March 1900

1 March 1900 • Thursday

1st. Thursday.— Recieved letters from M. [Amanda Chipman] and I. [Ida Chipman], Sister [Mary Sanders] Frame, and Inez [Knight], and an invetation to Brother R. [Robert H.] Anderson’s wedding reception. Went with Josephine [Booth] to purchase a wedding present for Miss Maragaret Crawford [Margaret Crawford Werngren], now [blank]. She bought Longfellows poems. We come straight way home and read many of the inspiring writings of that noble author.

In the evening we attended testimony meeting. Met Elder [Joseph C.] McFarlane again.

After our return home Josephine made some good jokes—but too practical. Josephine, canst thou be my pansy-blossom, my hearts ease! Nay, thou hast touched my heart-strings sorely the fond memories of him whom I have loved pressed between the fleshy leaves of my heart—thou hast crushed and thrown the ashes at my feet—by insinuating what another might be! But God [p. 95] alone knows the purposes of hearts and he it is that grants us our desires—and indeed all is well that ends well— Thy will, O God, not mine be done.

2 March 1900 • Friday

2nd. Friday.— Read, wrote and sewed. After dinner we called at #53 for Bro [John B.] Young, who accompanied us to Govan. W[e] went on the subway for a change of scenery. Spent the afternoon with Elders Thomson [Henry B. Thompson] and Lowe [David N. Low],—met their land-lady Mrs. Thomson who was very nice indeed. Called on Sister Hamilton at her shop, she was sweeter than ever.

At seven—after partaking of a sumptious tea with the Brothers we went and spent the evening at a Mrs. Greg’s <Creg’s>. On our arrival we found that she was having a real party for us—and we had a splendid good time. There is twelve in the family—the parents, two girls and eight boys, all very nice people, they invited us to be sure and come again. We stayed [p. [96]] so late that we could only get a car to Paisly Toll and had to walk right away up, and we did not get here until ten minutes to one.

3 March 1900 • Saturday

3rd. Saturday.— The day begun very foggy but it cleared off fairly well by two in the afternoon.

We went to see the Crawfords and found that Jessie was too ill to see us having had pneumonia—this was surprising news to us. We also called on Mrs. Baxter—a very kind old lady—she made us eat more than we realy wanted, let alone needed.

We also went to see Sisters Mc Donald and Cairns,—the latter has been very ill and is not fully recovered as yet.

Of necessity I journeyed to the w. c.—which is sort of a cooporative affair and is in the end of the close away from any of the families. On entering I drew the door after me—but with no intention of locking myself in—[p. 97] but however I did it and had to wait pa[t]iently until my presence seemed missing—or needed to those in the house. I pounded but that only amused the children who were playing in the close they seemed to thing <think> such a rapping unnatural and a true sign of gosts and hob-goblins—presently my fortune was blessed and to the amusement of all present. We went in to see Sister Curnie who is very ill. In the evening, we went to the Central Station with Bro. [David C.] Eccles to meet Pres. McMurrian [James L. McMurrin] but we were dissapointed he did not come.

4 March 1900 • Sunday

4th. Sunday.— Josephine went to the Episcopal church with a lady whom she had met in tracting, so I escorted my lonesome to Sabbath-School. It was very cold in the hall but lovely out side We were very much dissapointed not having Bro Mc Murrian to speak to us <(1)> as we had advertised his coming, <(2)> we were worried because we did not know whose lot it would be to speak—however—alls well [p. [98]] that ends well— Elder Mc Farlane, Josephine and Pres. [James K.] Miller occupied the time in the evening the afternoon was a testimony meeting.

5 March 1900 • Monday

5th. Monday.— Went to the ‘con’ in the morning recieved a letter from M. and I.

Attended a funeral at 42 Florence St off Crown at 3: p.m. It was that of a fourteen year old girl who was a niece of Bro. McDonalds. She had been an invalid all her life. She lived with the McDonalds,—a family of boys, and the widowed mother whose bad disposition it was to drink. The home was very small—two rooms—very close and foul was the air—doors closed and blinds were drawn. The father and stepmother and grand mother of the girl seemed quite jocular until the services began. There was none present other than the family and we five missionaries and quite enough, the grand-mother and stepmother had much strong whisky breaths. I could hardly endure to the end. I declined the invetation to tea. Ah me, [p. 99] what a filthy life people live—a dirty kitchen and a filthy house-wife was no inducement for us to remain and have tea—we had duties to perform.

We attended Relief Society in the evening. We tried to give Brother [William] Hillyard six-hard but he gave us a tight hug and we were glad to drop him.

6 March 1900 • Tuesday

6th. Tuesday.— Went over to #53, saw Brother McMurrian there he desired us to accompany him and Elder McFarlane to Rutherglen to pay a short visit to his Cousins the Williamsons. We accepted the invetation.

Pres. Miller persuaded us to have dinner there the means of persuasion did not need to be very forcing—we stayed and dined.—

Went to Rutherglen from the Central Low Level at 3: p.m., arrived at Montrane, Blairbeth Rd. at about 4: p.m. The day was a charming one. When I breathed the pure air of the country I felt how I had been cheating my poor lungs all [p. [100]] this long while. The fields were undergoing a season of preparation—as the new furrows were made and the fresh soil was turned over it seemed that mother-earth was being treated by the agricultureist as an old skirt is by the economical housewife—turned to make things new and fresh again. The whole surrounding country presented a cyclerama of various landscape—of no little admiration.

The Williamsons recieved us with open arms—that is the daughters Mary and Meg and the father the mother was out, however she come just shortly after we had had tea. The evening was spent enjoyably—indeed.— two gentleman-school-teachers called and we had a number of songs and I tried to give the ‘Soldiers Pardon’ but forgot the last eight lines—so that was not successfully rendered. We sang “O My Father” and “My Country tis of Thee.[”] The latter was forced to prove our patriotism which seemingly was questioned [p. 101] Mrs. W— cordially invited us to come and take a drive in their wagonette, and Mary and Meg said they would be to see us one week Friday. We arrived in Glasgow at 10:35 p.m. called in the ‘con’. on our way home.

7 March 1900 • Wednesday

7th. Wednesday.— Got up and had our breakfasts in our night-dresses as usual,— Sister [Agnes Cooke] Reid come over and when she knocked on our door we thought it was the boys and we both yelled—O, you cannot come in! She replied “Its only me!” so she come in. We went over to the con at twelve and did some little playing; come home and swallowed our soup hurriedly and went back again to accompany the two Macs to the station where we bade good-bye. Bro McM.— is going on the continent and Brother McF.— is going home. We then rushed home and prepared ourselves for the photographers. We met Sister [Lizzie] Nelson at St. Enocs and then went to Watson and Wilson where we had two sittings—then we went to [p. [102]] Hamptons where we had four sittings—all free1 Sister Nelson then took us to the Skinner Tea Rooms. We bade her good by on Argyle and then took a car for New City Rd., where we paid a short visit to Mrs. Maggie Crawford Werngren—took her a tea-cloth and Josie took a volume of Longfellow. We met her husband—who is a Danishman, a Naturelist, a lame-man, and a photographer and quite nice looking and very nice gentleman. They invited us to come again and bring the boys.

I have eaten raw onion the last three nights before retiring.2

8 March 1900 • Thursday

8th. Thursday.— A very foggy day.— We went to see Sister Curnie at Spring burn—she is much improved in health, called to see Sister Mc Donald.

Enjoyed trype-soup for dinner.

Went to see Mrs. Lumsden, the Miss Crawfords, and Mrs. Creg. Miss Jessie is some better but [p. 103] visitors are not allowed,—Miss [Iza] Spence was there—we enjoyed a short chat with her. Attended testimony meeting in the evening Sister Lizzie [Eliza] Gains called before meeting.

9 March 1900 • Friday

9th. Friday.— Remained at home all day excepting a few minutes in the forenoon when we went to the baths.

At seven we went to Mr. and Mrs. Barries to spend the evening. Miss Bigger was there. Elders Eccles and Young accompanied us. Miss Bigger being an amateur palmist she took delight in reading our palms; a discussion rose on this science, some, that is Brother E— and Sister B.— contended against the truth of this science and of course I argued in favor of it, and to close the discussion tendering the argument in favor of palmistry both the opponents had their palms truthfully read—this amused me so much and could not but remark and call the attention of all present [p. [104]] to the fact,—at this Josie grew angry and when we got home the cloud burst immediately over my head— I had said nothing but what any one would say in an argument and as a natural consequence I was more amused than ever but Josie grew more angry— I never had so much surplus room in bed before.—

10 March 1900 • Saturday

10th. Saturday.— Quietude reigned. The morning was beautiful. Only a few necessary remarks were exchanged. We each don[n]ed our hats and wraps. Josie said she was going down to the herbalists—she went.— I went to the ‘con’ and for a walk around the block. What nonsense! I cannot endure such action! I will not remain at such a distance! On her return, not in words but actions—I asked for pardon—by the same means of exchange I was forgiven—friends once more!

We went in the ‘con’ to say good-bye to Brother Ruston and some other returning Elders. From there [p. 105] to see the Weirs 44 Cleveland St.,—met another daughter—remained an hour and a half. Miss Weir accompanied us to Charring X Station where we met the Elders of Govan and Glasgow enroute to Yoker. We joined the crew and away we went to attend the party given by the Donaldsons who will soon be leaving for Utah. Met Miss Donaldson and her affianced husband Mr. Wallace. There was present twelve Elders, four Saints and four strangers beside we ‘twa’ female brethern. We indulged in a considerable of nonsense, sang and recited kindergarten pieces I also recited Legend of Bregendz.3 Arrived back in Glasgow at twelve o’clock, after an evening enjoyment—rare in missionary life.

11 March 1900 • Sunday

11th. Sunday.— A dull foggy day. Attended Sabbath school and the two meetings. I was called to speak in the evening. I begun on the 8ch. of Jno 31–32 and for twenty minutes said words but with no force or argument— O, what a task! [p. [106]] My mind seemed enveloped in darkness! My tongue was willing—no new thing—but the mind was not. However after meeting I learned that my remarks on jealousy made six weeks ago hurt the feelings of some of the Sisters and they were present tonight and of course felt hard toward me and probably did not wish to hear me talk, which created a bad influence. Attended open-air meeting on Dunlop St off Argyle. Went to the ‘con’ where Pres. Miller told me all about the Jacks. My feelings were depressed because I had not spoken well and this news just closed me in. Here I am spending every mental, financial, and physical effort to do good and why should I make some unhappy! O, to breathe the air of magninimity and justice, that my mind might become invigorated, my courage strengthened! Oh, God I would that I was not selfish, that I might demand unselfishness of others! Here am I enveloped in the thrall of mental distress, surrounded by a dampened wall of remorse,—truely the door is conscience, [p. [107]] guilty—no—surely not! I tried to do good and harm come of it. Am I to blame! I would not make those unhappy who would be happy. But is it wisdom to only speak of the good that has been done? If the fence is down—there needs be repairs. If any fault finds its way in our midst, let us expell them. Again a mist comes stealthy o’er my <me> as the night swollows the day and the fault is all with me, am I expecting more than I am able to perform? Ah no! Yet—enough. I am a missionary, a soldier,—did I expect no opposition did I not come to fight for truth and the liberation of truth, did I expect to obtain the same without recieving an attack from the enemy? There would be no wrong if we all possessed right—there would be no war if there was perfect civilization! God chasteneth those he loves. [p. [108]]

Wrote to Inez.

12 March 1900 • Monday

12th. Monday.— A dull day. Went to #53. Went tracting gave out 97 double and had 2 cons.

Went to #53 thinking we would be going to street meeting but the wind was too strong, so we remained there and played some Bible-games. Studied the character of God.

13 March 1900 • Tuesday

13th. Tuesday.— Went tracting gave out 50 double had two conversations and one gossip.

Attended street meeting on Cathedral Square.

14 March 1900 • Wednesday

14th. Wednesday.— Wrote and read. At 1:18 we left Queen St Station in company with Sister Reed to visit the brick yard at Neitherton. We walked along a bank of the canal singing and dancing because the country air made me feel so gay. Nature smiled on us in a flattering manner our lungs expanded to their utmost capacity the fields were as bright as the star spangled-banner and we were only subdued by the countrys sagacity. The work done at the brickyard was very interresting [p. [109]] but the laborious engagement of the females was to me mentally burdensome and I think I would not be enabled to endure it at all. They cart brick from the mold to the kiln,—shovel-clay,—and handle clay-pipes which are very heavy I could not begin to muster strength sufficient to the task.

We took tea at Mrs. Murrys, met her two daughters—one at home and one Mrs. Dick. We also met Brother Reeds [William Reid’s] father and Uncle.

We come home at six and took tea with Sister Reed—Sister Wallace come in and joined us—she gave us a pencil each—shortly after tea Bro. R.— come home—what a ghastly appearance as we thought he was ill but no—drunk as a fiddler; this was too much for a Sister R— she wept,—while Bro. R— groaned,—we were too glad to come home and leave such a sickening sight. [p. [110]]

15 March 1900 • Thursday

15th. Thursday.— Remained at home as the wind was very strong until about 5 p.m. when we went to Sister Nelsons to see the proofs which were quite good—one especially.

Attended testimony meeting, previous to which I met the Misses [Nellie and Rachel] Jack and Bro. Miller to have a settling up. The trouble was mostly with Rachel who wanted to know if I had heard something about her and then gone and preached about it. Of course I had heard nothing and only spoke the things which I thought right to tell the saints and appearently the cap fit her. They went away saying they felt satisfied and all was alright.

16 March 1900 • Friday

16th. Friday.— We made candy. Recieved a letter that the Williamsons had been ill and would not get until Wednesday.

In the afternoon we went to Miss Scotts and Mrs. Barclays finding neither at home.

Went over to 53 to spend the evening as Mr. and Mrs. Barrie were going to be present. We had a very en[p. [111]]joyable evening.

17 March 1900 • Saturday

17th. Saturday.— Just 18 months today since I left home.

This was a day of rain and sunshine—rain in the morning and sunshine in the evening.

I went to visit two houses on Barrington Drive but found no one at home at either place. They had taken advantage of sunshine. Wrote an Essay on the trial of Abrahams faith for Sabbath School.

We went in company with Elders Young [William H.] Gardner and Miller to spend the evening with the Werngrens 45 Benview St. off Firhill Rd.. Mr. W— is a naturalist. He is down on the ministry,—and cannot go in for any of their doctrine but said we were advocating pretty good senses. He said he enjoyed our talk and insisted on us coming back again.

18 March 1900 • Sunday

18th. Sunday.— Attended the three sessions and went in to 53 remaining there until 10 p.m. [p. [112]]

19 March 1900 • Monday

19th. Monday.— The snow fell thick and fast until the dirty houses and roads were clothed with about three inches—then old Sol come peeping out and smote the fleecy garment with its bright rays and christened it mud.

Wrote to W. E. Robinson and wife, to J.W— [Joseph Wilford] Booth. Went over to the “con” recieved a letter from Zilpha [Chipman Beck], got the Herald and come home. In the evening we called on Sister Gain who has been offended that we have not visited her more often.

20 March 1900 • Tuesday

20th. Tuesday.— A dull morning. Took a bath, had breakfast—porridge—and recieved a Y.L. Journal Called to see Miss

Went to 53 but no mail. I am dead-broke again, and running in debt. It is painful to be under the pinching necessity of borrowing dough.

In the evening I went over to the “con” with Josie while she washed her hair and laundered her [p. [113]] neck forces. I crochied a piece of lace for a doily. Bro. E— come in and we did considerable fooling—he went down to the shops and brought a sack of chocolates—and this served us an object of contention. After hiding and rehiding the sweeties now and again allowing one to pass into our mouths we resolved to quit as we were tired and ten oclock had arrived,—time for our departure.

21 March 1900 • Wednesday

21st. Wednesday.— A very dirty wet morning, notwithstanding this we went down on Argyle Jamaca and Buchannan to see if Josie could find goods for a blouse. The windows are draped with beautiful things but it takes spon to get them—we come home empty-handed,—mud to our necks.

A[t] four o’clock Misses Mary and Meg Williamson come and stayed until nine. They were dressed to kill. Swell costumes and hats, gold and diamonds, they looked very stilish—but who [p. [114]] wouldn’t with all their money. Our conversation drifted from one thing to another, making scatered remarks upon religion, the mission of women on earth, fashions changing and what was now the latest style,—all-in-all we enjoyed the visit immensely. We walked to the Central with them.

22 March 1900 • Thursday

22nd. Thursday.— Another bad day. Bro. Hillyard called to bid us good-bye but we told him that we would be at the docks to say fare-well. He has only been here a short time and is released because of ill health and home-sickness.

The sight at Stobcross was amusing, people from all parts of Europe on their way to America. The boat was the Ethiopia.

We attended testimony meeting in the evening.

23 March 1900 • Friday

23rd. Friday.— The weather has improved. I have had cramps for these three days and nights, accompanied with occasional pains in my head.

Visited Miss Scott and Mrs. Barclay who made us welcome especially the latter, she seemed perfectly [p. [115]] delighted to see us as the news had reached her ears that Josephine was dangerously ill. We attended “Sign of the Cross,” which was in the Princess theatre S.S. Sisters Reid and Wallace accompanied us.

24 March 1900 • Saturday

24th. Saturday.— Prepared for Elderslie. Did some mending—a case of wearing a night-dress so that my only garments could be ‘sorted.’

Arrived in company with Bro. Young at Elderslie at two five, went straight-way to Mrs. Nesbits [Isabella Porterfield Nisbet’s] and at three o’clock we left—to visit the McKims who were having a little party for us. We met a Mrs. Johnson, sister of Mrs. McKim, who had been wanting to meet some Mormons for a long time and let them know how wrong they are and of their dreadful wickedness,’ but like the fools who come to scoff and remained to pray, she listened for an hour to Bro. Nesbit [William P. Nisbet] and took in every word,—all she had to say was that that was so different [p. [116]] from what she had read. Josephine also had an insterresting chat and told the lady of our customs and habits at home, and also conveyed many lovely ideas, of which the lady will be able to think and consider after her return home. I also had a talk with her about my missionary labors. We remained until eleven and enjoyed the singing and reciting as well as tea and served at half past four and refreshments served at eight and ten. We met a Mr. Gow, a Mr. Douglass a medical student, and five daughters and two sons of the McKims. I recited Pyramus and Thisbe and The Soldiers Pardon.

Remained at Mrs. Nesbits.

25 March 1900 • Sunday

25th. Sunday.— Had breakfast at ten. Went to the parish Kirk [church] with Tom [Thomas D. Nisbet] and his sister Geanie [Jeanie Nisbet]. Every body seemed very formal. Saw the McKims but they had on their Sunday dignity and were like icebergs,—probably because we are Mormons,—they did not recognize us. [p. [117]]

The Minister read his sermon, the text being Psalm 23.5. Many good lessons can be learned from such preachers, if they are not of us. We went for a walk, after dinner through the Newton Woods.

The brethern come over from Paisley and we held sacramental meeting after which we had a bite to eat and journeyed to Paisley where we called on Mrs. Adams who thinks we are vain and stuck up.

We attended the evening meeting at 5 Storey Rd.. Josephine spoke very well but I seemed bound just as I did the last time I tried to speak in 4 Carlton. The good spirit seemed not to be there.

We come home on the train arriving about 9:o’clock.

Met Pres. Millers brother who has newly arrived. On trying to excuse ourselves for remaining at Elderslie and Paisley the Glasgow [p. [118]] Elders turned it into a great joke and tried to plague us with it.

26 March 1900 • Monday

26th. Monday.— Went to the ‘con’ for tracts and mail but recieved none of the latter. I have now been out of spon over two weeks.

Went tracting, gave out 50 double, had 2 conversations and visited two houses.

I fasted breakfast and dinner; after tea we went to see the Leggats, and Sister Grear, near Shields Rd.

27 March 1900 • Tuesday

27th. Tuesday.— A very cold day. Wind and snow in our weather menu. Went to ‘53’ and stayed for dinner—had corn and cake from Utah. Wrote to Uncle Tom [Thomas J. Filcher].

Went to the Manners and Moody Opera “Faust” in the evening in company with Elders Young, Curr [Thomas A. Kerr], and Crosby [Robert Crosbie].

28 March 1900 • Wednesday

28th. Wednesday.— Went tracting.

Went to see the Nelsons.

29 March 1900 • Thursday

29th. Thursday.— Went tracting. Attended testimony [p. [119]] meeting in the evening.

30 March 1900 • Friday

30th. Friday.— Went tracting. In the evening Elders Young, Crosby, and Nesbit, Josephine and I went down to see Mrs. Milne. We arrived there at 5 p.m, had tea a half hour later. The evening was spent in singing reciting, conversing and eating. It was quite an enjoyable time. We met another of her (Mrs. Milnes) daughters and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Peacock. They were all very sociable.

31 March 1900 • Saturday

31st. Saturday.— Took a bath. Went to see the Crawfords in the afternoon, also went to Miss Spence’s home, she gave us tickets to a concert or rather an elocutional recital. We spent the evening at the Wallaces. [5 lines blank] [p. [120]]

Report for the month of March

Indoor meetings attended


Reported 16

Out- " " "4


"5 2

Tracts distributed from door to door


" 849



" 16

Strangers houses visited by first invetation


" 3

" " " "6 re- "7


" 20

Books loaned


" 2

Phamplets "8


" 2 <3>

"9 given away


" 1

[p. [121]]

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March 1900, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]See “Josephine Booth and Eliza Chipman with Friend Lizzie Nelson, Glasgow, Scotland, 7 March 1900” on the Images tab of this site.

  2. [2]Onions were a common homeopathic remedy for a variety of conditions, including sleeplessness. (“Onions in Intermittent Fever,” Homeopathic World 26 [2 Mar. 1891]: 104; “Health Hints,” Farm Journal 20, no. 2 [Feb. 1896]: 40; F. E. Bilz, The Natural Method of Healing: A New and Complete Guide to Health [Leipzig, Germany: F. E. Bilz, 1898], 2:1140–1141.)

  3. [3]See note, in Chipman, Journal, 6 Jan. 1899.

  4. [4]text: Ditto marks for “door meetings attended”.

  5. [5]text: Here and on next seven rows, ditto marks for “Reported”.

  6. [6]text: Ditto marks for “Strangers houses visited by”.

  7. [7]text: Ditto mark for “invetation”.

  8. [8]text: Ditto mark for “loaned”.

  9. [9]text: Ditto mark for “Phamplets”.