13 February 1883

Brigham City Fourth Ward Relief Society; Brigham City, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Preyer, by Prest Snow [. . .]

Prest. [Mary H.] Watkins I am well pleased to see meny of my sisters present to day as Sister Snow is with us to day I will give the meting [meeting] in to her hands for we all want to heare from her.

Prest. Snow I am happy to meet with my sisters and to see someny [so many] mothers a mother is a grate thing thair is no grater name than a Mother if we relissed [realized] our tru passion be fore our heavenly Father s[p]oke of the first organization of the R. S. [Relief Society] how near we live up to our privliages I am not able to say s[p]oke of the good tha had don in the midst of society s[p]oke of the meny organizations that were upon the earth at the present time if we are living in the line of our duty we will be quickend by the Spirit of God nothing then will be a burden to us, our minds will be enlitghened [enlightened] we will have more faith more wisdom and knowlege we dont expect to pas through this life with out triels spoke of the labours of the missionarys and the building of the temples I never felt like complaining spok[e] of the meny accidents and callamities that were takeing place all over the world I am thankfull for the meny blessings that is dayley being made manifest.

Coun. [Eliza B.] Welch I am thankfull for the council that Sister Snow has given us [. . .] [p. 29]

Source Note

Brigham City Fourth Ward, Brigham City Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1878–1973), vol. 3 (1882–1892), p. 29, CHL (LR 991 14); Mary E. Walker, Secretary.

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13 February 1883, Brigham City Fourth Ward Relief Society; Brigham City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1883/02/1883-02-13