23 September 1875
Plain City Relief Society; Plain City Schoolhouse, Plain City, Utah Territory

Plain City Schoolhouse, built circa 1875 in Plain City, Utah Territory. (Photo credit Lyman and Dorothy Cook.)
[. . .] Sr Snow Sr Horn [Mary Isabella Horne] Sr [Jane S.] Richards Sr [Sarah A.] Herrick and Sr Cannon being present to address us
[. . .]
Sr Snow in addressing the Sisters said that she was very pleased to Speak to the Sisters and Bretheren in these last days I say unto you Sisters that all of your Labors of love are not forgotten but there is a record kept of all your good and gracious acts and not one thing that you do to promote the Glory of the Kingdom of God shall lose its reward
The Teachers are as Saviours in the House of the Lord they Should be filled with the Spirit of God, never saying that you are not able to do or not qualified for the work unto which you are called, we should encour[a]ge Each other by kindness and love, Said that we should attend every meeting and then we shall feel free and full of energy and grace. we have too much care for this world and then we do not have the Spirit of the Lord
Sr Snow gave us much good Instruction and blessd us with a Spirit of love. [. . .] [n.p.]
Source Note
Plain City Ward, Farr West Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1973), vol. 1 (1868–1877), n.p., CHL (LR 6982 14).