Circa 24–30 July 1879

Meadowville Relief Society; Meadowville Schoolhouse, Meadowville, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Visitors Present Sisters E R Snow M I [Mary Isabella] Horne S [Sarah] M Kimball S Haywood [Serepta M. Heywood] [. . .]

Sister M I horne said She was pleased to again have the privilege of meeting with the Sisters of Meadowville in company with Sister Snow [. . .] [p. 4] [. . .] [pp. 5–6] [. . .]

Sister Sarah M Kimball said [. . .] we should treasure up and appreciate every good thing we hear had learned to be appreciative from Sister Snow [. . .] [p. 7] [. . .]

Sister E R Snow. This was her first visit to this place had peculiar feelings since her arrival here had noticed that things looked thriving neat and prosperous the question arose in her mind were they doing as well spiritually were they looking after their Eternal welfare as diligently as they are after the things of this life she was pleased to see the marks of industry but if we obtain everything in this life what will it amount to unless we improve ourselves intelligently <intellicually> [intellectually] and spiritually we can take [p. 8] nothing with us Our experience and good works are everything we can take from this life We must perform that labor that will go on the book of the Lord. Are we pursuing that course that will secure to us Eternal Life if we are not better for us we had been born in heathen lands How are we reaching after those things that will prepare us to be recipients of Holy blessings Are we seeking to be in truth Daughters of Zion the highest position of womanhood! only six members present at your last meeting what were the rest doing were they necesarily detained or are they indifferent and dont care to come if they are it must be for the want of an understanding not because they are indifferent to receiving the blessings to be derived from the performance of this duty Some think that these societies only duty is to look after the poor they cannot give anything it is no use for them to go. those who feel that way are lacking in understanding the object of R S [Relief Society] is to unite us together to help us be faithful L D. S. [Latter-day Saint] comfort and sustain us look after the poor etc Joseph Smith said that every virtuous woman should be a member of a R. S. We should take a deep interest in everything that tends to the interests of Zion we all profess to be .L. D. S. are we truly. if we are we[ ]are trying to honor the organization to which we belong we have now an organization of the children a .P. A. [Primary Association] had been told that no little boys attended found it took a little more care on the part of parents to get the boys to attend than the girl but they must come we want boys and girls all refined Mothers should realize the responsibility resting upon them in this matter they should be interested in this [p. 9] organization What is there of so much consequence as to have our children grow up ornaments in the kingdom of God they are all the time learning filling the storehouse of their minds keep them in a position to protect them from evil add a little good every day they will be sure to make men and women of God the impressions received in childhood remain indelible through life while those learned in maturer years will fade away and be forgotten those in charge of this organization must be very careful to instil nothing wrong but keep adding and repeating that which is good we want them to grow in mighty faith we dont want them afraid of disease when sickness and death cover the whole earth Where will we send for help we want them to grow up with such faith that they can stand in the midst of pestilence without fear this is the kind of a generation we want should grow up We can learn good or evil equally well. strong impressions are received either way who shall be the leaders in the cause Are we all preparing ourselves for the future are we faithful that we may be looked up to as women of faith full of wisdom and understanding It is our privilege to administer to the sick1 Related an anecdote stating a resolve he made when a child to become Pres of the U.S. [United States] he became Vice President We can become just as we will. The Lord will bless us in the daily avocations of life if we will look after our Eternal welfare it is ours to attain to Eternal a fullness of Glory that fadeth not away do not let us spend all our time in looking after the pleasurable things of this life let us attend to our duties have faith in the Son of God The Lord is angry with none save those who acknowledge [p. 10] not his hand in all things spoke of Job his blessings integrity trials faith and patience of the sin of his friends etc how after his afflictions he was blessed beyond anything ever before God will overrule everything for our good if we are true Satan cannot go any farther than the Lord wills. showed a book of letters from Palestine from G. [George] A. Smith Paul [A.] Schettler Lorenzo Snow and herself. recommended it to the YMMIA [Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association].

[. . .] [p. 11] [. . .]

Sister Horne made a few remarks on the book presented by sister Snow recommended it to all.

Sister Snow said she felt to congratulate us on the Spirit we had enjoyed and on the officers of our society they are not perfect we do not expect that <we must> pray for one another spoke of the gift of tongues said it should be handled held sacred as a gift belonging to the Gospel this is the same gospel the same gifts that were upon the earth in or Saviours day said she felt to bless the congregation in tongues desired our faith & prayers that she might speak intelligently by the Spirit of God she then blessed the congregation giving special blessing to the officers of the .R. S. Sisters M I Horne S M Kimball Ruth [B.] Eldredge. S M Heywood C [Presendia?] Kimball M E [Mary Ellen?] Kimball the little children and to the congregation Interpreted by Sister Percinda [Presendia L.] Kimball.

Sister Snow & Kimball then related some circumstances with regard to the gift of tongues which had transpired in the church.

[. . .] [p. 12]

Source Note

Meadowville Ward, Bear Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1879–1896), pp. 4–12, CHL (LR 5431 14).

See also “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 8, no. 8 (15 Sept. 1879): 61; and “Women Workers,” Deseret Evening News 28, no. 27 (6 Aug. 1879): 425.

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Circa 24–30 July 1879, Meadowville Relief Society; Meadowville Schoolhouse, Meadowville, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]See “Women’s Spiritual Gifts” in Historical Context.