January 1900

1 January 1900 • Monday

January— 1st— 1900.Monday.— This was a very beautiful day. This is the ‘Scots’ best day. The working people have a holliday and spend their money, get full and ill treat their families, there is some few however remain quite decent. We went to Sister McDonalds for dinner and had a nice time.

In the evening Effie [Lindsay] called and brought me a New Years present, a ‘needle case’. We dressed for the grand affair which had been under head way since the first of October,—the soiree—a concert and dance. We were somewhat late but the people met at 7:30 at the City Templars Hall, Ingram St.,—the first on the program was refreshments or tea—biscuits, scones, berries, cakes, candy, oranges, apples, and either milk, water or tea to drink. This was followed by a lengthy program of singing and reciting. I recited “the soldier’s pardon.” At eleven o’clock every one left the hall to the side rooms while the benches and chairs were being removed and the floor waxed and pre[p. [58]]pared for dancing. The musicians arrived at 11:30, three in number, pianist, violinist and ‘clarenetist.’ It was very good indeed. The dancing began with a march. It was kept up till four o’clock.

2 January 1900 • Tuesday

2nd. Tuesday.— Recieved letters from W. E. Robinson and Uncle Tom [Thomas J. Filcher] and a “Neardy [Ne’erday]” card from Sister [Mary Sanders] Frame.

We did nothing all day worth recording. Josephine [Booth] retired early—she had only got in bed when Brother [David C.] Eccles called. We are indeed surrounded with blessings The bed is a hole in the wall and all that we had to do was to close the door and the room presented a cheery, comfortable aspect.

3 January 1900 • Wednesday

3rd. Wednesday.— In the afternoon we called on Mrs. Barclay, met Mrs. Lindsay again with her husband and family.

Effie come home with us and spent the evening.

4 January 1900 • Thursday

4th. Thursday.— And still it storms—rain—wind—and snow. Went to Mrs. Andersons, 34 Landyfalls St., Elder Greys Cousins, they invited us to come again.

We attended testimony meeting in the evening. [p. 59]

5 January 1900 • Friday

5th. Friday— More rain. In the afternoon we went to see the Hamiltons 92 Cornwall St. Had trype soup—the things that don’t remind one of home presents memories of another sort.

We had a pleasant visit. From there we called on Sister Grear.

Sister Hamilton and Effie called in the evening.

6 January 1900 • Saturday

6th. Saturday.— We went to Yoker in the afternoon to visit the Donaldsons. In the evening we had a pleasant enjoyable party.

Once more we are priveleged to sleep on a nice soft, springy bed.

7 January 1900 • Sunday

7th. Sunday We walked to Paisley a distance of 3½ miles and attended two meetings. A testimony meeting at the Elders lodgings and evening meeting at 5 Storey Rd. in an old hall that the Mormons hired forty years ago. Josephine and I occupied the time.

We walked back to Yoker again. It was as beautiful a night as it had been a day [p. [60]] the first good weather for a long time. The four Elders walked part way. The road was beautiful.

The moon shone brightly.

We had supper and retired to the good bed again.

8 January 1900 • Monday

8th. Monday.— We arrived in Glasgow just in time to take dinner at #53.

I went tracting gave out 43 tracts and had 2 cons.

Attended Relief Society in the evening.

9 January 1900 • Tuesday

9th. Tuesday.— A very stormy day. Spent the afternoon and evening at #53 where we enjoyed an oyster supper.

10 January 1900 • Wednesday

10th. Wednesday.— Went tracting gave out 70 tracts and had one conversation.

11 January 1900 • Thursday

11th. Thursday.— Attended testimony meeting in the evening.

12 January 1900 • Friday

12th. Friday— Went to the baths in the forenoon.

At five p.m. we went in company with Pres. [James K.] Miller Elders [John B.] Young and [William H.] Gardner to Holy town on the train, Miss Jack and Mr. Halliday were to meet us, we walked two miles [p. 61] into Newardhill where we held a meeting. The roads were very muddy but otherwise the trip was pleasant. We had refreshments at Mrs. Jacks. The meeting begun at 7:30. There was present ten strangers, thirty children boys and girls, six saints and seven missionaries; the time was given given over to Josie and my self. After prayer and singing Josie spoke on Christs two fold mission, then Bro. Young sang a sacred solo and I followed on. The text advertized for us to speak upon was Matt 24.14. I was warned of the time and when the thirty minutes were up and there was only time to catch the last train—they of necessity pulled my coat-tail so I had to quit. We returned by the same muddy road and reached 86—at about ten o’clock, tired and worn out.

13 January 1900 • Saturday

13th. Saturday.— Sent 1/6 to Sister Meeking, wrote to Inez [Knight], and G. A. [George Albert] Smith. Recieved a letter from Inez. In the evening we went to the Misses Crawfords and spent a pleasant evening—met Miss [Iza] Spence, Mr. Wilson, Miss [blank] and Mr. [blank] [p. [62]]

We took Brothers Eccles, Young, and Gardner with us and had a very nice social.

I recited Pyramus and Thisbe.

14 January 1900 • Sunday

14th. Sunday.— Attended the three sessions as usual I spoke on baptism in the evening.

15 January 1900 • Monday

15th. Monday.— Wrote to Sister Frame and Bro. Mc.Murrian [James L. McMurrin.] Went tracting gave out 74 had 4 refusals, and 1 con.

16 January 1900 • Tuesday

16th. Tuesday.— Went tracting gave out 60 tracts. Recieved letters from Inez and Sarah [Southwick Chipman] and S.W. [Stephen Washburn Chipman].

17 January 1900 • Wednesday

17th. Wednesday— A very rainy day.

In the afternoon we went to see Sister Legatts [Georgina Ferguson Leggat.] In the evening I went in company with Bros. Eccles and Young to a party at Nelsons on Cambridge Street. We spent a very pleasant evening.

18 January 1900 • Thursday

18th. Thursday.— Went tracting gave out 62 had 2 refusals Attended testimony meeting in the evening.

19 January 1900 • Friday

19th. Friday.— A very stormy day. We did some writing and but little studying. Effie called in the evening. She seems to have lived above the trials of gossip. The last time she called she declared she would never [p. 63] come again. When I enquired into the sourse of offense I learned that Sister [Agnes Cooke] Reid overheard some remarks of Josephines to the effect that she wished Effie would stop bothering us and coming so often—this was told to Effie by Sister Reid—Josephine did not deny the charge but made all right with Effie.

20 January 1900 • Saturday

20th. Saturday.— This was a beautiful day. We spent the morning in reading. I finished my stockings which was begun on the third day of the New Year and Century. After dinner we went over to the conference-house where we engaged in an interresting conversation of several topics each subject drifting and blending into on[e] of alien properties finally it run onto our trip to Paisley two weeks ago at the introduction of this subject a half-supressed giggle found its way round the room the reason of which we knew not. We paid no attention at this secret which seemed to be [p. [64]] extremely precious to all the Elders,—when I made the remark that I had told Elder [W. Moultrie] Worthington that he was decietful and that such a hypocritical disposition was not becoming in an Elder—they all let out a voiceferous laugh—they would not tell what they laughed at but said Brother [Henry B.] Thompson had told them something about our trip to Paisley—at this we both laughed at knowing what Brother Worthington had said to us in terms of love and admiration. Coaxing and driving would not bring them to a point of telling so then I played the part of anger—sitting with <in> a quiet attitude with a half dissapointed half sullen countenance I forced a tear into my eye—at this even their determination did not falter—but they tried to cheer me up by saying there was nothing in it it way <was> all a joke but womanlike I knew there was something and was determined to know what like it was, when they would not tell me I [p. 65] arose quickly and with a hasty step left the room they thought little about my departure until they outside door closed with a slam and they heard my Scotch boots clattering through the close. They all looked at each other and there ensued a remarkable silence only broken by Josephine saying “I never saw her mad before I don’t know what she might do.” So far so good—a silly game though—to play. Josie come home leaving them in a pondering stupor the silence of which would outshine the dead. This was an outward sign inwardly they were lementing ever tell us they even had heard any thing.

In the evening we were to attend a concert but were detained so we went to Nelsons and Watt St., and spent the evening.

21 January 1900 • Sunday

21st. Sunday.— A wet dissagreeable day. We were five minutes behind Sabbath-school time but they had not begun. Our entrance caused a smile accompanied by a nudge to run by the [p. [66]] Elders who arose and come to shake hands with us—they enquired— “how are you”? with a broad grin I replied alright.

We attended all services and took dinner at #53 as usual. They all thought I had been awful angry but was over it.

22 January 1900 • Monday

22nd. Monday.— A day of tempestious storm—a room filled with smoke—and two girls trying to get away from both—we took refuge in the ‘con’ where we enjoyed a solid hours play like bits of children.

Mrs. Richmond was out of town—she left grandma in charge of affairs who forgot to cook us dinner so we took what there was and started off to see Mrs. Harkins whom we promised to visit if the day was a stormy one,—but it was to bad for me so I would not go but Josie would not be persuaded to come back but went alone.

Effie called in the evening and at nine o’clock [p. 67] we went and heard Rev. John McNeil. His text was II Kings, 7ch; making a strong arguement that a mere belief is sufficient to save[,] a mere accent [assent] of the lips confessing the Christ. He evidently has not read or has not understood Matt 7-21- Jno. 3-5-, 12-48-49-50, 14-12-15-21; I Jno. 1-5-6-7, 2-3-4-5-6, etc, etc.1

23 January 1900 • Tuesday

23rd. Tuesday.— Did not feel well—a bad head ache and a continuation of the cramp.

Went to #53 where we folded tracts, in the morning. I stayed home all day, and in the evening we went over to #53 to eat oysters with the members of the monastry.

I wrote to my brother Squire [B. Chipman] and to Bro. [David O.] McKay.

24 January 1900 • Wednesday

24th. Wednesday.— Feel better. Got my boots mended. Sent a calandar to M [Amanda Chipman] and I [Ida Chipman] and also one to Eliza [Chipman]. In the evening Sister [Lizzie] Nelson called for us and we accompanied her to the Robinson Cruso pantomime. We did not let any one ken where we were going but stole away enjoying a hearty [p. [68]] laugh to think that there was three of us all females too and had kept this a secret. Because of wearing a large cape I was elected to carry a paper bag the contents of which I didna ken until the pantomime was fairly on—when to our happy astonishment the misterous contents were divided and we were each in possession of twa oranges yin pear and a poke of chocolates besides a pair of opera glasses to size up the faces and figures of the actors.

We enjoyed this outing very well especially as it was topped off by a most interresting farce which was not a farce but a real betrayal of our secret. On our exit from our <the> hall who should we see but Brothers Young and [William] Hillyard.—

<We also went tracting.>

25–26 January 1900 • Thursday–Friday

25th. Thursday.— Went tracting. Effie called at six at eight we went to meeting. I bade E— goodnight and went in meeting. Played an excellent joke of the Elders. Meeting was taken up and Josie was still out in the cold talking to E—. Ten min[p. 69]utes later I was sent for, I took Josie’s place. Josie went in the meeting. Effie said she had ran away again and had been away since Tuesday morning. I took her in gave her bread and butter and tea. She cried bitterly. Coaxed her to go home—she refused. Meeting was out, Josie come, together we started her off but she would not go. We brought her home to stay all night with us. Made her bed on the coutch. We all went to bed. Did not sleep much. Effie was <26th.> sick, nervous and restless. Arose, dressed and had prayers and breakfast. At eleven don[n]ed our cloaks and hats and took Effie to her “Grandmas. At first she refused to go. We arrived there at 10 North Park Rd alright. Effie begged to wait in the close promising she would stay while we went up to inform the grandma of the arrival. This all done our return found the girl missing. She had broken her word. Returned home tired out but with [p. [70]] the happy assurance that we had done our duty and feeling that she (Effie) would not come again.

In the afternoon went tracting.

Brother Young called in the evening, we enjoyed a comfortable chat and some singing and I was disturbed at half-past nine by “A lady wishes to see you at the door.” It was Sister Reed who told me that Effie was down below and wished to see me. I come in, got a shawl, excused my self and went down with full intention to speak straight to the naughty child.

She thought I would ask her to come in but I told her to go home which she refused to do. I then said we would need to get a policeman, but this did not scare her. When I bade her good night she still refused to go Coaxing, persuading, scolding would not induce her to go. She clung tight to my shawl [p. 71] and in pitiful tones cried “please Miss Chipman, don’t leave me!” But I must leave you I am chilled through and will be ill tomorrow. She clung the tighter. I gave one bound flinging my shawl to her and ran thinking this was the surest as it seemed the only way to shake her senses. At this she gave a leap seizing me around the waist and clinging to me very tightly. We heard steps on the stair—twas Bro. Young. She promised she would go as soon as he passed. He stopped but a moment bode us good night and departed. She again refused to go. The cold had penetrated my whole being. I felt stupefied. I fainted and when I come to Effie was supporting me crying fit to break her heart and saying “O dear! What shall I do! What shall I do!” We again heard some light steps on the stair. It was Josephine I exclaimed with distinct accent [p. [72]] my delight at her arrival. She clasping me in her arms cried with commanding voice “There, now you go! Look what you have done—made my best friend faint!” She leaned me against the wall while she ran for Pres. Miller who come bringing Bro. Eccles to settle the fracus. Bro. E— helped me up the stair—three flights layed me on the coutch. I begun to chill and could not stop. Mrs. Richmond come with hot-water and mustard, to get me stopped from chilling. Bro. E— run for brandy but all the public-houses were closed. Mr. Richmond and his sister Josephine and a policeman took Effie to a cab and though she screamed and refused the[y] forced her in and took her home. Bro. Miller returned and went to a public-house on Argyle where a policeman helped him to get in. He brought whisky. Bro. E— and Josie returned heated with worried excitement. The Elders went home, Josephine gave me more whisky and sure [p. 73] enough I was intoxicated.2

A bustling city street with cars and buildings.

Argyle Street, a major thoroughfare in Glasgow, Scotland. (Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-stereo-1s36932.)

27 January 1900 • Saturday

27th. Saturday.— Brothers Miller and Gardner called and informed us that the former had lost £4— Unlucky times!

Brother Hillyard called. I felt a considerable better. At five p.m. we went over to #53 where we ate supper and spent the evening. Bro. Thomson told us how we had sli[gh]ted Bros. Naisbitt [William P. Nisbet] and [Thomas M.] McMaster the night we went to the Crawfords because we did not ask them to go.

On our return found that Miss Gean Crawford had called because she had left her card. Five minutes later Miss Jessie C— [Crawford] come expecting to find the others here.— On account of a misunderstanding on our part this dreadful thing happened.

28 January 1900 • Sunday

28th. Sunday.— We attended all meetings. It was very cold, some little snow had fallen and the pavements were very icy. [p. [74]]

29 January 1900 • Monday

29th. Monday.— Went to assist Miss Jessie C— to fit her lining for a new pale blue blouse she had admired mine so much, that is the fitting part—so I stayed with her about two hours and come home with a bad back ache.

Mrs. Lindsay called to see about the dreadful affair of Effie. She invited us to see her and said she would be pleased to entertain us or the Elders at any time. She left some linoment for my back.

Sister Hamilton called and stayed but a short time she brought some iorn [iron] pills for me to take.

30 January 1900 • Tuesday

30th. Tuesday.— Folded tracts. Went tracting. Went down to Nelsons where we enjoyed ourselves until eight, when we left and come to #53 where we met some returning Elders and emigrating saints spent a pleasant evening.

31 January 1900 • Wednesday

31st. Wednesday.— Folded tracts— Recieved a letter from home per M. and I. which brought more [p. 75] pleasing news of the anticipated trip to Europe, more questions asked concerning it.

Went tracting. In the evening we fulfilled an appointment with Miss Scott which was to lecture to the Band of Hope. There was some little misunderstanding about it and I was the only one asked to speak I took for my text “As the twig is inclined so shall the tree be.” I received hearty applause from between four and five hundred children and forty monitors; also a note of thanks and an invetation to come again. They do not properly understand that I am a Mormon, I think!

3Report for the month of January.

Indoor meetings attended


Reported 13

Out " " "4


"5 0

Tracts distributed from door to door


" 621



" 14

Strangers houses visited by first invetation


" 1

" " " " "6


" 7

Books loaned


" 1

[p. [76]]

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January 1900, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/early-sister-missionaries/eliza-chipman/1900/1900-01


  1. [1]Matthew 7:21; John 3:5; 12:48–50; 14:12, 15, 21; 1 John 1:5–7; 2:3–6.

  2. [2]Whiskey was sometimes used medicinally by Latter-day Saints during this period, primarily as a painkiller. Chipman appears to have used it this way on occasion. Her journal entry for 12 May 1900 further clarifies her reasons for using whiskey. For more on the evolving practices relating to the Word of Wisdom, see note, in Chipman, Journal, 14 Oct. 1898.

  3. [3]text: Chipman wrote this report at the top of page [76] and continued her entry for 31 January 1900 below it.

  4. [4]text: Ditto marks for “door meetings attended”.

  5. [5]text: Here and on next five rows, ditto marks for “Reported”.

  6. [6]text: Ditto marks for “Strangers houses visited by invetation”; in other monthly reports, Chipman wrote “re=” under “first” on this line, which presumably was her intention here as well.