10 October 1876

Brigham City Relief Society; Brigham City, Utah Territory

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Sister E. R. Snow,

Address <adressed> the audience was pleased to m[e]et with the sisters while looking over the congregation a virety [variety] of thoughts passed through her mind she could see a great improveme[nt] in the faces of the sisters, more intelegence expressed in their countenances of the this is as it should be if we live our religion it intends to purify and evilate elivate, if we could lay aside self and feel in our hearts we have no interest except in Zion how much faster we whould [would] improve it is just as much to my intrest as yours that you mothers bring up your sons and daughters to become mighty men and women. Zion is, to become a great people, and you and I my sisters are called upon to assist in building it up every one has a mission to perform, they should seek that they may have the spirit of the Lord to guide them that they may be enabled to perform their missions in an acceptable manner, I do not know of any thing more dangerous than to speak against plural marriage that principle was give[n] to Joseph Smith by divine revelation and is calcilated [calculated] to lift woman from the curse, he taught it to me I accepted it. never expected to be acknowledged as a lawful wife I had always estimated a good character, very highly, I had set out to win the highest prize to attain to the best society, in the eternal worlds I do not want to loose [lose] one partical that can be obtained by living [p. 39] faithful to our most holy religion, I laid all on the awlter [altar] knowing God was at the helm; humble yourselves before the Lord never ask him to humble you. we Much good have been accomplished we have got to learn to be self sustaini[n]g make our own wearing appearal [apparel] we could see by the s[t]rikes a little how it whould be if our supplys were cut off from babylon, the Lord has called the brotheren on missions it is now the sisters duty to take hold of home industries felt Brigham City was best prepared for the fall of the world, the sisters must be united ask the Lord to help you to take a good lead that others may do well to follow your example. You are not perfect but need to continue improving you have not the outside influences to contend with, that others have, this is because of your union advised the sisters to do all they could towards Sericulture. did not wish the sisters to slacken their energies, but start with renued [renewed] vigor each one should do all they can towards making meeting interesting advised the sisters to cultivate the spirit of patience try to comfort and strengthen thoes [those] who are sick and afflicted, it is not certain ones who are set apart to administer to the sick as some have supposed but eviry [every] faithful sister who has had her endowments, has a right to administer to the sick and claim the blessings of the Lord. Death to the true saint is like passing from the kitchen into the parlor, made many other interesting remarks.

[. . .] [p. 40]

Source Note

Box Elder Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1857–1944), vol .3 (1875–1884), pp. 39–40, CHL (LR 933 14); Phebe A. Snow, Secretary.

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10 October 1876, Brigham City Relief Society; Brigham City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1876/10/1876-10-10