November 1898

1 November 1898 • Tuesday

1st Tuesday, a very nice day, being composed of a great deal of sunshine. We studied most all day.

2 November 1898 • Wednesday

2nd. A beautiful morning but very stormy, dissagreeable afternoon Bros. [George W.] Palmer, and [William C.] Wright and myself went to Sister Turners to tea at five o’clock, after the usual days work.

3 November 1898 • Thursday

3rd. A calm day. Nothing unusual.

4 November 1898 • Friday

4th. Cloudy, but no rain. Mended dress and hose. nothing unusual, in the way of excitement. Took tea with Sister Lowmax [Lomax].

5 November 1898 • Saturday

5th. A beautiful day. Guy Fox [Fawkes] day for English people. This is an <the> anniversary of the day that Guy Fox was caught just in time to save a great deal of property and honor and a great number of lives. He was the man who had worked the skeam to blow up the parliment, but the trouble was found out to early to end in trouble to those for whom it was intended.

This day did Bro. and Sister Austin, Bro. [William J.] and Sister [Elizabeth Walker Bennett] Panter, Sister Johnson and daughter, and another Sister Johnson, (the later not related to the first) set sail for America from Glasglow. I just learned that Bro. Clarke [William E. Clark] and Sister Young have [p. 23] gone to France, but I do not know which day they left. Bro. Clarke went for the sights and Sister Young to her father.

6 November 1898 • Sunday

6th. Another day is past and gone. The first fog since my arrival, it was very dense, but they tell me that was a white fog and to remain patient until I seen a real thick London black fog.

We attended the Gospel and Bible class at Bro. Blameys. Learned the lesson of faith, and also patience. In the evening at four o’clock Dr. Snow come to tea, he accompanied us to evening services, he and Bro. Palmer occupied the time. A young lady sang.

7 November 1898 • Monday

7th. Monday and a most beautiful day of sunshine. Recieved a letter from M. [Amanda Chipman] and I. [Ida Chipman]. The day was spent as usual in study. All is well that ends well.

8 November 1898 • Tuesday

8th. Bro. Polly [Arthur K. Paully] proposed that he come and go tracting on this Tuesday. this was quite agreeable with Bro. Wright and myself. He was to come from Stratford, his home, to Forest Gate and call for us, at half past nine a.m., but an account of some trouble with his health he did not come until about half past two to excuse himself. The day was a very delightful one and me not wanting to miss the lovely weather took advantage of the same. We took a hundred tracts each and started [p. 24] out. This was decidedly new for me and most awkward because I was fearing that some one might ask me a question that I could not answer. But however I made the most of the oppurtunity and went forward as would any good girl. I visited thirty-eight houses leaving two tracts at each house. Bro. Wright was more used to the work, consequently he was much quicker he delivered his then twelve of mine. Out of the thirty-eight—four refused,—an old lady, two old gentleman and one young lady—all the others treated me more civilly. But it takes a great amount of courage—well it takes equal portions of nerve—gift of gab—and sticktivetiveness [stick-to-itiveness]—this mixed well, and taken in large doses will give favorable results of courage. We knelt in prayer before starting and asking the assistance of his most infinite power He who is the father of all, and I am sure he gave us strength. We returned very favorably of going again.

9 November 1898 • Wednesday

9th. Wednesday— The lord-mayor-great-show-day.

Of course we did not feel to miss such a grand [p. 25] display of exquisite grandeur made manifest by his—money.— Each year a banquet is given at the Guilde Hall for the entertainment of the royal family and friends of the same, after which a parade is formed of the nobility and soldiery, it must be very nice to look at. We went to look at but seen not—only the horid crowd filled with ‘white-chapel’ breath, thanks for the protection of two kind gentleman who protected me from the jam—who they were I know not; thousands and thousands of people, some going one way and some another one cannot tell where they will push you to. We had to come home and read in the paper of what we saw, in order to know. We visited the windows and gazed upon them, but did not have the ‘mun’, bought me a rain-cloak, a beast of a thing too, and the life of Christ, went to 36 met a number of new arrivals, elders, among whom was two sisters Peterson with their husbands on the way to Denmark. Reached home at half past nine ate a little supper, bathed and retired because I was so very tired. [p. 26]

10 November 1898 • Thursday

10th. Thursday. A calm cloudy day to correspond with the dull dismal feeling, due to the pressure of the previous day. There was no par [blank] shown any one in that crowd. We were all hugged the same. Bro. Clarke come down in the afternoon to bid us good-bye, as he expects to return to Utah, the land of the blessed. He took tea with us, after which he returned to 36, and Bro. Palmer and myself went to visit the saints, Bro. and Sister Turner, and Bro. <Mr.> and Sister Cook and family. The mother, daughter and two sons being mormons. We partook of refreshments at each house, and rent the air with our musical voices. Returned home at half past ten through a fog, which was not so thick but what we arrived home safely.

11 November 1898 • Friday

11. Beautiful day with much sunshine. Remained at home all day studying.

12 November 1898 • Saturday

12th. Saturday, a rather foggy day, with some little rain in the evening, dark at half past four. Went for a walk by myself. Bros. Newton and Cook came down in the evening to ask for an administration for Bro. Newton. Pleasant evening.

13 November 1898 • Sunday

13. Sunday.— Fast day. Held theological class and fast meeting at Bro. Keeley’s, an excellent spirit enjoyed. Bro. Palmer and myself went up to 36 to attend the afternoon and evening meeting. We both spoke in the evening. Bro. Palmer spofe [spoke] for forty-[p. 27]five minutes, so did I minus the forty. Bro. Palmer remained at 36 and [Joseph R.] Squires who just arrived two weeks ’ago returned home to Forest Gate with me. I met Sisters Saunders and [Priscilla Paul] Jennings who are out for pleasure.

14 November 1898 • Monday

14th. Monday.— Still the fog is very dense. Study as usual. Begun a fast of four meals—to try and be more humble that my understanding might be brightened, that the principals of the doctrine of the Everlasting Gospel might appear more clear to me.

15 November 1898 • Tuesday

15th. Tuesday I made a mistake—I did not begin my fast until after breakfast Tuesday to last until tea time Wednesday.

This day I wrote two letters, one to my sister Zilpha [Chipman Beck] and one to my brother Thomas [J. Chipman]. Studied faith and works.

16 November 1898 • Wednesday

16th.— I felt so good studied faith and the gospel. Broke my fast at five o’clock. Sister Wotkins came in the evening. I learned that through being influenced by the evil power, it was not difficult to do evil and doing evil yourself you imagine there is nothing else but evil in the world. But to be good you have the greater power to distinguish good from evil.

17 November 1898 • Thursday

17th. A very sultry day. Havn’t seen the sun for four days. The time passes too quickly. Study as usual.

18 November 1898 • Friday

18th. A most beautiful day. We took our books and walked to the [p. 28] Westham Park at about half past ten—returned at twelve. Took tea with Sister Lomax—Bro. Wright and I.

19 November 1898 • Saturday

19. Another beautiful day. Usual work. Bro. Palmer and I went up to 36 Penton at half past four. I attended a party, given by the West End school-teachers at Hamersmith’s Hall, in company with Bro. [Robert H.] Anderson. Recieved an invetation from Miss Allie Sail to go and stay with her—but was dissapointed in the actions of her sister and did not accept the invetation. Returned and stayed at 36.

20 November 1898 • Sunday

20. Sunday— Enjoyed the Bible class at Penton and also the afternoon services,—where two elders from German mission spoke in the ‘Detcherland’ [Deutschland] language, as there was two German ladies present who did not understand English. Met a gentleman from Chicago, who had business with some London firms and hearing of our being here visited our meeting. Returned with Bro. [William] Lomax to his home where we had tea and then went to our own Stratford meeting. Bros. Hursley [David W. Horsley] and Wright were the speakers. Recieved a letter from Ida.

21 November 1898 • Monday

21st Monday.— A rainy day. Time spent as usual. J. [John] R. Hindley returned in the evening from his three weeks vacation. Glad to see him. [p. 29]

22 November 1898 • Tuesday

22nd. Tuesday— A most beautiful day. Sunshine all day. We went tracting. I gave out tirty eight tracts. Went and took tea with the Blameys. A bitter cold evening, very sharp and cutting. Called on the Turners.

23 November 1898 • Wednesday

23rd Wednesday.— A very wet rainy day. Sent a letter to G. A. [George Albert] Smith. The first flea that I ever seen in my life bite me on the wrist and woke me up in the morning, my heart was filled with murder for him—but I could not find the little d— he hopped off and did not ever turn his head back to thank me for his breakfast. I hav’nt seen him since.1

24 November 1898 • Thursday

24th. Thursday, My first attack of illness; nothing accomplished Went and took tea with the Lomax’s. A very wet dissagreeable night.

25 November 1898 • Friday

25th. Friday, It was our intention to observe thanksgiving at 36. Bros. Wright and Hindley kept the engagement, I did not feel like going. Wrote letters to my sisters Mrses. M and I. and to Miss Sale. Retired early.

26 November 1898 • Saturday

26th. Saturday. A rainy day. Called to see Sister Seager in the evening and took tea with her. Received a letter from Sister Credgengton [Crudgington] inviting us to tea and to attend the ‘Bazar’ with her.

27 November 1898 • Sunday

27th. Sunday. Meeting of the Theological and Bible classes at Brother Blaugs. the next Gospel lesson on ‘faith—the New Testament’ was assigned to me Sister M. E. Allen come home to dinner with us. Attended the evening [p. 30] services at Stratford hall, Brothers Purdy and Hindley and myself were the speakers. We took first steps in advancment of the ‘Relief Society,’ not all were willing to become active members. But we agreed to meet as many as would at Sister Seagers on the following day at three o’clock, to effect an organization.2

28 November 1898 • Monday

28th. Monday. Bros. Polly and Hindley and myself went out immediately after breakfast. Bro. H— went to Bro. Keeleys and Bro. P.— went to his home and I went to Sister Turners. Spent a pleasant few hours, after which Bro. H— and myself went to Sister S— for the meeting. Sisters Seach [Martha Shave Seaich]—and daughter,3 Cook, Seager and Bro. H. and myself were the extent of the meeting. We could not organize until there was <are> more present, however we did some sewing, took tea, and after a very enjoyable time returned home at about half-past-eight.

29 November 1898 • Tuesday

29 Tuesday— A very beautiful day. Remained in all day, fasted dinner.

30 November 1898 • Wednesday

30 Wednesday— A nice morning but cold. Commenced writing a letter to my sisters Ida and Manda. The day ended with considerable of rain [p. 31]

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November 1898, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]See “Flea Hunt, London, circa 1898” on the Images tab of this site.

  2. [2]From 1842 to 1971, Relief Society membership was optional and entailed paying regular dues. (Jill Mulvay Derr, Janath Russell Cannon, and Maureen Ursenbach Beecher, Women of Covenant: The Story of Relief Society [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1992], 345–346.)

  3. [3]Probably Martha Seaich, known as Mattie, a recently baptized member of the church. (See photographs and handwritten captions included on front pages of Chipman, Journal, 20 Mar. 1899–31 Oct. 1899, transcription of captions included in Related Materials; “Martha Seaich, 1874–?,” Individual Record, Family Tree database [Ancestor ID: KWJZ-S2L], FamilySearch, accessed 28 Dec. 2023,