January 1901

1–2 January 1901 • Tuesday–Wednesday

Jan. 1st. A new Year—a new century— I wonder what they will bring—perhaps its better not to know. I haven’t made any good resolutions I tired of making rules to break and shatter to pieces, no rules are better than broken ones. We help with the New Years dinner and do some other little things. In the evening got to Burnbank to the Social (or Soiree) I was determined I would not go but what is “one” against so many and finally I was over ruled. Bro. [James L.] Mc.Murrin put on the final settlement by saying You must go Well I went and so did my temper for I had felt impressed not to go I soon regained my temper after getting there and had a very good time (on the surface) but my heart still ached1 a little. Came Home on the 6 oclock train in the morning and after staying at “53” till 8 oclock came up to No 10 and went to bed and slept soundly till 12. Went with Jimmie Nelson in the afternoon to visit his Aunt and in the evening went with Bros Buchanan [Alexander Buchanan Jr.] and Mc[p. 52]Murrin and [John B.] Young to visit Bro Buchanans relatives Had a real good time arrived home at 10:45.

3 January 1901 • Thursday

Thurs Jan 3rd. Went to Edinburgh. Attended the Soiree in the evening Had a good time, good music good floor, good partners. The dance dismissed at 4 then we went up to Sister Whytes and at 7 went to bed. didnt get up till 2 in the afternoon. In the evening went to the Pantomime it was very good.

5 January 1901 • Saturday

Sat 5 Visited the palace the castle, the museum the free library and some other places. In the evening walked through the Canongate.

6 January 1901 • Sunday

Sunday 6. Went to two meetings both were well attended and a good spirit prevailed. fasted till after the night meeting. Went to George Whytes to supper, slept at the other Sister Whytes.

7 January 1901 • Monday

Mon. 7 Went to Bro Youngs to dinner, to Sister Watsons to tea and to the Carnival at the Waverly Station in the evening.

8 January 1901 • Tuesday

Tues. 8 Went to Miss Sutherlands in the morning and to Sister Watsons, came home on the 1:5 train stayed at “53” for dinner and then came to No 10 and spent the evening went to bed early and got a good rest. [p. 53]

9 January 1901 • Wednesday

Wed. Stayed home in the forenoon. Went to Ruther glen in the afternoon

10 January 1901 • Thursday

Thurs. Helped at “53” in the morning. Visited Sister [Janet Leggat] Hamilton[,] Hawthorn and [Isabella Hamilton] McLean2 in the after noon. Attended testimony meeting in the evening

11 January 1901 • Friday

Fri. 10 [11]. Sister [Emily] Penfold is ill we stay home all day Bros McMurrin, Buchanan and [Henry B.] Thompson come up in the afternoon and in the evening we go down to “53” as it is Bro McMurrins fare well night we sing some songs and have some recitations and come home at about 9 o’clock.

12 January 1901 • Saturday

Sat 11 [12]. Go to “53” in the morning for mail. Bro Mc.Murrin came back up with me and stayed till one o’clock after dinner I went down to the station to see him off. Came back home and did some mending. In the evening went and bought a little present for Bro Gray who was going home and then presented it to him from “The Sisters”. He was very grateful for the little remembrance. Came home and read the bible and went to bed.

13 January 1901 • Sunday

Sunday 12 [13]. I fasted till after the night meeting Attended both meetings. It was so cold in the afternoon that I was quite uncomfortable. [p. 54]

14 January 1901 • Monday

Mon. 13 [14]. Wrote some letters, went to 53 for mail received a letter from Nora Young. Went tracting in the after noon gave out 80 tracts, had two conversations and was invited into two houses. At one house especially I had a fine conversation. I left her a tract called My reasons for leaving the Church of England and as she belongs to that church I hope it will do her some good.3 I got home about 5:30 and after supper wrote letters till 9. At one place where I asked the man if he would have a “mormon tract” he said “My goodness woman I’m too much married already” and he looked ill treated so I didn’t give him any lecture on marriage.

15 January 1901 • Tuesday

Tues. 14 [15]. Have been home most of the day. Miss Weir called and spent part of the after noon and evening. I washed my hair, took a bath and have written 6 letters and yesterday I wrote about 8. Tonight we went for a short walk but didn’t stay out long as it was so cold.

16 January 1901 • Wednesday

Wed. 15 [16]. Stayed home in the forenoon. Bro [Robert G.] McQuarrie called and had dinner with us. In the afternoon we went to visit Mrs Anderson and had a pleasant time no gospel however. We played some games had music etc [p. 55] We came home at 9:30 Bro Young and Mr Anderson came up with us.

17 January 1901 • Thursday

Thurs: Went to “53” for a few minutes then to Turn bulls4 with Sister Penfold to get her photo and from there and bought me some shoes. Came home and got dinner after which I went tracting gave out “85” tracts and had 5 conversations. I felt well paid for going out. Attended testimony meeting in the evening, and felt on getting home at 10 that we had done a pretty good days work.

18 January 1901 • Friday

Fri. 17 [18]. Wrote letters and read a little I am trying to get all of my letters answered for once. Went tracting in the after noon and gave out 75 had 6 conversations and was invited into one house. Got home about 6 oclock and had bread and milk for supper. Went to the “Metropole Theatre” to see Bo Peep, the music was very ordinary. One of the comedians was very good. Expected some “home” letters but the American mail is late this week.

19 January 1901 • Saturday

Sat 18 [19]. Went to 53 for a few minutes in the morning In the after noon went to Spring burn and called on Sister Mills and Sister Murray stayed till after 8 oclock. Came to “53” and waited for mail, the mail [p. 56]


came but I didn’t get any.

<Thursday, Jan. 10—Bro Buchanan called and this is what he wrote:

“There is no flock however watched & tended

But one dead lamb is there

There is no fireside howsoe’er defended

But has one vacant chair.”


“The air is full of farewells to the dying

And mournings for the dead

The heart of Rachel for her children crying

Will not be comforted."
Longfellow x>5

20 January 1901 • Sunday

Sunday 19 [20]. Went to Burnbank on the bus. Attended the afternoon meeting. Went to Bro Hallidays to dinner and had a pleasant visit then attended the evening meeting I had to speak both times. Came home on the bus arriving in Glasgow at about 9:40

21 January 1901 • Monday

Monday 20 [21]: I went to Dundee on business for Uncle Lew to take £36:8:0 to the Daily family. I left here at 10 oclock Sister Penfold and Bro Buchanan were at the station to see me off. I arrived in Dundee at 12:15 and as I knew no one there and it [p. 57] was storming I stayed in the waiting room till after one then went and had some dinner and from there to the art gallery and museum. The pictures for the most part are not very good. There was one that was a beauty Called The death of the firstborn. Four pretty girls are carrying a little white coffin covered with flowers. The mother and father are walking behind and the expression on the mothers face is just perfect. I have never seen more grief pictured in a face before. I got tired of looking around so went up to the lawyers office. Mr Urguhart came in and talked to me and we had a good gospel talk. He appeared to be a very nice gentleman. The Dailys arrived about on time all but Katie so I got their signatures and then had to go to the mills to get Katie’s. I found her alright and by five oclock was quite ready to come home but there was no train till 7. So I went for a long walk in a pretty part of the city, then went to the restraunt and had supper and then to the station. There was a kind old lady in the carriage and we had a long talk on the gospel. She was a catholic and was as firm in her belief as I was in mine so that I am afraid neither one of our opinions were [p. 58] changed much. Bro Buchanan Sister Penfold and Polly Crawford met me at the station. Polly wanted to ask me to speak in the Band of Hope in their church, so I promised I would. We all went to the car with her and then came home. I was very tired but was thankful the money was out of my care.

22 January 1901 • Tuesday

Tues. 21 [22] I washed my hair in the morning and wrote to Vilate went tracting in the afternoon and afterwards called on Mrs Lumsden, she was very glad to see me. I stayed there till after 7 came home and wrote to Bro McMurrin and Bro Miller, had a good cry and went to bed.

23 January 1901 • Wednesday

Wed. 22 [23]: Went to the post office and to “53”. Tracted in the after noon, gave out 85 and had 1 con. Went on the Subway from Kelvinbridge to Govan and visited Craigs. Got home at about 9:30. Went right to bed. On Tues eve at 8 o’clock we got word of Queen Victoria’s death. She died at Osborne House on the Isle of Wyte [Wight]. As soon as the news came all of the theatres and dances stopped. The flags are floating from all the public buildings at half mast and the municipal buildings are all drapped [draped] in black. Many of the people are very sorry about her death, but [p. 59] there are a few who do not care.

24 January 1901 • Thursday

Thurs. 24 <23> [24]. Stayed home in the forenoon In the after noon tracted, gave out 80. Attended testimony meeting in the evening.

25 January 1901 • Friday

Fri. Went to 53. Stayed to dinner. Visited Sister Legatt in the afternoon came home on the Subway. I was going with the Crawford Girls to a party so Sister Penfold said she would stay at “53” and when I was ready we both went there together as it wasn’t quite time for me to go As soon as we got in I saw a paper lying on the table and as it was for Sister Penfold I handed it to her and then went into the kitchen In less than five minutes I heard some one sobbing and found her in the big room sitting on the floor. She had read in the paper of the death of her brother.6 We all felt very sorry for her and did what we could to comfort her. I went to Crawfords and found that on account of the death of the Queen the party was put off. I was very glad and came back right away. That night we slept? at “53” in the kitchen bed. It was a sad night for Sister Penfold and I couldn’t sleep for thinking about it.

26 January 1901 • Saturday

Sat. 25 [26]. Stayed at “53” till 12 o’clock. Then went down [p. 60] to Georges Square to hear the Prince of Wales proclaimed King Edward VII. We didn’t hear a thing about it. I did get a glimpse of the Lord Provost dressed in an ermine mantle and an odd black hat but could hear nothing that was said. The crowd was very large but they didn’t make as much fuss as we would at a republican rally at home. When the bugle sounded some of them shouted “hurrah” but I couldn’t tell whether there were many or few because Bro Buchanan shouted so loud, after freezing for a few minutes we wended our way out of the crowd, back to “53” for dinner and then I went to Springburn to visit Sister Cairney Sister McDonald and Mrs Lang. I got home at about 8 o’clock. Went to bed early on account of having been awake the night before.

A large Beaux Arts building, the Glasgow City Chambers, dominates this picture-postcard view of a city square.

George Square, the principal civic square in Glasgow, Scotland, between 1890 and 1900. (Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-ppmsc-07599.)

27 January 1901 • Sunday

Sunday 27 Went to both meetings. Had dinner at “53”, I spoke in the after noon for a very few minutes

28 January 1901 • Monday

Monday 28th. On account of Sister [Mary Sanders] Frame being ill we go to “53” and get dinner after the work is done we visit Mr. Milnes and find them very kind and they were glad to see us. Then we go to Sister Harkins and spend about an hour and [p. 61] from there to 243 Craig St to visit Bro and Sister Hogan. Call into “53” on our way home to see how Sister Frame is. Come home at 10.

29 January 1901 • Tuesday

Tues. 29. Go to “53” and get dinner. I do some crocheting on my slipper. In the after noon we do not get the work done till it is too late to tract so we go and see Miss Scott then call on Mrs Weirngren [Margaret Crawford Werngren] and have tea and go from there to Mrs Kellings on Kirtland Street. She gave me some pretty flowers and I brought them home to Sister Frame. A new missionary had arrived when we got there a Bro Forrester. We stayed at 53 till about 9:30 then came to No. 10.

30 January 1901 • Wednesday

Wed. 30. Go to “53” again. Sister Penfold gets dinner and I do the work and go to the shops. Dinner is over and the dishes are done by 1:30 so we come home and fold some tracts and go tracting. I take 80. Have one con. and a good many refusals. One woman said I couldn’t endure your bigamy and lust, your a filthy outfit altogether. After tracting called on Mrs. Callum, took the car home so I would be in time to go and call on Wallaces but Sister Penfold was too tired to go. [p. 62] So we just spent the evening at home.

31 January 1901 • Thursday

Thurs. Jan 31st. Stayed home and washed my hair in the morning, tracted in the after noon, gave out 80 had one con. Attended testimony meeting in the evening

Report for January 1901

Houses visited


Tracts distributed (single ones)




Book loaned


Meetings attended


Feb 1st. 1901

Went tracting in the afternoon, attended meeting in the evening. Received a kind letter from my mother and from the children (I’ve repeated Thurs again)

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January 1901, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/early-sister-missionaries/josephine-booth/1901/1901-01


  1. [1]text: Double underlined in original.

  2. [2]Isabella Pollock Hamilton married Kenneth McLean on 31 Dec. 1900. (Marriages in the District of Covan, 1901, Statutory Registers 646/2 6, National Records of Scotland, available at ScotlandsPeople, https://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk/image-viewer/stat_marriages/stat_marriages-3446757_1681397_3446757_3276597.)

  3. [3][Robert Moseley Bryce Thomas], My Reasons for Leaving the Church of England and Joining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Liverpool: Millennial Star, 1897).

  4. [4]Turnbull & Sons was a photography firm located at 10 Jamaica St., Glasgow. (Advertisement, Glasgow [Scotland] Daily Mail, 2 May 1901, 1.)

  5. [5]This note, presumably in the handwriting of fellow missionary Alexander Buchanan Jr., appears at the top of page 57; Booth continued her entry for 19 January 1901 below it.

  6. [6]Horace Penfold died at age fourteen on 1 January 1901. (“Horace Penfold,” Utah Deaths and Burials, 1888–1946, FamilySearch database, available at familysearch.org.)