November 1899

1 November 1899 • Wednesday

Wed. Nov.1 4 1st. Went tracting gave out 50 and had four conversations. Stayed home in the evening.

2 November 1899 • Wednesday

Thurs November2 2nd. While in bed a letter was handed to me from my own dear friend Nora and I read it and re read it in the meantime laughing and crying by turns. The news it contained was that my sister Vienna [Booth] was married on Wed the 25 of October and that she was going to Canada to live. I have thought about it ever since reading of it and have been both “happy and glad and sorry and sad”. I am happy to think she is and that she is so well suited with Ernest [H. Kimball], and that he is such a good young man. but am sorry [p. 81] that our family is beginning to be broken up. The time for it has come only too soon. To rear, to love and then to lose—is the story of each mother’s life3 I do hope God will bless her and keep he well and happy and that this marriage was Gods will. It seems like quite a lot of this world goes with her to Canada. She has always been my special charge and I feel more like her mother than her sister.

In the afternoon I went tracting gave out 60 visited one house had two convs and went to meeting in the evening. Came right home and went to bed.

3 November 1899 • Friday

Fri 3rd. Prepared to go tracting but it rained so hard that we could not. In the afternoon we went to conference house and met Bro [David N.] Low a new missionary and Bro [Harry E.] Sutton who was returning home In the evening we had choir practice.

4 November 1899 • Saturday

Sat 4. Went to the baths in the morning and in the after noon Bro [John B.] Young came over in the afternoon and in the evening we went to Wallace’s and had quite a pleasant time. We got lost on our way there but soon found [p. 82] our selves. Every time we go to Wallaces we lose “our selves

5 November 1899 • Sunday

On Sunday 5 Went to Sunday School and two meetings. Went to “53” to dinner and after meeting went in for a few minutes

6 November 1899 • Monday

Monday 6 Studied in the forenoon. Went to 53 and folded tracts and to Relief Society in the evening. The boys asked us if we sang “We’er the true born sons of Zion”. Sister C [Eliza Chipman] and I both spoke after meeting we practiced singing awhile and as bro [David C.] Eccles was away we sewed his pockets and sleeves up.

7 November 1899 • Tuesday

Tues 7. Twas very stormy again to day. In the evening had Choir practice. Received a letter from papa. He was in S.L.C. [Salt Lake City] when he wrote. It was the day Vienna went to Canada. I some times wonder if she has forgotten that she has a sister far awa[y] in Bonny Scotland and I also wonder about another letter that should soon come to me unless unless somebody has changed his mind—but no—that cannot be.

8 November 1899 • Wednesday

Wed 8 Went tracting in the afternoon gave out 50 tracts and had 3 long conversations [p. 83] Before we went we called into the conference house and to our surprise found a saint there that had sailed for the U.S. only a few weeks since. On expressing our surprise she told us that when she reached N.Y. [New York] the officers would not let her go on to Utah as they said it was a clear case of Polygamy. So they took her and locked her up out on an island and kept her there till the next boat when they sent her back. The poor woman was partly blind and she was very frightened, but her trials only made her more firm in her religion. I felt very sorry for her. After tracting I went down to the Argyle hotel to see Mr [Harold P.] & Mrs [Clara Sanders] Jennings and “wee Harold [S. Jennings”], we stayed there to supper and then came home and went to the hotel to a sort of a dance Had quite a good time and came home fairly tired out.

9 November 1899 • Thursday

Thurs. 9 Went to 53 and dressed a Chicken that Sister Graham brought to the elders. Called at the Hotel to tell the Jennings good bye. Came back and went tracting. Effie [Lindsay] called in the evening. Went to testimony meeting. As I [p. 84] I was coming home walking through the crowd the gas was lighted the rain was falling a little the street organs were being played and ragged children calling “6 oclock special” others selling matches, the flower girls standing in front of the shops—and a solitary mormon girl coming slowly along—just conscious of these things transpiring around her— In her mind the verses of Longfellow, a poet dear to every American heart, kept ringing through her mind The day is done, And the darkness falls from the wings of night, As a feather is wafted down ward from the eagle in his flight. I see the lights of the cities gleam through the rain and the mists And a feeling of sadness comes o’er me That my soul can not resist.4— Be still sad heart and cease repining behind the clouds is the sun still shining— I know it and I am quite contended, all my discontent is caused by my own unhappy disposition.

I wish I could be a sweet loveable girl and a good missionary. [p. 85]

10 November 1899 • Friday

Fri 10. Studied in the forenoon. Went to 53 to a Chicken Dinner and had a good play in the afternoon. Came home and wrote a letter, in the evening Went to choir practice and was informed that I had a good voice if I would cultivate it. I have not decided as yet whether I will take Melba’s or Patti’s place.5

11 November 1899 • Saturday

Sat 11 Have been at home all day Wrote 4 letters. It has stormed most all the time although we have had an occasional gleam of sun shine which tempted Sister C. out and she came in looking like a drowned rat. In the evening I went out for a walk and almost got a ducking my self. When I came in Sister C was home from the Conference house where she had been to black her hat. So we said bible verses and studied a short time before going to bed.

12 November 1899 • Sunday

Sunday 12. Went to Sunday school and both meetings. Sister C and I both spoke in the evening Came to 53 and stayed a short time.

13–14 November 1899 • Monday–Tuesday

Monday 13. Stayed home in the forenoon and in [p. 86] the afternoon went tracting. Went to a store on our way and left some tracts and had a short talk. Came to “53” because we were too tired to climb our stairs. I made my belt and Sister C got supper for the boys because Sister Reed [Agnes Cooke Reid] was off. At 6 oclock went down to Nelsons. We talked and sang and ate fruit and candy. Sister Lizzie N. [Nelson] asked me for my picture to send to her brother in Utah she gave us her excuse that she liked me so well and had told him so much about me that he wanted to see my face. But there is something behind6 this, (as a man said when he was kicked down on the front steps) and I think I know what it is Her brother lives in Randolph7 so does Mack [David O. McKay] they are very good friends— “I shall let imagination do the rest.” Bro Eccles and Lowe came at 9 oclock just as we were coming home so we stayed a while longer. The boys went out to a street meeting before coming and got in a pretty rough crowd When we arrived home there was a young man investigating at “53” He and Bro Young had [p. 87] spent the evening together. On Tues it stormed so much that we didn’t go tracting but went to the conference house to choir practice.

15 November 1899 • Wednesday

Wed 15. Went tracting in the afternoon gave out 63 tracts and after that went to Mrs Barclays to visit We had a very pleasant time. Took her a Ray of Living Light. Had tea and then her two daughters came and we talked a while longer and then came home. Bro Eccles and Young came for us to go to the dance, we had a sort of a good time. I spent all the forenoon in making lace.

16 November 1899 • Thursday

Thurs. 16 Crocheted all morning in the afternoon went tracting and gave out 65 tracts. The day was quite pleasant for Glasgow and quite a number of people were out I had one good long conversation and the lady was good8 enough to say I could bring the S.L. [Salt Lake] pictures back to let her see them. I came home very very tired and rested till time for meeting. I went to meeting Effie called and went with us. The room was not very well filled but there was a good [p. 88] spirit there. Stayed only a few minutes after meeting and then came home.

17 November 1899 • Friday

Fri. 17. Went calling in the afternoon to places I had been invited or had left (tracts) Rays) The first place I went the woman was alright and we had quite a good gospel talk. The next place the woman said that the book was awful that she did not read it and that she hid it from her daughter When I asked her to let me defend my self she said no she wanted to hear nothing about it and with that the door closed unceremoniously—I am not invited back. The other two places the[y] were alright and I came home again feeling extremely tired and worn out. I don’t know when ever I had felt so utterly fatigued. In the evening I went to choir practice and met Bro [David] and Sister [Mary Sanders] Frame who had just arrived from Utah. Stayed to “53” to prayers and then came home.

18 November 1899 • Saturday

Sat 18. This morning it was so foggy that we could not see one thing. Kept the gas lit till 11.30. I wrote a letter to Vienna and ran to the post [p. 89] office with it. came home and wrote my Journal up to date. Sister C is over to “53” as usual and I have been alone all day. It is quite foggy now but is better than it was. Last Sat night there was a piece in the news about a mormon woman being in Glasgow trying to convert the women and girls to go to Utah to contract mormon marriages and said “Here is a chance for our superfluous women.” We answered it (the same way that me9 and Betty killed the bear10) and it was published in the Thurs. evenings issue of the news. We said Don’t lead the Glasgow women on with such a fairy tale as the law allows man only one wife.11 In the evening we went to visit Mr and Mrs. Barrie at No 5. Tillie Road we passed a very pleasant evening and had a good gospel conversation. He seems very much interested. On our way out we asked the street car man to let us off at the right street and he took us on six streets too far. When we asked him why he did not do so he said, “And was I [p. 90] no a tellen you” That did not aid us in getting back, so we walked back. At about 10 oclock Bro Young and Eccles came and we stayed till after 12.

19 November 1899 • Sunday

On Sunday We went to Sunday school and two meetings. We spoke in the After noon. Went to “53” to dinner after which Bro E. went in to the hole in the wall and I locked him in, and Sister C. went to sleep in her chair so I came home.

20 November 1899 • Monday

Mon. 2012 Went tracting in even[ing] went to “53” and got supper for the boys and spent the evening there. Bro [John S.] Smith had just come down from Aberdeen and Bro [James K.] Miller came home from Edinburgh.

21 November 1899 • Tuesday

Tues I stayed home in the morning and studied and in the Afternoon went to visit Sister Grier and Gain. I took my crocheting with me. We spent quite a pleasant after noon and came to “53” Sister C. and I and Lizzie & Jeanie gain just in time for Choir practice.

22 November 1899 • Wednesday

Wed 22. Stayed home in the morning and In the Afternoon went out to Elderslie to Bro Nesbit’s [William P. Nisbet’s] mothers. We had supper and after supper held a meeting. We both spoke [p. 91] Slept on a good soft bed and in the morning we were awakened at 8.30 by Mrs [Isabella Porterfield] Nisbet. after a delightful breakfast we put shawls on our heads and went for a walk through the noted Newton Woods The wind was blowing a brisk gale, the sky was dark with clouds, and it was quite damp under foot. This did not dampen our spirits in the least and we ran and sang and laughed etc till we heard a familiar voice calling, and looking up we beheld bro Nisbet with his coat tails flying in the wind coming towards us. With some difficulty we climbed the fence and went to meet him and he showed us some of the prettiest places. I picked some daisies for Bro McKay. The last of the season. They looked quite cold and lonely with so many dead leaves and withered grasses about them. I wondered at their springing into life amidst so much death. When we arrived at the highest point in the woods we stood on the “brae” and sang “High on the mountain Top”. As soon as we got back and “combed our hair” blacked our [p. 92] shoes etc We started out in the rain and wind for the Carpet Factory, and on looking across the dreary moore one felt indeed as though the Scotland that was often pictured in books to be a dreary cold bleak country was certainly13 all that it was pictured to be. We arrived at the place after about 20 minutes walk and were conducted through by a Mr. McKinin a fine old scotch man with a face like the full moon beautifully edged all around the out side with a fringe of gray “wiskers” he had a very pleasant smile and a good friendly hand shake. We were first taken through the color department, where the different colors and their varying tints and shades were mixed ready for use. We learned that they reduced the coloring with flour paste. They had immense copper boilers with pipes running through them and they could boil 60 gallons and cool it in an hour. The boilers were double and when they wanted to cool it they turned cold water through the pipes and to heat it turned on steam. Then we went [p. 93] to where they were coloring the yarn. There were very large wheels from 6–8 and 10 feet in diameter and the circumference was about two feet wide. A piece of oil cloth was put around the out side of the wheel and this was completely wound around with yarn. [drawing of yarn on a wheel] This represents a “quarter section” of the wheel showing how the yarn is put around. Right under the wheel is a kind of a little track—something like a rail road track with out the Ties” and there is a little wagon that runs from one side <end> of the track to the other. In this wagon in the dye and right in the center of the wagon is a little wheel that looks like a water wheel. As the wagon runs from one end of the track to the other, the little wheel that is in the paint is turned by passing under the big wheel and as it turns it colors the yarn on the big wheel The pattern that they are going to make is where they can see it and along the edge are numbers— The wheel also has numbers around it corresponding with the pattern and a little board at the side of the wheel is numbered, then they turn the wheel to the numbers [p. 94] that are on the pattern. After it is colored the yarn is taken and put on oat chaf[f] and then steamed to make the color fast. after it is steamed it is washed good and clean and then hung up to dry. After it is well dried the yarn is pulled till the pattern is made and is then wound on spools and sent to the weavers Some of the carpets were very beautiful. One ring in particular representing a parlor. The mother and daughter were seated on a sofa and a young man came to bring a bouquet but on finding the mother there had put the flowers behind him. Out of the window in the distance was a castle etc in fact that rug could suggest topics for discussion for many an hour. “A story with out words.” After this we went with Mr McKinen to his home where we found a very nice dinner prepared for us. Their home was fixed extremely comfortable and cozy and was scrupulously clean. We ate rather hurriedly as it was then getting near two and had promised to meet the boys at Paisley at 3. We just stayed at Mrs Nisbet’s long enough to say good bye and eat a bite,14 as she in[p. 95]sisted that we should because she had prepared dinner for us, and then set out to Walk 2½ miles to Paisley. Bro Eccles came part way to meet us and we went directly to J. and. P Coates thread mills. The buildings were immense and elaborately finished off they employ 5000 people. Have their own school and fire department. Every thing about the place was well kept up. We went first to where they make the spools and it was surprising how many hands it passed through before it was finished and then we followed on through till it was ready for market. The workers most all went bare footed Some of the employees were very small only about 7 or 8 years old. They work from 6 am. till 6 p.m. but go to school every other day. Females seemed quite the order of the day. I don’t believe I ever saw so many “lassies” altogether in my life before. From the factory we went to Bro Nisbets lodgings all but Bro Miller and he came on to Glasgow as it was the regular Thursday evening meeting. We ate supper and as Sister C was very tired I combed her hair and then we went to Mrs. Adams to meeting. Sister [p. 96] C. and I took up all the time. After meeting we talked a while and then went to the train after waiting 30 minutes “it arrived” and we boarded it en route for Glasgow.

24 November 1899 • Friday

Friday15 Stayed home most of the day. Went to “53” to choir practice at night.

25 November 1899 • Saturday

Sat. 25. Went to the baths in the morning and in the afternoon. Bro Young came over and we sang and then Bro Eccles and Buchanan [Alexander Buchanan Jr.] came and stayed a while. In the evening we went to a confirmation meeting Bro and Sister Donaldson and Bro Wallace were confirmed and then we went to the station to see them off. Bro Eccles went with us.

26 November 1899 • Sunday

On Sun. 26 went to Sunday school and two meetings. There were a large number of Danish and German saints and Elders also a few from England at the meetings. They expected the boat to Sail on Sat but owing to some breakage ’twas delayed till Monday. I also met Bro Frank[lin] Whitehouse one of my “training pupils” from Bro [William E.] Rydalch’s department also a young lady that was going to marry Bro Reid from Oasis. He went home just 12 weeks ago, his [p. 97] departure was rather premature because “love” and missionary work do not progress well together He had been engaged to here [her] 18 months. I met a Mrs Hanson[,] Abbey Rice Kimballs niece, she used to be Miss Hammond, and had a long talk with her. I fasted all day till after night meeting that I might be led to speak on the right subject at conference and that God would give me faith and help me to preform my mission well. We went to “53” and ate soup that Sister Reid had kept warm for us.

27 November 1899 • Monday

Mon. 27. Went to “53” and were asked by Bro Nelson from Preston Idaho to go and buy his daughter a silk dress. We bought a pretty cream silk and lace to trim it with. In the after noon we went to the boat to see it off. Bro Miller got passes for us to go through it. The first class was very good. The second class “wasn’t bad” but the steerage was simple, abomnible. They ate and slept in the same room There were 133 births one right by the other with nothing but a board between them. None of our people went steerage I am thankful to say. After [p. 98] going through we went into the first saloon and Sister C played the piano while Bro. Young and I had a talk over me, my past life, the present, the future. We came to 53 to supper and the boys asked us to go to see the American Citizen but we did not but came home and studied.

28 November 1899 • Tuesday

Tues. 28 Went tracting gave out about 65 tracts and had about 20 refusals. This is a cold old hard-hearted world. I met many frowns and few smiles. Came home and went to choir practice. Stayed and talked a little while after practice.

29 November 1899 • Wednesday

Wed 29. Went down to Sister Hamiltons and Sister Leggats16 to get the address of Mary Stephens. We had promised to go out there tomorrow night but have since received an invitation to go to Ruther glen so we wanted to write and tell Mary. On our way home we called on Nelsons and had a good visit and ate fruit. Came home and got some tracts and then went and called on Mrs Lumsden and the Crawfords. Mrs. L had saved me some wedding cake for a month. It was very good. Then I went and [p. 99] gave out 18 tracts. It was too dark to tract any longer so came home and stayed home all evening.

30 November 1899 • Thursday

Thurs. Nov. 30.17 To-day is thanksgiving day at home and with those dear ones I feel to thank the Lord for the blessings he has bestowed on me. For health and strength, food and raiment and for loved ones and friends, for this mission and I do pray my father in heaven that he will lead and guide me aright that I may, by his help, accomplish all I came to do, and that I may not, through my disposition stand in my own light. To-day Sister C is at “53” practicing and I am alone. In the afternoon we went to Rutherglen to see the Miss Williamsons. We had quite a long gospel conversation. On our way out Sister Chipman said to me I would pity us if you were to be our guide and then she got lost her self and took us a long ways out of the road, so that we were late getting there. So I told her that I did not think that it would have been much worse if I had been leading Williamsons home is perfectly lovely and the girls were very kind. Some times I feel like I would [p. 100] be willing to give a great deal for one true friend and one kind word like I used to get at home. Sister C cannot tolerate my failings and they seem to get worse instead of better. It is hard to fight against the world and the girl I live with and I have made an utter failure of it. If I could over come my faults people would like me better. We came home about 7 oclock and when we got to Queen St we found it crowded with people the cause was soon apparent. We could see flames of fire and the sky was quite red. We could not get through the crowd so we went down Sauciehall Street and from there to “53”. On account of the fire the people had not yet arrived to meeting. They soon came, and after meeting we came home.

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November 1899, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]text: Double underlined in original.

  2. [2]text: Double underlined in original.

  3. [3]Jean Ingelow, “Giving in Marriage,” in Songs of Seven (Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1881), [36]–40.

  4. [4]Henry W. Longfellow, “Proem,” in The Waif: A Collection of Poems, [ed. Henry W. Longfellow] (Cambridge, MA: John Owen, 1845), ix.

  5. [5]Nellie Melba and Adelina Patti were two of the most popular opera stars of the day. (Britannica, s.vv. “Dame Nellie Melba” and “Adelina Patti,” accessed 22 Nov. 2023,

  6. [6]text: “there is” and “something” double underlined in original; “behind” triple underlined in original.

  7. [7]text: Double underlined in original.

  8. [8]text: Double underlined in original.

  9. [9]text: Triple underlined in original.

  10. [10]Charles Henry St. John, “Betty and the Bear,” in Country Love and City Life and Other Poems (Boston: A. Williams, 1880), 156–160.

  11. [11]Although Latter-day Saint plural marriage began to wind down in the years after President Wilford Woodruff’s 1890 Manifesto, the practice continued to be the subject of intense criticism of the church in the decades that followed. People remained suspicious of the intentions of missionaries, who frequently needed to counter common misperceptions related to plural marriage. (Matthew McBride, “‘Female Brethren’: Gender Dynamics in a Newly Integrated Missionary Force, 1898–1915,” Journal of Mormon History 44, no. 4 [Oct. 2018]: 51–52. For additional background on the end of plural marriage in the church, see “The Manifesto and the End of Plural Marriage,” Gospel Topics Essays, Church History, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,

  12. [12]text: “Mon.” and “20” double underlined in original.

  13. [13]text: Double underlined in original.

  14. [14]text: Double underlined in original.

  15. [15]text: Double underlined in original.

  16. [16]Either Martha Officer Leggat (wife of William), Georgina Ferguson Leggat (wife of James), or Janet Jessie Chalmers Leggat (wife of Joseph). (Martha Officer Leggat and Jessie Chalmers Leggat, Glasgow Branch Record of Members, 1882–1903, nos. 63, 65, Scotland [Country], part 3, Record of Members Collection, CHL; “Georgina Leggat,” and “Janet Chalmers,” Scotland Census, 1901, FamilySearch database, available at; see also note, in Booth, Journal, 9 Aug. 1899.)

  17. [17]text: Triple underlined in original.