10 January 1876

Salt Lake City Eleventh Ward Young Ladies; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Pres. Mary A. Freeze said she was pleased to see such a good turn-out also feel happy to see Sis. <E. R.> Snow our Bishop [Alexander McRae] and Brother [William] Smith with us. I will now give the meeting into their hands.

Sister E. R. Snow then arose and said in the first place I must make an apology for being late. I consider punctuality not only a key to business but a key to our morals, though it is not always that we can control circumstances.

I feel pleased to see so many of my sisters. For I relize that we need spiritual improvement we need of our spiritual faculties renovated this is of more importance, than spending so much time in feeding and clothing our bodies. I desire to pay the most attention <to> the most important duties. May sisters can accomplished much in reforming Societys The young girls have a great deal to do in this direction. They can accomplish more than Bishops or Presedents [Presidents], but it takes combined efforts and united wills. Pres. [Brigham] Young says the girls can put down round dancing. [p. 346] Some will say Oh! will say I love them so much I cannot see any harm in them and feel as if what not for the kingdom of God? I dont think that their [there] is one girl hear [here] that would not give them up if they had the spirit of their religion in their hearts I would say let the little girls become members of the assotation [association] and be put in to the harness as soon as they come into the church, for we can hear sweet speeches from the young more so than those of riper years. they would have thoughts worthy of intelligents beings I want to say to my young sisters that your duty lies not only in comeing to meeting but in training your selvs for Mothers and Daughters in Zion. you can assist in many ways in building up the kingdom of God. your influence over the you[n]g men is great if I was a you[n]g girl I would not go to a party with a young man which while his breath smelled of liquor there may not be[e]n any of this class in this ward but their [there] are in Salt Lake City. We have need to retrench in our morals thoughts and actions we should dress plainly and in home-made as far as we can I don’t want to occupy to much time but am happy to meet with you my sisters what a glorious priveliege it is for us to have the prilvilege [privilege] to start anew we are able to live nearer the Lord than hear to-fore. Those who continue faithful will become joined heirs with Jesus Crist. Those who have not been in the habit of coming punctualy in the retrenchment assoation [association] and the relief soc[i]ety I would say do not let go the pearls of great price for the posibles things of this life. These perishable things part me from my God I am glad to see you Bishop and Bro. Smith here for I always desire to share have the strong bring up the rear.

Bishop McRae said I am well pleased for the instructions given certainly the influence used by the sisters are immense [. . .] [p. 347]

Source Note

Eleventh Ward, University West Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1871–1969), vol. 1 (1871–1877), pp. 346–347, CHL (LR 2569 17).

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10 January 1876, Salt Lake City Eleventh Ward Young Ladies; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1876/01/1876-01-10