November 1900

1 November 1900 • Thursday

Thurs. 1. Stayed home most of the day. Bro [John B.] Young came up in the morning and brought me a letter from Papa. I was very glad to get it as I had waited for it anxiously for a long time. Went to “53” and out on Great Western Road in the after noon. I was invited to Recite at a party at St Georges in the Field Church but could not go on account of my cold.1 Stayed at “53” all night and Sister [Mary Sanders] Frame doctored me.

2 November 1900 • Friday

Fri. 2. Spent the forenoon at “53,” came home and packed up my things, started to Newcastle [England] at 2 o’clock Bro [David C.] Eccles, Sister [Emily] Penfold, Frame and myself. Arrived at Carlisle [England] at 4 oclock and were met by Bro. Tenney and Miss Jones at the station, so decided to stay off at Carlisle till Sunday morning. Went up to sister Taylors and spent the afternoon and evening in talking singing, hymns, reading and playing games. When we went to our room we laughed and cut up for almost half an hour then went to sleep.

3 November 1900 • Saturday

Saturday 4 <3>. Arose at about 9 oclock and after breakfast went down into the town, through the market and into the court for a few minutes, There was an Assault and Battery case on. The lawyers were all dressed in [p. 21] long black robes and had on powdered wigs with three little pig tails hanging down their back. It looked like a pantomime. We only stayed a very few minutes then went home to dinner. In the afternoon went to call on Bro Tenney’s friends Mr and Mrs. Buleah and after a nice visit and a gospel conversation went to Sister Lightfoots to sleep.

4 November 1900 • Sunday

Sunday 4th.. Got up at 5.30 and got the train at 6 <7> o’clock for New Castle. The weather is very stormy. We have a pleasant ride as every body is very good natured. Arrived at Newcastle at about 10 o’clock and took a cab for the meeting hall I fasted until after the night meeting. Spoke in the evening. The Lord helped me and I feel to thank him for it. Went home in a cab after the meeting.

5 November 1900 • Monday

Monday 5th. Attended Priesthood meeting which lasted from 10.30 to 4.30. We intended coming home but Bro [James L.] Mc.Murrin urged us to stay so we decided to do so. Attended another priest hood meeting again in the evening.

6 November 1900 • Tuesday

Tues 6th. This morning went for a walk through the Jesmond Dean and found to my surprise and pleasure that it was a perfect Fairy land. Nature has indeed been showing her work of art. On [p. 22] either side were hills covered with trees and flowers and through the Dean a stream rushes along over the rocks. It almost reminded me of home There were beautiful arched bridges over the stream and there was an old mill covered with ivy and one of the windows looked like Romeo and Juliets, there was also an old wheel. Bro McMurrin and I stood by it and had a little talk. The day was dark and dreary and every thing looked as though “Sweet summers gone away” When we were almost through the Dean it began to rain so we had to go home. We spent a pleasant evening in songs, reciting, telling stories etc.

7 November 1900 • Wednesday

Wed. 7th. Walked down in to the city of New castle visited the old cathedral then went to the steps that Dick Turpin rode down on Black Bess.2 There were 150 steps. On either side of them are very old buildings that look extremely old fashioned and dirty. The tiny windows look like little eyes. Then we went to the Tyne River and walked over the bridge. There were many little boats sailing up and down. The river is larger than the Clyde and is just as dirty. We walked down Granger St the principal street in New Castle. It is quite a dirty city and has a similar [p. 23] appearance to most of the large cities. There are over 300,000 people in New Castle. We visited the “old” castle from which the place derived its name. There was not much to see but old bare rock walls, old implements of war and yards of history attached to it all, and I can’t remember any of it From there we went to the train. Most of the Elders were at the station to bid us good bye. They paid our fare home as we came down on a week end ticket and by staying over lost our tickets. They were not good after Monday. We had rather a pleasant ride came on the North British around by Edinburgh arrived home at about 6 oclock, and were very glad to see them all again. Im always glad to get back to our own boys again.

8 November 1900 • Thursday

Thursday Nov 8th. Went to “53” and helped with the work. In the evening went with Bro. Eccles to Miss Minics. Didn’t get home till very late. We missed the car and had to walk up.

9 November 1900 • Friday

Friday 9. Washed my hair in the morning. In the after noon called on Miss Ross, Mrs Ferguson, Mrs. Lumsden, Mrs Barris and Jessie Crawford. At each place received very good treatment. In the evening went [p. 24] to singing practice.

10 November 1900 • Saturday

Saturday. Went to “53” and helped with the work till about four oclock. Then went home and read and studied till 9 o’clock. Then went to bed.

11 November 1900 • Sunday

Sunday Nov. 11. Went to meeting at No 4 Carlton Place in the morning, and was called on to speak to my great surprise. I didn’t do particularly well. Bro Eccles had just given his fare well talk and I felt more like crying than speaking. In the afternoon our hall was cold and dark but the meeting was good I was called on to speak again in the evening. I was sitting as unconserned as possible when I was asked to come to the stand. I was glad though because I got a testimony from it that the Lord accepted my work.

12 November 1900 • Monday

Monday Nov. 12. Attended Priest hood meeting in the morning. We had a good spirit with us only one of the members of the branch suggested that the elders were “dangling” around after the sisters After meeting Bro McMurrin got an explanation of what was meant and when the matter was sifted to the bottom we found that the neighbors had seen the “ladies and gentlemen walk out of [p. 25] the close together” We were all astounded at the awful accusation.3 In the evening we went to a concert at No. 4 Carlton Place. I had to recite so I said the “Stow Away”.

13 November 1900 • Tuesday

Tues. 13. Stayed at “53” most of the day helping with the work. In the evening went with Bro Eccles to Miss Stewarts We passed a pleasant evening considering that it was Bro E’s last night. The Stewarts invited us <me> back again. Got home at about 11 oclock.

14 November 1900 • Wednesday

Wed. 14. Went down to Sister Hamiltons [Janet Leggat Hamilton’s] as she was ill and stayed till about one oclock came back to “53” and went with Bro Eccles and Young to Cambuslang to see Sister Robinson (Bro. E didn’t go because his ticket didn’t come) came back and went again to Sister Hamiltons and stayed there till about 10 o’clock. Kenneth McLean came with me to the Subway. I came to “53.” All the elders were there and they were having a program. We went home at about 11:30

15 November 1900 • Thursday

Thurs 15. Got up early and after breakfast came to “53” to tell Bro Eccles good bye. We went to the station to see him off. One more gone! alas! Then we went to “53” Norfoke street to see Sister [Isabella] Hamilton (Bella I mean) and find out how the other Sister [p. 26] [Janet Leggat] Hamilton was. Came back to “53” and stayed till about four oclock, then went home and wrote a few letters. Came back to “53” to testimony meeting. And at 10:30 left Glasgow for Belfast in company with Bros [Henry B.] Thompson, McMurrin, [Frederick A.] Mitchell, Parish [Hyrum B. Parrish], Young[,] Williams[,] Sister’s Parish [Emily Porter Parrish] and Penfold. The channel was quite smooth. We went right to bed and I slept till about 7:30 oclock.

16 November 1900 • Friday

Fri. 16th. Came up to No 5 My Lady’s Road and after breakfast spent some time in writing up my journal Most of the folks have gone to the Rope Works. In the afternoon we went out to Cave hill. The day was very cold and dark so we didn’t climb to the top but went far enough so we could see the city with its million lights. It was quite dark because of the heavy clouds. One part of the hill is in the shape of a face, they call it Napoleon’s face. There are only 6 Irish Elders here now. Bro’s [William B.] Baker and [G.] Green were the only ones left out of the Brigade who were here before. The brothers are still wearing the apron.

17 November 1900 • Saturday

Saturday 17. Came to No “5” to breakfast after which we went to some linen mills, but didn’t see any thing different from what I had seen before. [p. 27] After dinner Bro’s McMurrin, Williams and my self went out to Whitewell to see a place where Bro Mc.M used to visit 16 years ago. We had a pleasant trip passed some of the most aristocratic places in Belfast some of the houses were beautiful. White well is a small place about 5 miles from Belfast. We walked a good deal of the way. Came home on the tram.

18 November 1900 • Sunday

Sunday 18. This is a pleasant day—for a wonder as we usually expect a good rousing storm for conference. There were many strangers present and they listened attentively. Dinner and supper were served at the hall. Bro’s [Frederick A.] Mitchell McM4 and I spoke in the after noon.

19 November 1900 • Monday

Mon. 19. We had priest hood meeting in the morning. It was comparatively short. In the after noon we went to go through the ship yards. On our arrival we found that the girls were not admitted on any consideration, there were four of us “unfortunates” and we had to stay in a side room while our masculine friends went to see the sights. They weren’t gone long but during their absence we discussed the advantages and disadvantages of being a girl. Sister’s Penfold and Parish thought that the latter were more numerous. I the took the [p. 28] side of woman and declared I had never wished to be a man and never would. We came home and in the evening went up to the baths to see some people baptised. There were seven of them. Came back and hurried off to bed.

20–22 November 1900 • Tuesday–Thursday

Tues. 20. This morning the girls got up and left me sleeping. At 9 o’clock Sister Spidel came to tell me good bye and then I hurried and arrived at No “5” about 9:30 all dressed with the exception of my shoes being unbottoned. We had our usual amount of porridge after which we started for the second time to Cave hill. At Ann Street to mounted a jaunting car and were soon speeding away towards our destination. Bros McMurrin and Young sang songs as we went along. The day was perfect. We had a hard climb getting to the top of the hill. I almost gave out but hated to acknowledge it. When I reached the top I sat down on a big rock and breathed once more. The scene below was perfectly lovely. There were green fields surrounded by hedge fences. In front of us was the Belfast Loch with many little fishing vessels on it. The Belfast Castle was in plain sight. The hill was covered with trees and shrubs. Bro Mc [p. 29] was very enthusiastic and praised Ireland in such glowing terms that we were silent because we couldn’t say any thing more glowing than he had said. We had our pictures taken while on the summit. Then we started down and didn’t stop till we reached the bottom some of us fell a good deal of the way The effects of the “falls” still remain although the fall is over. The sun actually shone so bright that I felt as though I was once more in a country where the sun beams weren’t “strained”. We sang songs as we walked along the road. When we got home our “hearts” were full but our “stomachs” were empty, this latter calamity was soon ended after we ate our dinner. We thus felt equal to the occasion of Jogging on to the York St. Linen mills the, the biggest ones in the world, There are 6000 employees. We saw them “combing” the flax, then to the spinning, and then to the weaving department. The guide hurried us along so quickly that the few glances we did get were cut short in righteousness. They’re awfully afraid we’ll learn something in this country. We came home and in the evening had a sort of a concert. Its surprising the talent we haven’t got. But we got along fine considering [p. 30] I straggled [struggled] hopelessly through the “Beans” recitation Of course Bro Young sang as lovely as ever. At 11 we went to bed. I didn’t sleep very good because I was feeling worried about getting up at 6 o’clock. I managed to do it and at 7:30 in the morning of Nov. 21st. We went down to the docks to see a boat launched. It is raining a little. We only had to wait a few minutes. The ship was built on something that looked like rails and when the word was given she ran down in to the water just as easily as a train runs along after she had got into the water it looked as though there had been a wreck as there were bushels of boards, logs, etc all floating around. The morning was so misty that before the ship had sailed 100 yards it was lost to view. On our return we passed about 5 or 6 thousand men that were employed in the ship yards all coming from their breakfast. All kinds and varieties of men. We went home at about 9 o’clock and after breakfast I wrote a little, talked a little, packed up my things, After supper Bro Mc. Murrin and I went for a walk along Shankhill road to the house where he lived about 16 years ago. Bro Dixon accompanied us as far as High St. We passed the Albert Memorial and the [p. 31] Custom House and went onto the Royal Avenue. Belfast is a very pretty city. Much prettier than New castle The air seems more bracing than in Glasgow.

A busy city street.

High Street in Belfast, Ireland, between 1890 and 1902. (Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-stereo-1s27286.)

At 9:30 we left the docks on the “Magpie” for Glasgow. We went right to our room and after the regular role of getting ready for bed piled into our cradles and were soon fast asleep. We slept peacefully till about 1:30 when the stewartess wakened us to get ready to land.5 I wasn’t feeling quite so gay as I was the night previous. It was so foggy that we could not sail into the Harbor and were delayed 3/4 of an hour, We finally took the train about 4 arriving home at 5. We found a good fire awaiting us, made by Sister Frame I went right to bed and had a good rest then got up about 9 and came home. Took a bath and washed my hair. Was just finishing dressing when Bro Thompson came over for us <me> to go down to Sister Hamiltons. She was very ill and had been asking for me. We returned from there just in time for testimony meeting.

23 November 1900 • Friday

Fri. We all fasted to day for Sister Hamilton. At three o’clock the Brothers went down to administer to her and I got dinner for them when they came back. Sister Frame was sick in bed. After dinner [p. 32] we went to the theatre to see “Olivia” by Henry Irving and Ellen Terry. It was acted so real that I forgot it was a play. They are surely wonderful actors. The plot of the play was about a ministir’s family and the first scene opens with their celebrating their 25 wedding day “Olivia” is the eldest child and is Idolized by her father. The mother is cold and haughty. During the day the Vicar of Wakefield finds out that he has lost all of his money and they are about to sell all their property when some one sends them a deed to the place and a lot of money. There is a very rich man who lives not far from here who is desperately in love with Olivia and persuades her to run away and get married He is a villan and takes her some place where he thinks the marriage wont be valid. Her father feels dreadful and for three months searches for her night and day and at last he finds her just before Christmas and just the day that she has found out that she wasnt married legally to this man. She feels dreadful, but her father loves her so much that he takes her back again. It was beautiful to see how the father and daughter loved each other. They go home on Xmas night, just get there as the bells begin to ring. It was a beautiful home [p. 33] scene. She can never forgive the man who wronged her even though it was proven that the marriage was genuine. I was glad she didn’t forgive him. Bro’s Young, [W. Moultrie] Worthington Sister Penfold and I went. We got home at just about 11 o’clock.

24 November 1900 • Saturday

Saturday. Went to “53” in the morning and worked all day as hard as we could and in the evening had the satisfaction of seeing the whole house clean and every thing ready for Sunday. Sister Frame was still feeling pretty sick and she had an awful ear ache. We stayed till 10 o’clock doctoring her, then came home. I don’t feel like we had a home any more, as we are running from one place to another so much. We can scarcely do anything because we try to do everything.

25 November 1900 • Sunday

Sunday. Very dark and stormy. We are all fasting again for Sister Hamilton. Bro Thompson tells us to stay home in the morning with Sister Frame. I help her to get up and dress, comb her hair, etc. Then after making the beds lie down till meeting is out. Go to meeting in the evening. Come home not feeling very well and go to bed. Today is the hardest time I have ever had to fast. Can not sleep very well. Get up at 4 o’clock and get me some thing to [p. 34] eat.

26 November 1900 • Monday

Monday. Stay down to “53” all day. We are not so busy as we were Saturday. In the evening go to the theatre to see “Man and his Makers” by Wilson Barrett. It is a play of modern life and will very likely have a good moral effect on people. It should make them better. The more I saw of Mr Barrett the more I liked him. The scene in court was splendid he made a wonderful speech. He reminds me a little of Nat Goodwin.

27 November 1900 • Tuesday

Tues. 26th.. Went to “53” and worked a little in the morning. In the afternoon went tracting, gave out 67 tracts and had two conversations and was invited into two houses. In the evening gave the boys a “talk” Said I was afraid we were too light minded and gay for missionaries. I didn’t want us by any act of ours to retard the work and especially didn’t want to do anything that might keep the boys from doing the work they would other wise have done. We are so apt to be too lively. I felt that we ought to settle down more. The boys didn’t like it “overly” well and yet I feel that we must be more serious. Not that we have done anything wrong—but—well we must work more, think more, and pray more. Much depends [p. 35] on our doing all we should and I pray God to help us that we may not fail, better we should die than that we should make a failure of the Lords work. We came home at 8 o’clock and went to bed at 10. I read 2 chapters in the bible and studied over some passages.

28–29 November 1900 • Wednesday–Thursday

Wed. 28th. Stayed home in the forenoon and wrote a letter helped with the dinner etc. In the afternoon went tracting gave out 70 tracts and had one gospel conversation. Was invited into one house. Miss Scott called for a few minutes When I got home from tracting wrote a letter to Sister C [Eliza Chipman]. Was just getting ready to go to the Band of Hope to see Miss Shirett about speaking to the Boys Brigade6 on Sunday Dec 2nd. (As Bro. [Platte D.] Lyman had said I should not speak unless they knew I was a mormon) when Bro’s [James K.] Miller and Buchanan [Alexander Buchanan Jr.] called. This was the first time I had seen them since “my curtain lecture”.7 They came in and took off their coats, then sat down, and each taking a bible from their pocket began to read; and to save the life of us we couldn’t get a word out of them. They also brought a book called “How to Behave” and there they sat as solemn as two owls. It was so funny that I fairly roar[e]d but it didn’t thaw them out any. Sister Penfold [p. 36] stayed home with them and I went while I was gone. I didn’t stay long. When I came back found that they had read my journal, where I said “I cried cause nobody loved me” and they said if I would tell them the next time I felt that way they would try and show me.8 At 10 o’clock they went. I couldn’t get over my laughing streak it was all so funny, I didn’t sleep well as my dreams were often disturbed by “curtain lectures” “solemn boys” fighting for letters journals etc. so was glad when Thurs morning Nov. 29 dawned “dark and stormy” After prayers and breakfast I folded tracts, finished Sister C’s letter and read a little Went to “53” after dinner. There was a letter to me from Aunt Zina [Young Card]. I was very glad to get it. Went tracting gave out 70 tracts and had four conversations. Went to call on Mrs Callum but she was out. The wind was blowing so hard and it was so stormy I came home on the car. As Sister Penfold wasn’t in I wrote to Aunt Zina, after tea I got ready for meeting and then read David Copperfield till time. Went to testimony at 8 o’clock. Had a good meeting. Came home right after it was [p. 37] out and went to bed. I received a picture of Bros Lyman McMurrin and [Henry W.] Naisbitt today. Also heard that Bro McMurrin was coming up for Xmas. It doesn’t seem possible that the holidays are almost here again. How quick the time flies. I would like to call it back some times and live it over better.9

30 November 1900 • Friday

Nov. 30th. Stayed home in the morning. Went tracting in the afternoon and gave out 50 tracts and had three conversations. Came home and got my letters. Went to the Post Office. After supper I read and studied went in the kitchen and had a talk with Miss Poole.

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November 1900, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Another invitation from the Band of Hope. (See note, in Booth, Journal, 20 Dec. 1899.)

  2. [2]Dick Turpin was a highway robber who famously rode from London to York on his horse, Black Bess. His exploits were often romanticized during the nineteenth century. (Britannica, s.v. “Dick Turpin,” updated 30 May 2023,; William Harrison Ainsworth, Rookwood: A Romance [London: George Routledge and Sons, 1878].)

  3. [3]“The close” refers to an enclosed entry providing access to the stairs or apartment doors in a tenement or to a road closed at one end. On more than one occasion, church members leveled accusations that young male and female missionaries were too familiar with each other. (Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. “close, noun 1,” modified Sept. 2023,; Chipman, Journal, 8 Jan. 1899.)

  4. [4]text: Double underlined in original.

  5. [5]text: Double underlined in original.

  6. [6]The Boys’ Brigade was an organization similar to the later Boy Scouts movement. It sought to make better Christians and better citizens of British youth. (Michael A. W. Strachan, The Boys’ Brigade: An Illustrated History [Stroud, England: Amberley Publishing, 2018].)

  7. [7]An idiom referring to a wife lecturing her husband in private. (Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. “curtain-lecture,” modified July 2023,

  8. [8]Booth, Journal, 29 Oct. 1900.

  9. [9]text: Triple underlined in original.