July 1899

27 July 1899 • Thursday

On Thursday July 28 [27]. We went to Crystal Palace it reminded me of Midway at the fair. There seemed to be a little bit of every thing there. There were casts of the most noted statuary from all over the world, there was an art gallery, models of tombs of different people, some from West Minster Abbey There were lots of stuffed animals. The grounds were beyond description and when they were lighted looked like a perfect fairy land. We enjoyed our day immensely. Although Clara & I got lost and were found just in the nich of time. There was a pantomime out there that was splendid and some bands played beautifully. About 9 oclock the fire works began— And such fire works I’ll never forget, they were splendid

28 July 1899 • Friday

Friday 29 [28] we went to South Kensington Museum this is a museum of natural history and it is here that Darwin studied out his theory of evolution. The animals are all stuffed here, none of them are alive. We went [p. 26] to all the land animals first. Then to see the fish and whales, sea lions, sharks, etc Then we went to the botanical part and from there through the mineral. There is a speciman in this department presented by Dr. [James E.] Talmage. One day we went to Madam Tussauds wax works They are considered the best in the world but I was disappointed in them. Was intrested however in the models of the different kings and queens it helped me to remember the English history I was interested to in the Courts, Chancery lane Fleet Street etc I had read of them so much in Dickens stories. Another thing I liked was the Horse Guards.

30 July 1899 • Sunday

Sunday 30. We went to the park to meeting in the morning and to Clerken well in the after noon and evening1 I had to speak in the after noon.

31 July 1899 • Monday

Monday I stayed home all day packed my trunk etc preparatory for getting ready to go to Glasgow my missionary field.

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July 1899, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/early-sister-missionaries/josephine-booth/1899/1899-07


  1. [1]Clerkenwell Town Hall was constructed in 1895 on Rosebery Avenue in North London. The large upstairs meeting room frequently served as a rented hall for Latter-day Saint conferences in the late 1890s. Missionaries considered it an honor to speak in such a venue. For example, in the Clerkenwell Town Hall on 24 October 1897, Elizabeth Claridge McCune gave the address that led the presidency of the British Mission to call women as missionaries. (“Clerkenwell Town Hall: Opening by Lord Rosebery,” Lloyd’s Weekly Newspaper [London], 23 June 1895, 4; Joseph Reuben Squires, Autobiography, 1959, typescript, [12], CHL; “London Conference,” Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 59, no. 43 [28 Oct. 1897]: 684; “I Could Have Gone into Every House,” 24 Aug. 2018, Church History, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, history.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.)