August 1899

1 August 1899 • Tuesday

1st Tuesday— We arose early and prepared ourselves for leaving to leave and to be left. With Josephine [Booth] who has been appointed to sojourn with me in the missionary labor in the land of Scotland, I started on my journey at seven o’clock in the morning, at this stated time I arose don[n]ed my clothing finished packing my luggage, at half-past eight ate breakfast, and at nine went out with Brother Squires to order a handsome to take us to the Houston station—where we bade good-bye to the sweet girls Inez [Knight] and Clara [Holbrook] and to the rugged mountaineers, [Joseph R.] Squires, [Raymond] Knight, [Charles G.] Berry, and [John S.] Smith, having said good-bye to Brothers [John R.] Hindley, Davis and others of the monastry,—at ten o’clock sharp we pulled out waving the last good bye to the pentons. In a few minutes the train on which we were comfortably located was running at the rate of fifty miles per.

Here while Josephine, a fair beauty, slept I wrote to the girls and with the ample time afforded me to think I reflected back over the many happy times spent at 36 [Penton St.] and 26 [Haslemere Road] and 12 [Dunbar Road], of turkey dinners, of interresting meetings, of amusing and instructive concerts, of enjoyable dances, and of a thousand other things among which was the tragical performance of [p. 66]1 making hot cakes for breakfast. We sat down and ate our “mush”, and then we three Clara, Josephine and myself armed ourselves for the adversary, we had to climb two flights of stairs before we could pitch our tents Josephine lead <led> the way carrying a knife in her right hand as if she intended murdering a million of porquepines and with a fry-pan in her left designated her intintion of having a fry,—Clara with three plates in her left hand and a spoon large enough to turn London over in her right showed her ambition to participate in the affair, and with that sweet smile of hers showed her desire to oblige the future contents of the frying pan,—I was last and carried a bowl of batter which I had mixed together with rather a suspicious recipe as my guide,—memory,—of something I had never attempted before but once when they it was almost the death of all living things on the plantation,—however we ascended the stairs like 3 fairy cinderella’s, but more like three Mormon girls in for fun,—well we entered the chamber of his highness,—O. Ray Knight,—lit the gas stove and begun the work,—I seated myself on the bed and poured in the batter, the stove was so small that we could only cook one cake at a time and as soon as one [p. 67] was done Clara would go tripping down to the dining room, this journey was repeated abo[u]t six times when we run out of cooking material and had to decend with only a piece of hot-cake for each as there was about one dozen there—but they were first-rate and we accepted the complments payed to us and belived ourselves to be the expert cooks of the monastry but having no written diploma will not boast of our domestic accomplishments.2

With many thoughts of missionery work, of home and loved ones, and of the country we were leaving, and wondering what the country is <could> be for which we were bound,—I enjoyed the journey and was pleased when we cast our eyes on the blue-bells, heather, and thistle, for then I knew we must be near our destination, Glasgow. At ten after eight p.m. we arrived, Elders Mac Murrin [James L. McMurrin] and Mac Kay [David O. McKay] were to meet us we come to 53 Holmhead St, the conference house where we meet a good number of Elders, viz:— Eckles [David C. Eccles], [John B.] Young, [Louis C.] Duncan, [James T.] Poulton, [Thomas A.] Kerr, Nesbitt [William P. Nisbet], Little Willie Salt, Smith, Buchannan [Alexander Buchanan Jr.], [George F.] Ashley, [William] Stirling, Latham, Wickins [James H. Wickens], [W. Moultrie] Worthington, [William H.] Gardner, [Henry B.] Thompson, Brother [William] and Sister [Agnes Cooke] Reid who keep the conference house, [p. 68]

2 August 1899 • Wednesday

2nd Wednesday.— The first amusing feature was the women and girls and boys bare-footed and the manner in which the poor women carried their infants,—with a shawl thrown under the right arm and over the left and then wrapped around the babe,—this allowed the weight of the child to have a better stronger support. I lost my key to my valise so had to hunt up a locksmith Josephine, Mrs. [Margaret Nightingale] Caine, Brothers Eckles, Duncan, Poulton and myself went to visit the old Glasgow cathedral which has stood since the thirteenth century, it was quite interresting,—the churchyard on the hill presented a most questioning aspect, with its high, wide, small and different shades of grey in color, monuments and head stones wreathed with ivy, and whose earth was covered with a beautiful shade of grass [green?] grass.

We went to the municipal building and a guide took us through. This is a very fine building. Stair-cases of Brussian marble and alabaster, the reception rooms were of satan [satin] wood, the court council-room of Spanish mahogany, the ball-room was very fine the ceiling arranged in a squared design each square being about a foot square and painted peacock blue, pink, and gold borders, the electric-light shandeliers are were very fine, two others of the room were of oak and black walnut. [p. 69]

We then went to visit the blind infirmery where we saw young men and women as well as old manufacturing many different articles, mattresses, doormats, all kind of brushes, street-brooms, baskets, willow chairs and other articles. One of the most charitable sights I have witnessed since here.

In the evening we attended a meeting held especially to allow the Utah women to speak and give the people a chance to know what kind of human production in the female line Utah was capable of giving birth I was the first speaker followed by Sisters [Emmeline B.] Wells, Caine and Boothe.3

3 August 1899 • Thursday

3rd Thursday.— We went to the botanical gardens in the morning, to the old machinery museum, viewed the university and infirmery then went to the West End Park and seen the stone forest which was found by some earth diggers.

In the evening I went to the Fernecia to see Sisters Wells, Cain, and [Susa Young] Gates off as well as Elders Owens, Duncan, Poulton, [Henry C.] Brown, and little Willie Salt. They set sail at twenty to nine when we waved a last good-bye. On our return home, Brothers McMurrin, and Mc Kay and myself, we enjoyed a good conversation and a good joke on Mc Kay. A suggestion of us hiding is enough. [p. 70]

Sepia-toned stereograph shows three cannons in the foreground and a large building in the background.

West-end Park in Glasgow, Scotland. The park had been renamed Kelvingrove Park by the time Eliza Chipman and Josephine Booth served in Glasgow. (Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-stereo-1s36949.)

4 August 1899 • Friday

4th. Friday.— Nothing attempted, nothing done,—until in the evening we went on the street and held a meeting both Josephine and I spoke. We had a very large audiance which seemed very attentive.

Today I saw good specimens of the Scotch heather, heather-bell, blue-bell, Scotch thistle and bare-footed women, also I heard the bag-pipes played.

5 August 1899 • Saturday

5th. Saturday.— Cleaned the room that we were to occupy4 did a little sewing and a very little studying.

Wrote to my sisters.

6 August 1899 • Sunday

6th. Sunday.— The fast day of the month. We met for testimony meeting at eleven a.m., the meeting was given over into the hands of the Saints who occupied the time and bearing their testimonies and speaking of the goodness of God toward them. This meeting come to an end at twenty after one p.m. At two p.m. we assembled for the afternoon meeting, the hall was well filled, there only being a few vacant seats. All the speakers seem to be in possession of the spirit of God. There was quite a number of strangers present. At six thirty p.m.—we again assembled ourselves together to partake in the spiritual feast. At this meeting the crowd was even larger than at either of the previous meetings and there was also quite a good number of strangers there I spoke and enjoyed a rich outpouring of the holy spirit. [p. 71] and enjoyed a good conversation with two ladies and one man after meeting was over.

Misses Eurie and White come up to 53 after meeting. They were converted eight years ago in this country and moved out to S. L. City one year after conversion and they are now here on a visit.

Just ten month ago today since I planted my foot on English soil.

7 August 1899 • Monday

7th. Monday.— Attended priesthood meeting where I was called to speak. I have never attended a better meeting of the priesthood in all Britain. It lasted from half-past ten a.m. until three thirty p.m. Brothers Mac Murrin and [Platte D.] Lyman were the last speakers, the latter impressed the fact upon our minds that we were called out into the world to preach the Gospel of Christ and to call people to repentance. They both gave good council and instructions for the missionaries to accept and abide by.

In the evening we went out for street meeting, and this week the first for me in Glasgow seems to have made itself unlike other weeks I have lived through, because of my much speaking—five times already. This last nine days I have addressed seven audiances. Tonight I was surprized when called upon to address the audiance which was very large and orderly. [p. 72]

8 August 1899 • Tuesday

8th. Tuesday.— Did not do much all day. Went to the station to see Brothers Lyman at Mc Murrin off to Liverpool.

In the evening we were left in the conference house by ourselves I read and wrote until the elders returned.

9 August 1899 • Wednesday

9th. Wednesday.— Sewed on the skirt which I begun the day before In the evening we went out for street-meeting where we had a good big crowd of intellegent people. A fiendish looking man, after listening to our speakers for about fifteen minutes rose <raised> both hands and shouted with a tremendeous <loud> voice “I protest against men believing in marrying three or four wives coming out here and preaching to the honest people of free Scotland.” This caused the crowd to enlarge and grow more interrested in what was being said. This vain opposer tried two or three times but to disturb us but only enthused the crowd to grow more anxious to hear and to see, however there was a little side ranggling and jeering but to no effect. When this disturber yelled for a third time about the “wicked practice of the Mormons” some<one> yelled back “let them marry as many as they can keep.” Josephine arose to speak and she won the attention of the whole crowd who grew intensely interrested, after she finished her lovely and effective talk, I was called to address the crowd and recieved the attention that had been given the former speaker. The fiendish opposer said nothing more but looked pale and mentally disturbed. [p. 73]

10 August 1899 • Thursday

10th. Thursday.— Sewed on the brown skirt.

In the evening attended prayer meeting, however before meeting, we went to the station to see Pres. Mc Kay off to London.

11 August 1899 • Friday

11th. Friday.— Finished the brown skirt.

In the evening we accompanied Brothers Eccles, Smith, Young and Buchanan to hold a street meeting,—the first two mentioned were the speakers who dwelt on faith and works and after meeting two gentlemen stepped up and asked if they could speak, “certainly” was the reply “we have finished.” And as we walked off we could hear a man saying that it was against his belief to hear men talk as ours had done. This went to show that we will be opposed on every score not considering the persecution that plurality brings.5

12 August 1899 • Saturday

12th. Saturday.— In the afternoon we went for a visit to Maryhill, to a one Mrs. [blank] sister of Mrs. Reed. We met a gentleman who had been to Utah in the sixties, stayed nine months and returned. He had once belonged to the church and a smell of his breath and an insight to his boisterous action went to show that he was not longer a member of the L. D. S. We spent a pleasant evening which was only interrupted by this mans nonsense. He was worse for a drink and behaved himself absurd. [p. 74]

13 August 1899 • Sunday

13th. Sunday.— Attended Sunday-school at twelve o’clock and meeting at two after which we accompanied Bro. [William W.] Hamilton to his home for dinner.

We returned by way of the underground railway, which is an improvement on the London sub-way. It is propelled by a cable which runs at the rate of fifteen miles per hour. A very cheap ride.

Attended evening meeting. Three strangers present.

14 August 1899 • Monday

14th. Monday.— We prepared tracts and went out to distribute them. My portion was fifty. We went on Willowbank Street. The houses were all four stories high with two families living on each flat. This day I climbed 385 485 steps and give out the amount of tracts taken and had one conversation.

In the evening we went out for street meeting on Cathedral Square where I again addressed the audiance and dwelt mostly on Church history which seemed to be very interrested the stood perfectly quiet and attentive to all and I recieved more compliments on this corner than I ever recieved any where else in my life on what ever I attempted to do,—however it was not I who interrested the large audiance but the Spirit of the Lord among us.

15 August 1899 • Tuesday

15th. Tuesday.— Remained at home most of the day—in the we went to a party given by Sister Wallace in honor of her sister who leaves for the U. S. on Thursday; she will [p. 75] take up her abode in New Jersey. There was quite a gathering of friends to bid her good-bye and God-speed. We enjoyed ourselves very much. After a gorgeous <sumptious> repast made up of a series of delicacies we we most thankfully partook of we listened to an emprompto [impromptu] programme which was instructive and interresting as well as amusing. When the hour of departure come the whole company arose and sang in concert Old Lang Zion with feeling and energy that pealed forth the melody of sweet toned voices which portrayed an earnestness of friendship and good cheer, at the close of this harmonious outpouring of music we all clasped hands in that good old Scotch manner and repeated the chorus.

After a hearty hand shake of good night we took our departure and on our way home saw some of the most cruel sights. Men fighting, husband and wife drunk and quarreling, and one poor old lady homeless being taken along with her child to the police station. She seemed that she cared not to go and on this stubborn action the policeman did that which is common among the low classes but that which is most unbecoming in a true man—kicked her and then after a tung lashing given to him by her he let her go as she pleased.

O, for a something to put an end to fleas! [p. 76]

16 August 1899 • Wednesday

16th. Wednesday.— Cut out the lining to the brown dress. Wrote to S.B.C. [Squire B. Chipman] to J.R.S.

We went to out door meeting in the evening and had a very good meeting but a considerable of opposition. The same demon that tried to disturb us the week before, brought his clique and stationed them through the crowd to work on the sympathy of the audiance and thinking that perhaps they would be able to yell us off the street, but to no effect for we had a good meeting and returned all safe and sound.

17 August 1899 • Thursday

17th. Thursday.— Just one week ago eleven months since I left home.

We went out shopping.

In the evening we went down to the ship to see a small company off for America. Elder Reid a returning <missionary> to Utah, Miss Wallace going to New Jersey, two Armenians on their way to Utah. They sailed of the Etheopia, at 7. o’clock.

We went from here and took a trip under the Clyde River.

Attended evening testimony meeting.

18 August 1899 • Friday

18th. Friday.— Sewed a little and studied a wee bit. Went with Brother Hutchison of Payson to buy his wife a wrap which was a beauty,—he made us each a present of a pair of gloves.

In the evening we went to the Central Station to meet the Knights—and to our astonishment we met Clara Hoalbrook [p. 77] also, they all come up to the conference house and spent the evening.

19 August 1899 • Saturday

19th. Saturday.— Went to Ayr, a watering place which is a distance of about 45 miles from Glasgow. We visited Robert Burns birth place, his monument and the two places that occur in ‘Tam ’O Shanter’ and make it so interresting—Alloway Kirk, and Brige ’o Doon. Here the sentence of that old Scotch song—“Ye banks and braes of bonny Doon” come to mind and I felt to say here! here! Ayr is one of the most beautiful places that I have ever visited, the clear pure air beautiful sun-light its sea breeze which is so refreshing, and its lovely green rolling hills, are to be admired and long remembered.

A statue of a man stands atop a pillar on a village green.

A monument to the preeminent Scottish poet Robert Burns in Ayr, Scotland, circa 1905. (Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-stereo-1s36672.)

20 August 1899 • Sunday

20th. Sunday.— We attended Sunday-School, after-noon meeting, went with Sister [Isabella] Hamilton to dinner at her Sisters Mrs. [Rosina Hamilton] Gow. Attended evening meeting.

21 August 1899 • Monday

21st. Monday.— Went tracting. Gave out 50 tracts. Recieved three conversations. Climbed 530 steps. Had 4 refusals. Come home tired out. Went to evening meeting which was held on Cathedral Sq. I was the last speaker. I met Elder [Thomas] Gilchrist of Coalsville, a returning missionary, he has been president of NewCastle Conference.

22 August 1899 • Tuesday

22nd Tuesday.— A beautiful day. Went to station to meet Mrs. Mc Cune [Elizabeth Claridge McCune] and Mrs. Jennings and daughters who spent the [p. 78] <Mrs. Bell 315 London Rd> evening with us at the conference house.

23 August 1899 • Wednesday

23rd. Wednesday.— Went tracting, gave out fifty tracts recieved two refusals—climbed 384 steps.

I was feeling too tired so did not go to street meeting.

24 August 1899 • Thursday

24th. Thursday.— Spent the day in study in the evening we accompanied Pres. McMurrin and McKay out to Rutherglen to meet the formers relatives Williamsons who recieved us very kindly and insisted on us coming and spending an afternoon with them.

Our walk homeward was rather of a peculiar one, through Lone lane down Stonelaw road and after that goodness only knows where but we cut some most graceful figures before reaching the station.

We payed a short call to the Misses Scott on our return.

25 August 1899 • Friday

25th. Friday.— A day of excitement—people preparing to leave— We went and took dinner at the Nielsons Watt St off [blank]

On our return we began packing Pres. Mc Kays trunk but left in the midst to attend the concert and dance. On our return from the same at two a.m. we proceded with the packing which we completed at 4 sharp.

This early morning afforded me one of the most interresting sights. A look in the dining room—three men on the couch—three on the bed and one on each of six chairs—all snoozing [p. 79] In the bed room three sisters—in the the bed room eight more brothers—in the hall two men—and in the kitchen Mrs. Reid and husband in hole in the wall6 her father and brother on the floor—there was four others who never even attempted to sleep who kept on the move, Josephine and my self completed the number of 35. O, what a night! The usual consequence of pleasure.

This was number 53 whose numbers was turned and it resembled an ant bed at night time.

26 August 1899 • Saturday

26th. Saturday.— We went to Greenock to see the company off on the “City of Rome”7 viz.—Mrs. [Amanda McEwan] Knight, Mrs. Jennings, Miss Jennings, R. [Robert H.] Anderson, D.O. McKay, Mr. Hutchison, Mr. Maycock, Misses [Jeanie and Eliza] Gain and Kelley, Mr. [William] and Mrs. Lomax and Son, two ladies from Wyoming, Miss Cooper, Mrs. L. D. Campbell, and a gentlemen whose name I do not know.

We went looking over the boat and while doing so the gang ways were all taken up, so we could not get off. My heart began to palpatate two-forty and I ricieved congratulations for being able to control the elements to such a degree—it was expressed that the elements alone released me to go home. But we were exceedingly happy on learning that the manager was not off so we held onto his coat tail and got off alright. After waving a last goodbye to the Utah sailors we again landed at Greenock where we took the train for Glasgow, a distance of about fifty miles. [p. 80]

Report for the month of August.

Indoor meetings attended


Reported 16

Out " " "8


"9 10

Tracts distributed from door to door


" 175

" "10 out door or otherwise


" 5

First tracts distributed


" 87

Second " "11


" 00

Books given away


" 1



" 14

On our return I begged to be excused from going to Edinboro but all of no avail. Inez and Clara come up to 53 and as they did not care to go along we bade them good bye, not knowing just when we would meet again. Pres. McMurrin, Josephine and myself in company with Brother and Sister White, and Miss Scott; we arrived at Waverly station just at dusk, we took a look at the gallery or market-place then took a walk down Princess St [Princes Street] which is said to be the most beautiful in the world. On the right side, going from station towards Scotts monument we beheld some most magnificent hotels which were built one after the other and are said to extend a distance of one and a half miles with nothing intervening but the streets. The opposite side is extensive gardens and beyond those is a hill which is completely covered with buildings both public and private dwelling at the end of this hill is a promontory on which is built the Edinburgh Castle [p. 81] and is about sixty feet from the base of the hill. We next went onto Calton Hill where we viewed with interrest the Nelson Monument also the National Monument which is not complete and by this time the City was lighted and presented one of the most picturesque panoramas that I have ever beheld in nature. From this point we were able to turn and see at a great distance on every side viewing Aurthor Seat (that is the highest hill) the light houses out in the Forth, down Princess St. and all sides of the City. We had supper at the Whites Josephine and I stayed at the brothers lodgings.

A wide street and public park with a fountain.

Princes Street in Edinburgh, Scotland, between 1890 and 1900. (Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-ppmsc-07586.)

27 August 1899 • Sunday

27th. Sunday.— Brother Worthington come and took me for a walk near Queens Park. We drank from the cold spring that is located at the foot of Author Seat. It come on to rain. We took shelter in the barracks.

In the afternoon we attended meeting. The meeting hall was very small. There was about twenty people there including missionaries. One gentleman a stranger present. The speakers were Elders Buchanan Pres. Mc Murrin, Josephine and myself. A depression of spirit a paralasis of mentality and a dicline of energy overcome me and had been with me all day. We took dinner with the Whites. Attended evening meeting. The speakers were Pres. Mc Murrin, Josephine and my self. When the meeting was about over Josie noticed a different expression on my face and I felt new as though [p. 82] a heavy load had been lifted from my shoulders. I felt myself again. After this meeting we went on the street to hold a third one where Pres. Mc Murrin Josephine and myself spoke again.

Josie and I stayed with the widow Sister Whyte. At the evening hall meeting there was a gentleman and three young ladies all strangers present.

28 August 1899 • Monday

28th. Monday.— The brothers were to call for us at five o’clock but they come five hours later at ten. There was Pres. Mc Murrin, Worthington, Buchanan, Josephine and myself, we took a buss or excursion wagon and started for the architectural wonder of the bridge world the Forth “brig.” On our was we saw the homes and churches of the aristocrats, the little hut where Lord Geoffrey [Francis Jeffrey] often stopped to dine or study. We saw the immense acres of Lord Roseberry, and the women by the score out working in the field binding wheat. Two of the most interresting features of the ride was the driver who seemed to be some what of an original Scotch comedian, the Irishman at the rear acting as footman who echoed the wit of the driver, the English immediately behind us who could not see a joke until an hour after it was told,—and the raggimuffins who run along at the side of our wagon, it mattered not how fast we went, they kept up the same gate turning hand springs standing on their [p. 83] heads, etc. yelling incessantly pur ōōt! pur ōōt! pur ōōt! Then the lads who rendered muisic from three stringed violins, they galloped along side the wagon executing the Washington Post, Liberty Bell, Hiland Fling never missing a note.12 All this was done for pennies.

We arrived at the bridge with expectations of walking over and after waiting about two hours and a half, the clerk came and said that ladies were not allowed to cross because of the suction, so brother W— and we girls went down to the river rather dissapointed leaving the other two to cross.

The Forth Bridge is a marvelous piece of engineering and was built 8 years ago by the “Forth Bridge <Rry> Co.,” at a cost of three and a quarter million pounds or $16,250,000 American money. It is built on the Cantilever principle and covers a stretch of 1¾ miles, being constructed of steel laid on huge rock buttresses of superior workmanship. It In the center of the bridge the expansion and contraction, from heat and cold, has reached as high as ten inches,—for which split rails are provided which occur at short intervals. In the Summer season as many as 300 trains pass over the bridge daily to different parts of the British Isles. It was seven years in building and give employment to between 3,000 and 4,000 men,—45 of whom were killed during the period men[p. 84]tioned. A force of fifty men are constantly employed painting it—a job which takes 3 years to accomplish. It was first intended to make the Forth a suspension bridge, but owing to the giving away of the Tay bridge precipitating a train load of merry excursionists to a watery grave,—this idea was abandoned and the Cantilever principle adopted. We went to the pier and waited for a steamer and which come within a few minutes we aboarded and soon were out in the Firth of Forth. A most beautiful sea and sky rather dark and stormy looking though, the old light house the islands the rocks the villiages made a magnificient landscape. On our landing the rain began to pour but we arrived without getting wet and in happy spirits.

We left “Auld Reekie”13 at nine and arrived at Glasgow at ten thirty.

29 August 1899 • Tuesday

29th. Monday <Tuesday>.— A very stormy day. In the afternoon <forenoon> I went to Mrs Bells in company with Mc Murrin, Miller, & Josie. She is a relative of the Mc Murrins. She gave us a jar of raspberry jelly, delicious.

It stormed so that we could not go any where.

30 August 1899 • Wednesday

30th. Wednesday.— Went tracting with second tracts. Gave out fifty tracts. Recieved nine conversations and as many refusals. No harsh treatment. One lady had been to Utah she said she thought the people a lovely lot of “folk” and [p. 85] Salt Lake City a most beautiful City but she said that her heart was made sad and she felt painfully sorry,—upon asking why,—she said “O they are so sincere in their belief.”

31st We attended the out door meeting and recieved the same opposition that we have every Wednesday night.

31 August 1899 • Thursday

31st Thursday.— A beautiful morning. Rrather stormy afternoon. Went tracting, gave out 45 <50> tracts had five conversations and ten refusals. On my return I was invited to go

In the evening we went on Douglas St for open air meeting. Elder talked an hour and a half then we quit and he treated on the strength. to candy.

<Thursday night testimony meeting. and see Mr. and Mrs. Bland off for Utah. They sailed on the Anchoria in company of 35 other saints and one Elder. Most of this company were German, Danish, and Swedish.>

This day while out tracting I found much to be written on the doors of the houses. Words said that were unspoken, advice given that was unsought, sentences declared that were unmeant. On one door I saw B. A. Lyon and across the isle I saw R.A. Taylor,—entirely uncalled for. A flight higher I saw O. Shaw,—and across the isle Watt A. Mann,—entirely mistaken,—and on the top floor I saw U. Guy, and across the isle B. White.

(Be a lion, or a tailor. O, shaw! what a man. You guy, be white.)

On Wednesday we went to call on Mrs. Rankin, 11 Ibrox place. While there the Doctor come and we had a warm talk on Mormonism. [p. 86]

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August 1899, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]text: As she did in the entry covering 10–31 July 1899, Chipman skipped a number in her pagination.

  2. [2]Jean Clara Holbrook to Parents and Sisters, 1 and 2 Aug. 1899, Jarvis, Mission Correspondence, CHL.

  3. [3]This was the first time the elders had heard sister missionaries speak in this area. Thomas A. Kerr wrote, “We had a very good meeting at night the sisters taking up all the time. The Hall was croweded and I think the Labors of the sisters will Result in good.” (Thomas A. Kerr, Diary, 2 Aug. 1899, CHL.)

  4. [4]86 North Frederick St., Glasgow. (Chipman, Journal, 25 Sept. 1899.)

  5. [5]See Holbrook to Parents and Sisters, 1 and 2 Aug. 1899, Jarvis, Mission Correspondence, CHL.

  6. [6]Bed alcoves or box beds were common in western Europe in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In Glasgow tenements, these recessed sleeping spaces usually adjoined the kitchen, sometimes in a large cupboard, and were called “hole-in-the-wall” beds. (Jean Faley, Up Oor Close: Memories of Domestic Life in Glasgow Tenements, 1910–1945 [Wendlebury, England: White Cockade Publishing, 1990], 18, 29, 39–42; Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. “box-bed,” modified July 2023,

  7. [7]The SS City of Rome was a British ocean liner operated by the Anchor Line shipping company. In the late 1890s, it routinely made the trip from New York to Glasgow, docking at Greenock, near the mouth of the River Clyde. On this particular trip to New York, it hit an iceberg, though none of the passengers were injured and it was able to complete the voyage. (David O. McKay, Letter, 1 Sept. 1899, in “Abstract of Correspondence,” Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 61, no. 38 [21 Sept. 1899]: 604; British Mission, Manuscript History and Historical Reports, 1841–1971, 26 Aug. 1899, CHL; C. R. Vernon Gibbs, Passenger Liners of the Western Ocean [. . .] [New York: Staples Press, 1952], 100–101; “Ocean Liner Hits Iceberg,” New York Times, 5 Sept. 1899, 12.)

  8. [8]text: Ditto marks for “door meetings attended”.

  9. [9]text: Here and on next six rows, ditto marks for “Reported”.

  10. [10]text: Ditto marks for “Tracts distributed”.

  11. [11]text: Ditto marks for “tracts distributed”.

  12. [12]“Washington Post” and “Liberty Bell” were marches written by John Philip Sousa; “Highland Fling,” a popular form of dance in Scotland. (Britannica, s.vv. “highland fling” and “John Philip Sousa,” accessed 28 Nov. 2023,

  13. [13]Auld Reekie (“Old Smokey”) is a nickname for Edinburgh. (Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. “Auld Reekie,” modified Sept. 2017,