June 1899

1 June 1899 • Thursday

Wed [Thursday] Jun 1st. Went shoping most of the day to ever so many large stores. We saw the New York Police parade and there were 7000 people in it. Arrived home at 3 oclock Had dinner and then Dan [Daniel H. McAllister] & I went to the Casino theatre to see the opera Erminnie [Erminie] [Francis] Wilson and Lillian Russell were the stars. At the back of the room was a kind of a sitting room and as we were early we sat by the window and looked out at the crowded streets below. The opera was fine the stage was lovely and I enjoyed it all very much.

2 June 1899 • Friday

Friday 3 <2> Went to see the managerie in the park and in the evening went with Mr. Easton to a sacred concert in which he sang. After the concert was over we went u[p] to the Hoffman House where Cannons were staying and we went into an elaborate parlor and Mr. E. sang again.

3 June 1899 • Saturday

Sat 4 [3] Went to the Eden Musee1 it was not what I had expected that is the wax works were not, but [p. 7] I heard a banjo played by electricity and saw some moving pictures One taken of Brooklyn bridge seemed so natural that you felt like you were going over, after leaving the Eden Musee we went down to Coopers big store and had lunch and then bought some little articles and then went home.

4 June 1899 • Sunday

Sunday we went to Brooklyn. Bro [George Q.] Cannon spoke. It was extremely warm we went over the river on the ferre. I met Miss Mary Young and Miss Wells.

5–6 June 1899 • Monday–Tuesday

Monday went to Cooney [Coney] Island on a little steamer. The day was dreadfully hot in the city, but it was delightfully cool and comfortable on the water. We passed the Statue of Liberty. An It[a]lian band played such soft sweet little [page damaged] the sky was so clear and the water [page damaged] [b]lue and every thing so pleasant that [I] just leaned against the railing and did not speak till we got there. We found the island a mixture of every thing but goodness. I do not think I have every heard of [p. 8] any sort of things for amusements that I did not find there. There was a Ferris Wheel a boat that slides down on rails and goes with a splash into the water— Any amount of Merry go Rounds, roller skating, shooting galleries, bicycle races saloons etc We went away from the crowd and sat down on the white sandy beach and watched the tide come in and the people in bathing. And this was my first view of the ocean. We had a most delightful trip up the river coming home but when we were once more back into the city we found the heat very oppressive we did not sleep very well and on Tuesday the 6 we stayed home and fanned ourselves and wished for “cool.”2 We didn’t get it!!

7 June 1899 • Wednesday

Wed. June 7 started at 8 oclock for the doc[k.] I found our trunks and got them labelled and put on board. There were 100s of people down there and of all the noise, bustle, and hurrah Well at 10 oclock we got on the St. Paul and [p. 9] in a very few minutes she started. I wandered around in all nooks and corners and found everything scruplolusly clean and neat and nothing in particular to wish for. The first day I was all right after that for four days I was all wrong and then my wrongs were righted and I felt quite my self I enjoyed the ocean very very much I think it is beautiful and I used to stand and look over in to the mighty deep and wonder as little Paul did.3 What are the wild waves saying I loved the water and the ship but did not like the people. The sea baths were fine. One day we saw a saling vessel with it[s] white sails against the blue sky it is a picture I can never forget.

14 June 1899 •Wednesday

Wednesday 14 at 6 oclock landed at South Ampton [Southampton] but it was 8 before we were allowed [t]o land. The train was there ready to carry us to London and of all the racing round after trunks valises etc. I couldn’t find my valise [page damaged] me and thought sure I would get left when a man informed me that it had [p. 10] been sent on the other train. Well at last we got on to the car It took a compartment for us There Was Sisters [Margaret Nightingale] Caine[,] Thomas[,] [Lydia Dunford] Alder[,] Kate T & myself Bros [James E.] Talmage, Harding & Erickson little Ethel and Kendall Thomas. The train seemed like a little play train but when it started it went “Little but o my”— We arrived at London at 10 where we were met by Ray[mond] Knight and taken bag & baggage to the mission house—36 Penton St, Islington London. After staying there a very few minutes we went Ray Knight & I over to Knights lodgings and had supper. talked a little and then went back to “Penton” and went to bed.

15 June 1899 • Thursday

Thurs. 15 Went over to see Inez [Knight]. Met a good many Elders, had meeting at night and I spoke and after meeting I went with a party down to Piccadilly one of the most fashionable streets in London to view that wonderful place at Mid night It was very crowded just as many people out as there are in the middle of the day. And too many of them were not good. In fact [p. 11] there are 300,000 street walkers in the city of London We rode down on the bus and walked back

16–17 June 1899 • Friday–Saturday

Fri 16 Stayed home all day till 6 oclock and then Inez, Sister [Amanda McEwan] Knight and I went out to Forest Gate. We stayed at 26 Hazelmere road and the next day Sat 17 we went, with some saints to the Botanical Gardens. Had tea out on the grass4 played games, went to Queen Elizabeths light house walked down to the Thames and watched the tide come in. Then came back to forest gate.

18 June 1899 • Sunday

Sunday 18 Went to Stratford to the bible class in the morning and in the after noon came back to London went to church to hear Dr Talmage speak and after church went up to Bro [Harold P.] Jennings with Bro [John R.] Hindley to supper.

19 June 1899 • Monday

Mon. 19. Bro Hindley, Sister Caine and I went to West Minster abbey. It was [j]ust as large grand solemn and old as I had expected to find it. We went to poets corner to the tombs of the kings and queens. Saw Edward the confessors tomb Henry the VIII Queen Elizabeths and Her unfortunate victims Mary Queen [p. 12] of Scotts. The monuments of the little Princes and many others. We walked through the dim old corridors where the monks used to walk and study. Heard the big organ play stayed to service and Heard their chant.

20 June 1899 • Tuesday

On Tues we were to have gone on the river but it rained so Mr. Sales came down and said we would put it off till Wed just when I was preparing to stay at home Mrs Farlow Miss [Luciele] Jennings & Bro [William C.] Wright and [Robert H.] Anderson invited me to go to the National Art gallery. I was delighted with it. I think Turners pictures are simply wonderful. Most of his are ocean scenes and landscape pictures and they are magnificent. I also liked Landseers pictures very much. His are pictures of animals. One of his a picture to two little dogs lying down together is simply perfect. Also his pictures of lions, shoeing the bay mare and numbers of others are fine. I did not care much for the ancient painting except the coloring which was exquisit. I did not [p. 13] like many of Reubens pictures. He is a wonderful artist, no doubt, but the subjects he chooses to represent are not the subjects that appeal to me. He also has such an innumerable number of figures in his pictures. In the French gallery is the face of the most beautiful woman I can imagine the noblest face—there is also a very wicked picture, the only one I saw in the gallery that people might not look at with out any fear.

21 June 1899 • Wednesday

Next day the 21 proved to be a most delightful one. It was one of those soft mild “English” days when it is neither cloudy nor shiny. I was up at five oclock and at 8 Bros Anderson & Wright and myself started for the Baker Street Station where we were to meet Miss Jennings and Mrs Farlow and take the train for Richmond which is about 15 miles from London. When we arrived there we were met by Mr Sales and Mrs. Everard and went directly to the boat house. The boat was ready for us a cute little one with a carpet in it and red plush cushions. We were soon on the [p. 14] river. The water was so calm, and the atmosphere so soft, the birds sang so idly and sweetly and every thing seemed so dreamy and quiet that we, none of us, said scarcely a word but each leaned back in the boat and thought—and such thoughts!!! In each side of the river were the most beautiful homes, with lawns and flowers and trees, such fine old trees. Unique arbors & summer houses and rustic seats. We saw Tennysons home and Popes also. I do not wonder that they wrote poetry. There is poetry in the air, the rustle of the trees the twitter of the birds, and yet it would not be fiery but calm, sweet, sad or pathetic. We went through the back, and the old man who tended it looked as though he might have been the same one that Dickens wrote about. We Rowed up as far as Hampton court and then came back a short distance got off in a delightfully green and shady spot and had dinner, after dinner we went on the river again and stayed till tea, stopped [p. 15] for tea and once more got in the boat and drifted idly around. Just as the moon was rising the boys sang some very sweet songs. The houses were all lighted coming back. One view that was particularly lovely was the Stars & Garter Hotel lighted with so many lights and the moon was so lovely. We got off the boat at about 1/2 past 10 and once more started for noisy bustling London where we arrived at about 12 oclock, very happy but very tired. Feeling that we had passed a memoriabl day.

A large, many-chimneyed building on a hill surrounded by trees. 

The Star and Garter, a large and elegant hotel in the Richmond district of London, looms over the River Thames, between 1890 and 1900. (Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-ppmsc-08593.)

22 June 1899 • Thursday

On Thurs 22 I stayed in bed and slept till 3 oclock. Then got up and went to meeting.

23 June 1899 • Friday

On 23rd. visited the Tower of London where so many innocent people have been imprisoned and murdered. We went first to the room where the crown jewels are kept and in a space not 10 ft in diameter there was 17,000,000 pounds worth of jewelery. The crowns were beautiful. This tower is well garded by soldiers and there are some men there who wear a sort of dress that are called Beef Eaters and have all done some sort of daring deeds. Then [p. 16] we went to the Armoury. Where the different styles of armour worn by soldiers for many years is kept. Also the block that they used to cut heads off with and the knife the same one that beheaded Mary Queen of Scotts is kept. We went next to the dungeons and after going through them we walked along by the river Thames, so dirty and muddy here, up to the Tower Bridge and back

24–25 June 1899 • Saturday–Sunday

On Sat we went to Greenwich the place from which time is counted. We saw the observatory but could not go in with out permits. Our day did not prove to be one of the pleasantest although the park was beautiful and I enjoyed that part of it very much. We stayed out to Forest Gate that night and came to Penton Sunday morning Sister Caine & I. On that night I went with Clara [Holbrook] to 24 Myddleton Sq where we had engaged rooms during the convention

26 June 1899 • Monday

On Monday the 26 the Internation[al] Convention of Women opened. I did not go, but stayed home and wrote letters. That night Clara and [p. 17] I went out on Chapel St to buy our supper It was about the strangest sight we had seen in London. Stores on both sides of the streets and then just off the path dozens of stalls of fruit and vegetables and fish stands. And it was so crowded that we could hardly get through.

Between Tuesday, 27 June 1899, and circa Wednesday, 26 July 18995

On Tues 27 I went to the Convention and most every day from then during the whole convention I attended some of the meetings. I met Miss [Susan B.] Anthony, Mrs [Fanny Humphries] Gaffney, Mrs [Charlotte Perkins] Stetson Rev. Anna Shaw and many other ladies of note. I went to a Grand Reception given by the American Ladies at the Cecil Hotel6 The band that played was composed of only girls The lunch was delicious, the dresses and hall were elaborate and every thing went off very pleasantly

Two nights after I went to a reception given by Lady Aberdeen at the Royal Institute of Water Colors on Piccadilly.7 I wore my white dress lined with blue, a sweet little shawl of Sister [Elizabeth Claridge] McCunes. When we got in the door there was a footman who pointed the way. Then there were girls to take our [p. 18] wraps and we were ushered up a beautiful stair case at the door stood another foot man and he took our cards and announced us, and then Lady Aberdeen, her daughter Lady Marjorie Gorden [Gordon] and the Earl of Aberdeen shook hands with us. And then we could wander around and do just as we liked. There were numbers of titled people there Lady Battersee [Battersea] and the Lord bishop and his wife Mrs [Louise von Glehn] Creighton, the Duchesses all wore crowns.8 We walked through all the rooms admiring the beautiful paintings. The women as a rule were not beauties but their dresses and jewels were. Then we went to refreshments. There were sandwiches, assorted cakes, strawberries & cream, ices and ice cream. The servants seem like so many machines. After it was over we Lulu [Lucy Gates] Clara & I “called a cab” and went to West Minster palace Hotel. Slept with Sister McCune and she took me to breakfast next morning. We were invited to Miss Anthonys reception at St. Ermines to day and Clara & I went but [p. 19] we did not know the number of the room so we did not go in but went for a long walk out by St. James Park.

Two large buildings loom over the bank of a river. 

A stereographic print of the Cecil (left) and Savoy hotels with Cleopatra's Needle and the embankment along the River Thames in London, circa 1901. (Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-ppmsca-06812.)

The next day we went on a special train out to Windsor.9 We took a bus to paddington station, and then took the train from there to Windsor. After some delay and difficulty we were admitted to the grand court and arranged our selves in a line along the drive and presently the queen came down the steps entered her carriage and was driven slowly past us. She looks much younger than she really is. She stopped and Lady Aberdeen spoke to her and kissed her hand and then the ladies sang “God save the Queen.” After she had passed we were taken to the Queens State apartments. We were taken to King Georges banqueting hall and had a fine lunch and after that went through all the rooms. The throne room was fine The grounds around the castle are very beautiful good drives, lawns trees and flowers. The train we came in on was the best kind of a first class one. The nicest one I have seen in [p. 20] England.

The interior of a cavernous train station. 

A Victorian-era picture postcard shows the interior of Paddington Station in central London. (Courtesy of Wikipedia.)

On the 5 of July we had a party at Penton for all of the Saints and we had a real good time there were about 40 people there. We had recitations songs supper speeches and dancing. On the fourth of July we went to see the Prince of Wales review the volunteers There were Thousands of volunteers and they had to stand in line till it came their turn to be reviewed. We saw the Prince of Wales quite close to him but I don’t suppose he would remember us? Some of the Soldiers fainted and were carried away on a stretcher and nurses came and took care of them. In the fore noon of the 4th. we heard the bells of St. Margarets Church ringing so joyfully that Lu [Lucy Gates] and Clara [Holbrook] and I went to see what was “up” and found it to be a fashionable wedding we crowded in and got up near the front and we could see & hear just fine. The bride looked charming in a gown of white satin with a long train After the ceremony was over they played [p. 21] Mendelsonnes wedding march. The brides maids were dressed in blue with big hats covered with flowers They passed little bouquets of white carnations to the audience guests and there were some left so the girl gave them to us. One night we went to Her Majestys Theatre to see “The musketeers” a play representing French history and the influence that the Cardinal had over the king—True—was the leading man.10 We went to the Duke of Yorks Theatre to see Nat Goodwin and Maxine Elliott in the American Citizen and an other time I went to the Lyric [Lyceum] Theatre to see Robespierre a French play in the time when there used to be so many people beheaded. Robespierre said France needs no women, France needs no babies, France needs a man, France needs me. Henry Irving and Ellen Terry were starring.

We visited St. Pauls and Guild Hall. I liked St. Pauls almost as well as the abbey. It is more elaborate and modern than the abbey. Guild hall is kept up by the Lord Mayor. There is a [p. 22] art gallery a museum, a library, some statuary and a sort of a court there. We saw the Lord Mayor he was dressed in black robes. He had a beautiful carriage with two span of horses and gold mounted harness. There was gold fringe all around the top and was upholstered in purple velvet. The horses were beautiful. We went to the British Museum. There was a great deal of ancient statuary, a model of the Colleiseum [Colosseum] at Rome, Lots of mummies, four vase rooms, some crockery rooms where they had some of the most beautiful china. An immense library volumns & volumons of illuminated books, the writing of great men, authors states man, etc After coming from the museum we went to Mrs Everards to tea and then came back and went to the street meeting. One day we went to the national Art Gallery again it is on Trafalgar Square Charing Cross and on this square is the highest monument in England is [it?] is one in honor of Lord Nelson who fought in the battle of Trafalgar. [p. 23] From the Art Gallery we went to the Zoological Gardens in Regents Park. I enjoyed this immensely. There were all kinds of animals that I have ever heard of there. They had about 10 boa constrictors. In fact they had everything. We were invited out to Lewisham to visit one of the saints Bro [Charles G.] Berry Bro [Robert H.] Anderson Bro Holdom Bro [Joseph R.] Squires Clara Liza [Eliza Chipman] & my self. Sister Meecham lives in a very large house just to take care of it and at the back is a beautiful lawn with flowers trees grass etc. We had a most delicious lunch on the lawn and altogether spent a very delightful day.

On sunday Clara & I went to the Park with the boys we had a pretty good meeting Shaler & Straker were there with their big banners of “blood and thunder” to oppose us but the crowd seemed to be in our favor.

Monday we stayed away from “Penton” all day and went to Lewisham again We spent most of the day at greenwich park. Went to the picture gallery just out side of the park, then went to Sister Meechams to supper and came home about 8 oclock. Met Bro Anderson [p. 24] on the corner just going to a street meeting so we went with him. He had not missed us all day although we had just been trying not to go there just to show them we could stay away.

On Wed. Clara & I went to Forest Hill to visit some saints. The sister [Crudgington] we went to see was a servant girl. We had a nice little tea in the kitchen “saw the misses come down the back stairs” and after talking a while we started to see some more saints named Pendry. Bro Pendry11 is the gardener at a big house. The walk was delightful we passed some beautiful places with hedge fences lawns etc and walked through this long winding path just at twilight. We had a good time stayed till about 10 oclock and got to London bridge station at about 11 When we got off the train it was raining and we neither one had coats or parasols and we had to set up on top of a bus right out in the rain and some men were quite rude to us. We were glad to get home [p. 25] and the boys were waiting for us.

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June 1899, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/early-sister-missionaries/josephine-booth/1899/1899-06


  1. [1]The Eden Musee was one of the earliest licensees of motion picture technology and the first venue in the United States to make motion pictures part of its regular entertainment offering. (Charles Musser, “Dime Museums,” in Encyclopedia of Early Cinema, ed. Richard Abel [London: Routledge, 2005], 187.)

  2. [2]text: Quadruple underlined in original.

  3. [3]Louisa May Alcott, “Little Paul,” Saturday Evening Gazette (Boston, MA), 19 Apr. 1856.

  4. [4]In the United Kingdom and some Commonwealth nations, tea is a midafternoon or early evening meal. Because Latter-day Saint leaders in the nineteenth century had divergent views on how the health code known as the Word of Wisdom should be observed, it is possible that Booth and other missionaries drank tea at this meal. (Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. “tea,” 4.a, modified Nov. 2023, oed.com; Thomas G. Alexander, Mormonism in Transition: A History of the Latter-day Saints, 1890–1930 [Salt Lake City: Greg Kofford Books, 2012], 273–284.)

  5. [5]Booth evidently wrote the following entry or entries in retrospect and did not always record events chronologically, so it is unclear when some of them occurred.

  6. [6]The reception took place on 3 July 1899. (International Council of Women, Handbook of the International Congress, 2nd ed. [London: n.p., 1899], 32.)

  7. [7]This reception took place on 4 July 1899. (Handbook of the International Congress, 28.)

  8. [8]Ishbel Marjoribanks Hamilton-Gordon, countess of Aberdeen, and Constance Rothschild Flower, baroness of Battersea, were advocates for women’s causes. Hamilton-Gordon’s husband, John Hamilton-Gordon, was earl of Aberdeen. Mandell Creighton was the Anglican bishop of London. (H. C. G. Matthew and Brian Harrison, eds., Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 22 [Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2004], s.v. “Gordon, John Campbell”; Constance Battersea, Reminiscences [London: Macmillan, 1922], 409–454; Encyclopædia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information, vol. 7, 11th ed. [Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1910], s.v. “Creighton, Mandell.”)

  9. [9]This was most likely 7 July. (Eliza Chipman, Journal, 7 July 1899, Eliza C. Christensen, Papers, 1872–1986, bulk 1898–1910, Church History Library [hereafter CHL].)

  10. [10]In a letter to her father, Clara Holbrook wrote that she and at least one other woman attended this play on the same day as the 3 July reception at the Hotel Cecil. (Jean Clara Holbrook to Mr. L. Holbrook, 19 July 1899, Jean Clara Holbrook Jarvis, Mission Correspondence, 1898–1904, CHL.)

  11. [11]Pendry took a photograph of Holbrook, Booth, and Crudgington. (Pendry, Photograph of Clara Holbrook, Josephine Booth, and Sister Crudgington, 1899, with Jean Clara Holbrook to Parents and Sisters, 1 and 2 Aug. 1899, Jarvis, Mission Correspondence, CHL; see “Josephine Booth and Clara Holbrook with Sister Crudgington, London, circa July 1899” on the Images tab of this site for a higher-quality copy of this photo.)