8 May 1878

Newton Relief Society; Newton Schoolhouse, Newton, Utah Territory

Single-story, rock schoolhouse with children playing outside

Newton Rock School, 1873–1907, Newton, Utah Territory. (Courtesy Utah State University Digital Collections, Merrill-Cazier Library.)

[. . .] Wednesday Evening, May 8th 1878 when sister Snow & her company were present

[. . .] [p. 10]

Sister Snow then addressed the meeting Said that it may appear ridiculous for many of the sisters to stand in public to speak when the elders of the church were sitting by—there was not any one that held more prejudice against this that use to have but she was convinced of this, and found that there was work for the sisters also, and she wanted the sisters to go to work & correct all the evil they had from amongst themselves and that should save the brethren to have to do it, and go and do all they good they can and let the brethren be at the head. Said that the sisters had a great mission here upon the earth, and they should take care of their tabernacles and preserve them in purity and holiness, so that the spirit of God may dwell within them, which would enable them to perform those missions allotted to them, for that Spirit which is also called the comforter’s shall lead the saints & guide them to all truths—but the nature of that spirit is so sensitive, that as soon as we begin to find fault, that it is offended.

some thinks that inasmuch as they do refrain from finding fault with the authorities of the church that it does not matter how much they find fault with one another but that is not right, the sisters should not fin[d] fault one with another, but should be kind, and those sisters that <that> have husbands should act as counsellor to them & sustain & uphold them in all that is right

Spoke highly on the faith we have in God and the trust that we have in him [p. 11] that we can rely on his arm for protection, and for all that we are in need of.

She spoke on straw braiding said that we have to work; this is a dispensation that we have to help build up Zion.

Made remarks on speaking when in possession of bad biting spirit, and on the duties of mothers and the influence & the advantage they have with their children to control them the mother has the child on her lap & around her at all times, then how careful they should be in training & teaching them to be honest & good.—

She also spoke on the priveliges of sisters to administer to the sick, said that it was the privelige & duty of the teachers when on their visits among the saints to administer to the sick, when they met with any; if they wished them to do so—

And her views in regard to nurses that they should be those who had faith in God & faith in <the> healing power from God—1

She related & bore testimony to the blessing of God attending the visits & admistrations [administrations] of the sisters to the sick in Salt Lake City when the Typhoid fever raging there

She again referred to the straw braiding

Said that there ought to be one in the the place that understood the business and suggested that one be sent somewhere like Brigham City the trade, she spoke encourag<ingly> on silk raising and the cheapness of it if we would only raise it ourselves.

President [Brigham] Young said if the sisters would promote home industries it would lead to the U [United] Order. [p. 12]

She had a word to say to the young Ladies & suggested that the President [Mary A. Parsons] appoint a committee to get up a proramme [program] of questions to ask the sisters—and they should read the testament and the book of mormon, and learn chapters, & the Secretary should keep memorandum of all the chapters that they learn and they should attend all the meetings, and learn all they can, so that they may be able to write Books. and become great woman—exhorted them to be good girls not to quarrel, but pray night and morning.

She spoke on the good result that would come from the meetings of the sisters, as societies, and related and bore testimony to the good meetings they generally had in the ward she lives in and placed in charge—(viz. the 18th ward in Salt Lake City) the good influence they had in their midst and the good feeling they had one to another, especially did she feel so in her own heart and how full of love she was to her sisters.—

She spoke earnestly to the sisters on their priviliges and duties in regard to voting in election of officers for the governments & how absolutely necessary it was for the sisters to qualify them-selves so as to be able to do by having their citizenship papers. Said this was a matter of great importance because our enemies were striving to all in their power to deprive us of our rights and priveleges and crush us to the earth, and the sisters should not neglect these matters, but sustain those who are placed in authority from amongst our own people.

she said that there was another principle she wished to told a little while about & that was plural marriage & her remarks were extensive & commendable. [p. 13] [. . .] [p. 14]

She bore a strong testimony to the divenity of the principle, that is was given by revelation from God to Joseph Smith the Prophet—spoke of this his weakness and fear to put it in practice, and the urgency that was placed upon him to go forth—even an angel appeared by his side with a sword of fire & told him that if he did not go forward in the practice of the principle that priesthood would be taken from him, and he should be destroyed. She bore testimony to its sacredness and <its> greatness and that those sisters that lived up to it and honored it was laying a foundation of a great work and that it would result in great blessings crowns and principalit[i]es and celestial glory and exhorted the sisters that what ever they did not to speak against it, and explained that consequences of so doing, and related <to> some of the histori[e]s of Emma Smith. and contrasted her with the widow of Hyrum Smith [Mary Fielding Smith] the former had influenced upon & led her sons astray and the latter emigrated to this country with the people of God and led her sons on the way to become great and mighty men.2

She also spoke to the young men & young ladies gave many good counsels & instructions in regard to marri[a]ge & other items of importance holding their meetings getting up a library & study good books and not read novels & trash,—her remarks were very good.

Bishop [William G.] Rigby bore testimony to the truth<fulness> of the remarks & carroborated the remarks on plural marrige and expressed his pleasure with the meetings and visit of the sisters. [. . .] [p. 15]

Source Note

Newton Ward, Smithfield Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1873–1968), vol. 2 (1877–1881), pp. 10–15, CHL (LR 6075 14).

See also Elizabeth Davis, “The Sisters’ Visit North,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 1 (1 June 1878): 3.

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8 May 1878, Newton Relief Society; Newton Schoolhouse, Newton, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/05/1878-05-08-b


  1. [1]For more information, see “Historical Context.”

  2. [2]For more information, see “Historical Context.”