7 May 1868

Salt Lake City Seventeenth Ward Relief Society; Gibbs Residence, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .] Present—Bishop [Nathan] Davis—Eliza R. Snow, Zina [D. H.] Young and others.

Meeting opened with prayer by Bishop Davis. Reports of Visiting Committee [. . .]

The business portion of the meeting having been attended to, Bishop Davis arose and said, that he was much pleased to meet with us, and after reading the minutes of the Nauvoo Society at its organization (the book having been presented for his perusal by Sister E. R. Snow) said he was thankful that he had so nearly organized this society in the commencement after the pattern laid now by the prophet Joseph [Smith] that knowing nothing of that organization, the spirit had lead him so nearly right. [p. 79] [. . .] [p. 80] [. . .]

Sister Snow being called upon by President Mrs. [Marinda N.] Hyde, arose and said if the society desired it, she would read some of the instructions of Joseph Smith to the Nauvoo Society. Motion made and carried. She then read an address delivered June 9, 1842 to the Navoo society, which was very instructive and listened to with interest by all present. Being called upon for a few remarks she responded and said, that there was no danger of a the Society progressing too fast, if we acted under the counsel and advice of our bishop, and she knew that when he blessed us we would be blessed, that numbers added strength to the society if union existed, that being united in well doing the adversary could not stir up our hearts to destroy our influence, but if we stood in our proper place, we should have power over darkness, when taking each other and strangers kindly by the hand it would be a great good. When a society is united it is the mother of the Ward, there are some hearts that will not be agreeable at first, being darkened by desires for the world, but you must cheer them up and impart of the spirit we have, which will be life to them. The society must give counsel in season to those who are going wrong. She spoke of the class of people who are continually running to the Bishop, while those who really need the most suffer in silence, the sisters can find out who are worthy and who are not. She knows that a great era is opening for the Relief Societies and the interest of President [Brigham] Young, in their welfare is unflagging, he continually inquires of how they are getting along, that he is willing to give them his influence if needed, this is an opening of a field of usefulness for the sisters, and with the blessings of God they will yet stand in a position that the world will envy, that the now despised daughters of Zion will be like a city set upon a hill, and the nobility and first ladies of the land will come and lay their treasures at your feet, and if we do right we will be glorious on earth, she rejoices that so many were engaged in so good a work, and was [p. 81] thankful that she was present with us.

[. . .]

This was the first Quarterly meeting of the Society, and a large attenda[n]ce was present, the Spirit of God was with us, and all separated with a feelings of thankfulness for being present.

[. . .] [p. 82]

Source Note

Seventeenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1856–1973), vol. 2 (1868–1871), pp. 79–82, CHL (LR 8240 14).

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7 May 1868, Salt Lake City Seventeenth Ward Relief Society; Gibbs Residence, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1860s/1868/05/1868-05-07