27 June 1878

Gunnison Relief Society; Gunnison Schoolhouse, Gunnison, Utah Territory

A large stone building with a large group of students and their teachers

Gunnison schoolhouse, Gunnison, Utah Territory. (Courtesy University Archives, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University.)

A special meeting of the Society was called [. . .] Sisters Elisa R. Snow, Zina D. Young, Mary Ann Hyde, and Elisabeth [Amelia?] Goldsbrough present [. . .]

[. . .] Sister E. R. Snow addressed the sisters at some length of time on the principles of salvation revealed unto us. Said if we were truly Latter Day Saints, she should not be able to edify us but by the Spirit of God. Let us lift up our hearts to God that we may have a season of joy. We are interested with our brethren in the cause of Zion. Instructed the sisters in the duties of R. Societies; said unless we have a good degree of the Holy Spirit, we will go “fishing” as Peter of old did. Our home duties should not prevent us from attending meetings; mothers need all the opportunity they can get, in order to be qualified to teach their children. God only awaits our getting qualified to pour out his richest blessings upon us. Home is the first place for woman, undoubtedly but she needs the bread of eternal life to Keep her up.

We must not look for the reward of the faithful if we live partly in the spirit of the world; compared our mission here below to Kitchenwork, when we are done with it faithfully, we step in to a fulness of joy and wealth; the promotion of home manufacture should enlist our earnest support and attention; raising silk and making straw hats are two branches in which we can engage with very limited means; we will soon have a loom for silk weaving in this Territory. Let us make imployment for our girls at home, that they shall not stray off from our care. God has given us warning of the famine that is to come upon the earth, and in grateful obedience we are preparing against it. [p. 151]

The Prophet Joseph [Smith] has said, “we are only saved as far as we have overcome. May we be faithful and keep in view that we are the daughters of Zion.

[. . .]

The Sisters Snow, Young, Hyde & Goldsbrough, offered to meet with the sisters again at 10, a.m. on the day following.

[. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

Gunnison Ward, Gunnison Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1872–1949), vol. 1 (1872–1879), pp. 151–n.p.,1 CHL (LR 3518 14).

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27 June 1878, Gunnison Relief Society; Gunnison Schoolhouse, Gunnison, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/06/1878-06-27-a


  1. [1]Two unnumbered pages were inserted into the minute book between pages 151 and 152. This discourse ends on an unnumbered page.