December 1899

1 December 1899 • Friday

1st. Friday.— Practiced the organ. Iorned [ironed] hdkfs.

Went visiting. Loaned six phamplets. Had three conversations.

Attended choir practice in the evening

2 December 1899 • Saturday

2nd. Saturday.— We went to the baths in the morning.

Went to 53 for awhile in the afternoon.

The Miss Bells come to see us in the evening according to appointment. Pres. Mc Murrian [James L. McMurrin] and Mrs. [Mary Sanders] Frame come over and we spent a pleasant evening.

3 December 1899 • Sunday

3rd. Sunday.— We have now bolted up against the high wall which we discovered in the distance some time ago. For awhile it seemed to be an unsurmountable difficulty. But by degrees the rocks rolled away and a passage made through a result of faith and prayer. The playing of the organ worried me considerable. I gave the wrong key and the consequence was that I could not play the hymn,—this was the first blunder,—the other two went alright.

After the business was attended to the meeting [p. 31] was turned into a testimony meeting it being fast day. Pres. [Platte D.] Lyman, Josephine [Booth] and Mrs. Frame occupied the time of the afternoon meeting.

We went to Mrs. [Rosina Hamilton] Gows to dinner and it being so far away, to Govan, we only had time to eat and go straight back and then was late for evening meeting,—the second hymn was being sung. Pres. McMurrian <Lyman> and I occupied the time.

This was a task performed and I was glad of it.

4 December 1899 • Monday

4th. Monday.— We attended priest-hood meeting where every missionary gave in their report and where much good timely advice was given by the Presidency. The Miss Watsons [Agnes and Leah Watson] come over with Elders [John S.] Smith and Nesbitt [William P. Nisbet] who returned after a two hours chat leaving the young ladies. After we all went to 53 and enjoyed an imprompto program after which we went to the station to see the girls off for Edinburgh.

5 December 1899 • Tuesday

5th. Tuesday.— Wrote to Brothers [Moroni S.] Leaver and Booth to Sister Cook and Miss Scott.

Brother [John B.] Young called in the afternoon. [p. [32]]

6 December 1899 • Wednesday

6th. Wednesday.— A rainy day. Mo<a>ped about all day.

7 December 1899 • Thursday

7th. Thursday.— Another dull day. Called on Miss Scott who asked us to lecture to the ‘band of hope’ at some time.1 We accepted and hope we will.

Attended testimony-meeting in the evening.

8th. We went to Stob-cross at half-past two and bid <bade> good-bye to nineteen returning Elders.

8 December 1899 • Friday

8th. Friday.— We made ready to start for Ireland where we were to attend conference—this idea presented another black wall. Passes had been given us by the Anchor steamer line from Glasgow to Belfast first-class.

We went to 53 at eight in the evening—after a little chat and prayers we bade-so long to Scotlands warriors and left St Enochs at 10:15. After an hours interresting talk parts of which were extremely sad,—we had reached Ardrossan where we went on board the steamer.

The night was calm and peaceful. We went to ours births and retired at twelve. At half past five the boat run into the harbor and at eight we were all out on deck shaking the missionary grip with Pres. Allen [Thomas L. Allen Jr.] who come to meet us. [p. 33] 6 We were pleased to meet the nine Elders of the Irish conference viz.—F. Merrill, N. Nelson, A. Furgeson, G. Green, J. Smith, H. Hilton, [William B.] Baker, [blank] Grey and Pres. Allen.

We found the conference house, 5 My Ladys Rd., to be very tidy and clean and were surprized to learn that they (the Elders) kept their own house. It was amusing to see Brother Merrill stirring the oat-porridge which was to be for breakfast. At half-past nine everybody was up and ready for breakfast.

We made the beds and swept three room and were going to do more but they would not allow us so after dinner we called on Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis and went to see the City of Belfast by lamp light. Walked up High St., Royal Avenue, and York St. and come home by the Albert Bridge onto the Raven Hill Rd.,—on our way viewing the Custom House steps where the Elders used to hold open air meetings but now they cannot because the people are so boisterous and the police will not give protection. [p. [34]]

After a good bread and milk supper and a pleasant chat and prayers Pres. Allen took us to the Misses Stewarts where we were to sleep and take breakfast during our stop in Ireland. They are tipical Irish girls from the country; their parents being both dead they come into the City and took up dress-making as a means of livelihood. They are beautiful girls—not very tall but medium height. The oldest and youngest are dark having black hair brown eyes and rosy cheeks,—the other one has auburn hair brown eyes and rosy cheeks. Josephine went straightway to bed, while I remained up and read Rev. Lowe on baptism and had a short conversation with Miss Stewart.

10 December 1899 • Sunday

10th. Sunday.— This was a very rainy day. I had broken my umbrella the previous Sunday and Josie left hers at #5,—so we discussed the question as to wether we dare borrow an umbrella and which should exibit the tact of asking—both feeling shy about it we decided to go in the rain—but when Miss Stewart saw that we had none she loaned us hers. This was conference. [p. 35] We attended the three meetings. Josephine and Pres. Lyman spoke in the afternoon and myself, Elder [Joseph C.] McFarlane and Pres. McMurrian spoke in the evening. This was a removel of the high-wall which confronted me, and behold I see another. Missionary life is like a trip through the Rockies—when the first visible peak is surmounted the expectations are too great for that is just where the hills, rocks, and peaks begin. In the evening two-thirds of the congregation were strangers. It was indeed a very successful conference.

11 December 1899 • Monday

11th. Monday.— We went and sat for a group photo.

Today was a change of cooks—no more would we have the pleasure of seeing Elder Merrill in his brown gingham shirt without collar or tie, sleeves rolled above the elbow and a large white apron tied with tape strings around the neck and waist like that of a meatmarket clerk—but another appeared on the scene—Elder Green whose appearance resembled the former cook but he made the costume more complete by [p. [36]] wearing a Scotch bonnet (cap) and always carried a dishwipper. The soup was fine.

We attended priesthood meeting after which I went to the baths through a pouring of rain to witness the baptism of Miss Simpson of Londonderry.

12 December 1899 • Tuesday

12th. Tuesday.— In the afternoon we went out to Brother and Sister Hoffman and partook of the luxerious repast that was layed by the free-hearted saints for our enjoyment. We enjoyed an evenings chat made especially buisy with the sweets and apples and a wee glass of milk. It was a beautiful day though somewhat cold. We returned home at about nine after one of the missionary pleasures being enjoyed in Belfast.

13 December 1899 • Wednesday

13th. Wednesday.— B2c1us2-1ld17-Mc-F17l192-w1lk3d-w3th-m2-1-95mb27-4f-t3m2s-J5s32-th45ght-3-w1s-st5ck-49-h3m. b5t-sh2-3s-4ff-h27-b1s2.2

In the forenoon Pres. Allen, Elder McFarlane, Elder Furgeson, Elder Baker, Josephine, Miss Stewart, Mrs. Jarvas and myself visited the rope-works the largest or one of the largest in the world. The hemp is brought in from Manilla, Russia, [p. 37] and a few other places. There is three thousand workers employed the majority of which number is girls and women, who work very hard for very little pay,—but they have to do something in order to live and the great menopolists take advantage of this fact and pay them very low wages.

The most of the work is very dusty and dirty and seems to be very hard work indeed. The hemp goes through about the same rotean [routine?] of processes as does the cotton in J. and P. Coates.

In the evening we went to the docks to see the Liverpool brethern off on the boat afterwhich we attended a testimony meeting.

14 December 1899 • Thursday

14th. Thursday.— Went over to 5 where we spent the morning and enjoyed dinner. In the afternoon we went and called on the Jarvises. In the evening we attended a cottage meeting where I spoke.

When we returned to our lodgings a neighbor, Mrs. Stewart, who had heard dreadful things about the Mormons and who had always thought the Utah women were slaves and could not get out of that state, she wished to see us to know what we were like, so she waited our return—we had a [p. [38]] nice talk with her. She told the Miss Stewart that she would never believe anything bad about the Mormons again and the next <Friday> <Saturday> morning she called us into her home to bid us good-bye giving us each a handkerchief.

15 December 1899 • Friday

15th. Friday.— We rose early and notwithstanding the cold and frost we went away to the station at nine arriving there quarter to ten when we took a train to Doagh, where we were to meet the well known Brother Stewart who was a tipical Irish farmer who lives at Half-town a four miles drive from Doagh,—but he was not there so we took a jaunting-car and met him coming to meet us. We went with him on a jaunting-car around the country to enjoy the beauty thereof—the Irish are proud of their emerald possession and they really have need to be for it is delightful. Our first stop was made at the paper-works which was situated about three quarters of a mile out of Ballyclare. We went through these works and found them to be very interresting. The wood from which the paper is made is brought mostly from Norway and Sweeden;—it is ground into a pulp press[p. 39]ed with large blocks 18 × 22 × 4, it is then fed into a cutting machine and comes out chopped all up into bits,—it is then carted into another department where it is put into immense vats containing a solution of chemicles that bleaches or blues the material,—it is then run through a sort of stiffning process and from there it is placed in water and run over a wire screene where the paper material remains and the water runs off,—from the screen it rolls onto a blanked which winds around <two rollers then the paper is stiff enough to go alone onto> ten huge rollers and then it comes out brown, blue, pink, yellow, or white paper—wrapping-paper, sack-paper, and news paper.

We walked from here into the town where we went through the bleeching-green, where the linen is bleached, iorned and packed ready for shipping.

We again aboarded the gounting-car [jaunting car] and away again this time for Half-town. My curiosity was the only means whereby I obtained warmth to go, for it was ‘that’ cold; but I must see an Irish farm house! The scenery was splendid—the little thatched roofs <houses> [p. [40]] affording a shelter for cows, horses, chickens, pigs, and people—however they seemed not to mingle in apartments to any extent. The family have their end of the home the animals the other, but the farmer is made occasionally cheerful by a visit from pigs or chickens. The dogs and cats are always counted members of the family,—and indeed they occupy a prominent part. To see green hills and vales,—interwoven with hedges and occasional lanes and narrow roads,—dotted with farm-houses always whitewashed having for the garden ornaments huge gate posts which in complection [complexion] corresponds with the house, with about ten hay and grain stacks all tied with rope secure from rain,—is one of the charming sights of Paddys land.

We arrived at the Stewart farm-house alright but somewhat cold. A word from our kind friend and brother made known to us which door to go in at otherwise we might have given the cows or higs [pigs] a call. The wife greeted us by “I awful glad to see you,” the mother made a warm welcome, in expressing herself she said “I am terribly pleased [p. 41] to meet you, indeed I am.” We were ushered into the best room where we removed our wraps and hats. This was a good sized room containing an old fashioned lounge, a chest of drawers with a mirror frame—very large—no mirror—placed on the top, an old fashioned bureau, a table—large enough to seat eight comfortably, that is it showed signs of having this perfection at some past age,—but now was suported by a dry-goods box, four chairs, and a fancy mirror on the mantlepiece. The fire was not capable of warming my boots through so I thought I would just go into the kitchen fire which was an old fashioned one—that is the fire place was. The fire was build on the floor with a fender in front,—a shelf was nailed about six feet above the hearth under which a large iorn rod swung on supporting three long chains at the fire end of which large hooks were attached and this in turn was support for three kettles,—at this time however one was all that was swinging above the bright flames of the ‘auld kitchen fire-place’. A glance around the [p. [42]] room was sufficient warming—I was hungry, and even if that had not been the case, I would offend the people if I did not eat well, and so for stomachs sake I returned again into the parlor3 and joined Josie, Brothers Allen and Greene.

We enjoyed the dinner off a little kitchen table and for our good fortune the room was somewhat dark.

This kitchen, to me looked to be one of the coldest places on earth. It is very large having two windows, very, very small,—and two doors, one out side one and one leading to the other apartments, also a staircase leading to a loft where harnesses, tools, etc are kept, and there is nothing to cover the open place at the loft entrance and this together with a stone floor,—as uneven as the peaks of the Rockies,—makes it very cold. The furniture consists of two chairs, one bench, one table, shelves for dishes (dresser), and a sink for dishwashing besides a bed. The jolliest time for the two kittens and the mother cat is just after dinner,—when the stomach is not hungry the mind is not worried,—and [p. 43] so as we sit and chat the cats steel quietly over table and dresser and never wait to <for> cerimony but just licks what butter they want off the two pound prints that are there then steps on top of the bread to get at the jug of milk,—at this cat performance the dog grows very jealous and being very anxious to enjoy a share uncautiously walks to the table and unhesitatingly makes a snarl at the kittens which scamper upsetting many things,—this racket call the attention of the grand-mother who scolds the animals for their boldness.

We returned to Doagh where we waited three quarter of an hour for the delayed train <6:45>, arriving at our lodgings in Belfast shortly after nine.

Josephine made some toffy and I assisted Miss Stewart with her sewing. So the evening went very pleasantly. We retired at twelve.

16 December 1899 • Saturday

16th. Saturday.— After bidding the Stewart grrls good bye their neighbor Mrs Stewart called us in to say good-bye she gave us each a handkerchief and bade us a hearty God[p. [44]]speed. A[s] we were coming from her gate Miss Stewart come to say that she had neglected getting us a momento and so gave us two shillings to get something with, whatever we chose, and asked us for our pictures and again said good-bye.

We spent the time from eleven until two at no 5. At two we went to the boat and a half hour later we bade good bye to the Elders and Belfast.

We recieved the most careful attention from the Pres. Allen and every courtesy from all the Elders.

This is a happy time never to be forgotten.

The water seemed quite smooth until we got out into the open. We spent the first hour in watch the birds and waves, looking at the picturesque mainland,—the life buoys, the numerous sailing-vessels and fishing-smacks, the rolling waves with foamy crests, the sea-gulls, and the charming mainland <now and again rugged.> made an enchanting landscape.

Because of the intense cold we went below where we had chartered beds in case of sickness,—and it was in case! [p. 45] While decending the steps I heard a voice say “You will be sick if you go below,”—I turned and found that thes[e] words came from the lips of a stout, dark, man,— I replied “It is no worse to be sick below than above,”—and then went on following Josie to the ladies-room,—we just got there in time for I had begun to play the part of the whale,—after a little exertion I layed down and slept most of the way. We arrived at Ardrosan at half-past eight—found the Glasgow train waiting—we went and found a vacant apartment and was just comfortably seated when a stout, dark, man come and entered the same apartment,—we took no notice of that but when the tall, handsome, villianous, man,—who had watched and followed us on deck the boat,—come and ordered his valises and rugs put in our apartment, we grew nervious and especially Josie who went out to find an apartment ‘with a woman in’,—at this the dark man smiled and said “there is no use in you going this is not a smoker” I replied “we have other reasons.” These two men were in cahoots and it [p. [46]] was lucky that we moved. After we were comfortably seated the tall man come and stood immediately infront of our window, and stood until the train begun to roll off,—staring right into my face. Josephine was insp[i]red to move—we moved and it was lucky.

In the apartment where we were was a Mrs. Mc Duff and her two sons of Massachusetts and a gentleman of Edinburgh. They seemed somewhat alarmed at learning that we were from Utah and were Mormons but they gradually overlooked the apparent calamity and talked very freely about country, politics, religion.

We went straight to #53 to get our mail but alas there was none.

Been out of money for two weeks and none yet.

17 December 1899 • Sunday

17th. Sunday.— Just fifteen months today since I bade my home and country good-bye.

A cold stormy morning. Attended Sabbath-school afternoon and evening meetings.

18 December 1899 • Monday

18th. Monday.— Again I was dissapointed that there was no mail for me. [p. 47]

Read and sewed all day.

Effie [Lindsay] come in the evening and brought her sister Madge and friend Maggie Freeman. Regular little start-ups but anxious to find the proper interpretation of eternal salvation, but in rather a sarcastic, ‘smarty-Alex’ manner. We conversed with them until ten o’clock. They asked many questions concerning our Gospel.

19 December 1899 • Tuesday

19th. Tuesday.— Another stormy day. Nothing attempted nothing done.

20 December 1899 • Wednesday

20th. Wednesday.— Another stormy day. Josephine went tracting alone. Is it that I am lazy, a coward or what? Having no umbrella I would not venture out. Miss Scott called to see when we could give a lecture to the ‘band of hope’, giving us a choice of three dates 14 <17>th. and 31st of January and the 14 of February, we took the 31st of January.

21 December 1899 • Thursday

21st. Thursday.— And still I feel the effects of our boat return from Ireland. [p. [48]]

Read and sewed most of the day.

No mail! alas, just enough ‘spon’4 to pay this weeks board! patience cease not to be a virtue—thy masterpiece even Job has endured to this day,—and surely thou wilt remain with me and increase! Attended testimony meeting in the evening.

22 December 1899 • Friday

22nd. Friday.— We attended the bazaar on Thursday in company with Sister Lizzie Nelson who bought two pocket-books and gave us each one. We then went to visit her cousins, the Nelsons on Cambridge St, and got home in time for meeting.

This was a bad day we remained home all day.

23 December 1899 • Saturday

23rd. Saturday.— Again no mail.

We made Xmas candy in the afternoon, and while at this Elders Neisbitt and [W. Moultrie] Worthington called.

We had supper at #53.

24 December 1899 • Sunday

24th. Sunday.— The sun shone beautifully making the surroundings look charming. Indeed it looked more like the day before Spring than the day before Xmas. We en[p. 49]joyed the walk to Sabbath School, during which time Josephine informed me that this beautiful morning was a Xmas present to me from her, it proved not to be a lasting one as it come on to rain before night.

I spoke in the afternoon. We went to Brother Nelsons for dinner—this was our Xmas dinner. It was very enjoyable.

Attended evening meeting.

25 December 1899 • Monday

25th. Monday.— Immediately after we awoke, our eyes hardly open, we saw in the dimness of the morning Mrs. Richmond with four Xmas cards, just through the mail, for us,—she wished us a Merry Christmas and took her exit. These were not my first presents, however, as I awoke with a horribly stiff neck—could not turn my head not a very desirable one either.

The next thing after a laugh to sort of usher the day in merry and joyous like,—I related my dream, the whole of it was that I was again dissapointed in the mail. After we had our porriage we both went over to #53 and I recieved five letters from home and a check for five [p. [50]] pound four of which was from Wash [Stephen Washburn Chipman] and the other from M and I as a Xmas present. There was also a letter and card from John R. [Hindley], a letter and card from Sister Leah Watson informing me that she and her sister Agnes [Watson] had been baptized into the church;—a card from Bro. McFarlane one from Sister Grey and one from Sister Steven.

My dream was not fulfilled as I recieved so much mail, besides that already mentioned letters come from Venie [Lovinia Chipman Booth], Tom [Thomas J. Chipman], Emily [Henriod Chipman], and Lester [Thomas Lester Chipman].

During the day a large seed cake and Xmas cards come from Sister Hamilton,—a doll and box of candy from Edinburgh—no name—but I think from Elder Smith,—a box of candied fruit come from Glasgow—no name—but I think from Elder [David C.] Eccles,—the card and chiffon hdkf from Sister [Agnes Cooke] Reid, Sister Lizzie Nelson gave me a pocketbook.

We took dinner at 53—fish-, potatoes, and semolina-pudding for desert. We come home and after we had been here a short while Elder Eccles come for us to go and have oysters with them, so we went and enjoyed an oyster-supper [p. 51] after which we went to the pantomine ‘Aladan and his lamp.’ but there was no seats and we come back and spent the evening at #53.

26 December 1899 • Tuesday

26th. Tuesday.— Josephine went to fulfil the apointment with Mary McDonald—my neck was too sore. We spent the evening at #53.

On our return Josephine bathed my neck in hot-water a repitition of the previous night.

27 December 1899 • Wednesday

27th. Wednesday.— This was a black day. Every body burned gas and the street lamps were lighted all day long.

We went down to Sister Nelsons at three in the afternoon had oranges and plumb-pudding. Went to the dance for a short while on our return home. They wanted us to dance so we took our wraps off and arranged ourselves participants on such an august occasion. Brother Murry [Charles Murray] trip-toed across the floor and took my fair companion to accompany him in the quadrills.5 I felt a blush come into my face and had any one known the reason I would have been uncomfortable. I did not envy my missionery partner of her womanly [p. [52]] grace and beauty but to see her to be the choice of such a one—but ah, me!

No sooner had they located themselves in the required set than I saw Jimmy Nelson bring a young man into the middle of the floor and leaving him to fill the gape of another set—can it be that two boys will dance together,—was a mental quary [query],— “Will you come and dance, Sister Chipman?” were the words of Jimmy after replying "Yes” he said “With Mr. Tucker”—and with out further dialogue with either Jimmy or Mr. Tucker I was beating my toes against the floor and swing<ing> to keep time to the splendid music—the result of a fiddler on two strings. Of course I wanted to keep tract of Josie and Brother Murrie but all the gentleman keep me swung dizzy and every time I got a glimpse they were seiling like Christmas tops.

After this dance a ‘German Schottache [Schottische]’6 was called and lo and behold here comes Brother Murry this time of course for me, I could entertain nothing to the contrary, but alas! all the straightening up and looking nice [p. 53] I heard his voice shaped into these words “Sister Booth will you assist me in this schottiche” she modestly advanced a few words of acceptance and again I remained dissapointed—but immediately a consoling thought made its way on the play-ground of patience, what he does to my companion he will surely do to me and ‘last is best of all the game’.

The next dance was another quadrille—here comes Brother Murry—tis my turn to shine—we will do it up brown—now Miss Josie will have a turn of envy—for I know we will dance beautifully together. Ah me a dagger may as well <of> struck my poor heart hopeful heart! I was to excited to hear his words but I heard the “Yes” from Josies lips— I saw them walk proudly across the floor—with shattered hopes I lounged in “the lap of false destiny.” But once more I rallied my mental embarrassment sufficiently well to arise immediately at the close of that dance and take Josephine home.

Met a Mrs. [blank] at Sister Nelsons and had a Gospel Conversation [p. [54]]

28 December 1899 • Thursday

28th. Thursday.— Called at #53. We went to Shields Rd. called on Sister Grear and from there went to Sister Wm Leggatt [Martha Officer Leggat] and remained until meeting time. Elder [James H.] Wickens called and we all come up together to testimony meeting.

A number of Elders and Saints were there enroute to Utah. Elder Lockalt of Sugar House, 13 E Salt Lake City on account of ill health is on his way home. He come when I did and has been in Germany.

29 December 1899 • Friday

29th. Friday.— Called on Sister Wm Hamilton [Janet Leggat Hamilton], and Sister Rankin. Spent the evening at #53.

30 December 1899 • Saturday

30th. Saturday.— Went down to Argyle St. posted a letter to my brother S.W.—on the way—purchased an umbrella which cost eight and six.

Spent the evening at #53. Met Sisters Fletcher, Todd, Warren, Boram, and [blank] With a number of returning Elders.

31 December 1899 • Sunday

31st. Sunday.— Attended the three services.

This being the last day of the year, we would liked to have sit up but our coals were out—so we went to bed and [p. 55] at the close of 1899 and the beginning of 1900 we heard anvils fired, bells ringing and whistles blowing—New-Years time (Ner’dy [Ne’erday]) is the great day with the Scotch. Just as soon as the new year is born they start out to ‘first fit’ (first foot) their friends, and as superstition has taught—they never enter a house with out a bottle of ‘whisky’ for luck. Generally people prefer dark complectioned men to ‘first-fit’—brings better luck.7

8Report for the month of December.

Indoor meetings attended


Reported 22




Tracts distributed


Reported 32



"9 15

Strangers houses visited by first invetation


" 12

" " " "10 re- "11


" 5

Books sold

"12 loaned


"13 6

" given away

[p. [56]]

[page 57 blank]

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December 1899, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]The Band of Hope was a nondenominational youth temperance movement. (Lilian Lewis Shiman, “The Band of Hope Movement: Respectable Recreation for Working-Class Children,” Victorian Studies 17, no. 1 [Sept. 1973]: 49–74; Annemarie McAllister, “Picturing the Demon Drink: How Children Were Shown Temperance Principles in the Band of Hope,” Visual Resources 28, no. 4 [Dec. 2012]: 309–323.)

  2. [2]A coded message using numerals as substitutes for vowels and other more commonly occurring letters: “Because aldar Mc-Farlane walkid with me a number of times Jusie thought I was stuck on him. but she is off her base.” Chipman evidently encoded this part of the entry to prevent her companion, Josephine Booth, from reading it. The journals record a few instances of missionaries surreptitiously reading from each other’s journals. (Booth, Journal, 27 Dec. 1899 and 28–29 Nov. 1900.)

  3. [3]text: Double underlined in original.

  4. [4]Short for spondulicks, a nineteenth-century slang term for money. (Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. “spondulicks,” modified July 2023,

  5. [5]A dance for four or more couples in a square. (Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. “quadrille,” modified Sept. 2023,

  6. [6]A round dance performed by couples in a waltz position in 2/4 time. (Debra Craine and Judith Mackrell, The Oxford Dictionary of Dance, 2d ed. [Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2010], s.v. “schottische.”)

  7. [7]“First-footing” is a New Year’s tradition in Scotland. (G. Hastie, “First-Footing in Scotland,” Folk-Lore: A Quarterly Review of Myth, Tradition, Institution, & Custom 4, no. 3 [Sept. 1893]: 309–314.)

  8. [8]text: Chipman wrote this report at the top of page [56] and continued her entry for 31 December 1899 below it.

  9. [9]text: Here and on next two rows, ditto marks for “Reported”.

  10. [10]text: Ditto marks for “Strangers houses visited by”.

  11. [11]text: Ditto mark for “invetation”.

  12. [12]text: Here and on next row, ditto marks for “Books”.

  13. [13]text: Ditto mark for “Reported”.