June 1899

1 June 1899 • Thursday

1st Thursday.— We went to Penton Street to meet Bro. [Raymond] Knight and go with him to call on some Salvation Army people. In the afternoon we went in company with Brothers [Charles G.] Berry and [Joseph R.] Squires to call on Madam Monteford [Lydia Mamreoff von Finkelstein Mountford]. We met a Dr. Williams a missionary from India and an old maid about sixty yrs of age who is a writer. We enjoyed the visit very much.

We returned to #36 and accompanied Ray to Kensington about three miles distant. We met the mother two daughters and a lady companion of the daughters who are all Salvationists. The conversation drifted from the weather to Mormonism we talked until half-past eleven, enjoyed a nice lunch and left. We were so late that we had to walk for some distance when we took a buss and rode to the Bank of England and from there walked to #36, where we put up for the night. I counted thirty public houses just from where our friends lived to London Bridge which is about 1 mile. [p. 44]

2 June 1899 • Friday

2nd Friday.— We returned to Forest Gate and resumed the work that we had previously been engaged in. I cut out the lining and basted the old goods on that had been in a skirt before and had been washed.

In the evening we went to hold a street meeting and I understood previously that we were going to Stratford. Elder [Richard H.] Hamblin, little Sidney Leonard and myself poked along to the back and paid but little attention as to where the others, who were all in head of us, were going. It was a fore gone conclusion in my mind that they were going to Stratford groves, but when we arrived there we found that there was no one belonging to us, then we went in search of them to the triangle, about a quarter of a mile away from the grove, we did not find them here so we went back to the groves thinking that probably they had taken a longer course and would be there time we returned,—but no, no one there, who were Mormons, now we moved in earnest pursuit to find them, I was not, however so anxious to find them so readily for fear they would call me to speak, but I found that this sort of interest does not pay, because after we had searched for about an hour and not finding them and not knowing [p. 45] where they had gone for rende[zvous?] [blank] we decided that we would not be ‘shirkers’ of our missionary duties so we considered the painful problem of holding a meeting by our selves, which we did even to our own amazement. Our voices blended beautifully on the first hymn—“The Gospel standard high is raised,” Brother Hamblin opened with prayer, after which he spoke and there was quite an audiance who listened for about fifteen minutes and in the next five minutes there was an audiance of two or three. Brother H— concluded his remarks and then I started in speaking to a crowdless audiance but finally this menotony was removed by a nice little crowd coming and listening for fifteen minutes while I told them who we were and gave a short account of Utah and its people. Then Elder H— arose again and gave another twenty minutes talk. We found in the crowd two of the saints who heard our voices as they passed along and stopped to listen and we were pleased with this meeting but I learned a lesson never to fear the bridge before I arrive to it, for fear of enhancing calamities. [p. 46]

3 June 1899 • Saturday

3rd Saturday.— I finished my skirt.

We made ice-cream and it made me laugh, because poor Inez [Knight] and Sidney worked so hard and when the cream was done and time we all got sat down it was still cream and very good too but not very icy—rather more soupy.

First when Sidney went for ice he thought one penny worth would be sufficient and sure it was not enough to fill a hollow tooth, then he went for four pence worth and that not being enough he went to third time and got six pence worth. After about one dozen errands things were gathered together and the services begun.

4 June 1899 • Sunday

4th. Sunday.— We enjoyed morning meetings and also evening service. Elders Stephensen and [William C.] Wright were the speakers. After this service we went out to hold a street meeting—but found every place sutible for meeting, occupied. We went to the triangle where we had been disturbed the Sunday before and found the Anti-Mormons there. They burdened the people with the most shocking intellegence being wholly made up with pre-medi[t]ated lies, which were given the listeners to [p. 47] poison their minds against us. However we had the privelege of listening to Miss Knight Elder Purdy and Brother [William] Lomax but each of these were only allowed five minutes each, because the meeting belonged to the opposing party who occupied about two hours or more. We gave out 162 tracts and I had a nice conversation with a Mr. Watson, 25 Sherley Rd Stratford, and have since mailed him two books and seven <eight> tracts.

5 June 1899 • Monday

5th. Monday.— I began sewing on the blouses Inez got for us. We went to Poplar in the evening to attend an outdoor meeting and to my surprize I was one of the speakers.

6 June 1899 • Tuesday

6th. Tuesday.— Did some little sewing.

At three o’clock in the after noon we went to Mrs. Tomlins, called for Mrs. Larkin on the way—but found her ill and anable [unable] to go. Spent a pleasant evening and on our return we heard some preaching going on and found that the Mormon Elders were out preaching to hundreds of people, we enjoyed being numbered with the audience, and not the speakers, however we advanced to the front and assisted in sing the doxology [p. 48]

7 June 1899 • Wednesday

7th. Wednesday.— Did some more sewing. Recieved letters from my Brother Henry [William Henry Chipman] and Sister Sarah [Parker Chipman]. Wrote letters to my Niece and Nephew Eliza [Chipman] & Elmer [P. Chipman]. Attended Relief Society and had a very nice time.

8 June 1899 • Thursday

8th. Thursday.— We went to Bows Park to help a Sister Bruce do some sewing. We spent a very nice day going for a walk in the afternoon with the children and making a choice collection of mild grasses, leaves and flowers.

9 June 1899 • Friday

9th. Friday.— Inez went with the City in the afternoon and I sewed all day and in the evening went to Sister Lomax and spent a few hours with her, calling at the library on the way to see if we could put a Book of Mormon in there.

10 June 1899 • Saturday

9<10>th. Saturday.— I have sewed all day finishing four Summer blouses for us.

11 June 1899 • Sunday

11th. Sunday.— We attended Gospel class and Testimony meeting in the morning. We attended the meetings at Clerkenwell Went to tea at an eating house with Sister Penfold. and daughter. I spoke in the afternoon.

After being successful at catching a flee in the Gospel I decided that the old saying was true, the Gospel does catch all kinds. That was a mixed congregation. [p. 49]

12 June 1899 • Monday

12th. Monday.— Sewed on a yellow blouse for Inez. Brother Stephensen called and took dinner with us. In the evening John [Seaich] called and accompanied us to the Brothers lodgings where we all met and went together over to Poplar, called for Brothers Hamblin and Purdy and went and held a street meeting had a moderately good audiance. Very quiet.

13 June 1899 • Tuesday

13th. Tuesday.— Finished Inez blouse. Bro. S— come over and spent a couple of hours.

We accompanied Inez to the station and bid <bade> her good-bye there as she went to meet her mother. On our return found two letters one from Ida [Chipman] with a draft for four pound, and a letter from Brother Boothe, to both of us. The most lovely time I have spent in England.

14 June 1899 • Wednesday

14th. Wednesday.— Wrote to my sisters, to Dr. C.— [Atlantic Christensen] and sent photo to my sisters.

Attended relief society in the afternoon, we enjoyed a nice buisy meeting as Sister Saunders was there.

Every day a peculiar sight to see, just as it happens. Today a man dying on the street.

15 June 1899 • Thursday

15th. Thursday.— I arose early and accompanied Bro. Squires to London by way of the early train. We arrived at #36 and found all in their snoozing mood, excepting Brother Knight.

I was anxious to see the new arrivals so I went up stairs and met Mrs. M. [Margaret Nightingale] Caine, Miss Jossie Boothe [Josephine Booth] and Mrs. [Lydia Dunford] Alder, [p. 50] the former come to attend the inter-national convention and represent silk,—the latter two come as missionaries. After breakfast we went over to 32 Myddelton Sq. and saw Inez and met her mother, we stayed there for dinner and then went back to Penton St. where I met Brothers Harding and Erickson and Dr. [James E.] Talmage. We went back to Mrs. K.— [Amanda McEwan Knight] lodgings for tea and then went back to 36 to attend the evening meeting where we heard the sweet voices of our sisters proclaiming truth in their femanine rounded accents—though the English style it flat.

We returned home after a days anxiety of meeting those from our far off home, weary and worn with the enthusiasm.

16 June 1899 • Friday

16th. Friday.— Arthur Pauley [Arthur K. Paully] come in the morning and took dinner with me. In the afternoon Bro. Squires called and we went to get the Book of Mormon from a gentleman to whom I loaned it some two months ago, but he was not at home. We walked up one side of the main street here and down the other to have a look at the boots and shoes.

I went and took tea with Sister Lomax and expected Inez her mother and Miss Jossie Booth, but we were dissapointed;—but at about half-past eleven just as I was preparing for bed they came. We enjoyed a good chat and retired.

I wrote to my Sister Vennie [Lovinia Chipman Booth] [p. 51]

17 June 1899 • Saturday

17th. Saturday.— Just nine months at one minute to six p.m. since I bid good-bye to my loved ones.

In the afternoon we formed a merry company and went to Purfleete, so-called because Queen Elizabeth, as she gazed down the river Thames just previous to the taking of the ‘Spanish Armaida’, in her Scottish accent said O, my pur fleete (poor fleet). We climbed the cliffs and enjoyed viewing the scenery from the old Elizabeth light house which is very delapidated.

The floating hospitals for people with infectious diseases,—the numerous steamers both for freight and people which were passing up and down the river, also the sailing vessels, the barges, and ships and little row boats, made the river appear very commodious, and indeed picturesque.

After taking tea in the shade of the huge elms and chestnuts we enjoyed dancing and playing many games on the green.

We returned home very tired and I am sorry to record I was ill because of the excessive running which I did, and was glad to get into bed.

18 June 1899 • Sunday

18th. Sunday.— I felt much better. Inez and Jossie went to class and this was the first morning I stayed at home and missed going to class.

After dinner we called at the Seaiches and from there [p. 52] went to the station with our guests.

We attended the evening service, Mrs. Caine stopped and gave us a very good talk. She stayed with me and I was glad as it relieved me of lonliness.

19 June 1899 • Monday

19th. Monday. Read a little, sewed a little, slept a little, ate a little, washed a little, and was a little lonesome.

20 June 1899 • Tuesday

20th. Tuesday.— Went tracting gave out 38 fourth tracts, recieved 3 conversations and 4 gossips.

Returned home tired. Brother Squires come and took tea with me and we went to an out door meeting on Choborn Rd off Laytonston. I felt very fatigued and could hardly stand during the meeting.

21 June 1899 • Wednesday

21st. Wednesday.— Gave out 102 tracts recieved four conversations.

Attended Relief Society and went to Mrs. Turners for tea. Inez and her mother come down for meeting and stayed all night with me.

22 June 1899 • Thursday

22nd. Thursday.— Made two hdkfs., went to the station with the Knights. Brothers Berry and [Job] Hemsley called to see about the Book of Mormon which has been accepted in the Stratford Library.

23 June 1899 • Friday

23rd Friday.— Day spent in sewing and studying.

24 June 1899 • Saturday

24th. Saturday.— At one o’clock Inez, her mother, Mrs. Caine and Jossie Booth come down to go to Green[p. 53]wich. In order to get there we had to go through the ‘Black-wall-tunnel’ and indeed this was an opparnity [opportunity] that should not be missed. It was begun in 1891 and finished in 1897. The walls is rounding over an arched tunnel which is wide enough to allow busses, and wagons, etc. to pass and also two folk <foot> pavements. The wall is lined with the white tileing and the way is lighted with electricity.

We visited the ‘Observatory’ and started our watches by the standard time piece of the world.

25 June 1899 • Sunday

25th. Sunday.— Attended the morning classes. Took dinner with Sister [Martha Shave] Seaich. Attended evening meeting and was interrested to hear Brother Berry and Brother Hamblin speak.

26 June 1899 • Monday

26th. Monday.— Did some little sewing. Elder Berry called and we went and took tea with Mrs. Seaich.

27 June 1899 • Tuesday

27th. Tuesday.— Sewed a little. In the afternoon we went to take tea with a Mr. Williams and his daughter we enjoyed looking at the flowers walking on the grass plot. Mr. Williams gave me a beautiful bouquet made up of eight different kinds of flowers. We also met the other daughter. They gave us a pressing invetation to come again.

28 June 1899 • Wednesday

28th. Wednesday.— Attended Relief Society in the [p. 54] afternoon. Took tea with Mrs. Seager.

29 June 1899 • Thursday

29th. Thursday.— Went up to London and spent the morning with Inez. In the afternoon we went to the Zoological Gardens. We (Mrs. K— and Miss K— Mrs. Alder and myself) enjoyed it very much. Come back and enjoyed hearing Dr. Talmage, Bros. Nesbiett [Henry W. Naisbitt] and Mc Murrian [James L. McMurrin], who took up the time of Thursday night meeting.

30 June 1899 • Friday

30th. Friday.— we went through St Paul’s <Cathedral> in the morning and attended the Womans Convention in the afternoon and also visited the Royal Equarium. Took a walk through St. James Park and home. I stayed at 32 Myddleton Sq. Clerkenwell that night. [1/2 page blank] [p. 55]

Pedestrians in a city park.

St. James’s Park in central London, circa 1896. (Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-stereo-1s22695.)

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June 1899, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/early-sister-missionaries/eliza-chipman/1899/1899-06