16 April 1855

Polysophical Society; Lorenzo Snow’s Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

A large white house surrounded by trees

Lorenzo Snow’s home on South Temple Street in Salt Lake City, Utah. Photo taken circa 1920. (Courtesy Church History Library.)


Brothers and Sisters,

As this is the eve

On which our President [Brigham Young] will take his leave

Of our assemblies; please to pardon me

While I express my valedictory.

This is a dispensation rife with change:

The saints, aware of this, deem nothing strange.

As mighty revolutions stride abroad,

We all behold the handy work of God

Whose scourging rod is ting’d with purple woe

To bring the haughtiness of nations low—

To cleanse the earth from strife and wickedness, [n.p.]

And introduce the reign of righteousness.

The hurried motions of all things portend

The long predicted—fast approaching end

Of gentile greatness and ungodly pride

Of those that fear not God, and truth deride

With hearts of unbelief and malice rife—

They’re judg’d unworthy of eternal life;

And to the scatter’d house of Jacob, now

Salvation’s key is turn’d and truth will go.

When they receive the truth, the time is near

That Zion’s pow’r and glory will appear.

A preparation speedily must be

Accomplish’d here, thro’ faith and industry;

For God thro’ faith and practice will restore

The earth again, and crown with blessings more

Than in her first-created loveliness;

As man returns again to holiness.

And to this end Zion must haste to lengthen

Her cords, and her increasing stakes to strengthen

And all her children, with untiring care

Must, some be lab’ring here, and others there;

That all her Cities may in beauty rise,

And their tall mountain-spires salute the skies.

The “Polysophic Institute” will now

To laws of gen’ral good, most nobly bow,

And with obedient, cheerful, willing heart

Yield an assenting sanction, while we part

With our dear Brothers [George Q.] Cannon, [George A.] Smith and [Lorenzo] Snow,

Who will be blessing whereso’er they go:1

No matter where our lots may chance to fall,

When Priesthood dictates, that is wisdoms call.

Then brethren go: yes, go, and be you blest—

May God th’ Eternal’s blessing on you rest— [n.p.]

May Inspiration’s living currents flow

Into your understanding and bestow

The gifts of patience, wisdom, knowledge, might

And strew your paths with pure, celestial light

That what your brains and sinews find to do

May others bless, and honor shed on you--

In whatsoe’er your various toils shall be,

May each be crown’d with rich prosperity.

May that same spirit which has blest us here,

Fill your whole souls, imparting life and cheer.

Keep mem’ry’s mirror clear—’twill thus recall

Our social evenings in this favor’d Hall;

Of which the recollection will be sweet

To you and us, till we again shall meet. [n.p.]

Source Note

Eliza R. Snow, Journal (1842–1882), n.p., CHL (MS 1439).

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16 April 1855, Polysophical Society; Lorenzo Snow’s Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1850s/1855/04/1855-04-16


  1. [1]text: These three lines were marked with symbols indicating they should be inserted here.