28 June 1878

Gunnison Relief Society; Gunnison, Utah Territory

After a few opening remarks by President Sarah Copley, Sister E. R Snow arose and in her remarks enjoined upon the Relief Societies and Young Ladies Mutual Improvment Associations to meet often enough to keep up the spirit of life and union. She enjoined upon mothers to assist and urge their daughters to do their duties as members of the M. I. A. Punctuality in meeting was very important that the recording angel shall not return without our names. Our daughter should differ very much from the daughters of the world.

In storing grain we occupy the place of Joseph in Egypt. She here related a vision of a young man, showing what great riches and blessings are in store for those who are storing grain, and keeping the commandments of God. Soon Babylon will fall and the time is short for all the work we have on hand. We are slaves of Babylon inasmuch as we are clothed in babylonian stuff, and if we will shake off the fetters of babylon we must be selfsustaining. When first she heard the gospel proclaimed she made a covenant with God that she would praise his name in the congregations of His Saints if He would let her know if this was his work. Spoke again of making our own hats and wear them Our young men should not marry girls who do not believe in Plural marriage.1

[. . .] [n.p.]

Sister Eliza R. Snow also spoke in tongues. Interpreted by Z. [Zina] D. Young as follows: “When I see so much sloathfulness [slothfulness] I must speak to my sisters, and warn them, we can claim no more than we have earned. we must draw near to each other, and see eye to eye.[”]

To Bishop [Christian A.] Madsen she had said (in tongues) God bless you you are a man of God, and none but He knows what thou hast gone through, for thou hast kept it to thyself. thy tongue shall be loosened for He hast seen that thou hast been troubled in that regard.

To Sister Sarah Copley she had said “Blessed art thou for God seest thy willingness, and the young shall arise and bless thee for leading out to salvation. Let not the cares of this world hinder thee in working for Gods Kingdom[”]

There was en exceedingly sweet influence followed these gift, that gave comfort, consolation and warning to all present

[. . .]

E. R. Snow recommended home reading of our Church Books and Papers by the Y. L. M. I. A. and explaned the mode of conducting it.

Laid upon the mothers to tell their daughters that God does not recognize marriages by magistrates

[. . .] [p. 152]

Source Note

Gunnison Ward, Gunnison Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1872–1949), vol. 1 (1872–1879), pp. n.p.–152,2 CHL (LR 3518 14).

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28 June 1878, Gunnison Relief Society; Gunnison, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/06/1878-06-28


  1. [1]For more information, see “Historical Context.”

  2. [2]Two unnumbered pages were inserted into this minute book between pages 151 and 152. This discourse begins on an unnumbered page.