31 August 1883
Utah Central Stake Relief Society; Provo Meetinghouse, Provo, Utah Territory

Provo meetinghouse, Provo, Utah Territory, circa 1865. (Courtesy B. Ashworth’s, Provo, Utah.)
[. . .] Visitors from Salt Lake City Sisters E. R. Snow Smith. E. [Emmeline] B. Wells, H. [Helen] M. Whitney. and E. [Elmina] S. Taylor.
[. . .]
Sister E. R. Snow Smith said she was always pleased to meet with the sisters in a conference capacity. The Spirit of God brings <joy>, and when we unite together we draw down the blessings of heaven. What a blessing these organizations are, they bring us together, like coals of fire, imparting warmth and life to one another. There is a mutual love that actuates these sisters towards each other. We should realize our positions, and so live that our examples would have an ennobling influence; let us put away our follies that we may be worthy to join with holy beings, we are not far from them. We must get rid of all selfishness; let us become God like that we may be saviors on Mount Zion. We want to live to do good, and the heavens rejoice over us. [p. 134]
[. . .]
Afternoon session opened with singing and prayer, Sister Sister E. R. Snow Smith presiding. Said she would like to hear from the presidents of the different Societies, just as the spirit dictated. We should always bear our testamony when occasions offer, those testamonies never grow old, for we know not that we will be able to testify the same tomorrow that we do to-day, for many have fallen away from the truth.
[. . .] [p. 135] [. . .]
Sister E. R. Snow Smith said I want to talk about this medical school There will never be such an offer again; we ought to have 1,000 sisters learning. We want knowledge Death often ensues just from the want of knowledge. We should be up and doing. Woe to those that are at ease in Zion. If the sisters can call back to life the sleepy ones it will be a great work; spoke eloquently upon this subject for some time.
[. . .]
By request of Sister Snow Smith the sisters sang the song I dreamed a dream. [. . .] [p. 136]
Source Note
Provo Utah Central Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1878–1973), vol. 2 (1878–1891), pp. 134–136, CHL (LR 9629 14); Caroline C. Daniels, Secretary.
See also “L. D. S. Women’s Meetings,” Woman’s Exponent 12, no. 8 (15 Sept. 1883): 60; and Caroline Daniels, “R. S., Y. L. M. I. A and Primary Reports: Utah Stake,” Woman’s Exponent 12, no. 10 (15 Oct. 1883): 78–79.