13 May 1875

Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward Young Ladies; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

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Miss E.R. Snow, Did not wish one of the young ladies to suppose that we would want a lengthy sermon from them.

But if th[e]y will try they will have the Comforter which Jesus spoke of, but we must persevere if we wish to succeed.

Benj. Franklin became a conspicuous character, but he would not have become so if he had not persevered and with a firm determination put aside, and surmounted obstacles which looked formidable. Christopher Columbus was another who accomplished a great object, by his untiring perseverance. So with the Pilg[r]im Fathers and the Pioneers, they knew that God was leading them. We have the same privilege to know [p. 30] that He is leading us, and that He wants us for His kingdom, and wants us to persevere in all that is good and become refined cultivated women. She wished all the girls <all> to cultivate good language. We have indulged ourselves in the general habit of loose, rough speaking until we have become habituated to its use.

We can remedy this and each benefit the other by checking one another; and if you hear a phrase which you think is not proper, speak of it in the meeting and gain a correct knowledge of what it should be. We want to learn to communicate with others, and improve for the sake of benefitting ourselves and each other, and the one who does the greatest good will hold the highest position.

Each one of the you[n]g ladies then arose and spoke a few words on the subject perseverance.

Miss E. R. Snow then said, with regard to you thinking, that the little you have said is nothing and you had <would> better have kept your seats, I want to tell you that it is a step in the right direction. There are angels watching your movements and it will stand to your credit. Dont allow yourselves to make light of anything said, the adversary will try to make you feel that it is ridiculous; but this rising has more cultivation in it than committing whole books to memory; and if you persevere from this one step you have taken it will lead you to courts above.

There are some of the daughters of Zion whom gentiles say love gentile society better than they do that of the Saints, persevere and live by the spirit of God, that each can detect fraud and deceitfulness for yourself.

[. . .] [p. 31]

Source Note

Thirteenth Ward, Ensign Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1875), pp. 29–31, CHL (LR 6133 17); Louise A. Ashby, Secretary.

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13 May 1875, Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward Young Ladies; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/05/1875-05-13