May 1901

1 May 1901 • Wednesday

May 1st. We took the 8 o’clock train for Christiania Bros Winkler and [Carl H.] Carlquist accompanied us to the station, we had dinner like the one in Halmstad where every body helps them selves. Took a cab to the mission house at 27 Osterhous Gada. and went right to the Hotel Tru Byes.

2 May 1901 • Thursday

May 2. I stayed in all day and fasted. Washed my hair wrote some and slept some. Attended a meeting in the evening There are 600 saints in Christiania. They own there own hall and it is very nice. They also rent to 7 or 8 families. Their choir is splendid, they hire a music professor to lead them.

3 May 1901 • Friday

May 3rrd. Went with Bros Fjelstead [Christian D. Fjeldsted], [Anthon L.] Skanchy, [Willard A.] Christopherson, Pederson to Holmenkollen a pleasure resort right up in the top of the hills. The view from here was charming. Far out was the harbor covered with innumerable boats etc The city looked beautiful. It is a very modern city and has some fine residences shops and [p. 125] and parks. Carl Johan is the principle business street. At one end of it is the Kings Castle and Gardens. At Holmenkollen we had dinner out in front of the hotel and as we ate watched the people in their Holiday attire. Some of them were beautiful and were correspondingly dressed. We had fish balls and lobster salad. I didn’t enjoy it very much. On our way home we gathered some lovely flowers. Attended conjoint meeting in the evening and afterwards went for a walk on some of the best streets then sat out in a park on Carl Johan just by a bed of hyacinths where the perfume was delicious and had a long talk Bros [James L.] McMurrin, Pederson, and myself were in the party It was a holiday and the streets were lined with people. Passed the National Theatre and the University both splendid buildings

4 May 1901 • Saturday

Saturday May 4th.1 This morning we went to Fredericksborg across the fjord. It is also a pleasure resort. There is an old Catholic Church 800 years old, that was brought from the north that is very interesting also an old house or two showing how they lived hundreds years ago. We came back by Oscars Hall castle where there are some curios, many of the dresses in which [p. 126] queens have been crowned are there. This is built on a high hill among hundreds of trees over looking the fjord. We returned home warm and tired and quite ready for our dinner. Attended meeting at night

5 May 1901 • Sunday

Sunday May 5th. Conference today and we had a splendid time, the house was filled to over flowing each time and the spirit was splendid. I spoke in the morning and evening and when I had finished Bro Fjelstead said to me Sister Booth you have only one fault and that is that youre not my daughter. Those few words from a servant of the Lord gave me renewed courage and energy and made me feel like working all the harder. Had dinner at one of the saints. Went home and on the way walked up to the Kings Castle with Bro McMurrin. Was quite ready for a nap when we reached the hotel.

6 May 1901 • Monday

May This morning attended priesthood meeting the reports were splendid 80 baptisms in 7 months and only 19 elders. We dismissed two hours for dinner and came together in the after noon again. I spoke at both meetings, In the evening attended Sunday school conference it was very good. I spoke a short time. The children behaved admirably. They were very sweet and agreeable [p. 127]

7 May 1901 • Tuesday

May 7. Went with the Bros to the art and statuary gallery. Came back to a grand dinner given by Bro Hansen to the missionaries. It was an elaborate affair Bro Hansen insisted on my sitting at the head of the table with Bro McMurrin on one side and Bro Fjelstead on the other and he called on me to ask the blessing They showed me every respect and kindness. After dinner we went for a walk through a pretty park called “Sant hanshaagen [St. Hanshaugen]” There is a little lake with a fountain in it, trees and flowers also some animals in cages. The park was crowded with children There is a fine piece of sculpture in bronz a Lioness with her two cubs watching for the approach of the enemy. Attended testimony meeting in the evening

8–10 May 1901 • Wednesday–Friday

May 8. Went across the fjord to a picnic with the young people. It was rather too cold and stormy for an outing, Watched them play games it was quite amusing had a pleasant sail and a good time. Ate our dinner in the forest. Attended a feast given by the saints in the evening, we had to leave before it was out. It was a touching good bye, we left with many kind words and good wishes and prayers ringing in our ears. The saints all stood up and [p. 128] bowed as we passed out. We rode on the train all night arriving at our destination at 4 where we waited for the boat till 6-30. The sea was rather rough but I managed to eat all of my meals. On board I met a young lady of Norwegen descent who spoke English very well and I had a good gospel talk to her I afterwards learned that she belonged to one of the best families in Norway. I also had a good talk with the wife of the secretary to the American Councel in Christiania. Altogether we had a very pleasant trip and arrived at Bergen feeling fine. It would be hard to describe the coast of Norway with its thousand islands and rough rocks coasts. All along the way we go in to fjords where it is very quiet and stop at many cities It is no wonder that the Norwegens are a sea faring people. Some of the houses were built on big rocks out in the water and the people couldn’t go any where unless they went in a boat. The rocky cliffs along the coast have a bluish gray appearance Some times we were out in the open sea and then it was very rough. It was early in the morning when we came to Bergen. The sun was just coming up and I thought it one of the most delightful [p. 129] places it had been my good fortune to see. On two sides of it were mountains on an other side the beautiful harbor. One mountain 1000 ft was cultivated to the very top and made a beautiful picture. On account of the Gulf Stream Bergen has a very mild climate. In fact it was so far advanced that it looked like summer. The trees were all out in leaf. It took us three nights and two days from Bergen to Christiania.2 There is an artificial lake at one end of the city. Although there are 70,000 people in Bergen it covers only very little space Looking down on it from the top of the mountain it looks like a play city

11 May 1901 • Saturday

May 12 <11>3 I went to the Hotel to stay. It was in a fine part of the city over looking a park and a lake while beyond this arose the mountain. Every day the band plays in the park. I had dinner at the mission house. In the evening attended the first conference meeting. Also went for a walk along the docks and before I got back was doused with rain as it fairly poured down

12 May 1901 • Sunday

May 12. Attended the three conference meetings each time the house was crowded. I spoke in [p. 130] the afternoon. A good spirit prevailed

13 May 1901 • Monday

May 13. Attended the priest hood meetings. and a meeting in the evening. Many of the saints could talk English and I had a pleasant time with them

14 May 1901 • Tuesday

May 14. We went for a walk to the top of the mountain 2000 ft high. We got a fine view of the city. There are lovely walks all the way. On top of the 1000 foot mountain is a hotel and restraunt There are many houses on the mountain. In the evening we attended the feast and had a pleasant time.

15 May 1901 • Wednesday

May 15th. Went to the museum, then walked through a pretty park. Then Bros Mortensen Jensen McMurrin and myself, went to a place about 3 miles from Bergen to visit a very old church, after the style of the one at Christiana. The day was charming and the country was green and beautiful. We enjoyed our walk splendidly along the country road. There were many lovely homes out here. There were many wild flowers out in bloom and nature really looked her best In the after noon I visited with Bro Garff the lady I met on the boat and at 9 o’clock we took the boat [p. 131] for Trondjhim [Trondheim]. Many elders and saints accompanied us to the docks. I never remember having seen a prettier sight than Bergen looked that evening with its quaint homes, beautiful mountain surroundings the quiet water etc and as the boat pulled out the Band played some sweet little tunes and I cried. I don’t know what for I’m sure—every thing was so lovely our friends were so kind, the music floated dreamily over the water, the sky was so divinely blue and among all of this I was a little blue my self so I sat out on deck and had a “think”—Im not quite sure what else I needed in all of this to make me completely happy but at any rate there was a little longing that was not quite satisfied. I went to bed at about 11 oclock and had a good sleep

16 May 1901 • Thursday

May 16. Still on the boat. I felt fine in the forenoon but after dinner It got rough and accordingly I piled off to bed. The boat rocked fearfully and the more it rocked the more sick I got. fortunately we called at towns as we went along this getting into the quiet fjords. The towns all seemed to be fishing villages. Houses were built where we would think it difficult to stand at home. Every body had a [p. 132] little boat and many people were out in them.

17 May 1901 • Friday

May. 17. This morning at 7 <5:30> oclock I was met by Bro Ronnow and taken to the Hotel. It was very cold and snowing, the kind of weather I expected in this far northern place. It was the national Holiday and at 6 o’clock there was coral music from the church tower. It was so early we couldn’t get into the hotel so we went down to hear the music. When we came back the Hotel was open so I went to bed and slept till 9 then got up and had breakfast and went with Bro Ronnow to the mission house where I met the Bros. I was especially glad to meet Milton Knudsen from Provo. We went out to see the parade In spite of the storm the streets were lined with people 1000’ds of children all carrying the Norwegen flag marched through the streets then came the grown people representing their different organizations and carrying banners some of which were lovely We went to the park when the exercises were held but not being able to understand didnt stay long. Trondjhim means Home of the Throne all the Norwegen kings and queens were crowned here. The houses are mostly frame. The Harbor [p. 133] is fine and there is a river running through the city. It is only 400 miles from here to Hammerfest the most northern city in the world. It was light all night here and I enjoyed the novelty fine. Think of going home at 12 oclock at night in broad day light

18 May 1901 • Saturday

May 19 <18>. Attended the priest hood meetings and a meeting in the evening.

19 May 1901 • Sunday

May 20 <19> Went to the three conference meetings. I spoke at one of them. The meetings were well attended people came in off the street to see a mormon woman they all treated me grand. We went for a long walk between meetings on one of the hills. Also visited the celebrated Trondjhem cathedral

20–21 May 1901 • Monday–Tuesday

May 20th. Bro McMurrin and I took the train for Stockholm. Rode all day and all night and passed some very beautiful country mountains, lake, trees etc I enjoyed the trip fine although I was quite tired when we arrived at Stockholm at 10 oclock May 21st and drove directly to the mission house at 80 Hornsgaten. Bro Johnson was not expecting us but received us very kindly. I slept all forenoon. Went to one of the saints to dinner and spent [p. 134] the after noon with them. At about 5 o’clock one of the girls went with me up to the baths. I had given strict instructions that I wouldn’t be bathed in the Swedish style but I was powerless as there was no door on my room and the woman came in and washed me in spite of my self. She was a big good natured motherly sort of person and I didn’t mind so much although It rather hurt my constitution. In the evening attended meeting and then went home to stay with two young ladies

22 May 1901 • Wednesday

May 22 Spent most of the day at the mission house writing letters etc. Attended meeting in the evening.

23–24 May 1901 • Thursday–Friday

May 23rd.4 Went with Bros Canon Johnson and some saints in a boat to the forest. Had a good time climbing over rocks hills etc and wandering through the trees. After a good dinner went back again and just got home in time to get ready for meeting. I had been advertised to speak. We had a fairly good attendance. There had been two women here lecturing against us so the missionaries were glad I came. Stockholm is a lovely city built on 7 islands and called a Modern Venice. There are 400,000 people there and they are fine looking [p. 135] people to although there are some people who look like they came from the slums in Glasgow. There are many beautiful parks and buildings. This after noon May 24. Went to a park called Skansens a park a little way across the water. It is quite an educational place. There are many things represented there. They have a family of laps living exactly as they do in Lap land we went into the house. It was like an indians wigwam. It is also a sort of a Zoo they have some fine animals. We spent all of the afternoon wandering around there and went home just in time to get ready for meeting. It was a long walk to the meeting hall and I was tired out when I arrived I had to speak for a short time Coming home we passed the kings gardens and they looked as gay as Paris it self It is a beautiful garden by one of the lakes. There was a band playing and 100’s of people were sitting around tables eating and drinking. We sat at a table over looking one of the lakes and ate chocolate and cake as we listened to the music. It was a fine sight the water with the lights reflected in it, with lovers out in their little boats floating idly with in sound of the music, the perfume of the flowers [p. 136] as a little breeze wafted it over to us, the castle looking like a great white monument in the pale moon light and all of the gay people all was a scene from the world. The Kings castle is immense but from an architectural stand point was rather plain King Oscar the II the wise old king lives there.

25 May 1901 • Saturday

May 25 Attended the priesthood meetings and meeting in the evening. The reports were good and we had a spiritual feast. Went for a ride round the city between meetings.

26 May 1901 • Sunday

May 26 Attended three meetings. The house was crowded each time people standing in the isles. This was the crowning point of my trip on the continent I never received a better reception in all my travels, Bro Fjelstead said if I had have been an angel I couldn’t have been treated with more respect. I spoke after noon and evening. Many of the saints and elders came to the train to see us off. and just as I stepped on the train Bro. Johnson gave me 5 crowns. Every body wanted to do something for me and poor me I felt so unworthy of it all that I cried because I didn’t know what else to do Never was a queen treated better, and the more they [p. 137] did the more unworthy I felt till I prayed in my heart Oh Father give me a grateful heart for all these blessings you are showering upon me and I wondered what lesson he wanted me to learn from it all. Another thing that filled my soul with joy was that Bro Fjelstead said Sister Booth the Lord is pleased with your work. If you were my daughter I would push you forward that the world might see you. When you are discontented with your self you are ungrateful for the blessings the Lord has given you. You have been blessed more than you can realize Your testimony has been borne in power and many other comforting things. I wondered how the Lord could be pleased with me when I was so far from pleased with my self but in his mercy he forgives and loves me because I want to be his daughter in very deed. As the train drew out our many warm friends waved us good bye and I turned to the window to think it all over and so closed my mission. Such a wonderful ending, surely I ought to be happy! And then we had such a quiet lovely ride, nature looked her fairest on this twilight night. The silvery moon ever and anon shining on as with such a kindly light. I [p. 138] talked it all over with Bro McMurrin such a beautiful ending—another scene from my lifes history is closed and as we rode away the curtain dropped. Now I am starting for home back again the thought thrills me with joy. We arrive in Copenhagen at 10:30 and went direct to the mission house had a pleasant sail from Malmo to Copenhagen I spent the after noon at the Hotel and in the evening Bro McMurrin Carlson Jensen and my self went to the Tivoli Gardens. The grounds remind me a little of the Crystal Palace grounds only not nearly so elaborate and the sports remind me of Cony Island. We went in the Rotating Room a sort of an optical delusion place, went to Hell,5 went to the restraunt to supper, watched the pantomime and wandered about among the people they were dressed beautifully. Went home tired out and piled off to bed where I slept “4 rows at a time” as Sister C [Eliza Chipman] would say. Copenhagen was looking its best

28 May 1901 • Tuesday

May 28. Went sight seeing with Bro Carlson to the Kings stables and saw his horses harnesses and carriages, went to the round tower where we got a good view of the town from such a [p. 139] high place. Took a ride through the most aristocratic part of the city and last but not least almost missed the train. Bro McMurrin was waiting at the mission house for me and when I found I would be late I went to the station. Bro McMurrin had a cab waiting for me, so we could fly when I came and Bro Carlson lured another cab to go to the mission house to tell them I was at the station and such a time they arrived just two minutes before the train started. I left my green coat in the hurrah and didn’t get time to thank the Bros for their kindness. We arrived at Hamburg rather late at night and were met by Bros [Arnold H.] Schulthess and [Chariton P.] Ferrin and went direct to Sister Ahlers. After supper went to bed

29 May 1901 • Wednesday

May 29. Went for a short walk in the forenoon had dinner with some of the saints, spent the afternoon in getting our tickets etc and at 9 o’clock took the boat for Germsby [Grimsby, England]. Enjoyed the ride out of the Harbor very much. There were pretty villages light houses etc. We went to bed at 12 oclock.

30 May 1901 • Thursday

30. Passed the day pleasantly, doing a little of every thing and not much of any thing. Arrived at Grimsby [p. 140] at 5 oclock.

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May 1901, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]See James L. McMurrin to President Lyman, 4 May 1901, in “Abstract of Correspondence,” Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 63, no. 21 (23 May 1901): 345–347.

  2. [2]text: Booth drew an arrow under the phrase “Bergen to Christiania”, presumably to indicate that the order of the two cities should be reversed.

  3. [3]See James L. McMurrin to President Lyman, 11 May 1901, in “Abstract of Correspondence,” Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 63, no. 22 (30 May 1901): 362–364.

  4. [4]On this date, Booth’s release as a missionary was announced in “Releases,” Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 63, no. 21 (23 May 1901): 345.

  5. [5]text: Triple underlined in original.