22 September 1880

Monroe Relief Society; Granary, Monroe, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Present at the occasion, Sister Eliza R. Snow Smith, Sister Bethshaby [Bathsheba W.] Smith [. . .]

Sister E. R. Snow, then I am afraid I shall not be able, to be heard, as I have a horssness [hoarseness], when the Gospel found us, it found us in peculiar circumstances, not expecting, to stand up, before a congragation like this, but that the Elders of Israel, would to this, lucidly, shew, that each individual, had to do his or her own Work, in saving ourselfes, yet we have a Work to perform, for the dead. yet that is immidiety [immediately] a part of our own. It will take my whole time and yours, to obey the gospel, of Jesus Christ. I expect that if faithfull, I will have labors, to perform, after I have part the vale. Related a dream of a certain Sister, who thought she whas to be wheight [weighed], thought she whas wonting had to come back 40 years, we are clothet [clothed] in mortal tabernacles, and this have such a affination [affinity], for the things of this Eearth, yet I think it is the privilige of every Saint, to know, that God has spoken, and when we know this, we should understand <endever [endeavor]> to so live, that we might have the revelations of God, to us for our guidance, the Prophet [Joseph Smith?] said, we could not be savet [saved], without knowledge, do we read those sacred books that are in our midst. I realise that God sees us in all of our acts, scrutinicing [scrutinizing] us and our every act. I feel that I am accountable for my every act. yet how beautiful it to is to contemplete that we are, and our Labors are exeptable [acceptable]. yet some may say, ‘I am satisfied to recieve a smaler then a Celestial Glory,[’] they to not know what the[y] are loosing, I will not be satisfied with less, then what my father has in store for me. What is your family to you, is there anything so dear as the family tie. so it is with our father in heaven, yet we can[n]ot, expect the blessings, God has to bestow, unless we honor every principel. yes celestial mariage or plurality of wifes yet we we must not fight, that any more then any other principle, and inasmuch as we will endouver [endeavor], to overcome all our weaknesses, spocke [spoke] of the introduction of that principle to the prophet of God, Joseph Smith, saying that he had either to introduce that principle, ore loose his pristhood [n.p.] and be destroiet [destroyed]. Bore a faithfull testamony of this principles and all other principles of the Gospel, the labors of the Relief Society, are large, and cover a great deal of ground, not as the duties of a wife and a mother, and the duties to the poor, and a helpmate to your husbands, but to the Priesthood, and all good works, so that when we are called away, we may be happy, and not go alone, all have one escort to take them away, having joy and rejoysing [rejoicing]. I was once heard the prophet say, that all would bring a sacrifice, to an altar, and all those that burnt would be recievt [received], and those that did not burn would not be resievt.1 shew the nessecity of our trying to gain all that is good, and try to accomplish all that we can, for ourselfes. there is no dividing <division> of intrest in among true latter day Saints. such being the case there is union among us. then let us increase in this matter, until we overcome. [. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

Monroe Ward, Sevier Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1872–1893), vol. 1 (1872–1884), n.p., CHL (LR 5685 14).

See also “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 9, no. 11 (1 Nov. 1880): 84.

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22 September 1880, Monroe Relief Society; Granary, Monroe, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1880/09/1880-09-22
