October 1899

1 October 1899 • Sunday

1st Sunday.— Attended Sabbath-school, afternoon and evening meetings.

Took dinner at “53.”

2 October 1899 • Monday

2nd. Monday.— Folded tracts but not in time to go out with them so we wanted to make the best of so lovely a day so we went and visited Mrs. Lumsden, who is somewhat interrested. She recieved us very warmly and was much interrested in the pictures of S.L. City. Josephine [Booth] loaned her “Sinners and Saints” by Phil Robinson.1

3 October 1899 • Tuesday

3rd. Tuesday.— A very wet, stormy, dissagreeable day.

We went to Victoria hospital to see Sister Hilder who is to undergo an operation and for whom we fast this day.

The storm was terrific, the rain descended in torrents, the wind swept in from every direction enveloping us in an acqua-arial whirl-pool. We come home with wet feet and damp skirts, which we changed.

In the evening we went to choir practice.

4 October 1899 • Wednesday

4th. Wednesday.— Recieved a letter from Manda [Amanda Chipman], in which she reanounced her intention of visiting her missionary sister and the “Paris Exposition”.

Went tracting; gave out 65 tracts.

In the evening we visited Mrs. Bell who recieved us very cor[p. 107]dially. We met three sons and two daughters, who all had engagements for the evening excepting the mother and one daughter, who spoke freely on their believe <belief> of religion in comparison with that of ours. We sat down at the table with them and enjoyed a glass of milk while they took their tea. We left at nine o’clock, after spending an enjoyable evening. They each extended a warm invetation to come again.

5 October 1899 • Thursday

5th. Thursday.— We journeyed over to the conference house at about ten in the morning—a distance of two minutes walk. Shortly after our arrival we were informed by Elder [John S.] Smith there are anticipated visit to Neward Hill [Newarthill] included an evening meeting. This was an unwelcome remark from a standpoint of feelings, I could better relize my own appearance by that of Josephine—who first turned pale then with a vigourous shrug of the shoulder and with a deep trem[o]lo in her voice she remarked—“Why didn’t you tell us before.” While our physical condition was not critical they were very feeble and our mentality seemed benighted with this distressing shock. We had been looking forward to this visit at Neward Hill with the Jacques <Jack> family which was composed of a mother and father, two brothers and eleven sisters, with so much joy, we had made up our minds for a perfect gala day.

After recieving this information we came straight to our [p. 108] room and prepared ourselves for the journey which was about eighteen miles from Glasgow.

Elder Smith Josephine and myself formed the company. We left Queen St. station at 11.35 for Hamilton a place of considerable interrest. The draw-card for us however was Hamilton Park which containes the palace and the Mauseleium.

Brother Smith went for a pass or permit to enter the Park grounds and found that Tuesdays and Fridays were the only days for visitors, but Brother Smith is a man that always has ready sense and wit on hand—he told them that we were Americans, (He remarked to us that yankees are capable of going most any where.) so they gave him the pass.

There is thousands of acres of ground belong to the Hamilton estate, and it is most all used for grazing purposes. The guard told us that the estate was greatly in debt so it is in the hands of trustees who allows the Duke of Hamilton only twenty-thousand pound per year to live upon and all the rest goes for paying off the debt.

A lady at Neward Hill told us a story about this estate that had been told her by her grand-father when she was a “wee lassie,” it was that—long, long ago, a very rich man loaned this ground to one of the Hamiltons—who would be great,- great,- great-grandfather to the Duke now—[p. 109] he loaned it to him to plant get a crop off it,—but the young Hamilton planted it in furs—and so the crop has never been gotten off yet.

This ground is fenced in by a high rock wall with three entrances one at the east—one at the west—and one at the south. We entered the west gate where a beautifully curved drive opened up having large trees growing in groves on both sides. Just inside the gate is the lodge of one of the care-takers and <his> family. As we walked through the drive admiring the different trees and the rich shade of green grass that was see every where a picture of the palace opened up to our view. The first building I noticed was the stables—and I could not help comparing the little insignificent home of the care-takers with the extensive home of the horses and carriages. The walks around the palace is gravelled. The palace is not a grand structure but a neat one. The porch on the north forms the front and is supported by six solid stone pillars. Steps lead down from the porch on both sides in a right-angular style leading out onto a long straight walk which is brought to a turminis by an immense grass plot beyond which is the Hamilton race course. At the end of this walk however is a drive running east and west. Every drive is swept and kept smooth and clean. We turned to the right at the end of the walk [p. 110] and in five minutes found ourselves admiring the Hamilton monument. The plan is a peculiar one. The basement is the tomb of twelve of the dukes. In the top part which is one round room the diameter of which is about twenty-eight feet. The gentlemen who took us in asked if we would like to hear thunder we told him, aye, he opened and closed the door which is iorn [iron], twice, each time making a distinct clap of thunder which rolled and as the sound ascended it deminished into silence. By closing our eyes we could imagine the approach of a heavy storm being introduced by heavy thunder and much lightning.

The floor of this room is very beautiful being made of eleven different stones which are laid in an oriental pattern, each color in its respective block harmonizing with each other. Three or four shades of yellow, two shades of green, one of red, white and black, were <are> the colors and shades of the floor, very artistically arranged. The distance from floor to glass top is one hundred and two feet. It is conical shape. The walls is of a greyish brown stone with four niches in which appears to have been left for figures.

The great interresting feature in this room is the Egyptian sarcophagi which contains the remains of Alexander Hamilton who died forty-five years ago. This cofin is said to be the best ever procured from Egypt being at least five [p. 111] thousand years old and is said to be the belongings of Pharoahs’ daughter. It is neatly inscribed with heiroglyphics peculiar to that ancient land.

This coffin is just opposite from the entrance, it is resting on a base of marble a height of which is about four feet.

The diameter of this room is about twenty-eight feet, on the inside of the walls.

This structure is resting on a stone foundation six feet high, which also forms steps leading up to the structure each being a foot high and a foot wide. So from the west front this monument is one hundred and eight feet from the ground to the glass—the north and south sides are very like the west with the exception of the entrance door which is at the west and is of iorn which is most beautifully carved in human figures.

The view from the east is quite a novel one. The sixth step which is even with the room floor forms a platform about seven feet wide allround, and on the east and then at the bottom of the first step there is a gravelled walk about fourteen feet wide all round, and on the east of the edge of this gravelled walk just even with the first step is two and lions one on the right corner sleeping and the one on the left corner keeping watch [p. 112] Each of the north and south walks lead on to the steps which leads to the ground twenty-two feet lower down making the monument one hundred and thirty feet from the ground to the glass top. Directly underneath the lions which are carved stone—and quiet green with being in so much dampness—is three large doors which open into the tomb where twelve of the royalty have been placed.

On leaving this park we went out the way we come in and Josephine noticed a something on the outside of the gate-post which attracted her curiosity and for a few minutes her fancy was not gratified. We told her that it was a bell but she doubted it and pulled it to be sure as she had never seen one like it before, her curiosity was soon satisfied for as we stood wondering wether she did pull the bell hard enough to ring and thinking which rout we ought to take, we heard a female voice say “did you ring the bell”? I, trembling with excitement, turned quickly to offer an apology for poor Josephine who I thought would be so filled with regret, and excitement, and to that she would feel so relieved to have the burden withdrawn from her shoulders so I said in rather a plaintive manner “O, my friend made a mistake, and”—but here I was interrupted by Josephine who stepped nearer the gate and said in an indifferent, don’t care style “I didn’t either, I pulled it to see if it would ring”! [p. 113] Well, my face burned with indignation and I wished for the moment the ground would open up and swallow me. Brother Smith turned his face away while he overcome a blush or enjoyed a laugh and I was releaved to see the strange face which was on the other side of the gate and illumined with a smile of forgiveness, and to hear her say in a pleasant manner “its alright.”

This single incident afforded much amusement for us and for a while in our glee we forgot the object of this days outing.

We walked from Hamilton to Motherwell a distance of about two and a half miles. The day was most perfect a gentle reminder of Spring days at home—and here it is Autumn, a fact which was not brought prominent by the distinguishing features of Autumn at home for every thing was wearing a most beautiful green cloak—even the old rock walls and rustic-bridges were green—with moss. The scenery through here is very beautiful. The River Clyde just here is splendid.

We arrived at Motherwell, a little villiage known for its “dying qualities” I would judge from the solmn aspect it seemed to be enveloped in. We got a cab from here and rode to Neward Hill arriving at the home of the Jacks just in time to save them the trouble of going to the sta[p. 114]tion to meet us. They made us very welcome. After dinner and a quite quiet chat we called on the Mc Kays. As we walked along the center of the road (there was no sidewalks only peoples door-yards which were bordering onto the street) the people come out and looked, they would run and call their neighbors, and whisper, and point, and act like most people do when they have the privelege of gazing upon the fair and beautiful damsels of Utah for the first time. We found the McKays alright and returned to go and call on the Orr’s and Majors (there is only one street in Neward Hill) and at this time the children seemed to be most interrested the[y] appeared to enjoy walking in our foot-steps. We found these saints alright and as it was time for meeting and as this was the object of our journey of course we attended. There was about ten Mormon women there, twenty five Mormon boys and girls and one Mormon man, beside four gentlemen strangers. I was the first speaker, Josie the next and Elder Smith the last he put on the finishing touches. After meeting we walked one and a half miles to the station where we caught the nine thirty-three and arrived at the Central at about ten twenty.

This was one of the2 days in Britain. [p. 115]

6 October 1899 • Friday

6th. Friday.— Just one year ago to day since I planted my foot on English dominion.

Another splendid day. Elders Smith and [John B.] Young, Josephine and myself went out to Uddingston to visit a family by the name of Taylor who has been travelling through America and in their pleasure seeking they visited Utah where the[y] met Bro. Smiths people who escorted them over the City. They have just lately returned home and upon the arrival they invited Brother Smith to come and bring his friends. They treated us royally and extended a warm invetation for us to come again.

7 October 1899 • Saturday

7th. Saturday.— Wrote an apology to Sister Nelson who had invited us to spend the evening before with them (i.e. Friday evening) but owing to the late home-coming <of Mr. Taylor> we could not get back in time.

The Misses Crawford come and spent the evening with us.

8 October 1899 • Sunday

8th. Sunday— We attended the three Sabbath sessions as usual. I spoke in the evening on the fourth chapter of Ephesians the last few verses.

9 October 1899 • Monday

9th. Monday.— Another nice day. Went tracting. Gave out 70. Attended street meeting in the evening.

10 October 1899 • Tuesday

10th. Tuesday.— Quite a stormy, dull morning.

The afternoon was a typical Glasgow one, being frequent[p. 116]ed with the light falling rain-mist.

We could not go tracting so we went visiting. Called on the Miss Scotts but found them not at home. We then went to see Miss Barclays Effies Aunt. She seemed very glad to see us. We sat about three quarters of an hour—when we started to leave she invited us to come again, and gave us a jar of jelly.

We attended choir practice in the evening.

11 October 1899 • Wednesday

11th. Wednesday.— Recieved a letter from Inez [Knight], a card from Brother [Joseph R.] Squires which reminded me of a piece of negligence on my part which had never been thought of by me—it was of the borrowing of Elder Squires valise and not returning it. And of course he needed it and had to send up here to ask me where it was. O, what a trick! never before in my life had such a thing happened, and I do all within my power to never allow it to transpire again.

We went tracting in the after noon. Gave out 58 tracts and recieved five conversations.

In the evening the returning missionaries come to the conference house and we there enjoyed an imprompto program.

12 October 1899 • Thursday

12th. Thursday.— We took Elder Isaac Smith to see some of the sights of Glasgow, and in the afternoon we went down to stobcross to see our company all safe on board the Farnessia There was thirty-nine in the company—returning-missionaries [p. 117] and emigrating saints.

We took tea at #53, and remained there for meeting.

13 October 1899 • Friday

13th. Friday.— We made preparations for going to Edinburgh in the morning and left on the 2:10 train in company with Elders [Thomas A.] Kerr, and Buchanan [Alexander Buchanan Jr.]. The day was a most beautiful one. Bro. [W. Moultrie] Worthington was at the station to meet us. We went straight to Sister Whites who recieved us so kindly and made us so welcome. She is one of the best women on earth. In the evening we went with Bro. W.— to see the Misses Watsons [Agnes and Leah Watson] who have been investigating our faith ever since we were there last time. We enjoyed the evening very much talking mostly on the family affairs of the young ladies. After a “brief” refreshment we took our departure.

14 October 1899 • Saturday

14th. Saturday.— Josephine, Elders B.— and W.— and myself started out at half-past ten to see the sights of “Auld Reekie” It was a charming day. The sun shone brightly every where making sight-seeing a joyous anticipation.

We first went to Holyrood Palace made famous because it was the home of Mary Queen of Scotts.

It is a large place with two parts—the old part that has seen so much wear and tear and the newer part which is fitted and furnished for the royalty because it is where the Queen stops when in this vicinity. The rooms in the old part are very old fashioned—dating back a number of centuries [p. 118] the walls are decorated with pictures of the different members of the royalty of both England and Scotland—and also with tapestry hangings which are faded,—moth-eaten, and quite delapidated patched up affairs. The floors are bare. The ceilings of most of the rooms are arranged in patterns of circles, diamonds, hectigons, etc., nothing very beautiful about the sort of decoration it is too heavy looking.

In the respective rooms of Mary and Lord Darnley is found the furniture used by those persons, chairs, beds, tables, etc. The room where Rizzio recieved his first blow is very small It was on Mar. 9th. 1566, Rizzio the foreign secretary of the Scottish Queen, who was an educated, highly accomplished young man of excellent talent, and whom Darnley was jealous of,—was stabbed. a number of times in this private luncheon room of the Queen,—then dragged through the larger room and out through Marys private staircase.

We next went up High street by way of Canongate where we viewed with interrest the church and home of John Knox it is very quaint and indeed a good piece of antiquiteous architecture.

As we journeyed along we beheld a large crowd gathered for the purpose of hearing the new documents read. On investigation we learned this place to be the City Cross in front of the houses of parliment where the public goes to [p. 119] hear any new document or amendment. The men in charge were dressed in highly colored appearal resembling the Japanese costume. We could not hear what was being read but could see the man who read. He wore a Geo. Washington hat a Japenese gown and read from a rolled parchment—when through he recieved cheers and voicerous applause. We journeyed along a few rods and found ourselves standing on the heart of the Medlothian county,— The pavement here is in the shape of a heart and is the center of Medlothia.

We next journeyed to the Edinburgh Castle—one of the most charming and picturesque scenes that my eyes have ever beheld. After a long walk mostly up hill we reached the Castle, the view [w]e got of the City and of the Forth was beautiful. The castle must be the age of the Palace by the construction and destruction of it. It is situated on the top edge of a promintory which overlooks the surrounding country and a proper place for the location of barracks. The largest canon in Britain is here (Mons Meg).

The most interresting rooms were Marys private devotional room—very small,—the room of the regalia, that is the crown jewels of Scotland,—the rooms which were Marys apartments and the window from which she let her infant down to some friends that it might be christened in the Catholic Church. [p. 120]

We next went to the art galleries. The painting was first to be visited. Some very excellent paintings. Snyders hunting scenes were immense—both the Boar hunt and the Chase. Those were taken from Mid Summer Nights Dream by [blank] were very fine.

We next went to the hall of antiquity. We knew not where we went, but when we got in we discovered our mistake at only a side glance at the statuary. We did not care to act like simpletons and come right out again so we loitered about looking at the Biblical casts of not much importance and at the busts letting on that we were deeply interested in them. Ah, neudeness, what a calamity! although lifeless thou hast caused two maidens to blush! not of and within thy own power but through a medium—the presence of our sterner sex!

From here we went to Sister Whites hungry and tired. After something to eat and a good rest we started out again. We walked down Leith Walk and Princess St which were both a rapid river of humanity. We went to the Royally Theatre and saw Arrah-a-Bogue [Arrah-na-Pogue]—an Irish play. Not extra good. After the the theatre we went back down Princess St. and off into Cowcoddens which is really the oldest part of Edinburgh but is now the slums. We saw many sites peculiar to such a district but we found these parts to [p. 121] be well lighted—better than the slums of most Cities. The streets are quite narrow and while we met a great number of drunken men and women, saw a lot of quarrels and fights, it seemed quite safe for any one to go through as long as they behave themselves, and mind their own business.

The saddest sight of all is that of seeing wee children out with their drunken parents, and very often alone, which is far better,—late at night being allowed to see nothing but misery. Though in a City of unsurpassable beauty and exquisite grandure I dare say these poor children has never beheld none else but their own delapidated condition and frail circumstances. It is this poor class of degradation that expect to meet the Savior at the instance of death. They exclaim with apearant confidence that at the death of this present life all will be happiness that then they will be cut off from misery. O, madness, thou hast been prefered to intellegence, reason has been submitted to thee and found wanting! Madness, thou hast made souls void of comprehension and to such life is a calamity—death is sweet—in both of which thou hast allowed but little perfection. Go back to thy satanic realms and call upon Lucifer, thy parent, to bind you thee from the ambitious grasp of humanity! Thou hast been long enough in this mortal probation, thy power being supped from the wine glass, and no less felt from the lustful practices that thou hast introduced! [p. 122]

A busy city street.

High Street in Belfast, Ireland, between 1890 and 1902. (Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-stereo-1s27286.)

15 October 1899 • Sunday

15th. Sunday.— We arose late. This was a delightful day as far a weather was concerned but—“O, my!”—what a timid feeling as though the human frame was an organ and the tremelo stop had been pulled out.

We attended both afternoon and evening meeting and spoke at both sessions. This day over, a load has been lifted off my shoulders.

Enjoyed a gospel talk with the Misses Watson.

16 October 1899 • Monday

16th. Monday.— We started out at ten o’clock to call on the Saints. We took lunch with Sister Whyte.

Sister White took us to see the glass works which were indeed interresting.

We went and took tea with Sister Ryan and from there we went out to Mrs. Caddeys where we spent a couple of hours discussing polygamy and different points of the Gospel truths.

We returned home on the nine-ten train, arriving in Queen St. at about half-past nine. Elders [James K.] Miller, Allan, and [David C.] Eccles were to meet us. We went straight to the Central station to see Pres. Allan off for Ireland.

Early on this morning a box come for Misses C.— and B.—, a box ten inches square containing we supposed rubbish a[s] a joke, on opening it we found many things. Both being excited through the rapid exercise of curiosity—we alternately [p. 123] pulled out news papers, magazines, Scotch heather until the box was emptied of all but that which was to us a happy dissapointment, for we thought this but a joke,—we both with anxious fingers lifted the pretty box containing chocolate creams. “A dainty box of rubbish, this”! “O, what a delightful surprize; let’s taste”!

On our return home we recieved a box of mixed candies with compliments from Brothers W.— and B.—. [p. 124].

17 October 1899 • Tuesday

17th. Tuesday.— We cooked dinner for the 53’s. Attended choir practice in the evening.

18 October 1899 • Wednesday

18th. Wednesday.— Wrote, studied and mended. Took dinner at #53. We waited anxiously for a wedding but alas, a dissapointment, they went and were married by the sheriff. A couple between forty and sixty.

We attended out door meeting in the evening <on New City Rd Brother Young did the speaking.> down on Sauchehall St., Elders Smith and Eccles took up the time I only spoke for a minute.

19 October 1899 • Thursday

19th. Thursday.— Went tracting, gave out 84 tracts and had four conversations.

Attended meeting in the evening. Met Elder Hunter who is returning from Germany.

20 October 1899 • Friday

20th. Friday.— Recieved poetry from Brother Buchanan.3 Went to tracting gave out 54 and had three conversations. Attended open air meeting on Sauchehall St.. Elders Smith and Eccles Josephine and myself were the drawing cards. The singing was pitiable. Josephine and I did our best, the boys did not sing at all. People turned their heads as they passed to keep from laughing in our faces. But in spite of that we had an audiance of about two hundred five well-dressed people. The two Elders and myself spoke and after the meeting the people were anxious to recieve tracts but we only had 48 so some were dissapointed. [p. 125]

21 October 1899 • Saturday

21st. Saturday.— Wrote to Inez, J. [John] R. Hindley, Mrs. Leonard and my brother Squire [B. Chipman].

Went to the concert in St. Andrews in the afternoon. On our return Bro. Rice was there with his five year old daughter to have her administered to. Poor little thing has spinal mengetus [meningitis] and both legs parylized. She was administered to by the Elders after which Josephine and I anointed her and the Elders sealed the anointment.4

Heavenly Father bless this child and make her strong and well

Purify her mind and soul that therein thy spirit may ever dwell.

Give her wisdom, teach her charity,—keep her fast to the rod

That she may be a servant unto the[e], and that she will know no other God.

22 October 1899 • Sunday

22nd. Sunday.— Attended Sabbath School and both afternoon and evening meetings. The returning Elders took up the time all but about twenty minutes which Brother Leathem occupied.

We took dinner at #53 as usual.

23 October 1899 • Monday

23rd. Monday.— We went out to west end to see the soldiers who were enroute for South Africa to engage in the war between Britain and the Boers, but we got left. After a considerable running around, of securing and resecuring a place to stand, from which we might get a good view, we observed by the general tumult of the congregation that they [p. 126] (the soldiers) were not coming that way. We next went helter-skelter through the serging throng and after a three minutes jam and general tumble we procured a car on which we rode to Argyle we then went on the Clutha to Whiteinch. The banks of the Clyde were completely lined with people waiting a glance at the soldiers—they saw us but did not know what kind of soldiers we were— We 24th. rode down to Whiteinch, the end of the Clutha line, and from there we come home on the train. Oh, what a wild goose chase! and didn’t get to see the “soders” after all.

Effie Lindsay called and brought us some apples and nuts, she stayed and spent the afternoon with me.

What it is to feel ill and not be able to make your feelings known, is only acquainted with those of a like disposition. One of the greatest lessons learned is to keep one’s troubles to themselves, and not infringe on the contentment of others with personal disturbances. However, this being a fault in me is a stumbling block to the congeniality of friends toward me.

24 October 1899 • Tuesday

24th. Tuesday.— Went to see the Miss Scotts they were not at ‘home’. Visited Mrs. Barclay who treated us very nicely, gave us a pot of bramble-berry jam.

Choir practice in the evening. [p. 127]

25 October 1899 • Wednesday

25th. Wednesday.— Went tracting, gave out 60 tracts, had four conversations went in one house and recieved an invetation back.

Attended the dancing practice.

26 October 1899 • Thursday

26th. Thursday.— Gave out 80 tracts. Attended testimony meeting.

27 October 1899 • Friday

27th. Friday.— We went to visit Miss [Anna] Muirhead, 435 Eglingston Road. She had heard the Gospel from Brother [James H.] Wickens and had made her mind up to join. We had a conversation with her about baptism—she desired to know what she must wear—we explained as best we could—then she asked if a waterproof would be alright to wear—oh dear, oh dear! Wanting to be baptized but afraid of getting wet!

We always seem to be the finale of great calamities. Miss Muirhead invited us to come at half-past two on Friday, we accepted the invetation, as we wanted to make some explanations. Elder Wickens has never felt just right about her—she gave him her picture—and on several occasions behaved as one fishing for a beau.

On our arrival there her mother come to the door, informed us that her daughter was preparing to go out and that she was also going out—but however we went in found some comfortable seats in the parlor and enjoyed a double rest—for Mrs. Muirhead informed us that her daughter was not to become a Mormon as her father seriously objected. [p. 128] We remained about one half hour—Miss Muirhead did not show up—we had a talk on the Gospel and left feeling that lady missionaries is surely a severe test.

In the evening we went with Pres. Miller and Elder Young up to Springburn to visit Sister MacDonald.

This was our first ride on the electric-tram-car.

28 October 1899 • Saturday

28th. Saturday.— Wrote to S. W. [Stephen Washburn Chipman] sent kodac-pictures to Inez and painting copies to Manda.

Attended the concert in St. Andrews hall which was very good. Took tea at #53. Practiced hymns. Conversed with Sister Wallace and her brother on parts of the Gospel. Ate candy and come home.

29 October 1899 • Sunday

29th. Sunday.— Attended Sabbath-School, felt ill and had to go out. Attended afternoon meeting, played the organ for the choir made many mistakes in the execution of each hymn. Attended the evening services my playing was improved somewhat. Recieved an invetation to a Halloween-eve party or spree.

30 October 1899 • Monday

30th. Monday.— The night past was one of restlessness. My back was so completely full of pain which was the only means by which I obtained sleep—a night only equaled by that of “Tams”—sweet sleep produced by pain?

Practiced the organ. This is a beautiful morning. Prepared to tract but just after dinner a heavy thunder and rain storm come on, so we remained at “home”.

We attended the party at Sister Grears according to appoint[p. 129]ment. This was a typical party of Scotlands Halloween. Shortly after our arrival, which was somewhat at an unseasonable hour on account of choir practice, we were each in possession of a good-sized table spoon, my curiosity was raised above par and when I saw a large black stovekettle placed in the middle of the table, I thought this was surely an optical delusion—the after effect of my previous mid-night frenzy, more curosity was added upon that which I already had which drove me to take a peep—the woman is actually telling the truth for that kettle is full of ‘totties’,5 which contained each one’s fortune. The lights were turned low, each with spoon in hand advanced toward the small wooden table on which sat the great black pot out of which each one helped themselves to as many potatoes as their spoon would hold. All present desiring to be lucky tried earnestly to get the ring, or doll, or bell,—but, alas, the pot was emptied most every-one present recieved their share of ‘totties’ and with it a prize. My future is <was> decided by my getting a ring—Josephines by getting a thimble.

We remained until about eleven feasting and playing games, reciting and singing. After a jolly good time we all left the house of entertainment feeling complimented at having the privelege of attending, notwithstanding, the fullness of our stom[p. 130]achs,—because previous to the feasting of this party we accepted an invetation to take supper with the boys their cook was off and Brothers Eccles and Miller anxious that we should taste the dainties of their own clever preperation surprized us with an oyster-supper—which was delicious beyond compare.

31 October 1899 • Tuesday

31st. Monday. Tuesday.— Recieved a letter from my brother and sister Wash and Sarah [Southwick Chipman] one from my brother in law J.R. Hindley. Practiced the organ some little.

Wetn tracting gave out 54, recieved 5 conversations, two invetation in, and one refusal.

This is surely the last day of the month; I have been looking forward to it for thirty-one days, because this night was the Donaldson party.

We all went, Mr. D.— was at the Yoker Station to meet us. There were present Mr. Miller, Bro. Neisbitt, Elders Miller, Neisbitt [William P. Nisbet], Eccles, Mc Master [Thomas M. McMaster], Young, Wickens, Josephine, Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson and babe, and myself.

This party was on the same principal as that <of the> previous evening, only better style. The potatoes were in a large dish, the lights were turned low and each took a spoon and potatoes. As my fortune was told the night before it was not necessary to repeat, so I did not get any thing but enjoyed a laugh at the rest. [p. 131]

After the “tottie” affair four boys come in with blackened faces and false faces and dressed peculiar, danced sung and went out. This feature is peculiar to this party. We next indulged in numerous games, one of the most interresting was fishing and diving for the apples, we also had some singing and reciting.

My anticipations were fully realized. I enjoyed myself as I would at a home party.

Report for the Month of October.

Indoor meetings attended


Reported 19

Out " " "6


"7 3

Tracts distributed from door to door


" 474



" 29

Strangers houses visited by first invetation


" 10

" " " "8 re- "9


" 3

[1/3 page blank] [p. 132]10

[end of second volume]

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October 1899, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/early-sister-missionaries/eliza-chipman/1899/1899-10


  1. [1]Phil Robinson, Sinners and Saints: A Tour across the States, and Round Them; with Three Months among the Mormons (Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1883). Robinson was a non-Latter-day Saint author whose treatment of the church was viewed by church leaders and members as fair and comparatively evenhanded. Some church leaders and missionaries referenced Robinson’s book in their efforts to fight misperceptions about the church. Booth shared this book with an investigator on at least one other occasion. (Heber J. Grant, Address, Ninety-Seventh Annual Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Held in the Tabernacle and Assembly Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 3, 4, 5 and 6, 1927, with a Full Report of All the Discourses [Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1927], 6–7; B. H. Roberts, The Character of the Mormon People [Liverpool: Millennial Star Office, (1887)], 5; Booth, Journal, 28 Sept. 1900.)

  2. [2]text: Triple underlined in original.

  3. [3]See “Correspondence” in the Miscellany section of this journal.

  4. [4]It was not uncommon in the late nineteenth century for Latter-day Saint women to anoint one another and give healing blessings in the name of Jesus Christ. Their healing efforts were a product of faith rather than priesthood ordination. This entry describes one variation of this practice: having women anoint and ordained men offer a blessing that sealed the anointing. (Jonathan A. Stapley and Kristine Wright, “Female Ritual Healing in Mormonism,” Journal of Mormon History 37, no. 1 [Winter 2011]: 1–85; “Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Draft Circular Letter, October 6, 1880 [Excerpt],” in Jill Mulvay Derr, Carol Cornwall Madsen, Kate Holbrook, and Matthew J. Grow, eds., The First Fifty Years of Relief Society: Key Documents in Latter-day Saint Women’s History [Salt Lake City: Church Historian’s Press, 2016], 489.)

  5. [5]Potatoes.

  6. [6]text: Ditto marks for “door meetings attended”.

  7. [7]text: Here and on next four rows, ditto marks for “Reported”.

  8. [8]text: Ditto marks for “Strangers houses visited by”.

  9. [9]text: Ditto mark for “invetation”.

  10. [10]On the final eighteen pages of this journal volume, Chipman pasted newspaper clippings containing an extended exchange with a community member on religious topics, as well as flowers, leaves, and other memorabilia. The pages also include a handwritten draft, by Chipman and another scribe, of another letter to the editor, and a ledger of expenses. Finally, Chipman inserted correspondence with fellow missionaries Alexander Buchanan Jr. and W. Moultrie Worthington. Most of this content is transcribed in the Miscellany section of this journal.