September 1899

1 September 1899 • Friday

1st. Friday.— Wet morning. Went tracting in the afternoon gave out 45 second tracts. Recieved 5 conversations and double the number of refusals.

In the evening we held meeting on Douglas St. where Elder [John S.] Smith took up the time occupying one hour and a half. After which he treated us to carmels and chocolates.

2 September 1899 • Saturday

2nd Saturday.— A beautiful day. Nothing attempted nothing done. Went down to the Argyle Baths and celebrated the one day in the year.1

3 September 1899 • Sunday

3rd Sunday.— A very stormy day. Attended Sunday-School in the morning, testimony meeting in the afternoon and evening meeting. At the last mentioned Elder Neisbitt [William P. Nisbet] and my self for the speakers.

4 September 1899 • Monday

4th. Monday.— Went tracting. Gave out 50 tracts and recieved 4 conversations. In the evening attended out-door meeting on Cathedral square. A sermon was delivered by Elder Oldum [Ernest P. Oldham], who is on his return home, on the apostasy. He held a large crowd interested with his enthusiastic expressions. After our meeting was over, an opponent started up, he read from a book, the author of which he refused to give, being assisted by the bright light afforded by two torches he read concerning Joseph Smith and compared him and his visions with Mohammed and his visions and compared the Mormon people with the heathens in fact he called them heathens. [p. 87]

5 September 1899 • Tuesday

5th. Tuesday— Went tracting with first tracts. Gave out 55 and had 3 conversations.

In the evening we went to the conference house where we met Mr. and Mrs. Peterson who are returning from their mission to Scandanivia where they have labored since November.

6 September 1899 • Wednesday

6th. Wednesday.— For a long time we have met opposition from one who opposed from three standpoints, viz.—“that of allowing men preach the Gospel who believe in and practice plurality of wives,” faith and works another “Jno. 3.16 is enough that is full of Gospel,” and thirdly he could not or would not understand that the Gospel of Christ had been lost many centuries ago and restored in this present dispensation,—and so he kept a disturbed atmosphere around our meeting quarters on these three topics, at last he begun distributing tracts which contained an argument that exposed “Mormonism”.

On this evening we met and numbered about fifty saints. The missionaries had fasted all day and had prayed often that this meeting might not be broken into but have a good spirit that some honest in heart might see the truth, and that the speakers would be led to speak those things necessary. The first speaker Elder [Thomas] Gilchrist, a returning missionery from the NewCastle conference, where he had been president, spoke first on faith and works—faith being belief in God the Father and [p. 88] His Son Jesus Christ and the works being obedience to His commandments. Elder [John B.] Young of this conference next spoke bringing out in plainness with some of the commandments are. Next Elder [David C.] Eccles spoke dwelling principally upon the authenticity of the Book of Mormon and answered the false acquisation [accusation] set forth in the opponents tract.

Our prayers were answered. A good spirit filled the bosom of saints present. It was an undesturbed meeting and the enquiry at the close was greater than before. One young girl who was interrested attended the Thursday night meeting.

7 September 1899 • Thursday

7th. Thursday.— We went down to Stobcross, via., a Clutha, to see the returning missionaries and emigrating saints off for America on the s.s. Fernessia

Being chosen pilot of a small company, having recieved two pence recompense <from Brother Gilchrist,> for the corageous undertaking we proceded on our way. We wound our way through buisy and excited crowds, dodging in front of horses and bicycles narrowly escaping the whiring wheels of vehicles and of the blocading of the traffic, and at a gait of two knots a minute we arrived at Jamaca St Clutha station. I recived compliments on my good qualities for guide and I felt that I needed something to work as an antedote against the smell of the River which was terrific. (The filth of the City is emptied into the Clyde and just where the river runs [p. 89] through the City)

We arrived at Stobcross in a few minutes but were behind time. The ship was advertised to sail at twelve and it was then twenty minutes to twelve. I was the first off the boat and seeing the exit gate closed I bounded up the gang way and bounded through another gate and every body who were on that boat followed, we all like sheep went astray and when we got in through the gate, which works on a pivot only allowing one to pass and it only turns the one way. For a few minutes we were like chickens with their heads off and finally a young girl come and unlocked other gates so we got out and at the boat in good season in fact we were very early as the boat did not leave until half past one p.m. We bode all good bye and they went on board and we waved a last good-bye.

We returned home and after partaking of a good well cooked dinner we went over to 53 where we enjoyed watermelon and then went and took Brother Allen [Thomas L. Allen Jr.]; president of the Irish conference to call on the Misses Scott, 767 New City Rd..

In the evening we attended testimony meeting. Met a Miss Lindsey [Effie Lindsay] who come to meeting on the previous evening and through interest awakened in that meeting she come to see farther. [p. 90]

8 September 1899 • Friday

8th. Friday.— Went tracting while it was yet morning. Gave out 46 tracts. Spent the afternoon in study. In the evening we held a meeting on Douglas St. where we met fiery tongued opposition.

Wrote to Mrs. [Margaret Nightingale] Caine. Recieved a letter from Manda [Amanda Chipman].

9 September 1899 • Saturday

9th. Saturday.— In the afternoon we went to a penny concert in St. Andrews Hall. In the evening we went to see the Bell of New York.

10 September 1899 • Sunday

10th. Sunday.— Attended Sunday School. In the afternoon Elder Nesbitt, Josephine [Booth] and myself were the speakers. After meeting I met a Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson.

In the evening Brother Leggitt [Leggat]2 occupied all the time I met a Mrs. Anderson with whom I conversed. The Miss Lindsay was late but remained to talk with us. She is only sixteen, is dark complexioned and not very tall, about the hieght of my Sister Lillie. She informed us that her Aunt had taken her tracts away from her and that she was going to return to England to live with her Grandma, she has no parents neither brothers and sisters, her address is Royal Oak, Belper, Derbyshire. She seemed to dread leaving us and insisted on our writing to her. She cried and seemed to be feeling very sad.

It was a strange thing she has been in Scotland a year and just as she is called away to hear of the true church of Christ. [p. 91]

11 September 1899 • Monday

Monday. 11th. Went tracting. gave out 52 tracts had one conversation. Attended Relief Society where I spoke on the work of what the sisters might do in the way of hygiene and obstetrics.

12 September 1899 • Tuesday

12th. Tuesday.— Went tracting gave out 49 tracts and recieved two conversations.

The Miss Effie Lindsay did not go to England and she called on us in the evening and bid us good-bye once more. Brother Young also called to see if either of us were ill—because we had neglected going into the conference house the first time since here, we did it on purpose.

13 September 1899 • Wednesday

13th. Wednesday.— We went down to the Argyle baths in the morning. Took a six-penny bath.

Went tracting in the afternoon gave out 47 tracts. Attended meeting on New City Rd.. I spoke on the commands of the Old and New Testament, tried to show the necessity of obeying the last as well as the first.

14 September 1899 • Thursday

14th. Thursday.— The rain come down like myriads of young rvers and it seemed all on account of the races at Ayr, and because of it we had to stay at home—where we belonged. Went out to Maryhill to sew my sleeves on Mrs. McCarrens sewing machine. We got quite wet in places. Brother Young was here with Josephine when I returned, he spent the evening with us the next day.

We recieved a letter from D.O. Mc.Kay [David O. McKay], assuring <us> of his safe [p. 92] arrival after so turbulant a voyage.3

We attended Thursday night meeting.

15 September 1899 • Friday

15th. Friday.— A rep[et]ition of the previous day in weather and about the same in work. Brother Young spent the evening with us.

16 September 1899 • Saturday

16th. Saturday.— Just one year ago since I bade my people good-bye. “Time and tide waits for no man” but it puts people in different circumstances and positions very often and peculiar ones too. Two years ago my mind was a vastly different one from that of a year ago and now—ah me! I doubt if it is anything at all—save a disturbed, conglomerated record of the past—and a menotonous blank whose lines are gloom and whose spaces is quietude—for the future, where in can only be written the work that will take place, at the actual time. How often do we make our expectations mental realities until they are driven into the peaceful slumbers of the night and causes pleasure, doubt, fear and dissapointment to be one assumed life lived in a single night. Why should we make up our minds to happiness or sorrow that is so far distant and which only can be reached by time. Two years ago I was living in happy expectation of one thing which would have moulded my future into content or discontent just by a single act—but the problem was one of the multiplication which I tried to work on the principal of division and [p. 93] recieved the wrong result.

Today I expect nothing but just what presents itself daily. This life is just what we make it—either heaven or hell—and at the end of time we will recieve our deserved figures.

17 September 1899 • Sunday

17th. Sunday.— We attended Sabbath-school in the morning, afternoon meeting, took dinner with the Elders at 53. Attended evening services.

18 September 1899 • Monday

18th. Monday.— Went tracting, gave out 39, had six conversations. Attended evening meeting on Cathedral Square.

19 September 1899 • Tuesday

19th. Tuesday.— Wrote to my sisters. Went tracting gave out 49 tracts In the afternoon we went out to Yoker to fulfil an engagement at Mr. and Mrs. Donaldsons. We had a splendid good time. D.C. Eccles went with us.

20 September 1899 • Wednesday

20th. Wednesday.— Went tracting. Gave out 49 tracts and had 5 cons. I was invited into two ladies homes where we had a splendid conversation and invetations to come again. We attended evening meeting at New City Rd..

21 September 1899 • Thursday

21st. Thursday.— We both awakened after a long heavy sleep, it was nearing onto half-past nine. After passing suggestions as to which should pile out first,—and it was no little trouble to get out of a hole in the wall like ours especially for the one that slept at the back,—it fell my lot and I was at the back too,—I climbed and tumbled until I was what we call “up.” The first thing that come to our minds while dressing was [p. 95]4 that today was the appointed time to visit Miss Effie Lindsay and her Uncle and Aunt.

Just two weeks ago yesterday since we met the young Miss and after a conversation on people, country, etc. we each (Josephine and I) made up our minds that she was a right smart young girl—and we both could not help but remark that she was one of the sweetest and brightest girls of her age that we had ever met—she said she was just sixteen. Just a week later she called and extended an invetation from her Aunt to come and visit with her, at first we felt to decline thinking it was a job being worked on us, however, after a little persuasion from her innocent self we accepted and said we would come at about three o’clock in the afternoon. She seemed delighted that we had said agreed to her request and after insuring us of the kind welcome that would be extended us by her Aunt and Uncle and telling us of the sweet music that we would hear “because” said she “my Uncle has both an organ and a piano and he is a good singer and my Aunt both plays and sings, and I have a harp which I play and will be delighted to render some pieces for you,”—she bade us good-bye. I escorted her to the door where she seemed both to part squeezing my hands, and telling me how she loved me, and having me make unlimited promises that I would never forget her, she asked if I would have one of her pictures—at [p. 96] this I quickly responded—“certainly I would be honored.” She went on telling me many things of her poor dead mother who, she said died two years ago and then with her tear stained eyes she told me of her sister who was two years older than her self and who had grieved and mourned after the loss of the mother until her constitution was fair worn out and she died six months after mother. With her eyes brim full of tears many of which had left their abiding place and rolled like huge rain-drops down the sweet innocent face which by this time looked so pale,—she said, will you be angry if I tell you something about my father I told her decidedly not if she would feel relieved by so doing well, she said, I may as well tell you now as any time he left us having failed in business a good while ago and went to America and we never heard from him at all until a few days ago and he is here in Glasgow, and that was the reason my Aunt was sending me to England but the night before I was to go my father called and seen me so she thought there was no reason why I should go. Else we were afraid he would take me and make me stay with him, but he said he would not. By this time I was getting cold so I suggested that I take her down to Parlimentary Rd.. So we went tripping down the stairs, three flights in number, over the hill at the bottom of which I bade her good night. [p. 97]

She has called twice since once last evening to bring us some fresh cream cakes which she said her Aunt made and sent to us along with a renewal of the anvetation [invitation] and also a reminder that tomorrow was the day to visit them. We had thought lightly of it until at this last injunction when we thought that was getting generous for a British family. And this morning we had a good talk all the while we were dressing and eating breakfast—trying to make out what was meant, but this seemed more difficult than the work which Balaam undertook with driving his pony through the gate—it was no go. Notwithstanding, the puzzle it was to us we talked over what we aught to wear and Josephine with her sweet face and innocent manner said “well you know how people aught <here> judge folks by what they have on,—I think we aught to wear our best.” Well that would not be very extra for me because my clothes are so few and common at the best, however I agreed. And by way of sweetening up we took a trip to the baths and took a soak as if we might be cleaning up for the year—the years cleaning is generally the most thorough. On our way to the baths we met a woman who looked hungry and cold which bore her out in the same plea—she said she had come from the poor house and was going to Burnsbank—so we took her and got her some breakfast and gave her two pence [p. 98] and told her we hoped she was worthy if so God would bless but if not she would not reap any blessing.

We had just got back and had finished our dinner when who should come but Effie Lindsay and this caused us to feel more queer than ever. She only stayed a while because she said she had to go and get her grand-ma and take her before we went and she would meet us at Brayside.

So we proceeded—I think we both looked more trigged up then for many a day before. I with my bran new spankin brown gown and Josephine with her pretty skirt and purple silk blouse were all ready but we did not need to wait for Miss [Janette] Lang who was to call for us because she was here in ample time looking as fresh and sweet as a new blown rose. I wondered if she had taken as much pains to look especially nice for the occasion as we. Alls ready and off we went with countenances beaming with curiosity and hearts full of joy thinking of the splendid invetation to visit such grand people as live on Cambridge Drive and facing the Botanic Gardens. Three Mormon girls think of it.

When we got to Brayside there was no one to meet us so we went on any way as I had the address. Because of our own stupidity we had a little trouble in finding the place. When we had found the number 134 we climbed steps until [p. 99] finding the name Barclay. It fell my lot to go to the door. The Mrs. Barclay come and upon asking after Miss Lindsay she said—“Why she does not live here, I know her though, my husband is her Uncle, she invited someone else here once before under pretense of it being her home but she lives with her Aunt on South Side.” Well what a surprize we went down stairs with more wonder than ever—a trick one would only attribute to such as Pecks bad boy.— Then Miss Lang remembered that Miss Effie promised to meet us on North Park St. and on find it we found the young Miss and when she learned that we had been to 134 her lips quivered she turned pale and tears filled her eyes she seemed bewildered but said it’s alright you must come to my grand-mas she is expecting you. We went and after a little standing around and waiting the Grand-mother come with one of her daughters and between the two we learned that Effie was mentally deranged and that she had caused them no end of trouble. Mrs. Lindsay who lives at No. 6 Greystone terrace come on the scene and when she learned what we were doing there and how it all come about she was seized with bitter crying and moaning. We told them not to worry because of us and they each kindly invited us to see them. It seemed very bad <funny> at first wound up very sad.

We come home or to 53 took tea with Pres. [James K.] Miller and remained to Testimony meeting. We have not counted this day lost. [p. 100]

22 September 1899 • Friday

22nd Friday.— Went over to 53 and soddered a few holes in a few pairs of socks for a few of the boys.

Come home practiced hymns and did some little studying.

23 September 1899 • Saturday

23rd Saturday.— Sent letters to M. and I. [Ida Chipman] and to G.A.S. [George Albert Smith].

In the afternoon Brother Young come for us to go over to the conference house because he was alone and consequently would have been lonely—but we went according to request, we stayed until evening when Sister Wallace and her brother Campbell [Wallace] come. They brought us two scones, which were very good.

24 September 1899 • Sunday

24th. Sunday.— Attended Sabbath School, afternoon meeting and evening meeting. I spoke in afternoon session.

We had dinner at 53.

25 September 1899 • Monday

25th. Monday.— This is a legal holliday—known as the harvest holiday—all banks and business houses are closed—Barnums and Baileys circus has come to town we went out to see the procession.

Went over to 53 at half past eight—recieved a letter from M. and I. and a $30.00 cheque from Henry [William Henry Chipman], inclosed with the letter that brought me the joyful yet sad news of my Sisters leaving the old home. Ah, scenes of childhood—such girl-hood—such happiness—such untold sor[p. 101]row—have all grew and changed into womanhood—into circumstances that heaven <alone> knew. And this news of leaving the old home and caused me to think and reflect of what has been and what might have been only for neglect,—which has been might have been changed—what might have been would have been bitter, but the Providence that looks over all fulfills our destiny to the letter. Ah Sisters dear,—may you always happy be, though you have tossed your anchor into the angry sea, yet with your aspiration of virtue, grace, and peace, you have chosen the right stepping stone that leads to eternity. You say you havn’t taken advantage of all thats given you—just show me the man or woman that has done and then to do the will of our earthly parents we only know as we are taught and can only know with the intellegence we have like the manna to the Isrealites brought. [8 lines blank] [p. 102]

We spent the whole of this day at the conference house and an [on] account of Mrs. [Agnes Cooke] Reid being away we made the dinner. And O, what a dinner! tomato-soup—mashed potatoes, milk-gravey, beef-stake, and for desert custard with cream. At the fina’ of the grace we all said in concert Amen—at the fina of dinner the boys in concert cried enchore! enchore! At first we thought it was a compliment and bravo beat against the tablets of my heart but this was only a prelude to the ushering in of long extravagant sighs—for they must meant they had not had enough, for they finished on things wholly unprepared by us and that was only put on the table for effect,—preserves, dishes, etc.

After a series of Bible guessing games which took place after supper we came to our hole-in-the-wall at 86 North Fredrick St..

26 September 1899 • Tuesday

26th. Tuesday.— We went tracting, I gave out 79 had two refusals and one conversation.

Wrote a letter to my brother Henry and a card to Inez [Knight].

Studied some little on “mans relationship to Deity and the Godhead.”

27 September 1899 • Wednesday

27th. Wendsday <x>— Wednesday— Practiced hymns for conference.

Went tracting gave out fifty.

In the evening I accompanied Josephine to fulfil an [p. 103] engagement that she had agreed with while tracting. She had called a number of times with tracts at this particular place where a Miss Jessie Crawford lived with her three older sisters who invited Josephine to come and take me and spend the evening. Of course we gladly accepted the invetation—we can easily stand an experience per week. Houever this one turned out better than the last. According to appointment we left home at six p.m. walked the full distance through “a Scotch mist” and arrived at about twenty to seven. Miss Jessie recieved us warmly—gave us comfortable seats in the parlor where we were joined a little later by the three other sisters.

We showed them pictures of the Salt Lake City and Salt Air and conversed freely on the country and people of Utah.5 We did not try to push a religious conversation but they urged so many questions upon the faith peculiar to Mormonism that in answering them we talked on the glorious principals until ten o’clock. Miss Maggie [Margaret Crawford], however, sang three lovely songs—and her voice is indeed sweet it being a strictly saprano voice. After refreshments and a warm shake of the hand we accepted an invetation back again arranged for them to come and see us and said good night to the two while the other two walked to the car with us. [p. 104]

28 September 1899 • Thursday

28th. Thursday.— We went to 53 to see the returning missionaries off on the City of Rome, we accompanied them to Stobcross where we bade them good-bye also Miss Lang who is off for Utah. We then come back with Miss [Isabella] Hamilton who was going to take us for a sail down to Rothsay but the train did not leave until so late in the afternoon that we decided to go to Barnums and Baileys great show. We went to the restraurant for dinner then went to the circus. Enjoyed it very much—learned why a kiss is different from a new sewing-machine.

We returned home and after supper went to the meeting.

29 September 1899 • Friday

29th. Friday.— Went tracting gave out 50 tracts, had two conversations and was invited in each of the houses,—one of which was the home of a minister and his family. The minister was not at home but his wife was very talkitive and rather sarcastic but she said it was very interresting to hear about those people and thanked me wishing me success in all my endeavors in missionary work but declined my tract but a lady who was visiting with her asked her <me> for one. Sister Wallace and her sister Millie came in and spent the evening with us.

30 September 1899 • Saturday

30th. Saturday.— Another stormy day. Went to 53 and practiced hymns. [p. 105]

Report for the month of August—September.

Indoor meetings attended


Reported 17

Out " " "6


"7 6

Tracts distributed from door to door


" 531



" 26

Strangers houses visited by first invetation



" " " "8 re- "9


"10 2

In the evening we went down to the Wallaces where we spent the evening very pleasantly—ice-cream for refreshments. Had a good talk on the education of women. [1/2 page blank] [p. 106]

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September 1899, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Many European cities during the late Victorian era funded the construction of public baths and washhouses as a matter of sanitation and public health. They were used primarily by men, but many women also availed themselves of these facilities to bathe and wash their clothing. They typically featured large “plunge baths,” or swimming pools, as well as more private tub baths. Glasgow had more baths than most cities. (Edward Mussey Hartwell, “Public Baths in Europe,” in Bulletin of the Department of Labor, ed. Carroll D. Wright and Oren W. Weaver, vol. 2 [Washington: Government Printing Office, 1897], 434–486.)

  2. [2]Four men in the Glasgow branch were named Leggat: William, James, Joseph, and Thomas. (William Leggat, James Leggat, Joseph Leggat, and Thomas Leggat, Glasgow Branch Record of Members, 1882–1903, nos. 23, 56, 77, 103, Scotland [Country], part 3, Record of Members Collection, 1836–1970, CHL; Glasgow Branch, General Minutes, 6 Jan. 1901; 4 Apr. 1901; 30 June 1901, CHL.)

  3. [3]See Chipman, Journal, 26 Aug. 1899.

  4. [4]text: Chipman skipped a number in her pagination here.

  5. [5]Missionaries often showed photographs or souvenir carte de visite collections featuring images of Salt Lake City and Utah. They shared the images to reassure friends and potential converts of the beauty, industry, and prosperity of Utah. (See Francis W. Kirkham, Journal, vol. 4, 18 June 1897, BYU. For examples of these image collections, see Views of Salt Lake City & Vicinity [Columbus, OH: Ward Brothers, 1890]; and Detroit Photographic Co., Views of Salt Lake City, 1899–1901, CHL.)

  6. [6]text: Ditto marks for “door meetings attended”.

  7. [7]text: Here and on next two rows, ditto marks for “Reported”.

  8. [8]text: Ditto marks for “Strangers houses visited by”.

  9. [9]text: Ditto mark for “invetation”.

  10. [10]text: Ditto mark for “Reported”.