater,—Bob.

13 October 1898 • Thursday

13th. Dull day, with slight attendances of rain. Meeting in the evening which was well attended, and a good spirit.

14 October 1898 • Friday

14th. The same program as usual, mush for breakfast, roast for dinner and hop ale for tea.4 At about four o’clock all the elders had gone out but Bros. Smith and Anderson so we cleared the floor of table and chairs, Bro. Anderson played his clarinet and Bro. Smith and I danced, we had a jolly good time.

15 October 1898 • Saturday

15th. A dull rainy day, we all did more studying. After lunch and prayers I enjoyed a bath and retired.

16 October 1898 • Sunday

16th. Bros. [Jabez W.] West, Hindley, Clarke and myself attended the services at the City Temple. Rev. Parker delivered a very fine sermon. Meetings at our hall at 36 in the afternoon and evening. A good number of saints present. [p. 18]

17 October 1898 • Monday

17th. Monday, the day spent as usual and in the evening which was a very calm one, Bros. Hindley, Hamblin, Smith and Anderson, Sister Edwards, a very pretty brown-eyed lady with a sweet voice, and myself went out to Hyberry [Highbury] fields and held a meeting on the street. A large crowd assembled. Bro. Hamblin, spoke very good, he was followed by Bro. Smith, who spoke of continual revelations and prophecies, some one yelled from the croud, Mormons, that is who they are, followers of old Joe Smith and that polygamist Brigham Young, they had a time getting him stopped. Bro. Anderson spoke next, being answered occasionally by this noisy ‘block’. Bro. Hindley dismissed with prayer, after which an argument begun and lasted for about an hour and one half. We opened our meeting by singing O My Father, and prayer offered by Bro. Anderson. This meeting reminded me very much of those times that our prophets had in olden times and of the difficulties that our earlier missionaries experienced. [p. 19]

18–19 October 1898 • Tuesday–Wednesday

18th. John R. and myself went to Colchester to visit Bro. John Tracy’s brother. He welcomed us and was sorry when he found that we could not stop a week instead of three days. He took us to see the infantry and cavalry barracks, the Colchester park,—the old ruins of the ninth century of these the “Castle” and “Priory” were especially interresting. He also took us to see his brother Charlie [Tracy] who being paralyzed, felt quite badly of his condition. I never seen or met a man so spry of the same age as Mr. Tracy who is 76 years of age. We both fell in love with him and agreed that he is a grand old man, with the good common sense of a good citizen and surely would have made a statesman. He also took us to see the great engine factory owned in part by Mr. Paxman. He had us promise him that we would come again. Mr. and Mrs. Studd and daughter called one evening, and we called to see them the next day. We returned home Wednesday evening, Mr. Tracy come and rode about six miles with us to see us safely started. And he paid our expenses.

20 October 1898 • Thursday

21st. [20th] Thursday morning was dull and quite fresh. Bros. Clarke, Pres. [Rulon S.] Wells and myself went to Stratford, to take dinner with [p. 20] sister Seach. We enjoyed a lovely English park dinner and a good chat. Returned to 36 just in time for Thursday night meeting.

21 October 1898 • Friday

20 <22nd.> [21st] A dull day, and drizzling rain mixed with a little sunshine. Program as usual. Bro. Anderson and myself went for a evening walk.

22 October 1898 • Saturday

24 <23rd.> [22nd] Saturday, just about the same transpired as on the day before, with the happy exception of meeting Bro. [William J.] and Sister [Elizabeth Walker Bennett] Panter of Union City, south of Salt Lake City.

23 October 1898 • Sunday

24th. [23rd] Sunday, and conference. The elders had gathered from all parts of the London branch. It was a most beautiful day. Morning meeting was held at 36 hall a large attendance. We listened to some very goods ideas and instructions. The afternoon meeting was held at Clerkenwelltown Hall,5 about two hundred and fifty people being present. My little talk won a great many compliments, though they may not have meant all they said. The evening meeting was held in the same hall and an attendance of about three hundred, there was hardly standing room.

24 October 1898 • Monday

25th. [24th] We enjoyed a most interresting day together, there being so many Utah boys at 36, in fact all of the London [p. 21] conference was in, in the evening a concert and ball was given, reciting and singing const[it]uted the program for the concert, as usual The Soldiers Pardon, and Pyramus and Thysba [Thisbe].6 And the dance was immense. I will never forget.

25 October 1898 • Tuesday

26th. [25th] A beautiful day, that is calm, cloudy, but no wind or rain. Bro. Clarke, Sister Young and myself took a trip to the City and purchased my bible. The rest of the day was about the same as others, with the exception of study, I studied most every day but not this one. At nine in the evening I left with Bro. [George W.] Palmer, (of Farmington) for Forest Gate, where we are to labor.7

26 October 1898 • Wednesday

27th. [26th] The day was beautiful. One feels somewhat awkward at first in a new home, thus it was with me. All is quite comfortable. Very agreeable brethern, Bros. Palmer and [William C.] Wright of Ogden, both very bright men.

27 October 1898 • Thursday

28th. [27th] Studied most of the day, went for a walk in the afternoon with sister Seaich, and went up to 36 in the evening.

28 October 1898 • Friday

29th. [28th] A very beautiful day, I studied all day, a little learned.

29 October 1898 • Saturday

30th. [29th] A little rain. Study. A walk in the evening, with Bros. Palmer and Wright.

30 October 1898 • Sunday

31st. [30th] Sunday, fasted, attended, theological class and fast meeting in the morning and meeting in the evening. I spoke about 15′. [p. 22]

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October 1898, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/early-sister-missionaries/eliza-chipman/1898/1898-10


  1. [1]James Smith, “The Soldier’s Pardon,” Popular Recitations no. 1 (Mar. 1888): 7.

  2. [2]The London Conference house was at 36 Penton Street in Islington, London, from 1893 to 1900. It had rooms that served as lodgings for missionaries and a hall used for testimony meetings and other church gatherings. It also served for a time as the Latter-day Saint Book Depot, where church members could purchase the Millennial Star and other church publications. (“Change of Address,” Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 55, no. 7 [13 Feb. 1893]: 121; W. L. Wattis, Letter to the Editor, 28 June 1900, in “Utah Gossip at the English Capital,” Salt Lake Herald, 15 July 1900, 13; Eliza Chipman, Journal, 8, 9, 16, and 23 Oct. 1898; 9 and 19 Nov. 1898; 4 and 15 Dec. 1898; 11 Mar. 1899, Christensen Papers, CHL; Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 60 [1898], title page.)

  3. [3]text: Chipman wrote this paragraph, which appears to be further information about the events of 9 October 1898, at the end of the entry for 10 October 1898.

  4. [4]The Word of Wisdom, an 1833 revelation dictated by Joseph Smith and now canonized as Doctrine and Covenants 89, established the Latter-day Saint practice of abstaining from alcohol, tobacco, coffee, and tea. During the nineteenth century, church leaders held divergent views on how this commandment should be observed. Many Saints continued to drink tea and mild alcoholic drinks, and wine was occasionally used in the sacrament of the Lord’s supper. In 1921 President Heber J. Grant announced that abstinence from alcohol, tobacco, coffee, and tea would be required to obtain a temple recommend. (Thomas G. Alexander, Mormonism in Transition: A History of the Latter-day Saints, 1890–1930 [Salt Lake City: Greg Kofford Books, 2012], 273–284.)

  5. [5]Clerkenwell Town Hall was constructed in 1895 on Rosebery Avenue in North London. The large upstairs meeting room frequently served as a rented hall for Latter-day Saint conferences in the late 1890s. Missionaries considered it an honor to speak in such a venue. In the Clerkenwell Town Hall on 24 October 1897, Elizabeth Claridge McCune gave the address that led the presidency of the British Mission to call women as missionaries. (“Clerkenwell Town Hall: Opening by Lord Rosebery,” Lloyd’s Weekly Newspaper [London], 23 June 1895, 4; Joseph Reuben Squires, Autobiography, 1959, typescript, [12], CHL; “London Conference,” Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 59, no. 43 [28 Oct. 1897]: 684; “I Could Have Gone into Every House,” 24 Aug. 2018, Church History, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, history.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.)

  6. [6]Mrs. Hemans, “Pyramus and Thisbe,” and Punch, “Pyramus and Thisbe,” Ferguson’s Readings & Recitations: A Collection of Prose and Poetical Gems, Grave and Gay from British and American Authors (Manchester, England: John Heywood, 1881), 83–87.

  7. [7]Chipman moved into 12 Dunbar Road along with the elders working in Forest Gate. Her companion, Inez Knight, joined her on 2 December. The following April, the elders and sisters moved into separate lodgings. Elders Hindley and Squires helped move the sisters’ belongings to their new home on 5 April. The new apartment was a little over one block away at 26 Haslemere Road (now Kitchener Road). (Chipman, Journal, 2 Dec. 1898; 8 Jan. 1899; 5 and 13 Apr. 1899; Inez Knight, Journal, 2 Dec. 1898 and 5 Apr. 1899, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT [hereafter BYU]; Ordnance Survey Office, London Sheet VIII.14, 1893, 1/1056 scale, 61 × 92 cm, Town Plans of England and Wales, 1840s–1890s, National Library of Scotland, https://maps.nls.uk/view/index.cfm?id=101201724.)