23 October 1882

Levan Relief Society; Levan, Utah Territory

Opened by singing “Oh my father thou that dwellest” [. . .]

Sister [Sørine or Serena A.] Aagaard arose and introduced our sisters Sister Snow and Zina [D. H.] Young. Sister Snow was pleased to meet with the R. S. [Relief Society] of Levan. This organization is a very important one, and was organized by the Prophet Joseph Smith and that the same Society was organized in the old times let us not forget what we are here for, and that we are daughters of the most high God, if we could comprehend how much the Lord has blest us and how well we are of[f], and how we are able to build meeting houses and temples and it is through the blessings of God our heavenly father that we are able to do these things, let us be very useful and allways have it in our hearts to do that which is required of us it is not enough to be faithful to one of the principles but we have to be obedient to them all, if we are faithful and live so that we can obtain celestial fullness we will receive our dead children just as we laid them down but not unless we try to live our so that we can recieve all the blessings promised to the faithful, and when the teachers go around visiting the sisters, let them have the spirit of God and if there is any sick that they can lay their hands on them and that they may recover, told us to remember the deseret hospital, and donate a little whenever we can to that institution [. . .] [p. 244]

Source Note

Levan Ward, Juab Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1874–1970), vol. 2 (1874–1887), p. 244, CHL (LR 4850 14); Hannah L. Hendrickson, Secretary.

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23 October 1882, Levan Relief Society; Levan, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1882/10/1882-10-23-b