October 1900

1 October 1900 • Monday

Monday 1.st. The girls came back from Edinburgh. It was very stormy. In the afternoon the Wallace’s from Salt Lake and Mrs Little called and stayed about [p. 7] two hours. Mr McKim came to bring a parcel to Sister C [Eliza Chipman] and also Miss Scott called to see about my speaking to the Band of Hope. I made Sister C a box of candy to take with her. We didn’t get to bed till very late as we had so much to say to each other for on the eventful tomorrow Sister C is to leave for “home”1 and as I thought of it, in spite of myself the tears came into my eyes—But and involuntarily my thoughts went home to loved ones and friends. “But still I love to wander back to that old time and that old place To dream again the dreams that grew, More beautiful as they became more true.”2 I did love Sister C although some times I was unkind to her.

2 October 1900 • Tuesday

Tues 2nd. This morning we go and call on Scotts and after bidding them good byes we go to Mrs. Barkleys and find to our surprise and sorrow that this one of our good kind friends has been called to the great beyond The house seemed strangely silent with out her. She had been so good to us. Her daughter asked me to be sure and come again but it will never seem just the same. In the after noon at two oclock we went to the station to see the girls off for Utah I got along fairly well for me. Just as they were [p. 8] saying good bye I could stand it any longer and ran for the waiting room but before I succeeded in reaching it Bro E. [David C. Eccles] came up and I didn’t have the heart to cry when I knew that made them all sorry, and they are good to me, and I like them every one very, very much. I don’t want to make them sad, not once if I can help it. It was too stormy to go to street meeting so I went with Bro Eccles down to Mrs Ennis and spent the evening. We got home shortly after 11.

3 October 1900 • Wednesday

Wed. 3. I gave our room a general cleaning up which took me most of the forenoon and after dinner I went to visit Miss Ross and Mrs Lumsden both of them received me so nicely and showed in so many ways that they were glad I came that I couldn’t help but be happy. I had a short gospel conversation with each of them. Miss Ross said she believed every word in the book of Mormon In the evening we had is meeting on Wellington St it was quite cold but I was glad we went. I read some of the Book of Mormon when I came home, and then went into the office and we talked till almost 12 o’clock. Came to bed, and after the regular flea hunt and losing part of my temper, I at last went to sleep. [p. 9]

4 October 1900 • Thursday

Thurs. Oct 3 <4>— Another day has gone, meeting is over, the good nights have been said as one by one the people have taken their departure—the house is quiet, and I came in here to write to Bro [David O.] McKay in answer to his letter received over a month ago, and still I hesitate about the answer, if I only knew what I ought to do—but I don’t3—. This after noon I have been to Milne’s and passed a pleasant three hours. I had a good gospel talk. Mr Milne although extremely bitter against our people at first has sufficiently thawed out to shake hands very heartily and say “How is our missionary girl to day”? and our girl smiled her very best smile and inwardly wished that there would not come a frost again, but that the warmth of the gospel might send away the frost altogether. Sister [Emily] Penfold hasn’t come back from Paisley yet, although I expected her last night so I am alone as far as femininity is concerned but I don’t mind that as long as Sister Penfold is having a good time—my will is her pleasure.

5 October 1900 • Friday

Friday Oct 5th. Sister Penfold came back this morning. I received a letter from Rose and Nora containing the news that “Lillie” was [p. 10] about to change her name— Alas another one of the “30th. of Juners” gone— “To rear, to love, and then to lose” I suppose Sister Thiriot will say.4 In the after noon I went tracting, gave out 50 tracts and had 3 good gospel conversations and then went to see Mrs Barrie and was received, as I always am at their home with kindness, and invited to come as often as I could. It was storming so we stayed home in the evening, we went to bed quite early for us—

6 October 1900 • Saturday

Sat 6— Cleaned up the room—darned some stockings finished my “celebrated pink ball dress” Sister [Mary Sanders] Frame came up. In the evening we took care of Sister Hawthorns baby while she went to get her little girl baptised, then went to the station with Sister Frame. Came home, had the tooth ache, and a talk with Bro. Buchanan [Alexander Buchanan Jr.] on everything from flirting to praying etc. <No you didn’t. C?>5 Went to bed at about 12.

7 October 1900 • Sunday

Sunday 7th. On account of the cold didn’t have our regular street meeting. Our testimony meeting in the hall was very good. Went to Bro [William W.] Hamiltons to dinner. Had a good talk with him and Bella [Hamilton] attended the hall meeting in Govan. Sister Penfold and I spoke. Came back to Glasgow and attended our [p. 11] open air meeting on the Broomilaw. Received some pretty roses from Mary McDonalds master. Came home after meeting and went right to bed.

A bridge over a river, with buildings and cars, leading to Broomielaw.

Glasgow Bridge over the River Clyde in Glasgow, Scotland, circa 1905. (Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-ppmsc-07598.)

8 October 1900 • Monday

Monday 8th. Went to the baths, and to Turnbulls to see about Sister C’s photoes, In the after noon went shopping, went to street meeting on New City Road in the evening.

9 October 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday 9. After straightening up the room I prepared to look for lodgings—something I had dreaded very much and before going I prayed that our father in heaven would guide me to the place he wanted me to choose and I went directly to one where it seemed as though every thing would be lovely and I accepted it as a direct answer to my prayer.6 I went home feeling very thankful that I had been acknowledged by God, even though deep in my heart I felt unworthy so great a blessing. In the afternoon I went tracting and in the evening went to street meeting Gave out 50 tracts and had one conversation.

10 October 1900 • Wednesday

Wed. Packed up our things to move, gave the bed room a good cleaning up, talked a little? to the boys, after dinner we “flitted” in a very aristocratic manner each one carrying our arms full of [p. 12] valises, coats, umbrellas, parcels etc. We went back for a second load. In the after noon we settled down put our clothes to rights and then I read Longfellow till meeting time. Went on Wellington St had a fairly good crowd. Came right home and went to bed.

11 October 1900 • Thursday

Thurs 11. Went to visit Sister Nelson in the forenoon came home and cooked dinner, went tracting and gave out 50 tracts, had three conversations, came home and studied for more than an hour, cooked supper after supper read Longfellow till meeting time. Attended testimony meeting which was very good the spirit of the Lord being plainly manifested, came home and after reading the newspaper for a while went to bed

12 October 1900 • Friday

Friday 12 In the afternoon went to visit Jessie Crawford and had a good chat then she came with me up Great Western Road to Willow bank Crescent where I was going to visit McAuslanes. I had a fine time. They treated me just lovely Nellie played some beautiful tunes on the violin and I could have listened to her ever so long. When I was coming away Mrs. McAuslane said, “Come up often and cheer us up” and I will be only too glad to go. One kind word and a kind look counts a great deal to me now days. In the evening we went [p. 13] to “53” for a few minutes, and then came home and studied.

13 October 1900 • Saturday

Saturday 13th. It is very stormy and cold. In the after noon we went to visit Miss Weir and stayed home in the evening.

14 October 1900 • Sunday

Sunday 14th. Went to “53” in the forenoon. It was too cold for Street meetings. Attended both hall meetings. After the evening meeting went to the restraunt and had a fish supper. Came home.

15 October 1900 • Monday

Monday 15th. Went tracting in the afternoon and gave out 67 tracts, had two long conversations was invited into two houses and had tea at the last one. I felt quite happy as I always do when I find some one willing to listen. It was after dark when I came home. Sister Penfold was away at “53”, I went out to the shops and bought some things for tea as Jessie Crawford was coming to spend the evening. I then wrote letters till she came. We had a good evening the last hour being spent on gospel talk. We took her to the Subway at 11, came home and at 12 oclock went to bed.

16 October 1900 • Tuesday

Tues. 16. Washed my hair in the morning. Went tracting in the after noon gave out 68 tracts and had three conversations. In the evening went to “53” Bro [John B.] Young came down from Edinburgh and we had a [p. 14] talk about different things came home at 9 oclock and went to bed.

17 October 1900 • Wednesday

Wed. 17. To day is is very dark and stormy I wrote a number of letters and take them to the office come back and cook dinner. Sister Frame came up in the afternoon and we had a very pleasant time. Had tea an hour earlier as I was going to the Band of Hope At 6 went up to Miss Scotts and had a visit with them, then Maggie, Bessie and I went to the St Georges in the Fields Church. The house was well filled with children and grown people. I felt very frightened but I got along pretty well. The children were very quiet. I spoke on honesty and told them a story. The President asked me to Dismiss by prayer After it was over some ladies came up and told me they enjoyed my remarks very much and invited me to some charity meetings etc. The president of the association and Miss Scott came home with me. I do hope that I did a little good, but at any rate they all treated me fine. I called into 53 on my return to tell them how I got along and we stayed about an hour. Sister Frame came home to sleep with us. I got so excited over it all that I [p. 15] couldn’t sleep.

18 October 1900 • Thursday

Thurs 18. Got up at 8.30 and helped with the breakfast, Sister Frame and I went over to “53” and finding Sister [Agnes Cooke] Reid away decided to stay and get dinner, so we went down to the shops and bought the things and then I came up to No 10 for Sister Penfold. We cooked a very good dinner, the boys said they enjoyed the “Yankee Doodle” (mocroni [macaroni]) just fine. In the evening we went to testimony meeting and stayed for a while after it was over. I was disappointed because I didn’t get a letter and almost cried but “changed my mind seeing that tears could not bring my letter to me.

19 October 1900 • Friday

Fri. 19. Read the Young Womans Journal, wrote a letter, cooked dinner in the forenoon and went tracting in the afternoon. Gave out 70 tracts and had 3 conversations, the last one was a terror. The woman raked me over the coals in style but before I left she had to admit that she was in the wrong. In the evening I went to street meeting down on the New City Road. Sister Penfold was too tired to go. Came home at 9 o’clock and “piled into bed tired out”.

20 October 1900 • Saturday

Sat. 20. Studied this forenoon and took a bath helped get dinner, and then helped eat it after [p. 16] which violent exercise I laid down and was half asleep when Bros Young and Lowe [David N. Low] called and stayed a while after they went I read Longfellow and a sermon by Bro [Heber J.] Grant and then wrote this journal

21 October 1900 • Sunday

Sunday 21st. Went to two street meetings and two hall meetings. I spoke in the after noon. Went to “53” to dinner.

22 October 1900 • Monday

Monday 22nd Stayed home in the morning, Went tracting in the afternoon and gave out 38 tracts had four conversations and visited one house. Came home and went to the tram with Sister Penfold as she was going to Paisley, went in the evening with Bro Eccles and Miss Minic to the City hall to a reception. Saw the Lord Provost of Glasgow and heard quite a number of aristocrats speak. It was an informal reception and lunch followed by a program.

23 October 1900 • Tuesday

Tues. Went in the forenoon and called on Sister Leggatt then on to Govan and stayed at Mrs. Thompsons for about two hours then called on Craigs and Hawthorns and in the evening went to McNeils, came home about 11 oclock feeling very tired. Sister Reid moved from “53” to day. [p. 17]

24 October 1900 • Wednesday

Wed. 24th. Went to “53” and helped with the dinner came home and folded tracts, went tracting gave out 62 tracts and had three conversations, came home and went to singing practice after having tea.

25 October 1900 • Thursday

Thurs 25. Went and helped with the work at 53. In the afternoon went to 110 Cowcaddens to a club called the Guild where charitable ladies made clothes for poor children. They had over 7000 articles of clothing that was to be given away. The Duchess of Montrose was there and gave a speech. It was no better than ordinary mortals could do. Then they served lunch after which I went with a young lady over to see the Sewing room where many poor old women from the street were given employment. They were paid well and their hours were short from 10 till 4. Miss Big the manager asked me to speak to the old women and although it completely took my breath away I did it and talked for about 15 minutes. When I came away all of them clapped their hands and smiled a “good bye” to me. Miss Scott came home with us and had tea and stayed till meeting time. Went to testimony meeting Sister Penfold stayed home. Had a lovely meeting. I came home as soon as it was over.

26 October 1900 • Friday

Friday 26. Stayed at “53” all day and house cleaned [p. 18] we did the office and the big room took up carpets etc till evening then went down to Craigs, had violin music supper games etc till it was too late for the car and had to walk home. We arrived at 12:30 and were frightened to ring for fear the lady would be angry at us, we were thankful to get in and to bed.

27 October 1900 • Saturday

Saturday 27 House cleaned all day, did the back bed room. Washed and ironed some things cried because I didn’t get a letter from home and it has been 7 weeks since any of them wrote.

28 October 1900 • Sunday

Sunday 28. Went to “53” and got things ready for dinner, went to a street meeting on the Broomielaw and to the hall meeting. Took the car at Mitchell St and went to Sister McDonalds to dinner also called on Sister Carney, stayed home in the evening as Sister Penfold was ill.

29 October 1900 • Monday

Waked up on Monday morning feeling ill and tired. Went to “53” to cook dinner, as usual I was worried about having to do it alone. While I was cleaning the office let the old pot roast burn black. I could have cried my eyes out at that, every mortal thing went wrong and I was just on the verge of desparation when Sister McDonald came in and helped me a little I put a horriable old dinner on the table and [p. 19] then went out in the kitchen while they ate it. After doing up the work and getting a frown from Bro [Henry B.] Thompson that would make your hair stand on end I started out with a heart as heavy as lead to visit my friends. I was thankful Sister McDonald was with me, she is a comfort We called on Sister Taylor and Mills then came home and cried because nobody loved me and then went down on Stob Cross street to see Nelsons who are going awa on Wednesday. It was an awful place where they were staying but we had quite a good time considering the fact that I coughed every minute I was there. The moon was bright and beautiful on our way and seemed to shine on me with such a “kindly light” that I felt like it was more my friend than the people I am with I mean the ones at “53” I felt quite sick when I came home so went right to bed. after doctoring my self for about an hour.

30 October 1900 • Tuesday

Tues. 30. Have been in bed most of the day and feel any thing but well or happy, Miss Scott called for a few minutes this afternoon.

31 October 1900 • Wednesday

Wed 31st. Still sick. Sister Penfold stays at “53” all day. I sleep, read, write some letters, cry, etc. Bros Young, Eccles Buchanan and Thompson each call for a short time. [p. 20]

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October 1900, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/early-sister-missionaries/josephine-booth/1900/1900-10


  1. [1]text: Triple underlined in original.

  2. [2]Ella Wheeler Wilcox, “The Room Beneath the Rafters,” Youth’s Companion, Oct. 9, 1884, 384.

  3. [3]See note, in Booth, Journal, 26 Aug. 1899.

  4. [4]Likely a reference to a group of classmates, perhaps at the Brigham Young Academy, another of whom was now married. (See “Booth, Josephine D.,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 1:503.)

  5. [5]text: This insertion is in different handwriting, possibly that of Alexander Buchanan Jr.

  6. [6]Booth and Penfold moved to their new lodgings on 10 October. Booth refers to the new apartment only as “No. 10.” The street name is not known, though it very likely was near the conference house at 53 Holmhead (Booth, Journal, 10 and 18 Oct. 1900.)