10 July 1868

Salt Lake City Twentieth Ward Relief Society; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

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The Prestts. [Presidentess Margaret T. Smoot] said we would have our quartly Meeting on the 22 of July. She would like all the members present, that they might know how much had been received, & disbursed, hoped we had done a little good, though we move slow. Said she was glad we had Eiza R. Snow with us to day & would now give way for her to give us some instruction.

Eliza R. Snow, Arose, & said, Sister Smoot, speaks of moving slow. She thought we were taking a solid start for a long race. It was better to commence delibe[r]ately than to run to swift.

She could see an advancement, since she last visited the Society. Although you have but little to commence with, sisters don’t be,— [p. 25] discouraged, but keep on increasing.

The Earth is composed of atoms, & was once much larger than now & will in due time all be restored. Although your labors may seem small, be incouraged;—congratulate yourselves on the good of the Society. Do not think you have not time to attend to the Society, there is time for all things.

We have many duties to perform; it keeps our energies brightened up. It is not necessary to let the duties of the Society interfere with our household duties. She considered it a great accomplishment to be a good house keeper, far more of an accomplishment than to play the piano, though both were good in their place, we should have every thing in its place, & a place for everything, & by wise, & skillful management the housewife will have time to attend to her house hold duties & not neglect her public duties.

The Lord would never have reveiled [revealed] this order to the Children of Zion, if He had seen there was no time to attend to the duties of the Society. Our religion embraces a great deal. It not only extends through time but all eternity, & sisters, we will be rewarded according to our works, not according to our faith, & good feelings. God will judge the motive of the heart, many of us may have great desires to perform some great good we can not. God will accept the will for the deed. Said she felt to rejoice in this organization she could see she could see much benefit derived from these Societies. We get more of the Spirit of our religion in coming together, & expressing [p. 26] our feelings, one to another, we see, we have the same faith, & hopes, & are here, to prepare ourselves, for the pure, & holy. We should help one another forward, & realize the great blessing of being here in the mountains, secure where we could have the word of the Lord, said she wished to say a few words to the Committee, that Pres [Brigham] Young had told her to teach the Societies how to get rich.

To get rich in Spiritual things, as well as Temporal. They should first seek to get the Spirit of God in their hearts:—too work righteousness, & we will realize more perfectly that we stand at the head of the world.

God has called us to this position, & we are elevated above kings, & queens, as far as the East is from the west.

How elevated we should be in our thoughts, & actions, & remember eternal life, is true riches though the Saints will be rich in temporal things. When we have the Spirit of God we feel warmed up with it.

When we lie down upon our pillow, we feel God is with us—our trust is in Him & if we are faithful, He will give us the victory. Seek unto God, & inasmuch as we do we will be stired up. God will bless us, if we continue in well doing. We must not be discouraged, it does not belong to a saint.

The Spirit of God, never brinks [brings] darkness, but light, joy, & peace. The Lord loves a cheerful heart. If we sometimes discover gloomy feelings creeping over us—we must arouse ourselves, & shake it off.

God sometimes withdraws His Spirit from us, to try us—or we might think, it was [p. 27] something inherent with us, & God will try us & show us He is our strength. We must acknowledge His hand in all things. He will have a tried people—if we want all the glory we must be willing to endure the trials. We are gaining an experience which is our wealth beyond the grave; & why should we shrink from experience.

Try to overcome every thing, that is not honorable in a Saint of God, watch over yourselves, & overcome this tittle-tattle about one another,—hold every character sacred. Said, to the Teachers. In performing their duties, to do good, that Spiritual food was as much needed, as temporal. When they talked to the people, they should speak words of comfort—do not wound their feelings, for that does no good.

The soul that trusts in God—it mitigates much of their trials. Said when she first embraced the Gospel & gathered to Nauvoo, she did not use to have quite enough to eat, but she did not complain she had started out for the blessings of eternal life. She used to attend five meetings a week. Said, she used to wish she had been born when there were Apostles, & Prophets on the earth—& when she first heard the faith of the Mormons, she thought it was to good to be true. She waited till she knew it was true. God was very merciful to her. She had prayed earnestly that God would send some one to baptise her. After a while, she heard there was to be a mormon meeting held about two [p. 28] miles from her fathers [Oliver Snow]. She asked her fathers permission to go, & be baptised. He gave his consent. She went to the Meeting, & as there was nothing said about baptising, she arose, & asked the privilege to be baptised. But before she arose, the powers of darkness came upon her mightly. it was as though a personage stood before her, & tried to dissuade her from her purpose—but the powers of darkness were dispelled, & light shone upon her—she was happy then, but not as happy as now. That night after retiring to bed, she saw a candle lighted & burning brightly over her feet, which showed to her: the light of intelligence should light her path.

Said to the sisters, to be incouraged, for he that giveth to the poor, lendeth to the Lord—that our Father would hear the prayers of his daughters, as well as His sons & if you are faithful before God, your power will come the sick will be brought to your meetings & you will administer to them in faith & have power to heal the sick.

She blessed us with all the power she had to bless, in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

The Prests. she felt we had been highly benefited. [. . .] [p. 29]

Source Note

Twentieth Ward, Ensign Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1973), vol. 1 (1868–1877), pp. 24–29, CHL (LR 9455 14); Susan M. Schettler, Secretary.

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10 July 1868, Salt Lake City Twentieth Ward Relief Society; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1860s/1868/07/1868-07-10