19 April 1882

Salt Lake City Twentieth Ward Primary; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .] Sister Snow said she did not have words to express how much she had been delighted with the children she was please[d] to see so meny [many] of the mother’s present said it had been a hard matter for then [them] to get the mothers intrested in the primary meetings was also pleased to see so meny of the children present said it would have pleased her more to see some of the larger boys take part said she was getting up some books that the children could learn some peaces [pieces] to recite out of them said she hoped the Lord would bless Sister [Emma P.] Toone and the offeciers [officers] and all that came to meetings. [. . .] [p. 27]

Source Note

Twentieth Ward, Ensign Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1879–1971), vol. 3 (1882–1883), p. 27, CHL (LR 9455 18); Alice Phillips, Secretary.

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19 April 1882, Salt Lake City Twentieth Ward Primary; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1882/04/1882-04-19