29 November 1873

Centerville Relief Society; Centerville Meetinghouse, Centerville, Utah Territory

[. . .] Present from Salt Lake City

Miss Eliza R. Snow, Mrs Horn [Mary Isabella Horne], Mrs Zina D. [H.] Young and Mrs [Elizabeth A.] Howard.

[. . .] Miss Snow addressed the congregation

Spoke of the magnitude of the work of the Relief Society It was to save souls by teaching and instructing each other and for the elevation and improvement of women. It was requ[i]site that every woman of good moral characte[r] belonging to the church be a member and attend the meetings else why did God reveal it? We should put fourth our efforts to do all the good we can through this organization. Spoke of the nessity [necessity] of prepairing our selves for the introduction of the order [p. 19] of Enoch and of prepairing our selves to go into the Society of the noble of Heaven. If we are ever to become Queens of Heaven we must prepare our selves here on Earth. We would be happy under all circumstances whether in wealth or poverty if we have the Spirit of God. Live above the little vexations of life make the labours of home light Walk over difficulties

In speaking of the duties of Teachers said they should adapt them selves to the circumstances by which they are surrounded. Give kind and cheering words where needed seek to elevate the minds of those whith [with] whom they come in contact teaching charity and purity of thought. The neglect of the morral training of children was touched upon. Good health should be given them as well as education. If they are neglected Phisically they will have unhealthy bodies If mentally they will be low minded.

If morrally they will be dishonest If spiritually will not stand in fear of the Lord.

We should all young and old take hold of the things of Eternal life: strengthen each other: Lay up treasures in Heaven that we may not go there meager poor, our good works may not be acknowledged here, but there is a record kept.

[. . .] [p. 20]

Source Note

Centerville Ward, South Davis Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1869–1916), vol. 2 (1873–1889), pp. 19–20, CHL (LR 1532 14).

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29 November 1873, Centerville Relief Society; Centerville Meetinghouse, Centerville, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1873/11/1873-11-29