March 1899

1 March 1899 • Wednesday

1st Wednesday— The third foggy day. After usual duties we took the tracting one, gave out fifty-eight tracts had two conversations one quarrel and one gossip.

Attended Relief Society in the after-noon.

2 March 1899 • Thursday

2nd. Thursday.— Brother [John R.] Hindley recieved a letter from Mr. [Charlie] Tracy of Colchester who was then at Ilford stating that he would be here to see us at half-past two, at this we were delighted.

We went to work performing our duties with diligence. I gave out one hundred tracts had three conversations, knocked at one hundred twelve doors. Promptly to the time stated Mr. Tracy and his friend Miss Kitchen called but only stayed a few minutes. He gave us pressing invetations to come in June to visit him and Miss Kitchen would be there.

3 March 1899 • Friday

3rd. Friday— After morning duties we went to visit a very [p. 93] lady, Mrs. Simmons, who is a saint she has been in the church all her life. Gave her too shillings. Her condition is very sad she being seventy-five years of age and very very poor with nobody to help her only a grand-daughter who laundries and she is very immoral.

After dinner I fulfilled an appointment to Mrs. Chippers. I enjoyed the afternoon very much, talked over Utah and her people touching on religion now and again and gilded up the untoned edges with a few words on polygamy. Enjoyed a nice tea of boiled eggs, bread and butter, milk, tomatoes plumb-jam. Mrs Chipper sang two songs the “Kerry Dance” and “The Gift,” she also played a piano solo called the “Hungry wolves,” I played “Farewell to the Alps”, “Home Longings” and “Sweet Bye and Bye.” I took the jubilee mins and a few photographs she seemed to be very much interested in the same.1 I returned home at twenty to eight.

I then wrote to brother Squire [B. Chipman].

4 March 1899 • Saturday

4th. Saturday.— A very nice day. Did some mending after the usual morning duties. Did some photographic work.

The day is done, but not to soon. [p. 94]

5 March 1899 • Sunday

5th. Sunday.— We had looked forward to this day as one of peace and general rejoicing, because it was the fast meeting day. But, O, you fiend of misery and discontent, you are one of selfish motives and much desturbed if when others are at rest. We can look forward for nothing which will be advancement to our spiritual welfare but you stick in your nose, and by the willingness of a soft head to perform your dirty work, to act as your exteemed agent, we are not allowed to go further. In the end what payment will you make to your diligent workman, what will be their gains? cast out into utter darkness where they never more will have a chance of repealing their case, while you will keep them there with your inequitious [iniquitous] power and deception. O, misery how much company dost thou need to be satisfied? If it were possible would all be sufficient?

O ye of little faith, look to your right hand and know that the rightous are led by the devine hand of the Almighty. Tear yourself not away from his reach and delvir [deliver] yourself into the hand of Satan. If ye are of this world the world will love you, but if not expect the persecutions tendered you by the vile workers of iniquity with Satan as their captain. [p. 95]

In the afternoon we went up to 36 Penton St. where we met Bro. Lymon [Platte D. Lyman] and spoke to him of our missionary labors, he complimented us very highly, as we headed the list for missionary work, we put out 1004 tracts, 25 conversations, attended 18 meetings, visited 3 houses by invetation. We enjoyed the meetings very much, returned home after evening service.

6 March 1899 • Monday

6th. Monday.— After usual morning duties we were pleased to know that Brother [Walter J.] Knell had come to spend the day with us, he went with Miss [Inez] Knight and I we gave out one hundred tracts each. Did some little sewing and cutting out. We all went to Sister Seagers to tea and had a most enjoyable time. I finished another piece of lace making five pieces.

7 March 1899 • Tuesday

7th. Tuesday.— After we had completed morning devotion, Bro— Knell come just in time to accompany us once more tracting we gave out the same number as previous day.

On account of going to London Wednesday we held Relief Society Meeting in the afternoon, had a very good meeting. In the evening, Brothers Lyman, [Jabez W.] West, come down and held a meeting, most of the saints were present. They straightened out the Sunday fast meeting trouble, it was an excellent [p. 96] meeting, much good practical advice was given, the two boys who were somewhat hacky from the previous Sunday began to see aright, they cried like babies.

8 March 1899 • Wednesday

8th. Wednesday.— We took the early train for London. Met bro. Knell there we went into St. Marys church again to kill a bit of time. Bro. Knell left us and we went to Madam Tussauds and seen the world renowned wax-works. We were too early so we took a walk in Regent Park where we enjoyed looking at the beautiful ducks, geese. and swan. Here we learned a good lesson that these birds moved by affection they possess the aversive quality of jealosy, the universal quality of love. They seem to pair off as do the human family, by affection having the accompanying trials of spats and quarrels, fallouts and make-ups.

We now went to the wax works where we enjoyed ourselves from ten until two. The works here was very interresting Here we found the royalty represented quite thoroughly and also the English criminals, murderers, thieves, etc.—also tableaus of the different eminent generals, queens, [p. 97] kings and valiant soldiers, also pictures from Shakespeare King John 4 act. called the six stages of wrong this was very fine.

We now went to lunch after which to the St. George Hall where we had recieved complimentary tickets to hear Madam [Lydia Mamreoff von Finkelstein] Mountford deliver the first of a series of lectures on Christ and the manners and customs of the holy land. She made some of the dark clauses in the Bible very reasonable and plain. We next went down Oxford St to see the windows dressed in the beautiful Spring goods and garments.

9 March 1899 • Thursday

9th. Thursday.— Went through with morning devotion.

Fitted a lining for myself.

10 March 1899 • Friday

10th. Friday.— After morning devotion Sister and I went to Sister Lomax to help her make a wrap. We had a very enjoyable time went in the morning and returned at nine or half past in the evening. While there we went down stairs where Mrs. Pook lived, visited here geese, chickens—w.c., etc., and tasted a bit of her homemaid cherrie wine. She makes all kinds of home maid wine orange, marygould, cherrie, currant, [p. 98] parsnips, etc.2 This was a very nice day indeed.

11 March 1899 • Saturday

11th. Saturday. Morning devotion. A very beautiful day. We attended Madam Montefords lecture in the St. George Hall after which we went in company with Brothers Knell, Mc.Quarrie [Robert G. McQuarrie] who we just met, West, [Frank L.] Layton, [David W.] Horsley, [Joseph R.] Squires, and Hindley to Barnums circus. The biggest show the world has. It is indeed fine. One of the most interresting features is the beautiful horses which run the races very nicely, also the Egiptian giant 7ft 11in high and the boy 18 yrs of age called ‘great Peter the small’, weighing 6¾lbs and was 21in high, also the twins which are grown together with a ligament of the growing from the stomach of each. We went to #36 and put up for the night.

In the morning of this day we went up to the House of Parliment which is very nice. We went through free. It is not nearly so nice they say as those of America.

12 March 1899 • Sunday

12th. Sunday.— We were escorted to Kings-cross by Elders [Raymond] Knight, Knell, and McQuarrie. We took the nine train for Dunstable. The scenery on the way is very beautiful rolling hills and streams and lakes, little lanes and stiles [p. 99] together with the green grassy meadows, forest covered districts, and cultivated acres made the landscape a most charming one. The little winged songster warbled forth its notes in honor of the Sabath day which was a bright one. Brother [Thomas L.] Fisher met us at the station escorted us to the lodgings where we met Elders [George A.] Fuller and Swanston. In the afternoon we called on some school teachers, Miss Milliard and Miss Pratt they are very nice yound [young] ladies, also on Mark Austins cousins the Mouses. On our return to the lodgings we met the Misses Cuttlers, Johnson, Cook, Hacking and daughter and many others.

We went to meeting at six in the evening, the hall was well filled. We both spoke taking up the most of the time and after the speaking we sang a duet. Yes Sister K— and I sang “I serve the Lord while I am young,” they seem to enjoy it very well. O dear! O dear! says Squ[i]res.

13 March 1899 • Monday

13th. Monday. We were awakened by the beautiful sunlight shining through the window and the merry birds putting forth their lay.

After breakfast we went on the Downs or hills and [p. 100] enjoyed a romp and good loud laugh on the country hill tops, these hills are supposed to have been thrown up by the Romans. We enjoyed a nice time on this lovely bright day.

We returned with Bro Swanston as far as Luton and took tea with Sister Hacking. This is the city where so much straw is plaited and colored and so very many hats are sewed.

We returned to London at half past eight. Called at #36 and Brother Knight escorted us to the Liverpool station.

We returned home very tired.

14 March 1899 • Tuesday

14th. Tuesday. Morning devotion. Gave out one hundred tracts had four conversations.

Went to St. George Hall to attend the lecture. Met the Madam Monteford, she invited us to visit her at the Portland Hotel.

Returned at half past six. Met Sister [Martha Shave] Seaich’s sister and her daughter.

15 March 1899 • Wednesday

15th. Wednesday.— Morning duties as usual. Distributed one hundred [p. 101] tracts recieved four conversations. And one invetation back.

Attended Relief meeting, where each person sewed her own garment. A proposition was accepted that the money be taken from the treasury and good bought with it so that we can make different articles of appearol and sell and by so doing get usuary for money. Enjoyed a nice tea and returned home at about eight o’clock.

16 March 1899 • Thursday

16th. Thursday.— Morning devotion as usual. Distributed onehundred tracts Finished my green bodice in the P.M. Went and took tea with the Blamies.

17 March 1899 • Friday

17th. Friday.— Morning exercise as usual.

In the evening we, Miss K.— and I fulfilled an appointment to the Portland Hotel to spend the evening with Madam Montford. We met Brother Knight at Liverpool [Street Station] and he went with us. Mrs. Montford gave us her picture, and a pressing invetation to come again. We returned to the station at about half-past ten waited one hour for the train. On account of a wreck on the road, two coaches tipped off the track, we were two hours coming home usually it takes about twenty minutes to make the run.

18 March 1899 • Saturday

18th. Saturday.— Morning exercise as usual.

The day was done when night come but that was all. [p. 102]

19 March 1899 • Sunday

19th. Sunday.— Attended Gospel class and Fast meeting. On the way there we seen one of those English fist fights. What human cowards, what dogs,—how disgusting to see those who are molded in the form of man take of their cloak of dignity—their love for humanity, their finer qualities, and turn himself to an angry dog. Indeed he has forgotten that he was created in the image of the Most High God. O man when will you learn to be merciful, kind and charitable, as even sufficiently full of love to be forgiving one to another even as He has forgiven you!

We took tea with Sister Seager. Went from her home to the evening meeting. We enjoyed a good spirit and three very good talks. I enjoyed it extra well because I was not called to speak. [p. 103]3

[end of first volume]

4Book II

Continuation of my diary the first and last books of which ended March 19th. 1899 this beginning with Monday March 20th. 1899.

20 March 1899 • Monday

Performed our morning devotion as usual after which we went tracting delivered one hundred tracts each. This was a very cold day. I recieved four conversations, some of which were very good and in fact quite encouraging while others were quite sarcastic especially at the latter part inviting me not to call again. Some few promised to attend our Sunday evening meeting,—but will they—that is another thing. O, ye perverse and haughty, unquenchable generation,—when will you learn that there is one gospel, the ordinances and principals of which if ye will believe and obey, performing the works thereof, ye will know the plan of salvation, and recieve life ever lasting.

The day was completed by a guessing game, which was very interresting.

21 March 1899 • Tuesday

21st. Tuesday.— Went tracting after the usual morning duties and gave out one hundred tracts and enjoyed three good conversations on the gospel.

I was never so cold in all my life before as in this day when I returned from tracting. There was a strong piercing bleak wind. At about two o’clock the atmosphere was filled with snow which looked like so much down being blown about. After dinner the boys challenged us for a snow fight—of course this was just what we had been longing for a good tumble in the snow. It was a very fair fight Sister K— took Brother H.— in charge and Sister S.— [Martha Seaich] and myself managed Brother Squires. The snow fell most of the afternoon but seemed not to stay on the ground. This was the first snow in London [p. 1]

22 March 1899 • Wednesday

22nd Wednesday.— Too cold to go tracting so after morning devotion we did some studying and writing. I sent a letter to Syd and M. [Amanda Chipman] and I. [Ida Chipman]. We attended relief society in the after noon; in which meeting Sister K— read sermons which were delivered last April conference by Apostle [Heber J.] Grant and Wilford Woodruff the church president at that time, the rest of us sewed on some aprons.

Called to see Sister Seager who was ill, on our way home, found the Elders there, also Arthor [Arthur K. Paully], John [Seaich] and Mattie [Martha Seaich]. The Brothers went to Keeleys and we (Miss K—John—Arthur and myself) had a hot argument on the subject of whose nation or country was the best. I will leave an American to judge who won.

23 March 1899 • Thursday

23rd. Thursday— Morning duties as usual. In the afternoon we Miss K— and I, went into London and the first thing we did on our arrival was to get lost and of course the next thing requisite was to find ourselves so we introduced ourselves to a bobbie who told us where we were going. We soon found ourselves.

Called at #36 for Brothers Knight and [Richard H.] Hamblin who went to Bows Park to call on a Mrs. Bruce with whom we took tea. O, for a noisy rude bundle of children we found them there. Poor Sister Bruce I felt sorry for her but admired the way she gave the children their supper and sent them off to bed a six. We returned to #36 just in time to miss the Thursday night meeting but we did not mind that. We girls returned home with Arthor Paully and John Seaich. [p. 2]

24 March 1899 • Friday

24th. Friday.— Morning duties as usual. Read some writings on faith, sewed a little, and in the evening we went to Mrs. Lomax to tea. Found her feeling very poorly and her son Willie ill in bed. Participated in a discussion as to the superiority of woman over man. This is a warm subject but a sure one in favor of the female sex and an easy one for her to win as the world pronounces it to be a fact though in half-hearted-jealous manner.

25 March 1899 • Saturday

25th. Saturday.— Morning duties despensed of because of the brothers went to the Oxford-Cambridge boat-race (the latter won) we took a bath and had rubarb and bread and butter pudding for dinner.

Not much accomplished.

26 March 1899 • Sunday

26th. Sunday.— We attended Gospel class and Bible class in the morning Took dinner with Sister Seaich. Enjoyed the afternoon here with Mrs. Seaich, Mattie John and Arthor Paully.

We attended evening services and Brothers [William C.] Wright and [William] Lomax took up all the time.—My heart beat for relief and joy.

After meeting we went to Lomax while Brothers Wright and Squires administered to Willie.

27 March 1899 • Monday

27th. Monday.— Went tracting after devotion and gave out 92 tracts and had one conversation. We went to find another lodging place and was quite successful. We arraigned [arranged] for taking the place after a few days consideration.

28 March 1899 • Tuesday

28th. Tuesday.— Had morning duties and went tracting gave out 110 tracts and recieved one conversation and two gossips. [p. 3]

After a gorgeous dinner (scolded milk and bread and tinned pears) we went to Sister Lomax to finish some sewing. I finished her wrap and did some machining for myself, so killed two birds with one stone. We met Mrs Spook in the hall again, only, this time the wine was orange instead of cherrie—but it was very nice.

We always enjoy going to Sister Lomax;—we generally go once a week every Friday evening to tea and always enjoy our pine-apple that part of the eating programme is always sure, and we are always glad of it.

Tomorrow is mail-day and I am very anxious that a blue note comes for me as I have only three farthings and Thursday is pay day.

This day I have found an honest man who lives a very moral life but says he is with the rest of the world dishonest, he will make as much profit out of his goods as he possibly can; <and> believes not to embrace any religious sects for a hypocritical cloak to hide a multitude of sins. This is a man out of a thousand who will own it.

29 March 1899 • Wednesday

29th. Wednesday.— After morning devotion I washed my head and made necessary preperations to attend Relief Society in the afternoon Sister Seager let us have her machine after some trouble I got it to working. When we had finished tea <sewing> and were about to have tea, I went to the grip for our part of it and found that I had not sent [p. 4] or took it. So after this a tea that is not a tea is called a “Chipman tea.” We had an excellent sufficiency anyway. The boys come in the evening we practiced our song and started home calling in Seagers on the way home.

Recieved a letter from Manda and a check for six pound from my brother Henry [William Henry Chipman], letters from Senith[,] Aunt Sarah and [Joseph] Wilford Booth.

30 March 1899 • Thursday

30th. Thursday.— Went tracting put out 94 tracts, after morning duties. Returned and found the Brothers almost ready to leave. The best of friends must part, abrubt changes come to us all, but the reason isn’t trouble of any sort, we obey duties and the athoritative call. They moved that we would follow—as we go on the following Thursday. Sister Knight went into the city so I was here alone and I just picked up and went over to Sister Dumpers where I remained until I thought Sister Knight would be home. While there Mrs. Dumper told me the secret of our land-lady’s descension from be<ing> sociable and kind to us. Inez returned shortly after I arrived.

31 March 1899 • Friday

31st. Friday.— This is “Good-Friday,” and the people hold this a great day for either worldly pleasure or rather nonsense or a day of peace and thanks-giving. It being the anniversary of the crucificttion of our Lord and Savior, the better class of people hold it as a sacred day and partake not of the worldly frevolity such as the lower class enjoy. I suppose on this day we would be numbered with the “lower class”—“the ‘sinners” —[p. 5] the frevilious minded. Arthur Paully [called?] at half-past ten in the [morning?]—J.R. Hindley and J.R. Squires called at about eleven o’clock—we enjoyed a little lunch and then started out toward the “flats” to see the games and amusements of the people. We met Arthur Paully and his two cousins Walter and Bert Poole, they were coming to escort us to the grand <optical> feast of frolic and gaiety. The shops were all closed and those who were not religiously enclined participated the fun of the clowns day. I was very much surprized to see so many games such as children enjoy—mary go rounds—penny shows—throwing at cocoanuts—shooting at balls—etc.—being enjoyed <by> men and women. It was very amusing to se the donkey riders. But my temper was aroused by the rude, uncultured, action of a well dressed young-man who squirted my ear and neck full of water— I was just in the action of raising my umbrella to give him a blow—when I altered my mind and thought if I did not like it I should have stayed at home.

We went on to Sister Seagers to tea—and spent a most pleasant evening. [p. 6]

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March 1899, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Likely one of the published accounts (“mins” or minutes) of the Utah pioneer jubilee celebrations held in July 1897 on the fiftieth anniversary of the arrival of the first Latter-day Saint wagon company in the Salt Lake Valley. (For examples, see “The Jubilee,” Young Woman’s Journal 8, no. 10 [July 1897]: 483–485; “A Memorable Month of July,” Woman’s Exponent [Salt Lake City], 15 July and 1 Aug. 1897, 172–173; Ruth M. Fox, “Our Jubilee,” and Annie Laura Hyde, “Pioneers of Utah,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Aug. 1897, 177–178, 181–182.)

  2. [2]For information on the evolving practices relating to the Word of Wisdom, see note, in Chipman, Journal, 14 Oct. 1898.

  3. [3]Numerous newspaper and magazine clippings, including a report of the 19 January 1899 disturbance at a church meeting in Bristol, and an assortment of postage stamps are pasted onto pages 104–[107]. Chipman wrote a guide to the books of the Old Testament and a glossary of religious terms on pages [108]–[110]. Transcripts of many of these items can be found in the Miscellany section of this journal.

  4. [4]On two pages at the front of this journal volume, Chipman pasted seven photographs of local Latter-day Saints and missionaries, accompanied by detailed handwritten captions. These photos and a transcript of the captions can be found under “Photo Pages” in the Miscellany section of this journal.