11 November 1879

Salt Lake City Eighteenth Ward Relief Society; Lion House, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Lion House, circa 1861.

Lion House, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory. (Courtesy Church History Library. Photograph by Marsena Cannon, circa 1861.)

Prest E R Snow presiding

[. . .]

Prayer by Sister E R Snow

[. . .] [p. 53] [. . .]

[. . .] Prest Snow then said: She felt happy to have the privilege of meeting with so many sister, felt if the sisters were united they would become a strong band, said, that if each individual would try and over come their weaknessess, that a good deal would be accomplished, we are daughters of God can we realize that we have lived with him, How blessed we are above all women; we have listened to the Gospel How many have access to the gospel but their Hearts were not touched There is a diffrence between us and them whose have not been touched by the Spirit of God. There is a little business matter that I wish to bring before the meeting, that is [p. 54] storing up grain. If we have enough of the Spirit of God in our hearts, we know there is a famine coming, a great many wards here have built granaries I dont think that we can reasonably build one for ourselves; but if three or four wards unite together we can better do it. Sister Grant of the 13th Ward wishes to unite with us I would like to know the mind of the sisters on this subject; Bp [John] Sharp has offered to let us store grain in his granary, but I think we better unite, and have one of our own; remarks were made by nearly all present, who expressed their willingness to build up the Kingdom of God and in doing all they could to help build a granary.—

Sister Snow felt to enjoy the meeting, sister [Anna] Wright had spoken about asking our Father in Heaven about small things, if we speak the feelings of our hearts He will be sure to hearken, quoted this verse: “Prayer is the simplest form of speach that infant lips can try.”— It is not so inspiring to the heart to talk of building granaries and taking care of the poor as it is to talk of the great blessings which are in store for the faithfull, when I can go to my bed and feel that father smiles on me: O how happy I feel, I am so thankfull that Father has so condcended to tell us that if we go to meeting and partake of the sacrament [p. 55] with pure hearts and clean hands, our sins shall be forgiven Since I met with my sisters here last, I have met in a great many good sisters I attended 4 or 5 meetings in Morgan County The sisters there felt just as good as we do here, sisters I feel to bless you, I bless you in the name of Jesus of Nazareth I pray God to pour his Spirit upon you

[. . .] [p. 56]

Source Note

Eighteenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1877–1941), vol. 1 (1877–1892), pp. 53–56, CHL (LR 2523 14); Mary M. Schettler, Secretary.

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11 November 1879, Salt Lake City Eighteenth Ward Relief Society; Lion House, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/11/1879-11-11