14 November 1885

Cache Stake Primary; Logan Tabernacle, Logan, Utah Territory

Two-story, brick building with three entrance doors and three stairways leading up to the entrances

Cache Stake Tabernacle, Logan, Utah Territory, circa 1890. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[. . .] Sister Snow gave the children some good instruction and told them how to behave during prayer.

[. . .] [p. 20] [. . .]

Sister Zina [Eliza R.] Snow then spoke, asked how many of the little ones present would like to be missionaries. She then appointed them missions, wanted them all to go and see if they could not get some little boy or girl to go to meeting with them. She told them of a little girl down south who went out as a teacher of the Primary and she went to a house where they offered her wine and as she was about to take it she thought of her position and then refused. she wanted all to remember this event and try and act like the little girl. She then told them about George Washington and the Cherry tree, how his father had a very nice cherry tree and one day when Georgie’s father was away from home and while he was away George took his hatchet and cut the cherry tree all to peices, and when his father came home & saw his tree he was very sorry about it and he asked his son George if he knew anything about it. Georgies answer was yes father I did it. She then told them how pleased his father was that he had a son that spoke the truth. She also told them some little stories about things that occured in the early history of the Church asked how many would like to live to be as old as she was. They all answered yes. She than said it was in their power to live to be older than her, and they could do this if they obeyed all the good [p. 21] teachings that were being taught to them from time to time. Said how sorry she was to see so many boys take part in the exercise. prayed the Lord would bless all who took parts in the meetings that they may grow up to good men an[d] women in the Kingdom. [. . .] [p. 22]

Source Note

Logan Utah Cache Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1881–1973), vol. 1 (1881–1911), pp. 20–22, CHL (LR 1280 18); Alice P. Worley, Assistant Secretary.

See also Alice Pearson, “R. S., Y. L. M. I. A., & P. A. Reports: Logan Primary Conference,” Woman’s Exponent 14, no. 14 (15 Dec. 1885): 110–111.

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14 November 1885, Cache Stake Primary; Logan Tabernacle, Logan, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1885/11/1885-11-14-a