October 1899

1 October 1899 • Sunday

Sunday 1st. October1 Went to meetings and Sunday school. Came to 53 for dinner. After night meeting returned to “53” and had a rather nonsensical conversation.

2 October 1899 • Monday

Mon 2nd. In the morning Bro [David C.] Eccles, Sister C [Eliza Chipman] and I went down to Sister Rankins. Her daughter was going to the Hospital and we wanted to see her before she went. We got home about 1, ate our [p. 60] dinner and went to “53” to get our tracts to go tracting but Bro [John B.] Young was using the stamper and so we were too late. We decided to go and see a woman that had invited me back in tracting. We had a very good time had a gospel talk and showed her the pictures of Salt Lake that Bro [Thomas] Gilchrist had given us. After a good visit we came to “53” to Relief Society. We both spoke.

3 October 1899 • Tuesday

Tues 3rd. Went to “53” this morning and did some sewing. Received a letter from Mrs Rankin asking us to go to the Hospital so we hurried to go as the time for visitors closed at 12.30. It was raining and blowing awful hard and was very disagreeable. We found Sister Hilder feeling pretty well and as cheerful as could be expected under the circumstances. We only stayed a very few minutes. She does not undergo her opperation till Thursday. We have been fasting that she will get along all right. Went to “53” in the evening to choir practice. I read the Young Womans Journal while the rest were singing.2 [p. 61]

4 October 1899 • Wednesday

Wed 4th. Went tracting in the afternoon and in the morning went shopping. Gave out 50 tracts and had 2 conversations. In the evening went to Mrs Bells and had quite a pleasant time.

5 October 1899 • Thursday

On Thurs went to Newarthill. We had been advertised to speak out there. We went by way of Hamilton and got permission to enter the Duke of Hamilton’s Estate. It was a bright cold autumn morning. Some birds were singing very sweetly and as we walked through the park under the great trees the dead leaves rustled and sighed faintly as a little wind stirred among them. We went first to the Palace which is a very large and beautiful building In the front before the entrance are about 8 pillars of solid stone and big gas lamps stand on each side of the colonade? From here we went along a beautiful road till, on either side of which were immense trees and green grass, till we came to the tombs of the Dukes From the front it is 130 ft high from the back 108 and from the inside 102. It looks something like a smoke stack only is much larger around and the front of it is something like our Asylum [p. 62] [drawing of palace with labels: “steps in front”, “Lions”, “heads of men”, and “Entrance to tombs”] There are two immense Lions one asleep and another awake on pillars above the entrance to tombs and over each Entrance is an ugly looking head of a man. Going round the back you we entered the monument. The door was of heavy Iron and covered on the out side with queer pictures like you see on Egyptian tombs The inside is about 28 ft in diameter. The floor is of 11 different kinds of stone of various colors some red black white yellow and green and is mosaic. It is lighted by sky light. In this room is a very large black stone and on the stone is a sarcophagi and it looks like a black stone man The Duke of Hamilton is buried in it. The coffin is 5000 years old and cost 20,000 pounds. It was brought from Egypt. There are 12 dukes in the basement and this one makes 13 dukes that are in buried there The echo in the monument is wonderful. When the old man shut the door it sounded like thunder and no matter how low you speak you can hear it said over and over again until it gets to the top [p. 63] when it is just a faint whisper. The duke that built it wanted the finest tomb in the kingdom and I think he got it. I wonder whether his spirit is as comfortable as his body? When we came to the lodge gate coming out there was a bell on the gate. Out of mere curiosity I pulled it to see if it would ring— And it did. The woman came out to see what we wanted and Sister C. said with her best air—quite dramatically in fact—“My friend rang the bell by mistake” with out thinking I turned round and said O no I didnt I just wanted to see if it would go. Bro [John S.] Smith turned his back and just more than laughed and so did we all after we recovered from the first shock. We walked from Hamilton to Motherwell and then Bro Smith hired a cab to take us to Newarthill. We went to Jacks and spent the afternoon. In the evening we went to call on the other families of Saints. And 4 of us girls walked down through the only street in town with “one” boy. Every body ran to their doors and windows and stared at us and some children followed at a distance eying us as though we were creatures [p. 64] belonging to another sphere. We had a pretty good meeting. Sister C. Bro Smith and I spoke there were a few strangers there. We arrived home at. 11 oclock.

6 October 1899 • Friday

Fri “6” Went to Uddingston with Bro’s Smith and Young to Visit a family named Taylor. They had been to Utah and returned not long since. They were very stylish people but made us very welcome and we enjoyed our selves very much. During the evening we had songs piano selections and I recited. Going out we rode in a first class carriage on third class tickets. all on account of Bro Smith[.] and Bro Young & I were frightened out of our wits for fear we would get caught but we got through alright. We had to run all the way from Taylors to the station and just caught the train. Sang “Just One Girl” all the way home.3

7 October 1899 • Saturday

Sat 7. Went to 53 and made candy all day. In evening had the Misses Crawford here. We had a nice lunch and they enjoyed the candy very much. The[y?] went about 1/2 past 10.

8 October 1899 • Sunday

Sunday 8. Went to Sunday school and meeting Went to “53” for dinner and to meeting again. in the evening. Came back to “53” and stayed a little [p. 65] while and then came home.

9 October 1899 • Monday

Monday 9. Recieved a funny letter from the boys and answered it as soon as I got up. Sister C. took it over. I wanted a letter from home but did not get one and am quite disappointed. The following is a copy of the letter.

Dear MEN:—

Your masterpiece arrived O.K. This morning and it has taken us so long to comprehend its hidden depths that at 10 oclock your Female Bretherns shoes are still empty but thanks to you their heads are full4 This latter is a very radical change. In our application to stay longer we brought up as our argument—How much a dunce that has been sent to roam Excels a dunce that has been kept a home, and Bro Mc Murrin [James L. McMurrin] stated that we would not need to roam any more to make “perfect Dunces” of us so that an extension of girls time would be unnecessary, but he thought the boys would have to stay much longer than thier alloted time to. come to our standard of perfection?? In answer [p. 66] to your question How you are? Will state your eating abilities are excellent and as your hearts are in close connection with your stomachs (the way to a man’s heart being through his stomach, your hearts are alright to.) I do not know which part of the bible this last quotation is taken from perhaps you can find it by looking at your compendium. Your feet are alright but from a useful and ornamental stand point but your heads are not quite far enough away from them. When you are remodled [remodeled] please have them put up another foot. Your brains—pardon me if I make no reference to them as they are too vast for my understanding. I will not write any more at present Give my love to Mrs Office and the children I remain very “respectably” yours

One of the true born Sons of Zion according to the relief society.

I need not add that when the boys read this they were at first dismayed and then very much amused. It come almost upsetting “53” in general but all have recovered. [p. 67]

Monday afternoon went tracting and in the evening went out to street meeting.

10 October 1899 • Tuesday

Tues 10. Went to 53 in the morning and to Scotts and Barclays in the after noon and to choir practice at night. Met Bro Scadie and Olsen from Huntsville and S.L.C. [Salt Lake City] Bro Isaac Smith from London was also there. after practice stayed and talked a little.

11 October 1899 • Wednesday

Wed 11. Went tracting in the afternoon and in the evening went to 53 where all the elders who were going home were gathered and we had a sort of a concert. Bro Olsen was a splendid singer and he sang quite a number of times.

12 October 1899 • Thursday

Thurs. 12. In the forenoon Sister C and I escorted Bro Isaac Smith around glasgow. We went to the Old Cathedral and the municipal buildings. I almost got lost, but was saved just in time. Then we came to 53 and there was one of the sisters who was going to Utah who wanted us to go shopping with her. We went and waited till she had made her purchases took her to the hotel and then came home had dinner and proceeded [p. 68] to the boat There were 39 Saints and elders going,5 After the boat had sailed we came home and at 8 oclock went to testimony meeting. On Fri This morning received a letter from Bro [David O.] McKay and one from our children.6

A medieval cathedral.

The cathedral in Glasgow, Scotland, circa 1902. (Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-stereo-1s36944.)

13 October 1899 • Friday

On Fri we went to Edinburgh. Every thing looked very different from the day we went before. The sun shone very brightly, but there was some thing very cold about his smile it reminded me of the smile of some people it lacked the warmth and love of the summer sun. It was very brilliant but oh so cold. The leaves had on their autumn dresses They looked very somber and I fancied they sighed when the wind came among them.

We, that is, Bro Buchanan [Alexander Buchanan Jr.] and I sang snatches of all the songs we knew. I felt quite happy perhaps it was on account of something my letter said, I am afraid it was, at any rate I thought of all it told me a great deal, and as we were passing some water I looked down into [p. 69] its clear depths and saw Who do you think?? Bro McKay’s girl7 and the smile on her face and the light of her eyes all told too well, how pleased she was with her new title and how important it made her feel. Bro. [W. Moultrie] Worthington met us at the station and we went right to Sister Whites. After supper we went to Visit some Miss Watson’s [Agnes and Leah Watson] that were interested in the gospel. They visited the meetings for the first time, the last time we were there, and ever since had been coming to the meetings. We spent quite a pleasant evening out talk was more on family affairs however than on the gospel. We came home <to Sis. White’s> about 1/2 past ten.

14 October 1899 • Saturday

Next morning Sat 14. Went in the morning to Holyrood Palace and saw the Bed room of Mary Queen of Scotts It must have been very beautiful once, but now it is old faded and worn. The silk and satin curtains are dusty and thread bare and the Queen that used to be, so long since dead. In one room is the stain of blood of her favorite servant [p. 70] Rizzio. He was standing behind her chair while she was at lunch when Lord Darnley and Ruthven and others came up her private stair and stabbed Rizzio and then dragged him from the room in spite of their her cries and tears. Her mirror and work box are still there The room of Chas. 1st. is still kept as it was in his day. In the other half of this castle is the present queens rooms. From Holyrood we went up canongate street and saw John Knox house and church. In his house is a little side bay window where he used to stand and speak to the crowd below. In early days this street used to be one of the best in Edinburgh but now it is one of the worst.

One close called The White Horse Close is the very worst one in Edinburgh. Every day there is an account in the paper of some foul deed committed there. On going a little farther we could see an immense crowd gathered in front of the parlimentary buildings and found that [p. 71] when ever parliment passed a new law that men come out all dressed in satin robes of bright colors that look like Japanese costumes, and read the law to the people. They stand in a place some thing like a band stand. Then the band plays “god save the queen”. There were many very wealthy people there in carriages to here this document read. After the crowd dispersed we went and saw a heart of stone in the pavement It was the heart of Midlothian and from there we went to the Edinburgh Castle. It is a barracks now but it used to be the home of kings and queens. Mary Queen of Scotts baby was born here and I looked out of the window where she let it down to get it away from her enemys and in the hands of her friends. We saw dozens of soldiers, and heard the cannon go off. From here we got a fine view of the town and especially of Queens Park and Princess St [Prince’s Street] It is the most beautiful st in the world. Coming down from the castle we visited the art gallery and then went to the statuary hall but to our [p. 72] surprise horror and dismay found that there were statues in there that would make girls ill at ease if they were alone, and our confusion was doubled on having young men for our escorts. I think we went out quicker than we went in and the name of Edinburgh Statuary still makes my hair stand on end. After this calamity we went home and had tea Then got ready and went to the theatre. The play was fairly good but the acting was abomnible. I have seen far better acting right in Provo. After the theatre was out we walked through the slums through the Cowgate, Canongate and high St. We did not see any thing worse that we had seen before. Young people were hugging kissing and drinking. Old men and women sitting in the road and on the side walks asleep. Children crying, crowds fighting, misery poverty and wickedness on every side. I felt to thank the Lord again as I have many times since coming into this wide world that my lot has been as it has, that I am from Utah, and a Mormon. And so ended another eventful day. [p. 73]

A wide, tree-lined street and public park.

Princes Street in Edinburgh, Scotland, between 1890 and 1900. (Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-ppmsc-07585.)

15 October 1899 • Sunday

On Sun. we went to two meetings and we both spoke each time. We went to Sister Whytes to dinner. After evening meeting stayed and talked to the saints a short time and also to the Miss Watsons.

16 October 1899 • Monday

Monday 16 Visited saints all day. Went to Henderson, Smiths, Wells[,] Hendrys, Whytes and Sister Ryans. We also went to the Glass works and saw them blow glass it was very interesting to watch them. We saw them <make> cut glass and I dont wonder that it is expensive, when I see the work it takes They have glass heated red hot some thing like they used to have iron in the foundry. Then each man has a hollow piece of iron about an inch across and 3 or four feet long. He puts one end of this in the boiling glass and gets some on the end of his iron and then blows and rolls the glass on an iron till he makes what ever he wants to. In the evening we visited Cadys and she gave it to us on Polygamy. She said if God had intended to have 2 wives for the man he would have taken a rib out of each [p. 74] side of Adam and have made “twa” women for him instead of one. Before we left she was not so bitter against it. On our way home Bro. W. told me some things which both surprised and worried me and made me resolve to be more careful in the future in the [way] I treat masculine gender. We hurried from Bro Whites to the station and caught the 9.10 train. Bros. Buchanan Worthington and [William Henry] Gardner came to the train with us. We were met at the Glasgow Station by Bros Eccles, [James K.] Miller and Allen [Thomas L. Allen Jr.], and as Bro Allen was going to Ireland we went with him to the Central station and then came home again. Arriving at 11 oclock.

17 October 1899 • Tuesday

Tues. 17th. Went to conference house in the morning and cooked dinner for the boys. In the after noon went to the baths and in the evening to choir practice.

18 October 1899 • Wednesday

On Wed 188 wrote to Bro McKay went to conference house to see an old couple married. went to Sister Rankins to see how Sister Hilder was and went to meeting on the New City Road.

19 October 1899 • Thursday

Thurs. Went tracting and to testimony [p. 75] meeting.

20 October 1899 • Friday

Fri—. 209 Went tracting and in the evening went to Sauc[h]iehall to meeting Bro’s [John S.] Smith Eccles & Sister C. spoke. Came home and had a cry and went to bed.

21 October 1899 • Saturday

Sat 21. Studied all fore noon. Bro. [William P.] Nisbet called right after dinner and as soon as he had gone Bro Young came for us to go to the concert. On arriving home we found a man there with his little child who was suffering and had not walked for three months after the boys had gone away to the Baptism Sister C and I anointed her with oil and the boys confirmed the anointing.10 We stayed to supper and then went to the dancing practice at the hall. Stayed till about 11.

22 October 1899 • Sunday

Sun. 22 Went to Sunday School and two meetings.

23 October 1899 • Monday

Monday 23rd. Went in the forenoon to see the soldiers off for the Transvaal but we followed the crowd and stood for a long time watching for them when to our surprise we learned that they were parading down another street.11 We caught a car and went to Jama[i]ca St. hoping to see them there and got left again, so we took the boat and sailed down [p. 76] the Clyde still hoping to see them and got left again. We had quite a little fun about it all and arrived home just in time for dinner. I went in the afternoon to call on Mrs Lumsden Miss Crawford and Mrs McKenzie. Did not go any where in the evening.

24 October 1899 • Tuesday

Tues 24. Went to Scotts and found them away as usual and then went to Mrs Barclays. In the evening Bro Eccles Bro Miller and I went the the theatre to see the Adventures of Lady Ursula it was just fine after I came home I quarreled at sister C until I made her feel bad and then asked her forgiveness which she would not grant and we concluded by both going to bed and sulking. The storm was over in the morning.

25 October 1899 • Wednesday

Wed 25. Went tracting gave out 50. In evening went to so[i]ree practice.

26 October 1899 • Thursday

Thurs. Went tracting gave out 60 tracts. Attended testimony meeting at night

27 October 1899 • Friday

Friday 27. Went to visit Miss [Anna] Muirhead, a young lady who had been interested in the gospel for some time and was expecting to [p. 77] be baptised the next day. Miss M. seemed rather odd when wanting to know what she should wear she asked if a Water Proof would do and that was what Bro [James H.] Wickens asked us to call at her home for was to talk to her about religion and tell her what to wear in the water. We were met at the door by her mother who informed us very politely that she and her daughter were going out and that Anna could not get baptised because her father wouldn’t let her. Her father told her “that it wasn’t like he was an infidel, but he was a good Christian and could tell her all about the bible that she wanted to know and that there was absolutely no use of her running round to different churches. One was just as good as another. So that settled it and Anna was not going to be baptised. You never saw two such surprised girls—but then strange things will happen— After a short talk on polygamy we were quietly shown to the door— We caught a car and came to 53 where we rehearsed our story to the boys. We all felt sure Bro Wickens [p. 78] would feel glad because she had called him James dear12 and several other endearing titles which had quite alarmed Bro W.— So we think it turned out for the best “Alls well that ends well”. In the evening we went with Bro’s Miller & Young to Springburn to visit Sister McDonald We had quite a good time.

28 October 1899 • Saturday

Sat 28. Went to St Andrews hall in afternoon and in the evening to 53.

29 October 1899 • Sunday

29 Sunday Went to Sunday school and meeting and to meeting in the evening Bro Eccles and I spoke. Had dinner at “53”.

30 October 1899 • Monday

Mon 30. Did not tract on account of the storm Went to Sister Griers to a spree in the evening We had a Hallowe’en party in very deed. There was a big kettle of mashed potatoes set on the table and then the light was turned down and every body put their spoons in and began to eat, when the “totties” were all eaten the light was turned up and every body exhibited what they had found in the potatoes. I got a thimble, Sister C, a ring so I am to remain an old maid and she is to be married [p. 79] bro Wickens got a doll He is to be the father of a large family and Bro Miller “a button”— He is doomed to be a bachelor. The room, the company, the singing every thing had a sort of a ghostly appearance, even the shadows on the wall took fantastic shapes and danced, smiled and nodded at us while the lights were low. We stayed untill about 11 when after singing and prayer we once more started in the rain and the wind for home. Before going to the party we were invited to the conference house to an oyster supper prepared by Bro’s Miller and Eccles and it was very good. We can recommend them as cooks

31 October 1899 • Tuesday

31 Tues. Went tracting gave out 50 came home and got ready to go to Yoker to a party given by Mr & Mrs Donaldson. We had more “potatoes” and ate them in the dark, but neither Sister C or I got any thing but potatoes this time. Just when the lights were turned up 4 boys came in with false faces and danced and sang. So bro Nesbit gave them a penny when one boy spoke up and said My dear sir, don’t spend your money so recklessly: They looked and acted real funny. When they had gone we had a tub [p. 80] brought in and got on a chair put a fork in our mouth and dropped it in the tub for apples when all had secured one that way we “ducked” with our heads for them. Then we played games and had quite a good time. Arrived home at about the “Witching hour” and then stayed awake for a long time thinking.

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October 1899, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/early-sister-missionaries/josephine-booth/1899/1899-10


  1. [1]text: Triple underlined in original.

  2. [2]The Young Woman’s Journal, published from 1889 to 1929, was the official periodical of the Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association. Around the turn of the twentieth century, the YLMIA included women in their early twenties, and the first women missionaries regularly read and corresponded with the journal. Its editor, Susa Young Gates, was a champion of women’s missionary work and regularly featured letters from and articles about women in the mission field. (Susa Young Gates, History of the Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from November 1869 to June 1910 [Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1911], 101–106; Booth, Journal, 19 Oct. 1900 and 21 Feb. 1901; Chipman, Journal, 22 Feb. 1899; 23 May 1899; 20 Mar. 1900; Inez Knight, Journal, 135, BYU; Clara Holbrook to L. Holbrook, 17 Aug. [1899], Jarvis, Mission Correspondence, CHL. For examples of the Young Woman’s Journal featuring women in the mission field, see “What Women Are Doing: Girl Missionaries,” Young Woman’s Journal 9, no. 5 [May 1898]: 237–238; J., “Biographical Sketches, Jennie Brimhall and Inez Knight,” Young Woman’s Journal 9, no. 6 [June 1898]: 245–249; “News from the Missionary Field,” Young Woman’s Journal 9, no. 7 [July 1898]: 315–317; Susa Young Gates, “Biographical Sketches, Mrs. Elizabeth Claridge McCune,” Young Woman’s Journal 9, no. 8 [Aug. 1898]: 339–343; and Inez Knight to Sisters, in “A Letter from London,” Young Woman’s Journal 10, no. 4 [Apr. 1899]: 185–187.)

  3. [3]Karl Kennett and Lyn Udall, Just One Girl: Popular Song & Chorus (New York: M. Whitmark & Sons, 1898).

  4. [4]text: Double underlined in original.

  5. [5]In the 1890s, church leaders began to encourage converts to remain in their homelands rather than gather to the western United States. Even so, many Latter-day Saints continued to relocate to Utah, often in groups with returning missionaries. For more on the decline of Latter-day Saint emigration from Scotland, see Frederick S. Buchanan, “The Ebb and Flow of Mormonism in Scotland, 1840–1900,” BYU Studies 27, no. 2 (Spring 1987): 35.

  6. [6]Booth’s reference to children here is enigmatic. She may be referencing children in her own family in Utah or children she knew in Glasgow.

  7. [7]See note, in Booth, Journal, 26 Aug. 1899.

  8. [8]text: Triple underlined in original.

  9. [9]text: Triple underlined in original.

  10. [10]It was not uncommon in the late nineteenth century for Latter-day Saint women to anoint one another and give healing blessings in the name of Jesus Christ. Their healing efforts were a product of faith rather than priesthood ordination. This entry describes one variation of this practice: having women anoint and ordained men offer a blessing that sealed the anointing. (Jonathan A. Stapley and Kristine Wright, “Female Ritual Healing in Mormonism,” Journal of Mormon History 37, no. 1 [Winter 2011]: 1–85; “Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Draft Circular Letter, October 6, 1880 [Excerpt],” in Jill Mulvay Derr, Carol Cornwall Madsen, Kate Holbrook, and Matthew J. Grow, eds., The First Fifty Years of Relief Society: Key Documents in Latter-day Saint Women’s History [Salt Lake City: Church Historian’s Press, 2016], 489.)

  11. [11]These were British soldiers who would participate in the Second Boer War, an intercolonial war in South Africa between the British Empire and the Boers, who were mainly descendants of earlier Dutch colonists. (Britannica, s.v. “South African War,” updated 9 Nov. 2023, britannica.com.)

  12. [12]text: Triple underlined in original.