22 November 1879

Lehi Relief Society; Lehi Tabernacle, Lehi, Utah Territory

A home-like structure surrounded by picket fence and large trees

First Ward Meetinghouse, built 1855. This would have served as the Tabernacle for this stake, as no other buildings existed in the area at this point in time. (Courtesy Church History Library, Jay Burrup Postcard Collection, circa 1898–2000.)

[. . .]

Present, Mrs E R Snow, M. I [Mary Isabella] Horne [. . .]

President R Standering [Rebecca S. Standring] [. . .] then Introduced Sister E R Snow.

President E. R Snow Said, It has been some years since I met with the Sisters in Lehi, I do not think you look as if you were a down trodden people, you look as if you were happy. I am pleased to see so many of the bretheren present, I think they are intrested in what the Sisters are doing. There is nothing pertaing too the Gospel of Jesus Christ that is for man, but what is also for woman. We always love to see the bretheren present so they may know what we teach their Wives & Daughters, so that if there are any errors they may be corrected. We want to become wise and intelligent women, and valliant in the <cause of> truth, I am thankful for the organization of these Societys. Joseph Smith organized the first Society, He said these societys should be organized after the order of the church, which was <then> in branches, but now we are in Stakes. If it had not been for these societys many people would have suffered in Nauvoo; We do not know what we are capable of doing till we are put to the test. These Societys are for the purpose of helping the poor as well as relieving the Bishop of some of his labors. Joseph Smith Said, It was the duty of the relief Societys to correct all evils as far as possible, and not trouble the Bishop with every little greivance. If you cannot settle it you should go to your President and her board, and if they cannot settle it, it should go to the Presidentess of the Stake and her board, and if they cannot settle it, It will then have to go to the priesthood. [p. 135]

If we will live near to the Lord and do our duty, we shall not only become helpmeets to our husbands, but to the priesthood. God requires the whole of our time. Some will say Sister Snow, have you no spare time? Not much. It requires the whole of our time in the services of God. And the woman that stays at home, and neglects her spiritual dutys does not make her home happy, it is true woman’s first duty is her home, but the spirit requires food as well as the body, or it will perish and die.

We can stay away from our meetings, too the neglect of our spiritual welfare till we have no relish for it. It is going to take the all our lifetime and througout eternity to live the gospel of Jesus Christ And you young ladies, if you will devote your time to doing good, and serving the Lord you will become noble women, there is but two roads, One leads to death and degredation, and the other to Celestial glory and Eternal life. And I would say to mothers keep your daughters under your control, do not trust them too much nor suffer them to go to Salt Lake to hire out for the Sake of getting fine clothes, for they are surrounded with temptations that are hard to resist. Do not use harsh and unkind words but words of kindness, love and persuasion, for these will draw them to you, while harsh ones will drive them from you. And young ladies do not keep the company of young men that will use Tobacco or Liquors, try and encourage them to leave it off, the <tell> them the Holy Ghost will not dwell in impure tabernacles. We must make it our whole aim in life to serve God, we once expected Fathers mothers, and husbands would save us, but now we know different, we have got to do the work to save ourselves, it is a constant warfare the flesh war[r]ing against the Spirit. I am proud of you my Sisters that belong to the Relief Societies, and of you young ladies that belong and attend your Associations, you are being Educated under different circumstances then we were but when we have a generation that is raised from their babyhood to fear the Lord then we will have a generation that is pure, and when Diphtherra [diphtheria] comes along they will not be panic stricken, but be like the tw[o] thousand Nephites who went out to battle, they knew they would not fall [p. 136] because they had been taught faith in God.

Mothers it is your duty to take an interest in these Primary Ass,s [Association’s] and to send your children to these little meetings, and never mind your work see that they go with clean hands & faces, and dont trouble about their clothes. It is our priviledge both young and old to so live and perform the works that will gain us a fullness in the Celestial Glory, and if we fall short of a fullness it will be our own fault. May God bless you, and my prayer is that we may attain to a fulness in the Celestial kingdom in the name of Jesus Amen.

President M. I Horne Said [. . .] we have heard many good things from Sister Snow which we should put in practice [. . .] [p. 137] [. . .]

President R Standering Said if it is agreeable to the Sisters Sister Snow wishes to meet with the Primary Associations of the four districts this afternoon, all who approve of this please raise your right hand. Unanimous Vote.

[. . .] [p. 138]

Source Note

Lehi Ward, Alpine Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1892), vol. 2 (1878–1882), pp. 135–138, CHL (LR 4817 14).

See also “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 8, no. 13 (1 Dec. 1879): 101; and Rebecca Standring and Lizzie Smith, “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 8, no. 17 (1 Feb. 1880): 134.

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22 November 1879, Lehi Relief Society; Lehi Tabernacle, Lehi, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/11/1879-11-22-a