February 1899

1 February 1899 • Wednesday

1st Wednesday: Tracted part of South Esk Rd. Recieved six refusals, one conversation with the Roman Catholic who showed fourth a very bitter feeling, not that we were Mormons, because she did not know what religion I represented until I had informed her. She thought it a dreadful affair for us to go out from door to door wearing the boots of our boots feet, “the place for the likes of you is at home, the men can do this work,” said she. Attended Relief meeting in the afternoon.

This being Bro. [Joseph R.] Squires birthday, twentieth, we celebrated it by taking tea with Sister Seager, where we met her son Tom, and his sweetheart, Mrs. Hamlton, and enjoyed a very nice evening. Received a letter from sister Manda [Amanda Chipman].

2 February 1899 • Thursday

2nd Thursday.— Recited the lesson in the morning.

Brothers [Raymond] Knight and [Walter J.] Knell come down to call on us. I recieved an invetation to go at half past two to go and call on a Mrs. Chipper of 95 Strone road to talk on the gospel principals. I went as requested and found her to be a very nice women who was seeking the truth, she had investigated every other re[p. 74]ligion but had not found one that suited the life of Christ as far as she had understood the Bible. Invited me to return soon. She hgave me a boquet of Chinese-lillies and violets. We got along very nicely We four spent the evening with the Blameys.

3 February 1899 • Friday

3rd. Friday. Rehersed our lesson. Finished my petticoat. Sister [Inez] Knight and I went to Sister Meekins with Brothers [Jabez W.] West and Miles. Leaving here at quarter to three arrived at #36 at about four o’clock. Left there and booked from Kings Cross to Peckam. Arrived at our destination at about half past seven. This was Miss Meakens sixty-sixth birthday, she had a German lady and her two daughters and a Miss Collins (and old maid, (a nurse by the way,) who were investigating the gospel. We enjoyed a very nice tea and supper. The tea was composed of cocoa, sardeans, boiled eggs, bread plain, bread and butter, all sort of cakes and some little mince pies, layer cake, sponge cake, angel food and fruit-cake or birth-day cake. And for supper plumb-pudding, and German-punch, made [p. 75] of claret and hot water and lemons. We had a most enjoyable time. Returned at half past twelve.

4 February 1899 • Saturday

4th. Saturday Sent letter to Cousin Frank Currie and Daily Mail to my sisters.

Recieved <a> letters from G. A. S.

5 February 1899 • Sunday

Sunday 5th.— Attended gospel class and fast meeting enjoyed a very nice time. Returned and the natural gas was some what muddy, a very stormy day indoors. Sister Seager called just in time to become soaked through, which seemed to have a pinching effect on the briny waters of the soul. But for all this we withstood the clamor of satan and attended evening services with joy. Four strangers and two saints who joined the Church long ago found where we were living by the piece in the ‘Daily Mail’ called ‘Enrolling Saints.’ A very good meeting.

6 February 1899 • Monday

6th. Monday.— Went tracting on Bolyn Rd. Recieved four conversation and a great number of refusals. Returned Brother [John R.] Hindley gave the lesson.

7 February 1899 • Tuesday

7th. Tuesday— Went tracting—finished Bolyn Rd. Returned after enjoying four conversations and many refusals. Bro. [Joseph R.] Squires gave the lesson. [p. 76]

In the evening Sister Cook and brother and Brother Newton come down to arrange the program for the coming concert which is to take place the following Monday after Good-Friday.

8 February 1899 • Wednesday

8th. Wednesday.— Went tracting. Gave out 140, recieved no conversations and one refusal. Attended Relief Society where we did some sewing, Sister Knight read a chapter from the church history. We took our own tea and enjoyed it very much. returned home in the buss a two penny ride because it was so far and stormy.

Poor Bro. Squires he is so young and awkward it seems as though; he tips something over every times he moves. This time he tip[p]ed a vase of flowers over which a lady investagator gave me.

9 February 1899 • Thursday

9th. Thursday. We read two chapters from the Book of Mormon, after prayers went through the lesson which Sister Knight gave on faith—repentance. Enjoyed an evening at Sister Seagers, on this occasion we noted the rapidity of the growth of Bro. [p. 77] Squires mustache, which was at this time one week old and able of itself to stand alone, but he has since amputated this creamy collection from his upper lip.

10 February 1899 • Friday

10th. Friday.— A repetition of the day before only we went to the Lomax for tea, which we enjoyed very much until just as we were about to leave Brother [William] Lomax said that if things could not be done as he liked he would take his doll and dishes and not play. He is laboring under a distorted impression of the affairs of particular—of trivial importance.

I have crocheted three hdkf. pieces.

11 February 1899 • Saturday

11th. Saturday.— The same as day before I gave the lesson on baptism. We girls took a walk in the park ‘Westham.’

Brother John Seaich brought his friend Frank Tuel to visit us for about an hour poor fellow he wears a wig, but seemingly a nice young man. [p. 78]

12 February 1899 • Sunday

12th. Sunday— We attended the Gospel and Bible class. Brother Squires gave the lesson on the gospel according to Roberts faith—revelation. the 6th. c of St. John was the Bible lesson, some interresting talk took place on this chapter. Bro. Squires and Sister Knight attended to their call strictly the former going to #36 Penton and the latter going to Watford where they both must have appeared important subjects at the evening services.

Brother [Frank L.] Layton come to Stratford from Watford he gave us a good talk. I spok[e] also.

One stranger in attendance.

After this meeting we shook hands and spoke to all who were present, Bro Newton, a local saint being about the last, he said, when I went to speak to him,—in a low suppressed voice, his eyes glaring, and face pale, with quivering lips, he uttered some few words to me and my heart fell full of sympathy for him, I only needed to gaze at him to learn [p. 79] that someone must have most wrongfully and unmercifully hurt his feelings, then with a few more uttered sentiments to learn that this cruel, selfish monstrocity was Sister Chipman well I almost fainted and was unfeelingly taking in the particulars of the offence which flowed—well sort of a tremelo-double-piano, which caused me to laugh. I rebuked him and told him that he was foolish to think that I cared to have the management of any thing that was not given for me to oversee, and as he was chairman that did not mean that he was to make the motions second them make all the suggestions and then to say just which pieces should be recited and sung, and compose the farce and everything, all of which he assumed as his rightful work; but evidently he was never a chairman before, because chairmans have less to say than any body and he had as much to say as anybody and I only spoke when spoken to and suggested when asked. [p. 80] Well, he said he would not slide down our cellar door nor we could not yell down his rain barrel. I would like to have put him in a rain bbl. and bunged it up tight. But he come to his milk by and bye and said that he knew I would not do anything intenti[on]ally and asked me to forgive him, and he asked God to bless me. I freely forgave him and he will not be mad at us any more if we will let him be mother, so we make him believe he is the boss.

He walked home with us. We took brother Layton to the Station.

13 February 1899 • Monday

13th. Monday.— Too stormy to go tracting. Rain, rain, rain! and wind to beat old Nick! Wrote to Aunt Sarah We spent the day as usual. Wrote to Wilf Boothe [Joseph Wilford Booth].1

14 February 1899 • Tuesday

14th. Tuesday.— Rained until eleven o’clock, it was then too late to go tracting as we were invited to Sister Dumpers to dinner at one, and to keep this appointment was quite necessary, as we could go tracting other days and could not go out to dinner at all times. [p. 81] We enjoyed ourselves very much, Sister Dumper is so very good natured and extremely and generously uncommonly kind. We returned at half past five after a good time, it seemed somewhat like home, she returned part way home with us and gave us a pudding (bread-pudding like home) and a large loaf of home-made bread.

We four spent the evening with the Turners.

15 February 1899 • Wednesday

Wednesday 15th.— Quite a nice day. After the Book of M. reading and prayer we all went tracting, I put out one hundred tracts recieved four conversations.

Brother Squires, poor boy tipped his plate in his lap—at dinner table.

A letter came that invited us to fast from four o’clock this day until four o’clock the following. We attended relief society in the after noon, and called on the Cooks in the evening.

16 February 1899 • Thursday

16th. Thursday. Morning exercise as usual. A very beautiful day put out one-hundred-twenty-four tracts, received one conversation, and among twelves refusals [p. 82] three doors closed in my face.

Brother Knight came out and spent the afternoon with us, and took bread- and milk with us, it was good.

Met a Mrs. Toole and a Miss Hoggan.

Sister Keeley come to call in the afternoon.

Received a letter from home.

Have now finished four pieces of lace for handkerchives.

17 February 1899 • Friday

17th. One of the most beautiful of days; after the usual morning duties we (Inez and I) took advantage of this shining, bright, quiet morning and went and distributed one hundred and fifty tracts; <each;> among many refusals I had two conversations. Though the elements were quiet and enjoyably peaceful, the strange ideas of humanity were in their severest uproar. Today the people seemed to know more of satans work, and to be more applicable to his wish and wicked desires than most any other day. They seemed to have allowed the bass of Haydes [Hades] to have come into their hearts boots, hats, coat, and all, for they told me that all Mormons were vile and corrupt. and aught not to be allowed to exist. But we pulled [p. 83] through some way, very hungry and really tender footed—or hearted probably.

Studied as usual. Brothers Hindley and Squires went to the Lomax’s to straighten up affairs and give the gentleman a curtain or rather Gospel lecture. He (Brother Lomax) seems to be behind the times. Through jealously or some nonsensical imaginery obstacle he seems not to be a very diligent Latter Day Saint. But he will come to his milk after while. These Englishmen are cautious,—touchy, irritable and ill-natured people. The women as well.

Brother Matem called in the evening.

The brothers returned with some hot potatoes, baked ones.

18 February 1899 • Saturday

18th. Saturday.— Morning duties as usual. Did some little sewing. Wrote a picture card to Brother [George W.] Palmer. Studied ‘Life of Christ.’ Recd letter and draft for fifteen dollars and fifty cents from Ida [Chipman] sent by brother Washburn [Stephen Washburn Chipman]. Alls well at home, so it is here. [p. 84]

19 February 1899 • Sunday

19th. Sunday.— Attended Gospel class and fast Meetting enjoyed a good spirit. The dark cloud seems to be moving from over the minds of the Saints, they seem to be better natured than a few weeks back.

Brother Horsler [David W. Horsley?] come down to speak to us and we all went to Sister Seagers for dinner (Inez, Liza, John R., Ruby Bro. Horsler) she had cold ham and roast beef, bread, beet-root, horse-radish, hot mashed potatoes, water,—tapaoca [tapioca] and tipsy-cake pudding. We spent the day there. For tea she had bread and butter, milk, water, water-cress, cellery, and fruit cake and plumb-jam.

After a very enjoyable day and attended the evening services.

Recipe for tipsy-cake-pudding.

A layer of spongecake cut in two and jam inserted, placed in the pudding dish wine poured over to soak.

An egg blanc mange is made and when cool, but, not cold enough to be thick, is poured over the wine and cake. Then set away to get set.

This is a very delicious pudding. Milk is sometimes used instead of wine. [p. 85]

20 February 1899 • Monday

20th. Monday. After the usual morning exercise or duties, we went tracting, gave out one hundred tracts Sent to home-made postal to Bro. Palmer, and wrote to Bro S. W., begun a letter to brother and sister T. J. [Thomas J. Chipman and Emily Henriod Chipman]. Went to take two dishes home to Sister Dumpers and stayed and had tea with her. Just fine. She is so nice, she sent a jam tart home with us.

Sister [May] Woodcock called in the evening.

I prepared tracts for tomorrow.

21 February 1899 • Tuesday

21st Tuesday.— Went tracting gave out one hundred tracts. We spent the evening with Sister and Brother [illegible]

I sent letter to T.J.C. [Thomas J. Chipman]

We held Relief Society on this afternoon as we were going to London the following day. Made a frock for Sister Keeleys little girl.

22 February 1899 • Wednesday

22nd. Wednesday. Washingtons birthday. We were all four going up to #36 to give honor to our countries hero and author of liberty,—but Sister Knight would not neglect the duty of writing to the journal, to which she had not written for some time. So we three went early in the morn[p. 86]ing with John Seaich. We met Bro. Knight at Liverpool Station from there we visited St. Marys Church, one of the oldest churches in London. The pictures of Christ and Him crucified together with Simon Peter Mary the mother of Jesus and Mary Magdaline and those who were the persecutors of Jesus, three in number, were very fine,—also Jesus on the cross with the two Marys at his feet this was colored sculptor work.

We next went to Bow Church, but it was closed. This is where the Bow Bells ring and all that are born within the sound of these bells are Cockneys or true Londoners.

We next went to South Kensington Museum on the way we viewed with interrest the homes of the French and Austrian embassadors,—a church called St. Georges, between two public houses,—the private home of the Queen at one time,—Rotten Row,—Hyde Park, and also some very interresting street scenes, one man run his horse into a cab and broke it quite badly and then whipped his horse to get out of the way of the police men. [p. 87] Brothers Layton and Horsely [David W. Horsley] met us at the museum and we went through together, and enjoyed it very much taking special interrest in the birds and quadropeds. We returned to 36 Penton street where we met Sister Knight, Brothers <Knell> West, [William C.] Wright, [Thomas L.] Fisher, Purdy and the Turks.2 We enjoyed a very good dinner at Brother Wm Clarke [William E. Clark] of Pleasant Grove, expence, turkey and tooth picks, some thing new, we twelve did fix and it wasn’t hard to do. We had two pictures taken. Spent a pleasant evening. Brother [John] Cook of Bristol conference come later.

Returned home at ten.

23 February 1899 • Thursday

23rd. Thursday.— Went tracting in the afternoon with fourth tracts recieved five conversations. Had a very nice time because it was so very lovely out. The elements were expceially quiet and peaceable.

24 February 1899 • Friday

24th. Friday— Spent the day as usual in the evening went to Lomax in the evening.

Made two waists for Sister Knight.

25 February 1899 • Saturday

25th. Saturday.— Spent the day as usual—prepared [p. 88] to go to Penton St. in the evening where we arrived in time to go with Brother Knight to the pantomine “Forty-thieves”, this is very fine one scene is something grand. In the back is about twelve glass steps about twenty feet wide with water running over them making a very fine effect, the ceiling was linnd with cristals, and on each side was steps and on each side of these was silver gold and crystal work, this made a very good effect. The angels flew all about, but not real ones. All sorts of porcelain was represented. With the drills of the butter-flies, fairies, birds, etc. made it very grand.

We could not get a train or buss and were compelled to walk home.

26 February 1899 • Sunday

26th. Sunday.— We arose early and took a train from Hoborn [Holburn] viaduct (Bro Knight and West Inez and myself) We arrived shortly after eleven, visited the Sunday-school with Brother Traveller who was to meet us. Went to Bro. Carters to dinner. Met his three children and wife. Went back to the conference at two o’[p. 89]clock. Met many of the saints and enjoyed a good meeting. I was called to speak but did not weary them long.

We took tea with the Carters and back again in the evening to service and we enjoyed a very good meeting. Met more saints and strangers. Enjoyed a conversation on the gospel with a Mr. Ruffle. After meeting we went back to the Carters and had some singing and supper. There were present Elders West, Knight, [Job] Hemsley, Turner, [LeRay] Decker, Traveler, the Carter family their intended son-in-law Mr Simmons Sister Knight and myself.

Brothers West, Knight and Decker, and Inez and myself went to Sister Dunsters to stop all night.

27 February 1899 • Monday

<27th Monday> We took the ten to ten train for Canterbury leaving Bro. West at Sittingbourn.

We went down to Canterbury especially to visit a Sister who had a poisoned hand.

Called on a number of Saints and friends and also visited the oldest church in England where [p. 90] services are still held. We viewed with interest the quaintness and neatness of the church-yard which seemed to be filled with tombs, and the old church is quite a novel with the hole still in the corner where the lepers used to go and listen to the services. The ivy which grows so plentifully seems to have overgrown many old tombs and covers a good half of the Church. We also visited the Canterbury cemetry which is very beautiful. There is one thing very strange and seems to me to be very oppressive, that is every person is taxed very heavy for their room in the cemetry and if they have a tomb-stone they are taxed for that and also for the decorations which they place on the grave. The dead here costs a small fortune.

We also visited the well known Cathedral of Canterbury it is very fine. Very large massive architecturol work is made manifest at the first glance. The sculptorol monumental works is very impressive

We went to Sister Bakers, where the young sister was sick, for tea, we enjoyed a nice evening. [p. 91]

We returned home this evening or as far as 36 Penton Brother Decker come as far as Selling. Brother West aboarded the train at Sittingbourn. We bid good by to the Elders and Saints who come to the station.

I recieved a letter from cousin Syd.

28 February 1899 • Tuesday

28th. Tuesday.— We were just leaving 36 after a long discussion on womens rights duties and accomplishments, when a letter come from Bro Hindley who asked us to meet them at Westminster Abby at half-past one, so Bro. Knell went with us. We enjoyed going through viewing the different monuments which have been raised to the honor, sacred memory, etc., of the different English heroes and heroines and nobility. However we did not see all we will go again.

In the evening we attended the Welsh Festival at St. Pauls Cathedral. This being St. Davids day it was one of the fine occassions—we thought, but it was a regular high Church service, what music we heard was very nice, the rest we couldn’t understand. [p. 92]

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February 1899, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/early-sister-missionaries/eliza-chipman/1899/1899-02


  1. [1]Joseph Wilford Booth was then serving as a missionary in the Turkish Mission and stationed in Aintab, Syria. (See Joseph W. Booth, Diary, vol. 2, 6 Jan. 1899, BYU.)

  2. [2]Converts from the Turkish Mission living in London. (See “The London Conference,” 1899, photograph, in Thomas Lyon Fisher, British Mission Photographs, ca. 1899, CHL.)