13 December 1876

Big Cottonwood Relief Society; Big Cottonwood Meetinghouse, Big Cottonwood [Holladay], Utah Territory

[. . .]

On motion of E. R. Snow sister E [Elizabeth A.] Howard was elected president of Releif Society of Big Cottonwood district Big Cottonwood Ward. [. . .]

On motion of E R Snow Ann Boyes was elected secretary and Martina Bitner treasurer. On motion of E R Snow, Lavina Harper was elected president of and one of the board of appraisers [. . .] [p. 386] [. . .]

Miss <Sister> E. R. Snow. said she arose to say a few words she wished to say that is no trifling thing to engage in this organization It is not gotten up by man or woman but it comes from God.

Sisters I wish you to reflect and consider why you are here is it to gratify pleasure or ease. no. it is to place woman where she may fulfill her calling and perform her part in the kingdom of God and become a help to man. I shall make you sisters responsible for this society in this ward.

Who is it that makes the first impressions on the mind of a child. We want to seek after our sisters to cultivate their minds, purify their hearts, and make them what God designs them to be I wish to say to the low spirited go to meetings where you can enjoy the spirit of the Lord, have your minds refreshed and your bodies strengthened and you will will forget the cares of life. The woman who attends her meetings carries an influence with her to cheer and comfort others. She greets her little ones with love and all is joy and peace. [p. 387]

The Lord is calling on us to work for Zion to labor in promoting home industries to raise silk because we can clothe ourselves easier in silk than in cotton or wool. There must be a combination of labor to bring about a successful business. We wish to establish labor for a great many who would otherwise be idle.

Proper suggestions should be made to children. When they have ten cents advise them to donate half of it as an offering to the Temple. If children were thus instructed they would not grow up as many do infidels to the work of God.

Sisters clothe yourselves with the mantle of charity speak not of the faults of others but let them be buried in oblivion The time will come when we shall awake to a reccollection of our former lives and conduct. Be sure sisters when you meet that the angels of God meet with you. There is a famine in the land for the bread of eternal life God bless you sisters.

Mrs <Sister> Zina Young said I will continue the remarks of Sister Eliza that we could make ourselves the chosen of God. [. . .] [p. 388]

Source Note

Big Cottonwood Ward, Granite Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1948), vol. 1 (1868–1882), pp. 386–388, CHL (LR 712 14)

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13 December 1876, Big Cottonwood Relief Society; Big Cottonwood Meetinghouse, Big Cottonwood [Holladay], Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1876/12/1876-12-13