20 March 1878

Salt Lake City Twentieth Ward Young Ladies; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Present by invitation Sister E R. Snow. Sister Zina D. Young, Mrs. Phobe [Phebe] Woodruff, Sister [Mary Isabella] Horne and several other Ladies. [. . .]

[. . .] Sister E. R. Snow. by the request of the President of this Association I arise to make a few remarks. there is nothing so Important as the education of the Young. they should be led in the right direction. for this [p. 177] they should be led in <the right> this direction for this purpose, they have been born heirs to the Preisthood and to all the blessings promised, but they must work for them and according to our works we will be rewarded they have the prospect of becoming eminently useful and of becoming santified in the presence of God. we must adhere strictly to the principles of truth we have got to devote our minds to this that we may prepare our-selves to fill the missions, the Lord has sent us here to perform it is for this purpose that God reaveled this Organization if they realised this as they should they they would not have to be urged to come to meeting I fear some of our sisters looking look upon this as trifiling, I wish to say to you come together punctual according to appointment bear testimony sing and pray and the spirit of God will be poured out upon you the little Girls Generally are more punctualy then the older ones but the young married sisters are needed their work is nessary [necessary] Many are gene [gone] to destruction many who might have Officiated in Holy places as Priestess, if any of you think it is below your dignity stop and consider, I would be glad to know that every mother is anxious that her daughter, should have a spiritual education these little girls are preparing themselves to become the mothers of <a> mighty nation.

I wish to suggest to the president of this association that she make every one useful. Let all have something to do appoint a sec[r]etary for the purpose of reporting at each meeting what has been read, and let them report quarterly at the meetings, how many chapters has been read by the association, read the Book of mormon become familiar with its contents learn to compose essays make your meetings lively and interesting we want our young [p. 178] women to come forward, I had the pleasure of organizing the young Ladies in the 17th Ward most of the young sisters spoke they are cultivating their spirits see who will be most humble and faithful do not strive to get an Office through pride the humble will soon be called upon to fill Important positions therefore those who do not prepare themselves will be of no use in the Kingdom of God, there are great things before us may you continue in doing well. On Motion of Sister Snow it was resolved that the association be called Young Ladies Mutiual Improvement Association carried Unanimously. Sister Zina Young said [. . .] I like the Idia [idea] of reading in your meetings [. . .] Sister Woodruff said the teachings we have heard are good and if adhered to will us to a seat in the presence of God which is your privelege a[t]tain Sister Snow told us how we can be the elect of God let [p. 179] us reflect on these things [. . .]

Bro Joseph Young, and Bro C. [Charles] W. Stayner. Also gave good instructions and felt to appreciate the remarks of the Sister prayed to God for a continual of His blessings upon them, in their labors.

[. . .] [p. 180]

Source Note

Twentieth Ward, Ensign Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1875–1973), vol. 1 (1875–1897), pp. 177–180, CHL (LR 9455 17).

See also Salt Lake Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1875–1973), vol. 1 (1871–1896), p. 24, CHL (LR 604 17); and Sarah Howard and Selina Sabine, “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 6, no. 22 (15 Apr. 1878): 170.

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20 March 1878, Salt Lake City Twentieth Ward Young Ladies; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/03/1878-03-20