April 1899

1 April 1899 • Saturday

1st. Saturday.— We seemed to be filled with our “Yankee” tricks and American enthusiasm to honor this day putting forth every energy to create some home enjoyment for ourselves to the expense of others. So we contrived a plan—to send a postal card to Brother [Raymond] Knight inviting him and Brother [Walter J.] Knell to meet us at the Liverpool-station a No 16 platform to meet us and accompany us to call on Madam Monteford [Lydia Mamreoff von Finkelstein Mountford] and to bring one other of the Elders if they cared to come. This was indeed very effectual—Brother Knell not being there Brother Knight inquired who would like to go with him—Brother [George W.] Palmer just having returned from his lecturing tour expressed himself as being desireous of the trip—none others being able to go—these two started out to prepare their appearance to suit the meeting of Madam Monteford. They being rushed for time had to make quick strides to reach the station at the appointed time—poor Georgie whacked a slice out of his face while shaving—the man has no flesh to loose I’m sure—when he was ready he stated that he had got ready quicker than ever before. Well it is a mean trick to “April fool” people—but we could not help it we have been reared that way.

This same morning Inez [Knight] wrote a letter to John Seaich who was at his Aunts in Newmarket, visiting—pretending that she had some sad news to tell him and after writing three and [p. 7] a half pages by-way of condolence then said it was the 1st of April. Poor boy he was led to think of death, sickness and worse and worse a proposal.

This night we went to sleep with intense anxiety to know the effect of this card and letter—and on the morrow found that it was all right just as I have stated.

We also fooled J.R.H. [John R. Hindley] and J.R. S. [Joseph R. Squires.]

2 April 1899 • Sunday

2nd. Sunday.— Attended Gospel class. I gave the lecture on baptism. After this class we took up fast meeting—enjoyed it very much. Returned home and took dinner with Sister Seaich Mrs. Seager come down and renewed friend-ship with Mrs. [Martha Shave] Seaich Attended evening services, and I was one of the speakers, but a paultry instrument at that work.

3 April 1899 • Monday

3rd. Monday.— Not feeling very well. Letters come from Elmer [P. Chipman] Eliza [Chipman] and May Ann [Mary Ann Chipman], and from Dr. [Atlantic] Christensen.

We practiced singing and reciting for that evenings concert Arthur [K.] Paully called at half-past ten and the Brothers shortly afterward we went to Sister Turners for dinner after which we had our photos taken with the Stratford saints—we then left for #36 Penton St. where we arrived one hour later than the appointed time. A bad thing to record but truth caused not by any fault of mine.

We prepared tea for 123 people, men women and children after which the concert was very nicely rendered, though [p. 8] the length was somewhat tiresome. The Stratford missionaries sang “When shall we meet thee.” I slew “The polish boy.” Feeling somewhat worn out after so much running-about, so I went up stairs in the dining room and reclined on the sofa suddenly I was seazed with a violent headache and the cramps increased to a most excrutiating painful degree. We returned home after no little bother and trouble caused all through me not feeling well. When we returned home I went straight to bed. Dear Inez administered many comforts to my painful wants—she together with Sister Seach did much for me to relieve pain and distress. I truely and most earnestly thank God our Heavenly Father for so dear a companion and friend—as Sister Knight.

4 April 1899 • Tuesday

4th. Tuesday.— Again my pain was lulled by the willing administrations of comforts by Inez who showed her great pity and sympathy for my much destress by doing all within her power. The brothers called also Arthur Paully to see how I was,—very thoughtful. In bed most all day.

5 April 1899 • Wednesday

5th. Wednesday.— Packed up our traps and moved to new lodgings 26 Haslsmere; at Mrs. Leonards.1 After dinner Miss Knight went to Relief Society—I did not feel well enough so I remained and straightened things about in our new room. O, such a lonesome afternoon I thought she never would come. I listened for her foot-step on the pavement so anxiously after many dissapointments she come. “Sweet Inez.” [p. 9]

6 April 1899 • Thursday

6th. Thursday.— Went tracting gave out fifty,—had four Gospel conversations—ten gossips.

Crocheted a little,—embroidered a little and finished the day by studying the life of the Apostle Paul.

7 April 1899 • Friday

7th. Friday.— Again we performed our morning devotion as in the usual way. This was a very stormy blustry day so did no tracting. Spending money and spending time always have a like resemblance with every character. One who wastes money seems not <know> how to ec[o]nomize time but wastes it also. Time and money are two precious gifts which are bestowed upon mankind by God, and according to the usage of the same is he judged. We must consider every <good> gift a precious gift of God, and indeed use it to advance His work by so doing we work to our own good purpose and interest. John S came in evening.

8 April 1899 • Saturday

7th. [8th] Saturday.— A wet and breezy atmosphere. Morning duties as usual. Wrote letters to my brother S. W. [Stephen Washburn Chipman] and sister Zilpha [Chipman Beck]. Went up to Mrs. Seaichs to assist her put up her venetian window shades and to take tea with her. In the evening Sister Bishop came and also Mrs Kemp. Enjoyed the evening.

9 April 1899 • Sunday

8th. [9th] Attended Gospel class, and Bible class in the morning. Went to Sister Seaichs for the afternoon and tea.

Attended the evening service Brother Palmer took up all the time and indeed his sermon was very interesting and to the honest mind much sound practical doctrine was given. [p. 10]

10 April 1899 • Monday

9th. [10th] Monday.— The Brothers called and because of the wet weather remained a few hours with us. After their departure we had morning devotion. In the afternoon we visited Sister Foxley and enjoyed a pleasant afternoon, and was sorry not to spend the evening with them Mr. Foxley was anxious that we should but because of being alone could not. Recieved a letter from M. [Amanda Chipman] and I. [Ida Chipman] my sisters at home.

11 April 1899 • Tuesday

10th. [11th] Tuesday— Morning reading and prayer. A stormy day.

Purchased goods to make into a jacket—1¾ quarter yds at ½ crown per yd. and two yds surah ½ crown per yard. Came home and begun the work. Called at Sister Seaichs in the afternoon.

12 April 1899 • Wednesday

11th. [12th] Wednesday. Recieved card from Gene Jones. Sewed on my jacket. Went to relief society in the afternoon and spent the evening with Sister Seager. Sent letter to Dr. C—

13 April 1899 • Thursday

12th. [13th] Thursday.— Morning devotion. Another wet day—quite foggy. Sewed on my jacket. The toy man called at 12 Dunbar to see me about the water pitcher he had got for me to <in> place of the one I broke, having been moved for a week he did not find me there and was sent to the wrong number on Haselmere so he did not find me—but it is now all right I replaced the pitcher with a shilling one and the lady dosn’t know the difference. O but what an unlucky smash up that was—on my mind—until it was replaced. To save a scolding I told the land-lady nothing about it. [p. 11]

14 April 1899 • Friday

13th. [14th] Friday. Recieved a letter from M. and I. Sewed a bit more on my jacket—it is finished but the buttons and button-holes. Called on a Mrs. [Polly] Parkes 160 Cannhall Rd. she is a cousin of Brother Simons which gentlemen requested us last January—the first part while he was paying us a call—to go and see his cousin Polly at the same time giving us a letter of introduction. Well it seemed as though we never could get time to call until now and we thought as Sunday was conference we would see him and when he enquired if we had met his cousin Polly and we wanted to be able to answer yes, we seen him once before and he was dissapointed to learn of our not having seen her. So when we seen him this time we wanted to have seen her. When we called the first information we recieved, and it seemed such a knock on our conference’s <conscience’s>, was that Elder Simons had just left as we arrived. Amazing, yea, astounding to learn this. At any rate she insisted that we come again to see them but they were too buisy to entertain us that afternoon. We left, and found our way to Mrs. Lomax to participate in putting away the pineaple,—we are good accomplished hands at this. We spent a pleasant evening,—and when we were ready to come home Sister Lomax put up a little parsel of delicacies that was left from tea—buns—jam-tart—seed-cake etc. This was very good and only one of the many kindnesses shown to us by her. [p. 12]

15 April 1899 • Saturday

14th. [15th] Saturday. Finished my jacket.

In the evening the brothers called and we went to spend the evening with Brother Matam whose wife and daughter are not in the church. We met his family and his intended son-in-law. Miss Matam gave us a good amount of piano music and violin as well, her intended who is an excellent singer gave us a number of vocal solos and her cousin also gave us some piano selections. Sister Knight recited “The Inventers Wife,” very nicely.2 We returned home shortly after eleven. I must here record for future reference the disposetion of continual execution of English ability,—wether it would be called ability by the majority of Americans or not is a question, but it is a degree of presumption on their part to want to appear in full force with whatever they might have acquired in the way of entertaining. His name is Mr. Lemon.

16 April 1899 • Sunday

15 <16>th. Sunday.— Our conference day. The second London conference since I arrived in England. The morning dawned with a dull cloudy sky—the rain would fall lightly for a few minutes and then cease. Sister Knight wore her newly made over skirt and jacket to match, I wore my green dress and new jacket. The brothers called for us at 830 A.M. we all four walked to Maryland Point Station—booked to Bishopsgate—walked from there to Penton St.. We were very early, so we enjoyed meeting a good number of the elders who were in [p. 13] from their various fields of labor.

We were present at the morning meeting after which we met Elders Jones, [Charles] Chrisman, Day, [Edward J.] Pay, Smith, Reader, Knell, [David W.] Horsley [Frank L.] Layton, Knight, [Jabez W.] West, [Job] Hemsley, Turner, [LeRay] Decker, [Thomas L.] Fisher, [Richard H.] Hamblin[,] Plumber [2 lines blank]

We went to dinner with Brothers Nesbitt, West, Hindley, Palmer, [William C.] Wright, Plumer and wife. After dinner we attended the service in Clerkenwell town Hall, The speakers were <Con.> Nesbitt, Inez Knight, J. Hemsley, <and Brother [Herbert L.] James of the Bristol branch> who spoke on the principals of Mormonism together with the disposetion and condition of the people of Utah in connection with the climate and country of that blessed state.

We went to the same place for tea, taking Brother Knight with us. In the evening we again attended the evening services, but things were not so quiet as in the afternoon, the rain come down quite freely and at the outer door we found Mr. Straker a very bitter anti-Mormon giving out ‘blood and thunder tracks [tracts]’, which read that the L. D. S. were and are the most wicked of any people upon the face of the earth, etc. etc., etc., etc., etc. The speakers this evening were Elder Palmer, Liza Chipman and Mrs. Plumer. The hall was filled with [p. 14] people many of which were Latter-Day-Saints but the greater part were strangers who listened very closely to all that was said. The Miss Mallatt attended, though when she entered the hall and asked for me she stated that she did not come because of the religion that was being preached, because she had a sect of her own—but she just wanted to see me to say that she had seen someone that had seen her dear Sister who she never expected to see again and asked me to take her best love back to her poor sister, she also said good-bye to me as she stated that she would not be apt to see her again and that she would goo before the meeting was over. However I noticed that she remained until both Bro. Palmer and myself had finished speaking.

We returned home at about ten o’clock.

17 April 1899 • Monday

17th. Monday.— A very bright splendid morning.

The brothers called at about 9-a-m. and we walked to Maryland Point and booked to Bishopsgate—walked through Worship street onto City Rd where we caught a train and rode to Penton St.. Attended priesthood meeting which lasted four hours. We then went to Barnsby Park and had a picture taken of the whole of London conference Elders excepting Elders Sherwood and [George A.] Fuller.3

We then went with Brothers Knight and Knell to get dinner. [p. 15]

Attended the concert in the evening which was very nice Brother Nesbitt gave a glowing account of the ‘old folks at home’, as to how they are looked after and supported and entertained once and twice per year, giving a glowing account of the “Old folks” excursion to Ogden and back. He also referred minutely to the authenticity of the gospel, according to revelation. I had a pleasant chat with Elders Gene Jones, Isaac Smith and T. L. Fisher. Bade Gene good-bye for about six or eight months asking him to go and see ‘our folks’. also enjoyed a good chat with Miss [Allie] Sail and her sister and many others who were present.

18 April 1899 • Tuesday

18th. Tuesday.— We arose late because of the great tired feeling that caused one to feel so depressed.

The last words said by Sister Knight was that Pres. West had stated that she would go home with him on the 20th. of May. O, the thought that come to me and because of it I could not sleep. I thought of being a lone missionary in England and of travelling about only with men, then again I thought that brobably they would release me to return home also, ah, me that thought was worse than the first. We went to see Bro. Hindley about the question and he thought that bropably there would be more ladies come out to [p. 16] England as missionaries, but I thought we had better go into London and know for sure what they were going to do with me so as to be able to sleep when night come. So we went into London and seen Bros. Nesbitt and West who said that I would be home to eat my next Christmas dinner. but that I would not be released very soon.

We returned home at dusk, after hearing of the great talk that Elder Palmer had made against me, as a lady missionary and public speaker.

19 April 1899 • Wednesday

19th. Wednesday.— Morning prayer and reading.— We went tracting I put out fifty tracts had three conversations and a number of gossips. One lady said—when I invited her to accept of a tract—this was, however, the third time I had visited her with Gospel tracts—she said “O certainly, I would never refuse any thing so good, you see my oldest little girls reads them to her self and on Sunday evening she reads them to daddie and all the children and myself as well, and indeed I think they are excellent good readings,—you see when you want to read on any subject, you have to turn in various parts of the Bible and when we have your tracts, they are easier to read and understand. Now I thank you and will be very pleased if you will come again, thank you very much. Good-morning.” I guess she dos’ent know that [p. 17] I am a Mormon. Just as quick as she hears I am a Utah Mormon girl she will probably say as others say that our tracts are not fit for to start a fire with. One would naturally think that if our tracts were not from a right[e]ous sourse they must be of an evil source, and every thing that from Satan must partake of the climate which exists in his abiding place—consequently our tracts must be “hot stuff.” Attended Relief Society and finished the aprons and sold them. Called on Sister Seager on our way home, met Miss Webb and an old lady friend of Mrs. Seager. When we had been there a few minutes the boys called for us and brought us home.

20 April 1899 • Thursday

20th. Thursday.— Morning reading. Gave out fifty tracts had seven conversations.

Brother James, President of Bristol conference, made an appointment with Miss Knight to meet him at the Forest Gate station at half-past five. We dressed and started in plenty of time to meet that train—how provoking when a lady spends an hour or so don[n]ing some new frock put[t]ing her face in shape especially arranging her hair to look bewitching beautiful she is somewhat desireous of being seen—but on this occasion Mr. James spoilt the whole pleasure by coming one half hour earlier—we [p. 18] just opened the street-door to leave on our anticipated pleasant journey—when low and behold our bird had already arrived and stood at the gate which was only one yard from us when we opened the door. However, dissapointed in a way, we were delighted to have Pres. James honor us with his presence. He took tea with us, we enjoyed an agreeable conversation, after which we went to spend the evening with Mrs. Seager. After a pleasant evening we returned home leaving our guest at the station to return to London on our way.

21 April 1899 • Friday

21st Friday.— Morning prayer. Went tracting—gave out fifty tracts had seven conversations.

We started to hem a table-cloth and twelve napkins for Elder Palmer.

In the evening Brothers Isaac Smith of Logan, Le Ray Decker of Ogden, T. L. Fisher of Bountiful come and had tea with us and spent the evening also J.R. Hindley and J.R. Squires come to spend the evening. We spent a very pleasant evening together.

22 April 1899 • Saturday

22nd Saturday.— I answered Miss Mallatts letter accepting her invetation to go and see her. Wrote to my brother and sister S.W. [Stephen Washburn Chipman] and Sarah [Southwick Chipman].

We held our first street meeting of the season in Woodstock St. off Gipsy Lane. Sister Seaich her sister and intended daughter-in-[p. 19]law, Miss [Elizabeth] Dawson, went with us. It was a very nice quiet meeting no disturbance whatever, after we had dissmissed two gentlemen remained to ask questions on what had been said. Brothers Hindley and Squires were the speakers.

23 April 1899 • Sunday

23rd Sunday.— Bro. Hindley called for us to go to Gospel class. We enjoyed the Gospel-lesson after which we considered a chapter from St John for Bible lesson.

After dinner John and Arthur called for us to go to Mrs. Seaichs which we did and remained there to tea after which we went to the Sunday evening service. Where we heard some very good remarks made by Wm Lomax and J.R. Hindley.

24 April 1899 • Monday

24th. Monday.— We went to Mrs. Seaich’s to take dinner with Elders Wright, Palmer and Layton. Finished the hemming. Bade Elder Palmer good-bye as he sailed from Glasgow on the following Thursday for his valley home.

After tea we come home.

25 April 1899 • Tuesday

25th. Tuesday.— Morning devotion. Went tracting. Brothers Squires and Paulley took dinner with us. We went to Sister Lomax in the after noon, and returned home at half-past nine Aurther coming with us.

26 April 1899 • Wednesday

26th. Wednesday.— Sent letters to Geo [George Albert] Smith, M. and I. C.— & — In the afternoon attended Relief [Society] meeting. In the evening Brothers Squires and Hemsley called to escort us to Sister Atkinsons where we met her whole family who were bap[p. 20]tized into the church years ago but seem to have dropped off. We spent a nice evening, singing, playing the piano, and so forth.

Brother Hindley bade us good-bye Monday and went into London to take up the work as president of the London conference, Brother Jobe Hemsley come in his stead.

27 April 1899 • Thursday

27th. Thursday.— Morning prayer. Went tracting gave out seventy five tracts and recieved four Gospel-conversations.

Recd letter from Mrs. Chipper to come on Friday.

Wrote to Frank Turner. Washed my hair.

28 April 1899 • Friday

28th. Friday.— Morning prayer. Gave out one hundred tracts. Went to see Mrs. Chipper in the afternoon, went to Mrs. Seaichs to tea, returned home at ten.

28th. Friday.—

29 April 1899 • Saturday

29th. Saturday.— Nothing attempted nothing done. A tipical April day—<sun>shine and rain.

30 April 1899 • Sunday

30th. Sunday.— We arose and dressed just in time to recieve Brothers Squires Hemsley and Jonnie Seaich who called for us to go to the Sunday-morning meetings—Gospel class and fast-meeting Master Sidney Leonard accompanied us.

What a hard piece of work to keep the fish that have already been caught by previous fishermen, from stinking. However the dark mist seems to have rolled away and all is bright once more. [p. 21]

Brothers Purdy[,] Hamblin come from Poplar in the evening to attend the meeting—they with the other brothers called for us. When we arrived at the place of meeting we found Elder Parkin from the Nottingham conference he and Elder Hemsley took up the time speaking to the saints.

After this meeting we held a street meeting with quite a good audiance, Brothers Hamblin and Squires were the speakers. [2/3 page blank] [p. 22]

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April 1899, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/early-sister-missionaries/eliza-chipman/1899/1899-04


  1. [1]See note, in Chipman, Journal, 25 Oct. 1898. The move may have been precipitated by concerns among some local church members about male and female missionaries living in the same apartment building. The sisters made arrangements for their new lodgings nine days earlier. (Chipman, Journal, 8 Jan. and 27 Mar. 1899.)

  2. [2]E. T. Corbett, “The Inventor’s Wife,” in The Wit of Women, ed. Kate Sanborn (New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1885), 170–171.

  3. [3]“The London Conference,” 1899, photograph, in Fisher, British Mission Photographs, CHL.